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Implications of Big Data Analytics, AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in the Health Care System of Bangladesh: Scoping Review

Implications of Big Data Analytics, AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in the Health Care System of Bangladesh: Scoping Review

Implications of Big Data Analytics, AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in the Health Care System of Bangladesh: Scoping Review


1Maternal and Child Health Division, International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2Department of Health and Kinesiology, University of Illinois, Champaign and Urbana, IL, United States

3Department of Women's and Children's Health, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

4Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

5Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

6Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

7Research and Innovation Division, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Corresponding Author:

Anisuddin Ahmed, MS

Department of Women's and Children's Health

Uppsala University

Akademiska sjukhuset 751 85

Uppsala, 751 85


Phone: 46 73 041 98 48


Background: The rapid advancement of digital technologies, particularly in big data analytics (BDA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL), is reshaping the global health care system, including in Bangladesh. The increased adoption of these technologies in health care delivery within Bangladesh has sparked their integration into health care and public health research, resulting in a noticeable surge in related studies. However, a critical gap exists, as there is a lack of comprehensive evidence regarding the research landscape; regulatory challenges; use cases; and the application and adoption of BDA, AI, ML, and DL in the health care system of Bangladesh. This gap impedes the attainment of optimal results. As Bangladesh is a leading implementer of digital technologies, bridging this gap is urgent for the effective use of these advancing technologies.

Objective: This scoping review aims to collate (1) the existing research in Bangladesh’s health care system, using the aforementioned technologies and synthesizing their findings, and (2) the limitations faced by researchers in integrating the aforementioned technologies into health care research.

Methods: MEDLINE (via PubMed), IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Embase databases were searched to identify published research articles between January 1, 2000, and September 10, 2023, meeting the following inclusion criteria: (1) any study using any of the BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies and health care and public health datasets for predicting health issues and forecasting any kind of outbreak; (2) studies primarily focusing on health care and public health issues in Bangladesh; and (3) original research articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings written in English.

Results: With the initial search, we identified 1653 studies. Following the inclusion and exclusion criteria and full-text review, 4.66% (77/1653) of the articles were finally included in this review. There was a substantial increase in studies over the last 5 years (2017-2023). Among the 77 studies, the majority (n=65, 84%) used ML models. A smaller proportion of studies incorporated AI (4/77, 5%), DL (7/77, 9%), and BDA (1/77, 1%) technologies. Among the reviewed articles, 52% (40/77) relied on primary data, while the remaining 48% (37/77) used secondary data. The primary research areas of focus were infectious diseases (15/77, 19%), noncommunicable diseases (23/77, 30%), child health (11/77, 14%), and mental health (9/77, 12%).

Conclusions: This scoping review highlights remarkable progress in leveraging BDA, AI, ML, and DL within Bangladesh’s health care system. The observed surge in studies over the last 5 years underscores the increasing significance of AI and related technologies in health care research. Notably, most (65/77, 84%) studies focused on ML models, unveiling opportunities for advancements in predictive modeling. This review encapsulates the current state of technological integration and propels us into a promising era for the future of digital Bangladesh.

J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e54710




In recent years, the global surge in digital technology has ushered in a data-driven decision-making era across diverse sectors, including the health care and public health sectors [Oude Munnink BB, Nieuwenhuijse DF, Stein M, O'Toole Á, Haverkate M, Mollers M, et al. Dutch-Covid-19 response team. Rapid SARS-CoV-2 whole-genome sequencing and analysis for informed public health decision-making in the Netherlands. Nat Med. Sep 16, 2020;26(9):1405-1410. [CrossRef] [Medline]1]. The convergence of state-of-the-art technologies, such as big data analytics (BDA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL), is collectively reshaping the health care and epidemiological landscape [Dwivedi YK, Hughes L, Ismagilova E, Aarts G, Coombs C, Crick T, et al. Artificial intelligence (AI): multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. Int J Inf Manage. Apr 2021;57:101994. [CrossRef]2]. This paradigm shift promises to revolutionize the comprehension and management of health challenges, offering the potential for more efficient and effective interventions [Dwivedi YK, Hughes L, Ismagilova E, Aarts G, Coombs C, Crick T, et al. Artificial intelligence (AI): multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. Int J Inf Manage. Apr 2021;57:101994. [CrossRef]2].

The health care system fundamentally revolves around safeguarding and enhancing individual and community health by integrating public health and medical care services, using health promotion, disease and injury prevention, infectious disease surveillance, response, and research. Interdisciplinary research now explores various factors influencing individual and community well-being, ranging from microbial infections to social determinants, behavioral patterns, and various facets of lifestyle [Abma T, Banks S, Cook T, Dias S, Madsen W, Springett J, et al. Participatory Research for Health and Social Well-Being. Cham, Switzerland. Springer; 2019. 3]. In addition, the widespread adoption of emerging technologies such as telemedicine, clinical decision support systems, electronic health records, personal health records, and mobile health care have generated a vast reservoir of health-related data [Donelle L, Comer L, Hiebert B, Hall J, Shelley JJ, Smith MJ, et al. Use of digital technologies for public health surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. Digit Health. May 17, 2023;9:20552076231173220. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]4].

Harnessing the latent potential of these extensive data, digital technologies, such as BDA, AI, ML, and DL, can surpass conventional data management systems [Thayyib P, Mamilla R, Khan M, Fatima H, Asim M, Anwar I, et al. State-of-the-art of artificial intelligence and big data analytics reviews in five different domains: a bibliometric summary. Sustainability. Feb 22, 2023;15(5):4026. [CrossRef]5]. By applying AI algorithms, ML techniques, and DL capabilities, BDA offers invaluable support to clinicians, health care providers, and policy makers in intervention designing, planning, and execution; expediting disease detection; predicting health outcomes; and advancing personalized medicine [Alowais SA, Alghamdi SS, Alsuhebany N, Alqahtani T, Alshaya AI, Almohareb SN, et al. Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. BMC Med Educ. Sep 22, 2023;23(1):689. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6]. This ultimately results in both cost-effectiveness and quality outcomes [Lee D, Yoon SN. Application of artificial intelligence-based technologies in the healthcare industry: opportunities and challenges. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Jan 01, 2021;18(1):271. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7].

