Infoveillance, Infodemiology, Digital Disease Surveillance, Infodemic Management

Infodemiology (Eysenbach 2006Eysenbach 2009) can be defined as "the science of distribution and determinants of information in an electronic medium, specifically the Internet, or in a population, with the ultimate aim to inform public health and public policy. Infodemiology data can be collected and analyzed in near real time. Examples for infodemiology applications include: the analysis of queries from Internet search engines to predict disease outbreaks (eg. influenza); monitoring peoples' status updates on microblogs such as Twitter for syndromic surveillance; detecting and quantifying disparities in health information availability; identifying and monitoring of public health relevant publications on the Internet (eg. anti-vaccination sites, but also news articles or expert-curated outbreak reports); automated tools to measure information diffusion and knowledge translation, and tracking the effectiveness of health marketing campaigns. Moreover, analyzing how people search and navigate the Internet for health-related information, as well as how they communicate and share this information, can provide valuable insights into health-related behavior of populations. " (Eysenbach 2009). This set of methods and approaches is a key pillar to manage infodemics (Eysenbach 2020).

See also related E-Collections: 

Infodemiology and Infoveillance (JMIR)  and Pharmacovigilance

See also related Journals:

JMIR Infodemiology

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