Published on in Vol 19, No 7 (2017): July

- Bakken S. The journey to transparency, reproducibility, and replicability. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2019;26(3):185 View
- Malenfant J, Hochstadt J, Nolan B, Barrett K, Corriveau D, Dee D, Harris M, Herzig‐Marx C, Nair V, Wyner Z, Brown J. Cross‐Network Directory Service: Infrastructure to enable collaborations across distributed research networks. Learning Health Systems 2019;3(2) View
- Zong Q, Xie Y, Tuo R, Huang J, Yang Y. The impact of video abstract on citation counts: evidence from a retrospective cohort study of New Journal of Physics. Scientometrics 2019;119(3):1715 View
- Carson M, Gonzales S, Shaw P, Schneider D, Holmes K. Bridging the gap: A library‐based collaboration to enhance data skills for clinical researchers. Learning Health Systems 2023;7(2) View
- Xu W. Examining the relationship between adult education participant engagement and learning effectiveness using statistical analysis. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 2024;9(1) View
- Zarghani M, Nemati-Anaraki L, Sedghi S, Noroozi Chakoli A, Rowhani-Farid A. The Application of Open Science Potentials in Research Processes: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Libri 2023;73(2):167 View
- Chopra M, Savatt J, Bingaman T, Good M, Morgan A, Cooney C, Rossel A, VanHoute B, Cordova I, Mahida S, Lanzotti V, Baldridge D, Gurnett C, Piven J, Hazlett H, Pomeroy S, Sahin M, Payne P, Riggs E, Constantino J, Gropman A, Smith-Hicks C, Neul J, Agosto J, German K, Izumi K, Abbeduto L, Dawalt L, Wangler M, Wasserstein M, Storch E, Cohen J, Samaco R, Molholm S, Shankar S, Srivastava S, Walkley S, Sveden A, Dies K, Gupta A, Oh I, Hauck R. Clinical variants paired with phenotype: A rich resource for brain gene curation. Genetics in Medicine 2024;26(3):101035 View
- Zarghani M, Nemati-Anaraki L, Sedghi S, Chakoli A, Rowhani-Farid A. Design and validation of a conceptual model regarding impact of open science on healthcare research processes. BMC Health Services Research 2024;24(1) View
- Baldridge D, Kaster L, Sancimino C, Srivastava S, Molholm S, Gupta A, Oh I, Lanzotti V, Grewal D, Riggs E, Savatt J, Hauck R, Sveden A, Wasserstein M, Sahin M, Wangler M, Schultz R, Gropman A, Smith-Hicks C, Abbeduto L, German K, DaWalt L, Neul J, Walkley S, Storch E, Samaco R, Izumi K, Pandey J, Berger S, Cohen J, Shankar S, Doherty D, Mahida S, Dies K, Clarke M, Taylor A, Berl M, German R, Nguyen C, Harris H, Hut A, Gomez V, Arneson C, Horn I, Lavezzi G, Grypp D, McNeil D, White C, Rusyniak J, Higareda A, Deppen P, Bican A, Rockouski M, Schneider E, Thompson M, Kinard J, Minor B, Constantino J, Piven J, Gurnett C, Chopra M, Hazlett H, Payne P. The Brain Gene Registry: a data snapshot. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2024;16(1) View
- Rosengaard L, Andersen M, Rosenberg J, Fonnes S. Five aspects of research waste in biomedicine: A scoping review. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2024;17(2):351 View
Books/Policy Documents
- Edmunds M, Hass C, Holve E. Consumer Informatics and Digital Health. View