On a global scale, extensive health data can be categorized into 5 primary domains: biological measurements of participants (eg, genomic or metabolomic datasets), participant context measurements (eg, environmental variables), administrative medical records, participant tracking data from devices equipped with GPS, and electronic data from various sources (eg, social media or search history records) [Luo J, Wu M, Gopukumar D, Zhao Y. Big data application in biomedical research and health care: a literature review. Biomed Inform Insights. 2016;8:1-10. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8]. Using BDA, AI, ML, and DL algorithms to extract valuable insights from these datasets can significantly enhance individual health management and enable swift disease trend detection and outbreak responses [Berros N, El Mendili F, Filaly Y, El Bouzekri El Idrissi Y. Enhancing digital health services with big data analytics. Big Data Cogn Comput. Mar 30, 2023;7(2):64. [CrossRef]9]. Beyond health care, BDA, AI, and ML can play crucial roles in enabling molecular data analysis, synthesis of genetic and clinical information to craft personalized treatments, and development of predictive models based on omics data to identify genetic disease markers and develop effective novel drugs [Johnson KB, Wei WQ, Weeraratne D, Frisse ME, Misulis K, Rhee K, et al. Precision medicine, AI, and the future of personalized health care. Clin Transl Sci. Jan 2021;14(1):86-93. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10].

In Bangladesh, which is a densely populated South Asian nation with >160 million inhabitants, integrating modern technologies with the health care system holds immense potential. Bangladesh grapples with various health-related challenges, spanning from infectious diseases, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and maternal and child health issues to environmental health concerns [Hassan S, Dhali M, Zaman F, Tanveer M. Big data and predictive analytics in healthcare in Bangladesh: regulatory challenges. Heliyon. Jun 2021;7(6):e07179. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]11]. To tackle these multifaceted challenges comprehensively, the government of Bangladesh (GoB) has actively adopted advanced technologies to elevate the quality of health care services. Initiatives such as District Health Information System 2, the open medical record system, and the open-source smart register platform have revolutionized health data collection and service delivery [Khan MA, Cruz VO, Azad AK. Bangladesh's digital health journey: reflections on a decade of quiet revolution. WHO South East Asia J Public Health. Sep 2019;8(2):71-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]12]. These automated applications are instrumental in generating specific health-related evidence across different tiers of health care services and facilitating need-based resource allocations. Although there are potential challenges regarding proper data governance and legal framework, the immense potential to use these data has been capturing the attention of interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners eager to explore the potential of BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies to use this wealth of datasets [Khan MA, Cruz VO, Azad AK. Bangladesh's digital health journey: reflections on a decade of quiet revolution. WHO South East Asia J Public Health. Sep 2019;8(2):71-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]12].


In Bangladesh, instances of using BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies in health care and public health research are sporadic. However, the dearth of clear evidence has led to an inadequate understanding of the proper application of these technologies and their potential contributions to health care and public health research [Khan MA, Cruz VO, Azad AK. Bangladesh's digital health journey: reflections on a decade of quiet revolution. WHO South East Asia J Public Health. Sep 2019;8(2):71-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]12]. This scoping review is motivated by the need to address this gap, systematically examining existing research that explores the use of BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies to analyze health care data in Bangladesh. The primary objective was to compile and synthesize available research findings on these domains in the country’s health care sector. This includes identifying trends, patterns, and methodologies for applying BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies. The secondary objective was to assess the limitations faced by researchers in integrating these technologies into health care research, aiming to provide insights into the challenges that may hinder their widespread adoption. Overall, the insights derived from this review aimed to furnish evidence-based strategies for policy makers, health care professionals, and researchers, ultimately contributing to enhancing health outcomes and the overall well-being of the Bangladeshi population. Moreover, this exploratory journey is guided by the goal of uncovering valuable insights that can significantly shape the future of health care, not only within Bangladesh but also on a global scale.


We have followed the standard guidelines for scoping reviews. This scoping review used the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews;

Multimedia Appendix 1

PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist.

DOCX File , 50 KBMultimedia Appendix 1) guidelines in line with best practices for research paper selection and reporting [Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): checklist and explanation. Ann Intern Med. Oct 02, 2018;169(7):467-473. [CrossRef] [Medline]13], and its protocol has been registered with the Open Science Framework [Alam MA. Implication of big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning in the public health sector of Bangladesh: a scoping review protocol. Open Science Framework. 2023. URL: [accessed 2024-04-29] 14]. We have provided the PRISMA-ScR checklist.

Ethical Considerations

There were no human participants in this review, and ethics approval is not applicable.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

We included all studies that are primarily focused on health care and public health issues in Bangladesh and used any of the cross-cutting technologies, such as BDA, AI, ML, and DL, in analyzing datasets. The studies that used publicly available global or web-based health care and public health datasets in their research but validated their findings in the context of Bangladesh were also included in this review. All journal articles and conference articles published between January 1, 2000, and September 10, 2023, written in English and publicly accessible, were included regardless of research design and sample sizes.

Studies conducted by Bangladeshi researchers but not focusing on the context of Bangladesh, review articles, book chapters, commentaries, gray literature, and articles published in other languages (other than English) were excluded from the study. Manuscripts that were not accessible through institutional credentials or after contacting the authors were also excluded.

