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Articles published in 2013 in this theme: 13 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Nasriah Zakaria, Amr Jamal, Shekhar Bisht, Cristina Koppel
Med 2 0 2013 (Nov 27); 2(2):e13Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Effectiveness of YouTube as a Source of Medical Information on Heart Transplantation
He-Ming Chen, Zhong-Kai Hu, Xiao-Lin Zheng, Zhao-Shun Yuan, Zhao-Bin Xu, Ling-Qing Yuan, Vinicio A De Jesus Perez, Ke Yuan, Mark Orcholski, Xiao-Bo Liao
Interact J Med Res 2013 (Nov 21); 2(2):e28Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Samy A Azer, Hala A AlGrain, Rana A AlKhelaif, Sarah M AlEshaiwi
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Nov 13); 15(11):e241Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

The Virtual Skeleton Database: An Open Access Repository for Biomedical Research and Collaboration
Michael Kistler, Serena Bonaretti, Marcel Pfahrer, Roman Niklaus, Philippe Büchler
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Nov 12); 15(11):e245Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Design and Evaluation of a Simulation for Pediatric Dentistry in Virtual Worlds
Lazaros Papadopoulos, Afroditi-Evaggelia Pentzou, Konstantinos Louloudiadis, Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos Tsiatsos
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Oct 29); 15(10):e240Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Urs-Vito Albrecht, Kristian Folta-Schoofs, Marianne Behrends, Ute von Jan
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Aug 20); 15(8):e182Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Can Social Semantic Web Techniques Foster Collaborative Curriculum Mapping In Medicine?
Cord Spreckelsen, Sonja Finsterer, Jan Cremer, Hennig Schenkat
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Aug 15); 15(8):e169Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Acceptance of E-Learning Devices by Dental Students
Peter Schulz, Keyvan Sagheb, Harald Affeldt, Hannah Klumpp, Kathy Taylor, Christian Walter, Bilal Al-Nawas
Med 2 0 2013 (Aug 14); 2(2):e6Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

An Evaluation Framework for Defining the Contributions of Telestration in Surgical Telementoring
Andrius Budrionis, Knut Magne Augestad, Hiten RH Patel, Johan Gustav Bellika
Interact J Med Res 2013 (Jul 25); 2(2):e14Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Daniel Schwarz, Petr Štourač, Martin Komenda, Hana Harazim, Martina Kosinová, Jakub Gregor, Richard Hůlek, Olga Smékalová, Ivo Křikava, Roman Štoudek, Ladislav Dušek
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Jul 08); 15(7):e135Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Stephen Barnett, Sandra C Jones, Sue Bennett, Don Iverson, Andrew Bonney
J Med Internet Res 2013 (May 10); 15(5):e92Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Health Professional Learner Attitudes and Use of Digital Learning Resources
Stephen Maloney, Michael Chamberlain, Shane Morrison, George Kotsanas, Jennifer L Keating, Dragan Ilic
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Jan 16); 15(1):e7Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Johan Creutzfeldt, Leif Hedman, LeRoy Heinrichs, Patricia Youngblood, Li Felländer-Tsai
J Med Internet Res 2013 (Jan 14); 15(1):e9Download Citation: END BibTex RIS