Published on in Vol 19, No 10 (2017): October

Using a UK Virtual Supermarket to Examine Purchasing Behavior Across Different Income Groups in the United Kingdom: Development and Feasibility Study

Using a UK Virtual Supermarket to Examine Purchasing Behavior Across Different Income Groups in the United Kingdom: Development and Feasibility Study

Using a UK Virtual Supermarket to Examine Purchasing Behavior Across Different Income Groups in the United Kingdom: Development and Feasibility Study


  1. Allman-Farinelli M, Ijaz K, Tran H, Pallotta H, Ramos S, Liu J, Wellard-Cole L, Calvo R. A Virtual Reality Food Court to Study Meal Choices in Youth: Design and Assessment of Usability. JMIR Formative Research 2019;3(1):e12456 View
  2. Hoenink J, Mackenbach J, Waterlander W, Lakerveld J, van der Laan N, Beulens J. The effects of nudging and pricing on healthy food purchasing behavior in a virtual supermarket setting: a randomized experiment. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2020;17(1) View
  3. Hoenink J, Mackenbach J, van der Laan L, Lakerveld J, Waterlander W, Beulens J. Recruitment of Participants for a 3D Virtual Supermarket: Cross-sectional Observational Study. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(2):e19234 View
  4. Braga B, Cash S, Sarson K, Chang R, Mosca A, Wilson N. The creation of an online grocery store for experimental purposes: A pilot study. Food Quality and Preference 2023;109:104888 View
  5. Braga B, Cash S, Sarson K, Chang R, Mosca A, Wilson N. The gamification of nutrition labels to encourage healthier food selection in online grocery shopping: A randomized controlled trial. Appetite 2023;188:106610 View
  6. Melo Herrera Y, Vadiveloo M, Blau S, Oaks B, Quashie N, Tovar A. Feasibility and acceptability of a personalized, pre-filled online grocery cart to improve benefit redemption and diet quality of grocery purchases among participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Appetite 2024;202:107647 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Jung S, Claire S, Fukunaga J, Garcia J, Kim S. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. View