A comparative textbox (Textbox 1) presents the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Textbox 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion criteria

  • Article type: journal articles, conference articles
  • Focus: studies primarily focused on public health issues in Bangladesh using big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or deep learning
  • Data source: studies using publicly available global or web-based public health datasets validated in the context of Bangladesh
  • Language: English
  • Publication date: between January 1, 2000, and September 10, 2023
  • Accessibility: full text accessible through institutional access or direct contact with authors

Exclusion criteria

  • Article type: review articles, book chapters, commentaries, gray literature
  • Focus: studies not focusing on the context of Bangladesh
  • Data source: studies using publicly available global or online public health datasets validated in other countries
  • Language: papers published in languages other than English
  • Publication date: articles published before January 2000 and after the database search date
  • Accessibility: manuscripts not accessible through institutional access or direct contact with authors

Data Sources and Literature Search

We conducted a search across 4 electronic databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Embase, on September 10, 2023. Our search was refined by applying a date filter, limiting results from January 1, 2000, to the search date. To identify relevant information, we used a set of key search terms related to the population, concept, and context framework (Textbox 2).

Textbox 2. Key terms of the population, concept, and context framework for developing a comprehensive search strategy.


  • Public health
  • Community health
  • Preventive medicine
  • Epidemiology
  • Health care management
  • Public health and safety
  • Population health
  • Public Health Surveillance
  • Public health informatics


  • Big data analytics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning


  • Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh health system

For each database, we meticulously crafted a comprehensive search strategy, tailoring it to the specific databases by incorporating both key terms and database-specific index terms (

Multimedia Appendix 2

Database search strategy.

PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 746 KBMultimedia Appendix 2).

The main search keywords included terms such as “Artificial Intelligence,” “AI,” “Machine Intelligence,” and “Cognitive Computing” for AI; “Machine Learning,” “Transfer Learning,” “Predictive Modeling,” and “Pattern Recognition” for ML; “Deep Learning,” “Neural Network,” “Artificial Neural Network,” and “Deep Neural Network” for DL; and “Big Data,” “Data Mining,” “Big Data Analytics,” and “Data Science” for BDA. In addition, we included keywords relevant to the health care context, such as “Healthcare System,” “Health Services,” “Clinical Settings,” and “Public Health,” and geographic context-specific terms, such as “Bangladesh,” “Bangladeshi,” and “Bangladesh Health System.”

Using these targeted keywords, we aimed to capture a comprehensive set of studies relevant to the use of BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies within the health care system of Bangladesh.

Screening Process

Following the retrieval of articles from the databases, they were imported into EndNote (version 9; Clarivate), and duplicates were removed. Subsequently, the review team was divided into 2 groups: group 1 and group 2. Each group was assigned a subset of articles from the total pool of retrieved articles (group 1: 826/1653, 49.97%; group 2: 827/1653, 50.03%) to independently screen the titles and abstracts in accordance with the established inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Each reviewer independently screened the titles and abstracts of their assigned articles and cross-checked their decisions within groups. After this initial screening, full-text screening was performed by 2 individual reviewers. Any disagreements or uncertainties that arose during any of the screening stages were promptly resolved through discussion and consensus among the reviewers. In cases of disagreements, a third reviewer stepped in to refute the disagreements, considering inclusion or exclusion criteria. This rigorous screening process ensured that the selected studies aligned with the defined objectives and inclusion or exclusion criteria, enhancing the robustness and reliability of this scoping review.

Data Extraction, Analysis, and Quality Assessment

We developed a data extraction sheet to capture relevant data in line with the review objectives. The extraction variables comprised descriptive information of the included studies, such as title, author, published year, sample size, dataset information, study design, the objective of the study, the technology used, the domain of public health, results, limitations, and practical implementation of the study result. Following data extraction, we analyzed and categorized the data according to the dataset information, the similarity of the disease domains, methods used for analysis, and the performance of algorithms.

The quality of all the included studies was assessed following the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tool [Porritt K, Gomersall J, Lockwood C. JBI's systematic reviews: study selection and critical appraisal. Am J Nurs. Jun 2014;114(6):47-52. [CrossRef] [Medline]15]. In total, 2 individual reviewers assessed the quality of the studies, and disagreement was solved upon discussion. For overall grading using the Critical Appraisal tool, we followed a published systematic review that used a rule of thumb for overall grading [Sarker A, Das RA, Ether S, Shariful Islam MA, Saif-Ur-Rahman KA. Non-pharmacological interventions for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open. Jun 06, 2022;12(6):e062671. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]16]. For case-control studies, if 0 to 3 “yes” answers were obtained out of 10 screening questions, the study was marked as poor quality. Consecutively, if 4 to 6 “yes” answers were obtained, the study was marked as moderate quality, and if >6 “yes” answers were obtained, the study was ranked as good quality. For cohort studies, among 11 screening questions, 0 to 3 “yes” answers were marked as poor quality, 4 to 7 “yes” answers as moderate quality, and >6 “yes” answers as good quality. For cross-sectional studies, among 8 screening questions, 0 to 3 “yes” answers were marked as poor quality, 4 to 5 “yes” answers as moderate quality, and >6 “yes” answers as good quality study (

Multimedia Appendix 3

Quality assessment.

DOCX File , 28 KBMultimedia Appendix 3).

Selection of Sources of Evidence

Of the 1653 articles retrieved from the 4 databases, 78 (4.72%) duplicate publications were removed initially. Next, in the title and abstract screening stage, 83.87% (1321/1575) articles were removed as these did not align with the review objectives or were either workshop articles or not original studies (letters to editors and descriptions of keynotes). A total of 43.7% (111/254) of the publications were also excluded due to inadequate information related to research objectives. The remaining 56.3% (143/254) of the studies were taken for full-text review. Moreover, of the 143 studies, 22 (15.4%) were inaccessible and excluded accordingly. Finally, 121 (84.6%) of the 143 articles were reviewed in full text for eligibility. Subsequently, 44 (30.8%) were excluded due to inadequate information considering research objectives, and finally, 77 (53.8%) articles were selected for data extraction. A detailed description of the article selection process is given in the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flow diagram (Figure 1).

