Journal of Medical Internet Research
The leading peer-reviewed journal for digital medicine and health and health care in the internet age.
Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, FACMI, Founding Editor and Publisher; Adjunct Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada
Impact Factor 5.8 CiteScore 14.4
Recent Articles
There is a critical need for community engagement in the process of adopting artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in public health. Public health practitioners and researchers have historically innovated in areas like vaccination and sanitation but have been slower in adopting emerging technologies such as generative AI. However, with increasingly complex funding, programming, and research requirements, the field now faces a pivotal moment to enhance its agility and responsiveness to evolving health challenges. Participatory methods and community engagement are key components of many current public health programs and research. The field of public health is well positioned to ensure community engagement is part of AI technologies applied to population health issues. Without such engagement, the adoption of these technologies in public health may exclude significant portions of the population, particularly those with the fewest resources, with the potential to exacerbate health inequities. Risks to privacy and perpetuation of bias are more likely to be avoided if AI technologies in public health are designed with knowledge of community engagement, existing health disparities, and strategies for improving equity. This viewpoint proposes a multifaceted approach to ensure safer and more effective integration of AI in public health with the following call to action: (1) include the basics of AI technology in public health training and professional development; (2) use a community engagement approach to co-design AI technologies in public health; and (3) introduce governance and best practice mechanisms that can guide the use of AI in public health to prevent or mitigate potential harms. These actions will support the application of AI to varied public health domains through a framework for more transparent, responsive, and equitable use of this evolving technology, augmenting the work of public health practitioners and researchers to improve health outcomes while minimizing risks and unintended consequences.
Recent research has revealed the potential value of machine learning (ML) models in improving prognostic prediction for patients with trauma. ML can enhance predictions and identify which factors contribute the most to posttraumatic mortality. However, no studies have explored the risk factors, complications, and risk prediction of preoperative and postoperative traumatic coagulopathy (PPTIC) in patients with trauma.
For hospitalized patients, the discharge letter serves as a crucial source of medical information, outlining important discharge instructions and health management tasks. However, these letters are often written in professional jargon, making them difficult for patients with limited medical knowledge to understand. Large language models, such as GPT, have the potential to transform these discharge summaries into patient-friendly letters, improving accessibility and understanding.
Ureteral stents, such as double-J stents, have become indispensable in urologic procedures but are associated with complications like hematuria and pain. While the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has led to its increasing application in the health sector, AI has not been used to provide information on potential complications and to facilitate subsequent measures in the event of such complications.
Hand and foot eczema is a frequent chronic dermatological condition. The persistent itching, pain, and blistering can impair hand and foot function, leading to difficulties in performing tasks requiring fine motor skills. In addition, the impact on the quality of life for affected patients is significant, as the symptoms can be extremely uncomfortable and disruptive to daily activities. By incorporating digital health apps and educational programs into the management of hand and foot eczema, patients may receive ongoing support, optimize their clinical outcomes, and ultimately enhance their overall quality of life.
Current literature is unclear on the safety and optimal timing of delivery for pregnant individuals with gestational diabetes mellitus, which inspired our study team to conduct a web-based survey study exploring patient and provider opinions on delivery options. However, an incident of fraudulent activity with survey responses prompted a shift in the focus of the research project. Unfortunately, despite the significant rise of web-based surveys used in medical research, there remains very limited evidence on the implications of and optimal methods to handle fraudulent web-based survey responses. Therefore, the objective of this viewpoint paper was to highlight our approach to identifying fraudulent responses in a web-based survey study, in the context of clinical perinatal research exploring patient and provider opinions on delivery options for pregnancies with gestational diabetes mellitus. Initially, we conducted cross-sectional web-based surveys across Canada with pregnant patients and perinatal health care providers. Surveys were available through Research Electronic Data Capture, and recruitment took place between March and October 2023. A change to recruitment introduced a US $5 gift card incentive to increase survey engagement. In mid-October 2023, an incident of fraudulent activity was reported, after which the surveys were deactivated. Systematic guidelines were developed by the study team in consultation with information technology services and the research ethics board to filter fraudulent from true responses. Between October 14 and 16, 2023, an influx of almost 2500 responses (393 patients and 2047 providers) was recorded in our web-based survey. Systematic filtering flagged numerous fraudulent responses. We identified fraudulent responses based on criteria including, but not limited to, identical timestamps and responses, responses with slight variations in wording and similar timestamps, and fraudulent email addresses. Therefore, the incident described in this viewpoint paper highlights the importance of preserving research integrity by using methodologically sound practices to extract true data for research findings. These fraudulent events continue to threaten the credibility of research findings and future evidence-based practices.
Telehealth interventions can effectively support caregivers of people with dementia by providing care and improving their health outcomes. However, to successfully translate research into clinical practice, the content and details of the interventions must be sufficiently reported in published papers.
Cognitive deterioration is common in multiple sclerosis (MS) and requires regular follow-up. Currently, cognitive status is measured in clinical practice using paper-and-pencil tests, which are both time-consuming and costly. Remote monitoring of cognitive status could offer a solution because previous studies on telemedicine tools have proved its feasibility and acceptance among people with MS. However, existing smartphone-based apps include designs that are prone to motor interference and focus primarily on information processing speed, although memory is also commonly affected.
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