Published on in Vol 11, No 1 (2009): Jan-Mar

Infodemiology and Infoveillance: Framework for an Emerging Set of Public Health Informatics Methods to Analyze Search, Communication and Publication Behavior on the Internet

Infodemiology and Infoveillance: Framework for an Emerging Set of Public Health Informatics Methods to Analyze Search, Communication and Publication Behavior on the Internet

Infodemiology and Infoveillance: Framework for an Emerging Set of Public Health Informatics Methods to Analyze Search, Communication and Publication Behavior on the Internet

Authors of this article:

Gunther Eysenbach1, 2


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Wamba S, Akter S, Kang H, Bhattacharya M, Upal M. Social Media Marketing. View
  2. Kwanya T, Stilwell C, Underwood P. Library 3.0. View
  3. Herttua T, Jakob E, Nave S, Gupta R, Zylka M. Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation. View
  4. Evans J, Bhatt S, Sharma R. mHealth Innovation in Asia. View
  5. Greaves F, Rozenblum R. Key Advances in Clinical Informatics. View
  6. Chapman L, Tyson J. Concepts and Methods in Infectious Disease Surveillance. View
  7. García-Díaz J, Apolinario-Arzube O, Medina-Moreira J, Salavarria-Melo J, Lagos-Ortiz K, Luna-Aveiga H, Valencia-García R. Technologies and Innovation. View
  8. Optican A, Cavazos-Rehg P. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Media. View
  9. Kim A, Murphy J, Richards A, Hansen H, Powell R, Haney C. Social Media, Sociality, and Survey Research. View
  10. Horvitz E, Mulligan D. Next-Generation Ethics. View
  11. Apolinario-Arzube Ó, Garcí­a-Dí­az J, Pinto S, Luna-Aveiga H, Medina-Moreira J, Gómez-Berbis J, Valencia-Garcia R, Estrade-Cabrera J. Applied Informatics and Cybernetics in Intelligent Systems. View
  12. French M, Mykhalovskiy E. Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases. View
  13. Bere W, Camara G, Malo S, Despres S, Lo M, Ouaro S. Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas. View
  14. Samaras L, García-Barriocanal E, Sicilia M. Innovation in Health Informatics. View
  15. Gao R, Hao B, Li H, Gao Y, Zhu T. Brain and Health Informatics. View
  16. Grimm M, Lampert C, Wolf S. Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation. View
  17. Giabbanelli P, Adams J, Pillutla V. Social Computing and Social Media. View
  18. Pavlin J. Infectious Disease Surveillance. View
  19. Richiardi L, Pizzi C, Paolotti D. Handbook of Epidemiology. View
  20. Naaz S, Siddiqui F. Intelligent Systems for Healthcare Management and Delivery. View
  21. Ganasegeran K, Abdulrahman S. Human Behaviour Analysis Using Intelligent Systems. View
  22. . Veterinary Epidemiology. View
  23. Shadbolt N, O’Hara K, De Roure D, Hall W. The Theory and Practice of Social Machines. View
  24. Laaksonen C, Jalonen H, Paavola J. Safe and Secure Cities. View
  25. Kwanya T, Stilwell C, Underwood P. Library 3.0. View
  26. Grimm M, Lampert C, Wolf S. Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation. View
  27. Gould A. Statistical Methods for Evaluating Safety in Medical Product Development. View
  28. Strecher V. Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. View
  29. Ning X. Theory and Practice of Business Intelligence in Healthcare. View
  30. Sevigny E, Fuleihan B. The Handbook of Drugs and Society. View
  31. Shadbolt N, O’Hara K, De Roure D, Hall W. The Theory and Practice of Social Machines. View
  32. Comstock R. Injury Research. View
  33. Sugiura L. Respectable Deviance and Purchasing Medicine Online. View
  34. Cartwright L. The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies. View
  35. Murphy J, Dean E, Hill C, Richards A. Health Survey Methods. View
  36. Buller D, Walkosz B, Gill Woodall W. Prevention of Substance Use. View
  37. Laranjo L. Participatory Health Through Social Media. View
  38. Nemutanzhela P, Iyamu T. Maximizing Healthcare Delivery and Management through Technology Integration. View
  39. Chang A. Disinformation in Open Online Media. View
  40. Apolinario-Arzube Ó, García-Díaz J, Luna-Aveiga H, Medina-Moreira J, Valencia-García R. Technologies and Innovation. View
  41. Soussan T, Trovati M. Data Science Advancements in Pandemic and Outbreak Management. View
  42. Clarke A, Jeske M, Mamo L, Shim J. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. View
  43. Ning X. Research Anthology on Decision Support Systems and Decision Management in Healthcare, Business, and Engineering. View
  44. Liang B, Wang Y. Empowering Human Dynamics Research with Social Media and Geospatial Data Analytics. View
  45. Soto-Vega E, Gómez Gómez S, Fernanda Pérez-Zepeda M, Marielle Salgado Solís Salgado G. Social Media - Opportunities and Risks. View
  46. Ghosh S, Dasgupta R. Machine Learning in Biological Sciences. View
  47. Tayuan R, Ramos C. Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2021, Volume 2. View
  48. Naaz S, Siddiqui F. Research Anthology on Big Data Analytics, Architectures, and Applications. View
  49. Martelletti P. Migraine in Medicine. View
  50. Bhatti A, Rehman A, John P. Biotechnology in Healthcare. View
  51. Heyerdahl L, Lana B, Giles-Vernick T. Socio-Life Science and the COVID-19 Outbreak. View
  52. Richarz A. Big Data in Predictive Toxicology. View
  53. Chire Saire J, Oblitas Cruz J. Information Technology and Systems. View
  54. Butt Z. Accelerating Strategic Changes for Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Industry. View
  55. Cuyvers J, Passanante A, Pertwee E, Paterson P, Lin L, J. Larson H. Modernizing Global Health Security to Prevent, Detect, and Respond. View
  56. Batra K, Batra R, Sharma M. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health. View
  57. Estuar M, Espina K. COVID-19 Experience in the Philippines. View
  58. Cascini F, Lontano A, Failla G, Puleo V, Ricciardi W. COVID-19 and Perinatology. View
  59. Saluja P, Grover V, Arora S, Batra K, Kaur J. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health. View
  60. Walter G. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health. View
  61. Bhanye J, Bhanye A. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. View
  62. Kumar A, Shekhar S. Soft Computing for Security Applications. View
  63. Reid C. Palgrave Handbook of Science and Health Journalism. View