Figure 1. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flow diagram. AI: artificial intelligence; BDA: big data analytics; DL: deep learning; ML: machine learning.

Key Study Characteristics and Thematic Domains

This scoping review identified 77 research articles that examine how BDA, AI, ML, and DL are used in Bangladesh’s health care system and public health. The characteristics of the studies were grouped according to the study methodology, data types, and different health domains. Researchers mostly applied ML algorithms in their studies, and in 84% (65/77) of the studies, they used cross-sectional study data. The use of cohort study, case-control study, and retrospective study data was lower among researchers. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the selected studies according to different categories.

Table 1. Characteristics of included studies based on study design, types of data, and health domains (N=77).
CharacteristicsStudies, n (%)
Study design

Cross-sectional study65 (84)

Cohort study5 (6)

Case-control study4 (5)

Retrospective study3 (4)
Type of data

Primary40 (52)

Secondary37 (48)
Health domain

Infectious diseases15 (19)

Noncommunicable diseases23 (30)

Child health11 (14)

Mental health9 (12)

Preventive health4 (5)

Maternal health5 (6)

Vector-borne diseases5 (6)

Others5 (6)
Technology domain

Machine learning65 (84)

Deep learning7 (9)

Artificial intelligence4 (5)

Big data analytics1 (1)

Although the date limiter was set from January 1, 2000, to September 10, 2023, no published articles according to the research objectives were found before 2012. A small number (4/77, 5%) of published research articles were found between 2012 and 2017, focusing on public health issues using BDA, AI, ML, and DL. After 2017, a substantial surge in interest among researchers in using AI, ML, and DL was observed, which mostly focused on NCDs, infectious diseases, and child health. Among the NCD group, predicting type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cancer is mostly focused on, and among the infectious diseases, COVID-19 was mostly prevalent throughout the pandemic from 2020 to 2022. In addition, the researchers highlighted using the target technologies for different vector-borne diseases during this timeframe (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Number of articles on different health focuses by year, using big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. NCD: noncommunicable disease.

Table 2 summarizes the included articles with respect to their objectives, methods, dataset sizes, and investigated health issues.

