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Articles published in 2016 in this theme: 13 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Reimagining Human Research Protections for 21st Century Science
Cinnamon Bloss, Camille Nebeker, Matthew Bietz, Deborah Bae, Barbara Bigby, Mary Devereaux, James Fowler, Ann Waldo, Nadir Weibel, Kevin Patrick, Scott Klemmer, Lori Melichar
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Dec 22); 18(12):e329Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

It’s Time for Innovation in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
JMIR Med Inform 2016 (Nov 02); 4(4):e34Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ellen Brady, Julia Segar, Caroline Sanders
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Oct 13); 18(10):e274Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Zubin J Daruwalla, Jing L Loh, Chaoyan Dong
JMIR Med Educ 2016 (Aug 09); 2(2):e12Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Social Annotation Valence: The Impact on Online Informed Consent Beliefs and Behavior
Martina Balestra, Orit Shaer, Johanna Okerlund, Lauren Westendorf, Madeleine Ball, Oded Nov
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Jul 20); 18(7):e197Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Nathan Christopher Lea, Jacqueline Nicholls, Christine Dobbs, Nayha Sethi, James Cunningham, John Ainsworth, Martin Heaven, Trevor Peacock, Anthony Peacock, Kerina Jones, Graeme Laurie, Dipak Kalra
JMIR Med Inform 2016 (Jun 21); 4(2):e22Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Social Media in Professional Medicine: New Resident Perceptions and Practices
Cedric Lefebvre, Jason Mesner, Jason Stopyra, James O'Neill, Iltifat Husain, Carol Geer, Karen Gerancher, Hal Atkinson, Erin Harper, William Huang, David M Cline
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Jun 09); 18(6):e119Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Facilitating Secure Sharing of Personal Health Data in the Cloud
Danan Thilakanathan, Rafael A. Calvo, Shiping Chen, Surya Nepal, Nick Glozier
JMIR Med Inform 2016 (May 27); 4(2):e15Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

A Legal Framework to Support Development and Assessment of Digital Health Services
Cecilia Garell, Petra Svedberg, Jens M Nygren
JMIR Med Inform 2016 (May 25); 4(2):e17Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ursula M Sansom-Daly, Claire E Wakefield, Brittany C McGill, Helen L Wilson, Pandora Patterson
JMIR Ment Health 2016 (May 18); 3(2):e17Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Soleh U. Al Ayubi, Alexandra Pelletier, Gajen Sunthara, Nitin Gujral, Vandna Mittal, Fabienne C. Bourgeois
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2016 (May 11); 4(2):e50Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Karen Spencer, Caroline Sanders, Edgar A Whitley, David Lund, Jane Kaye, William Gregory Dixon
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Apr 15); 18(4):e66Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Do Therapists Google Their Patients? A Survey Among Psychotherapists
Christiane Eichenberg, Philipp Y Herzberg
J Med Internet Res 2016 (Jan 05); 18(1):e3Download Citation: END BibTex RIS