Journal of Medical Internet Research

The leading peer-reviewed journal for digital medicine and health and health care in the internet age. 


Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, FACMI, Founding Editor and Publisher; Adjunct Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada

Impact Factor 5.8

The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) is the pioneer open access eHealth journal and is the flagship journal of JMIR Publications. It is a leading health services and digital health journal globally in terms of quality/visibility (Journal Impact Factor™ 7.4 (Clarivate, 2023)) and is also the largest journal in the field. The journal is ranked #1 on Google Scholar in the 'Medical Informatics' discipline. The journal focuses on emerging technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, telehealth and informatics applications for patient education, prevention, population health and clinical care.

JMIR is indexed in all major literature indices including National Library of Medicine(NLM)/MEDLINE, Sherpa/Romeo, PubMed, PMCScopus, Psycinfo, Clarivate (which includes Web of Science (WoS)/ESCI/SCIE), EBSCO/EBSCO Essentials, DOAJ, GoOA and others. As a leading high-impact journal in its disciplines, ranking Q1 in both the 'Medical Informatics' and 'Health Care Sciences and Services' categories, it is a selective journal complemented by almost 30 specialty JMIR sister journals, which have a broader scope, and which together receive over 6.000 submissions a year. 

As an open access journal, we are read by clinicians, allied health professionals, informal caregivers, and patients alike, and have (as with all JMIR journals) a focus on readable and applied science reporting the design and evaluation of health innovations and emerging technologies. We publish original research, viewpoints, and reviews (both literature reviews and medical device/technology/app reviews). Peer-review reports are portable across JMIR journals and papers can be transferred, so authors save time by not having to resubmit a paper to a different journal but can simply transfer it between journals. 

We are also a leader in participatory and open science approaches, and offer the option to publish new submissions immediately as preprints, which receive DOIs for immediate citation (eg, in grant proposals), and for open peer-review purposes. We also invite patients to participate (eg, as peer-reviewers) and have patient representatives on editorial boards.

As all JMIR journals, the journal encourages Open Science principles and strongly encourages publication of a protocol before data collection. Authors who have published a protocol in JMIR Research Protocols get a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Fee when publishing a subsequent results paper in any JMIR journal.

Be a widely cited leader in the digital health revolution and submit your paper today!

Recent Articles

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Generative Language Models Including ChatGPT

Due to recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), language model applications can generate logical text output that is difficult to distinguish from human writing. ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Bard (subsequently rebranded as “Gemini”; Google AI) were developed using distinct approaches, but little has been studied about the difference in their capability to generate the abstract. The use of AI to write scientific abstracts in the field of spine surgery is the center of much debate and controversy.

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Telehealth and Telemonitoring

 “Direct-to-consumer (DTC) telemedicine” is increasing worldwide and changing the map of primary health care (PHC). Virtual care has increased in the last decade and with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, patients’ use of online care has increased even further. In Sweden, online consultations are a part of government-supported health care today, and there are several digital care providers on the Swedish market, which makes it possible to get in touch with a doctor within a few minutes. The fast expansion of this market has raised questions about the quality of primary care provided only in an online setting without any physical appointments. Antibiotic prescribing is a common treatment in PHC.

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Research Letter

This study evaluated the capabilities of the newly released ChatGPT-4V, a large language model with visual recognition abilities, in interpreting electrocardiogram waveforms and answering related multiple-choice questions for assisting with cardiovascular care.

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Viewpoints and Perspectives

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have become widely applied in the field of medical research. In the process of conducting systematic reviews, similar tools can be used to expedite various steps, including defining clinical questions, performing the literature search, document screening, information extraction, and language refinement, thereby conserving resources and enhancing efficiency. However, when using LLMs, attention should be paid to transparent reporting, distinguishing between genuine and false content, and avoiding academic misconduct. In this viewpoint, we highlight the potential roles of LLMs in the creation of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, elucidating their advantages, limitations, and future research directions, aiming to provide insights and guidance for authors planning systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

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Digital Health Reviews

Cancer has emerged as a considerable global health concern, contributing substantially to both morbidity and mortality. Recognizing the urgent need to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life (QOL) of cancer patients, a growing number of researchers have started using online mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) in oncology. However, the effectiveness and optimal implementation methods of these interventions remain unknown.

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Digital Health Reviews

The occupational burnout epidemic is a growing issue, and in the United States, up to 60% of medical students, residents, physicians, and registered nurses experience symptoms. Wearable technologies may provide an opportunity to predict the onset of burnout and other forms of distress using physiological markers.

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Clinical Information and Decision Making

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has the potential to improve health outcomes, but EBM has not been widely integrated into the systems used for research or clinical decision-making. There has not been a scalable and reusable computer-readable standard for distributing research results and synthesized evidence among creators, implementers, and the ultimate users of that evidence. Evidence that is more rapidly updated, synthesized, disseminated, and implemented would improve both the delivery of EBM and evidence-based health care policy.

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New Methods

Comprehensive management of multimorbidity can significantly benefit from advanced health risk assessment tools that facilitate value-based interventions, allowing for the assessment and prediction of disease progression. Our study proposes a novel methodology, the Multimorbidity-Adjusted Disability Score (MADS), which integrates disease trajectory methodologies with advanced techniques for assessing interdependencies among concurrent diseases. This approach is designed to better assess the clinical burden of clusters of interrelated diseases and enhance our ability to anticipate disease progression, thereby potentially informing targeted preventive care interventions.

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Ethics, Privacy, and Legal Issues

Photographs from medical case reports published in academic journals have previously been found in online image search results. This means that patient photographs circulate beyond the original journal website and can be freely accessed online. While this raises ethical and legal concerns, no systematic study has documented how often this occurs.

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Chatbots and Conversational Agents

Parents experience many challenges during the perinatal period. Mobile app–based interventions and chatbots show promise in delivering health care support for parents during the perinatal period.

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Web-based and Mobile Health Interventions

Nurse burnout leads to an increase in turnover, which is a serious problem in the health care system. Although there is ample evidence of nurse burnout, interventions developed in previous studies were general and did not consider specific burnout dimensions and individual characteristics.

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Human Factors and Usability Case Studies

Interest in the application of predictive risk models (PRMs) in health care to identify people most likely to experience disease and treatment-related complications is increasing. In cancer care, these techniques are focused primarily on the prediction of survival or life-threatening toxicities (eg, febrile neutropenia). Fewer studies focus on the use of PRMs for symptoms or supportive care needs. The application of PRMs to chemotherapy-related symptoms (CRS) would enable earlier identification and initiation of prompt, personalized, and tailored interventions. While some PRMs exist for CRS, few were translated into clinical practice, and human factors associated with their use were not reported.


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