Table 2. Summary of the selected studies.
StudyHealth focusObjective of the studyOutcomes
Rahman et al [Rahman T, Khandakar A, Hoque ME, Ibtehaz N, Bin Kashem S, Masud R, et al. Development and validation of an early scoring system for prediction of disease severity in COVID-19 using complete blood count parameters. IEEE Access. 2021;9:120422-120441. [CrossRef]17], 2021Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To categorize the patients with COVID-19 into 3 risk groups (low, moderate, and high) for predicting mortality risk among these patientsLRa outperforms other models and its overall accuracy, weighted precision, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score are 88%, 88%, 87%, and 90%, respectively.
Satu et al [Satu MS, Howlader KC, Mahmud M, Kaiser MS, Islam SM, Quinn JM, et al. Short-term prediction of COVID-19 cases using machine learning models. Appl Sci. May 08, 2021;11(9):4266. [CrossRef]18], 2021Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To develop a short-term forecasting model that predicts the severity of COVID-19FPMb showed better RMSEc, MAEd, and R² values for predicting COVID-19 cases.
Rafi [Rafi TH. An ensemble deep transfer-learning approach to identify COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray images. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2020. Presented at: CIBCB '20; October 27-29, 2020:1-5; Via del Mar, Chile. URL: [CrossRef]19], 2020Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To identify COVID-19 cases using CXRe and classify them as patients who are normal or patients with COVID-19Ensemble deep transfer learning model to identify COVID-19 cases with respect to normal cases, with an accuracy of 98.43%.
Sarkar et al [Sarkar O, Ahamed MF, Chowdhury P. Forecasting and severity analysis of COVID-19 using machine learning approach with advanced data visualization. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. 2020. Presented at: ICCIT '20; December 19-21, 2020:1-6; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]20], 2020Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To find the best algorithm that will predict COVID-19 cases, death cases, and recovery cases and the spreading patternFPM has a better RMSE value (33,785.55) than other models.
Mohammad Masum et al [Mohammad Masum AK, Khushbu SA, Keya M, Abujar S, Hossain SA. COVID-19 in Bangladesh: a deeper outlook into the forecast with prediction of upcoming per day cases using time series. Procedia Comput Sci. 2020;178:291-300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21], 2020Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To forecast confirmed COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveryThe LSTMf model has an accurate RMSE value than that of SVRg and RFh on train and test validation sets.
Hassan et al [Hassan MR, Hassan MM, Altaf M, Yeasar MS, Hossain MI, Fatema K, et al. B5G-enabled distributed artificial intelligence on edges for COVID-19 pandemic outbreak prediction. IEEE Network. May 2021;35(3):48-55. [CrossRef]22], 2021Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To create a distributed AIi on the edge that is able to deal with big data and to predict the course of the COVID-19 pandemic accurately.DNNj achieved a higher R2 value of 0.9501 and a better MAPEk value of 13.789 in predicting the course of the outbreak.
Chowdhury et al [Chowdhury AA, Hasan KT, Hoque KK. Analysis and prediction of COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh by using ANFIS and LSTM network. Cognit Comput. 2021;13(3):761-770. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]23], 2021Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To predict COVID-19 daily new cases with higher accuracyThe LSTM model performs better than the ANFISl model in predicting COVID-19 cases, with MAPE of 4.51, RMSE of 6.55, and correlation coefficient of 0.75.
Ullah et al [Ullah AN, Rahman MH, Allayear SM, Khan ML, Faysal SM, Chowdhury AB, et al. Helping healthcare providers to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia by analyzing digital chest X-Rays: role of artificial intelligence in healthcare practice. Int J Biomed. Sep 05, 2022;12(3):459-465. [CrossRef]24], 2022Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To create AI-based diagnostic tool to detect COVID-19 accurately by examining CXRAt the testing stage, the designed model could interpret CXRs with a precision of 0.98, recall and sensitivity of 0.97, and F1-score of 67 0.97 for COVID-19. At the validation stage, it showed high sensitivity (90%) and specificity (92%) in detecting COVID-19. The AUCm values for COVID-19 and pneumonia were 0.91 and 0.87, respectively.
Leon et al [Leon MI, Iqbal MI, Azim SM, Al Mamun KA. Predicting COVID-19 infections and deaths in Bangladesh using machine learning algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development. 2021. Presented at: ICICT4SD '21; February 27-28, 2021:70-75; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]25], 2021Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To predict the number of people infected with COVID-19 and the number of deaths for the upcoming month due to the COVID-19 pandemic.FPM performs well in predicting the current affected cases with an RMSE value of 318.538, and the ARIMAn model performs well in predicting death with an RMSE value of 10.708.
Rahman et al [Rahman M, Ahmed MT, Nur S, Touhidul Islam AZ. The prediction of coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak on Bangladesh perspective using machine learning: a comparative study. Int J Electr Comput Eng. 2019;12(4):4276-4287. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]26], 2019Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To predict COVID-19 cases in Bangladesh (daily newly infected cases, daily new fatality, and daily new recovered patients in the next 30 days range)For daily infected cases forecasting, multiple linear regression and ridge regression perform best and obtain R2, MSEo, MAE, and RMSE values of 0.99, 0.004, 0.05, and 0.06, respectively. For daily new fatality cases forecasting, multiple linear regression, ridge regression, and Lasso regression performed best and obtained R2, MSE, MAE, and RMSE values of 0.99, 0.003, 0.05, and 0.06, respectively. For daily new recovery forecasting, multiple linear regression performed best and obtained R2, MSE, MAE, and RMSE values of 0.94, 0.05, 0.16, and 0.23, respectively. Overall, multiple linear regression outperforms all other models.
Haq et al [Haq I, Hossain MI, Saleheen AA, Nayan M, Mila MS. Prediction of COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: dual application of susceptible-infective-recovered (SIR) and machine learning approach. Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis. 2022;2022:8570089. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]27], 2022Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To predict the future direction and spreading pattern of COVID-19FPM is appropriate for forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic trend in Bangladesh.
Absar et al [Absar N, Uddin N, Khandaker MU, Ullah H. The efficacy of deep learning based LSTM model in forecasting the outbreak of contagious diseases. Infect Dis Model. Mar 2022;7(1):170-183. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28], 2020Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To predict the progression of COVID-19 for a period of more than a year under various scenarios in BangladeshLSTM showed better RMSE, MAE, and R² values for predicting COVID-19 cases.
Karmokar et al [Karmokar J, Islam MA, Uddin M, Hassan MR, Yousuf MS. An assessment of meteorological parameters effects on COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh using machine learning models. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. Sep 06, 2022;29(44):67103-67114. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29], 2022Infectious diseases (COVID-19)To analyze the effects of meteorological parameters on COVID-19Cloudy weather has a positive association with COVID-19, temperature has a positive association with number of daily deaths and those who recovered, wind speed has a negative association with COVID-19, air quality has a negative association with daily deaths and recovered, air pressure has a weak negative relation with daily cases and deaths, and rain has a negative relation with daily cases.
Qin et al [Qin ZZ, Ahmed S, Sarker MS, Paul K, Adel AS, Naheyan T, et al. Tuberculosis detection from chest x-rays for triaging in a high tuberculosis-burden setting: an evaluation of five artificial intelligence algorithms. Lancet Digit Health. Sep 2021;3(9):e543-e554. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]30], 2021Infectious diseases (tuberculosis)To detect tuberculosis using AI algorithm on CXR images for triaging tuberculosisModel could identify Vibrio cholerae O1 incidence with AUC 93.4%; 95% CI 92.1%-94.7%.
Azman et al [Azman AS, Lessler J, Luquero FJ, Bhuiyan TR, Khan AI, Chowdhury F, et al. Estimating cholera incidence with cross-sectional serology. Sci Transl Med. Feb 20, 2019;11(480):eaau6242. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31], 2019Infectious diseases (cholera)To identify individuals infected with V cholerae O1All the AI algorithms can be highly accurate and useful triage tools for tuberculosis detection in high-burden regions and outperform human readers with an accuracy of 90.81% (95% CI 90.33-91.29) for qXR, 90.34% (95% CI 89.81-90.87) for CAD4TB, 88.61% (95% CI 88.03-89.20) for Lunit INSIGHT CXR, 84.90% (95% CI 84.27-85.54) for InferRead DR, and 84.89% (95% CI 84.26-85.53) for JF CXR-1. Only qXR (specificity 74.3%; 95% CI 73.3-74.9) and CAD4TB (specificity 72.9%; 95% CI 72.3-73.5) met the TPP at 90% sensitivity.
Pranto et al [Pranto B, Mehnaz SM, Mahid EB, Sadman IM, Rahman A, Momen S. Evaluating machine learning methods for predicting diabetes among female patients in Bangladesh. Information. Jul 23, 2020;11(8):374. [CrossRef]32], 2020NCDsp (diabetes)To predict diabetes among female patients in BangladeshRF models showed better performance in predicting the patients with diabetes with an accuracy, F1-score, and AUC of 78%, 0.84, and 0.83, respectively, in the test set, and KNNq showed better accuracy and F1-score (81.2% and 0.88) and naïve Bayes in AUC (0.84) in validation.
Nishat et al [Nishat MM, Faisal F, Mahbub MA, Mahbub MH, Islam S. Performance assessment of different machine learning algorithms in predicting diabetes mellitus. Biosci Biotechnol Res Commun. Mar 25, 2021;14(1):74-82. [CrossRef]33], 2021NCDs (diabetes)To predict diabetes mellitusGPr emerged as the best-performing algorithm, which is proposed as the most efficient classifier with accuracy, F1-score, and AUROCs of 98.25%, 0.972, and 0.979, respectively.
Islam et al [Islam MM, Rahman MJ, Chandra Roy D, Maniruzzaman M. Automated detection and classification of diabetes disease based on Bangladesh demographic and health survey data, 2011 using machine learning approach. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020;14(3):217-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]34], 2020NCDs (diabetes)To automatically detect diabetes using MLt-based classifiersArea of living, electricity, wealth index, age, education, working status, smoking status, medicine intake, weight, and BMI are significantly associated with diabetes at a 5% significance level. Furthermore, bagged CARTu provides the highest accuracy and AUC of 94.3% and 0.600.
Jahan et al [Jahan N, Islam A, Al Mamun A. Machine learning with factor scoring to predict diabetes risk level in Bangladesh. Int J Sci Technol Res. 2020;9(2):2863-2867. [FREE Full text]35], 2020NCDs (diabetes)To identify patients with a high risk of diabetes using MLIBKv performs well in identifying patients with a high risk of diabetes with 98.73% accuracy.
Emon et al [Emon MU, Keya MS, Kaiser MS, Islam MA, Tanha T, Zulfiker MS. Primary stage of diabetes prediction using machine learning approaches. In: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems. 2021. Presented at: ICAIS '21; March 25-27, 2021:3643-3647; Coimbatore, India. URL: [CrossRef]36], 2021NCDs (diabetes)To predict diabetes at an early stage by identifying symptoms and disease related to diabetesRF performs well in identifying patients with a high risk of diabetes with an accuracy of 98%.
Dutta et al [Dutta A, Hasan MK, Ahmad M, Awal MA, Islam MA, Masud M, et al. Early prediction of diabetes using an ensemble of machine learning models. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Sep 28, 2022;19(19):12378. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]37], 2022NCDs (diabetes)To prepare a diabetes disease classifier dataset so that patients with high risk of diabetes could be identified earlyEnsemble-based model (DTw, RF, XGBx, and LGBMy) proclaims an accuracy of 73.5% and an AUC of 83.2% in predicting diabetes.
Wood [Wood DA. Integrated statistical and machine learning analysis provides insight into key influencing symptoms for distinguishing early-onset type 2 diabetes. Chronic Dis Transl Med. Dec 31, 2022;8(4):281-295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38], 2022NCDs (diabetes)To identify the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes and predicted type 2 diabetes using ML and statistical methodSupport vector classifier predicts early‐onset type 2 diabetes with 2.1% errors.
Asaduzzaman et al [Asaduzzaman S, Ahmed MR, Rehana H, Chakraborty S, Islam MS, Bhuiyan T. Machine learning to reveal an astute risk predictive framework for gynecologic cancer and its impact on women psychology: Bangladeshi perspective. BMC Bioinformatics. Apr 24, 2021;22(1):213. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39], 2021NCDs (cancer)To identify factors that have a greater influence on the severity of cervical cancer and ovarian cancerAdaBoost performed the best with a classification accuracy of 78.8% in orange and 79% in Sklearn for neurodegenerative disease. In the case of cervical cancer, LR provides the best score of 84.8%, and with Sklearn, the score was 79.3%. On the other hand, SVMz shows the best accuracy of 88.3% in orange, and the DT provides 98.6% classification accuracy in Sklearn for ovarian cancer.
Maliha et al [Maliha SK, Ema RR, Ghosh SK, Ahmed H, Mollick MR, Islam T. Cancer disease prediction using naive Bayes,K-nearest neighbor and J48 algorithm. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies. 2019. Presented at: ICCCNT '19; July 6-8, 2019:1-7; Kanpur, India. URL: [CrossRef]40], 2019NCDs (cancer)To predict cancer disease and identified the factors associated with cancer diseaseThe KNN algorithm achieved a higher accuracy in predicting cancer disease with an accuracy of 98.8%.
Rejaul Islam Royel et al [Rejaul Islam Royel M, Ajmanur Jaman M, Al Masud F, Ahmed A, Muyeed A, Ahmed K. Machine learning and data mining methods in early detection of stomach cancer risk. J Appl Sci Eng. 2021;24(1):1-8. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]41], 2021NCDs (cancer)To design a tool for early detection of stomach cancer risk levelThe study identified 18 significant top risk factors of stomach cancer.
Ahmed et al [Ahmed K, Emran AA, Jesmin T, Mukti RF, Rahman MZ, Ahmed F. Early detection of lung cancer risk using data mining. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. Jan 31, 2013;14(1):595-598. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42], 2013NCDs (cancer)To predict patients with a risk of lung cancerAprioriTid and DT algorithms can be used to identify the frequent patterns.
Rashid et al [Rashid M, Alkhodari M, Mukit A, Ahmed KI, Mostafa R, Parveen S, et al. Machine learning for screening microvascular complications in type 2 diabetic patients using demographic, clinical, and laboratory profiles. J Clin Med. Mar 09, 2022;11(4):903. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]43], 2022NCDs (diabetes)To investigate the use of ML approach for predicting cardiac autonomic neuropathy, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and diabetic retinopathy using only the patient demographic, clinical, and laboratory profilesRF performs well using diastolic blood pressure, albumin-creatinine ratio, and gender for CANaa testing (98.67%); microalbuminuria, smoking history, and hemoglobin A1c for DPNab testing (67.78%); and hemoglobin A1c, microalbuminuria, and smoking history for RETac testing (84.38%).
Kayyum et al [Kayyum S, Miah J, Shadaab A, Minhazu Islam M, Islam M, Nipun SA, et al. Data analysis on myocardial infarction with the help of machine learning algorithms considering distinctive or non-distinctive features. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics. 2020. Presented at: ICCCI '20; January 22-24, 2020:179-185; Coimbatore, India. URL: [CrossRef]44], 2020NCDs (CVDad)To predict the chances of myocardial infarction occurring so that people can take precautions and take measures to prevent itBagging can predict patients who are at a high risk of myocardial infarctions with an accuracy of 93.913%, F1-score of 0.940, and ROC of 0.974.
Tabassum et al [Tabassum S, Zaman MI, Ullah MS, Rahaman A, Nahar S, Islam AK. The cardiac disease predictor: IoT and ML driven healthcare system. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology. 2019. Presented at: EICT '19; December 20-22, 2019:1-6; Khulna, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]45], 2019NCDs (CVD)To predict the cardiac status of a patient or of a person who is unaware of his or her cardiac conditionNeural network showed 82% accuracy.
Chowdhury et al. [Chowdhury MN, Ahmed E, Siddik MA, Zaman AU. Heart disease prognosis using machine learning classification techniques. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology. 2021. Presented at: I2CT '21; April 2-4, 2021:1-6; Mumbai, India. URL: [CrossRef]46], 2021NCDs (CVD)To predict heart disease by analyzing important features from health assessmentSVM has better accuracy in predicting heart disease with an accuracy of 91%.
Fahim et al [Fahim KE, Yassin H, Amin MH, Dewan PD, Islam A. Detection of cardiovascular disease of patients at an early stage using machine learning algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Healthcare Engineering. 2022. Presented at: ICHE '22; September 23-25, 2022:1-6; Johor, Malaysia. URL: [CrossRef]47], 2022NCDs (CVD)To detect patients with a high risk of CVD at an early stageXGB performs well in identifying high-risk patients accurately, with an accuracy of 73.72%. Furthermore, the model showed 81.14% accuracy in the dataset, including smoking and alcohol intake.
Islam et al [Islam MM, Rahman MJ, Chandra Roy D, Tawabunnahar M, Jahan R, Ahmed NA, et al. Machine learning algorithm for characterizing risks of hypertension, at an early stage in Bangladesh. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021;15(3):877-884. [CrossRef] [Medline]48], 2021NCDs (hypertension)To characterize the risk factors of hypertension among adults in BangladeshThe combination of SVMRFE-GBae gives the maximum accuracy (66.98%), recall (97.92%), F1-score (78.99%), and AUC (0.669) compared to others in predicting the risk of hypertension among adults in Bangladesh.
Arefa et al [Arefa I, Alam MS, Siddiquee I, Siddique N. Performance analysis of machine learning algorithms for hypertension decision support system. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation, Artificial-intelligence and Internet-of-Things. 2019. Presented at: RAAICON '19; November 29-December 1, 2019:15-20; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]49], 2019NCDs (hypertension)To develop an ML model for a decision support system to predict early hypertension risk among patients and assessed the performance of different ML algorithmsDT, LR, SVM, KNN, and bagged tree showed an accuracy of 100%. Fine Gaussian SVM showed an accuracy of 94.6%. Coarse Gaussian SVM showed an accuracy of 86%.
Islam et al [Islam SM, Talukder A, Awal MA, Siddiqui MM, Ahamad MM, Ahammed B, et al. Machine learning approaches for predicting hypertension and its associated factors using population-level data from three south Asian countries. Front Cardiovasc Med. Mar 31, 2022;9:839379. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]50], 2022NCDs (hypertension)To predict hypertension and its associated factors and compared ML model’s performancesXGB, GBMaf, LR, and LDAag models can predict hypertension with a greater accuracy of 90%; DT achieved a precision value of 91%; XGB, GBM, LR, and LDA achieved a recall value of 100%; and XGB, GBM, LR, and LDA scored F1-score of 95%.
Asadullah et al [Asadullah M, Hossain MM, Rahaman S, Amin MS, Sumy MS, Parh MY, et al. Evaluation of machine learning techniques for hypertension risk prediction based on medical data in Bangladesh. Indones J Electr Eng Comput Sci. Sep 01, 2023;31(3):1794. [CrossRef]51], 2023NCDs (hypertension)To predict patients with a high risk of hypertensionProposed ensemble model showed a higher accuracy, F1-score, and AUC of 78.17%, 08751, and 0.8634, respectively, in predicting patients with a high risk of hypertension.
Ifraz et al [Ifraz GM, Rashid MH, Tazin T, Bourouis S, Khan MM. Comparative analysis for prediction of kidney disease using intelligent machine learning methods. Comput Math Methods Med. Dec 3, 2021;2021:6141470-6141410. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]52], 2021NCDs (CKDah)To provide a methodology for predicting CKD status using clinical dataThe LR model performs better than other models to predict CKD with an accuracy of 97%.
Ehsan et al [Ehsan MT, Sajal MS, Mamun KA. An automated cloud-based tool for screening of Parkinson’s disease in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques. 2021. Presented at: ICREST '21; January 5-7, 2021:664-668; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]53], 2021NCDs (Parkinson disease)To screen Parkinson disease using smartphone-based triaxial accelerometer data and cloud-based automated toolRF classifier produced the optimum result with 88.33% accuracy, 90% sensitivity, and 85% specificity to effectively discriminate between patients with Parkinson disease and healthy individuals.
Akter Hossain et al [Akter Hossain M, Islam Sabik M, Muntasir I, Muzahidul Islam AK, Islam S, Ahmed A. Leukemia detection mechanism through microscopic image and ML techniques. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Region 10 Conference. 2020. Presented at: TENCON '20; November 16-19, 2020:61-66; Osaka, Japan. URL: [CrossRef]54], 2020NCDs (leukemia disease)To detect the WBCai components from whole blood images and counted them to know about the possibility of leukemiaFaster-RCNNaj model could identify leukemia-positive properties with 90% accuracy.
Shahriar et al [Shahriar MM, Iqubal MS, Mitra S, Das AK. A deep learning approach to predict malnutrition status of 0-59 month's older children in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Communications Technology. 2019. Presented at: IAICT '19; July 1-3, 2019:145-149; Bali, Indonesia. URL: [CrossRef]55], 2019Child health (malnutrition)To identify the risk factors that had a strong association with malnutrition among children aged 0 to 59 months , predicting malnourished childrenANNak algorithm can predict risk factors better than other algorithm with an accuracy of 86%, 70%, and 67.3%, respectively, for wasting, underweight, and stunting child respectively.
Methun et al [Methun MI, Kabir A, Islam S, Hossain MI, Darda MA. A machine learning logistic classifier approach for identifying the determinants of under-5 child morbidity in Bangladesh. Clin Epidemiol Glob Health. Oct 2021;12:100812. [CrossRef]56], 2021Child health (morbidity)To determine the factors that regulated the incidence of preventable outbreaks of disease or symptoms among children aged <5 years in BangladeshLogistic classifier identified the factors that regulate the incidence of preventable outbreaks of disease or symptoms among children aged <5 years in Bangladesh with an accuracy, F1-score, and AUC of 0.7, 0.812, and 0.621, respectively.
Borson et al [Borson NS, Kabir MR, Zamal ZZ, Rahman RM. Correlation analysis of demographic factors on low birth weight and prediction modeling using machine learning techniques. In: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability. 2020. Presented at: WorldS4 '20; July 27-28, 2020:169-173; London, UK. URL: [CrossRef]57], 2020Child health (low birth weight)To construct a predictive model for low birth weight prediction by analyzing health and demographic data related to neonatal health conditions in the context of BangladeshLR and SVM gained accuracy, precision, and recall scores of 80.30%, 0.743, and 0.803 and 80.29%, 0.803, and 0.803, respectively, in 10-fold cross validation and 81.66%, 0.817, and 0.817 and 81.67%, 0.817, and 0.817, respectively, in training and testing stage.
Rahman et al [Rahman SM, Ahmed NA, Abedin MM, Ahammed B, Ali M, Rahman MJ, et al. Investigate the risk factors of stunting, wasting, and underweight among under-five Bangladeshi children and its prediction based on machine learning approach. PLoS One. 2021;16(6):e0253172. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]58], 2021Child health (malnutrition)To predict malnourished children aged <5 years based on their risk factorsRF algorithm can classify stunted growth, wasted growth and underweight children accurately and obtained the highest accuracy of 88.3% for children with stunted growth, 87.7% for children with wasted growth, and 85.7% for children who are underweight.
Talukder and Ahammed [Talukder A, Ahammed B. Machine learning algorithms for predicting malnutrition among under-five children in Bangladesh. Nutrition. Oct 2020;78:110861. [CrossRef] [Medline]59], 2020Child health (malnutrition)To predict malnutrition status among children aged <5 years in BangladeshRF accurately identified malnutrition status among children aged <5 years, with an accuracy of 68.51%, a sensitivity of 94.66%, and a specificity of 69.76%.
Khan et al [Khan JR, Tomal JH, Raheem E. Model and variable selection using machine learning methods with applications to childhood stunting in Bangladesh. Inform Health Soc Care. Dec 02, 2021;46(4):425-442. [CrossRef] [Medline]60], 2021Child health (malnutrition)To identify risk factors of stunting among children aged <5 years in BangladeshGradient boosting algorithm predicted stunted children with an accuracy of 67.47%.
Jehan et al [Jehan F, Sazawal S, Baqui AH, Nisar MI, Dhingra U, Khanam R, et al. Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement‚ the Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth‚ the Prematurity Research Center at Stanford University. Multiomics characterization of preterm birth in low- and middle-income countries. JAMA Netw Open. Dec 01, 2020;3(12):e2029655. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]61], 2020Child health (PTBal)To investigate the ability of transcriptomics and proteomics profiling of plasma and metabolomics analysis of urine to identify early biological measurements associated with PTBPTBs can be predicted using blood and urine samples collected early in the pregnancy, providing opportunities for interventions and the proposed model could be able to identify PTB with an AUROC of 0.83 (95% CI 0.72-0.91).
Islam Pollob et al [Islam Pollob SM, Abedin MM, Islam MT, Islam MM, Maniruzzaman M. Predicting risks of low birth weight in Bangladesh with machine learning. PLoS One. May 26, 2022;17(5):e0267190. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62], 2022Child health (low birth weight)To determine the risk factors of low birth weight and predicted babies with low birth weight based on ML algorithmsLR-based classifier provided the most accurate classification of babies with low birth weight and has 87.6% accuracy and 0.59 AUC.
Mehedi Hasan et al [Mehedi Hasan M, Omar Faruk M, Biswas Biki B, Riajuliislatn M, Alam K, Farjana Shetu S. Prediction of pneumonia disease of newborn baby based on statistical analysis of maternal condition using machine learning approach. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering. 2021. Presented at: Confluence '21; January 28-29, 2021:919-924; Noida, India. URL: [CrossRef]63], 2021Child health (pneumonia)To classify and predict pneumonia positive and pneumonia negative cases using ML algorithmDT model can predict pneumonia with high accuracy.
Aftab et al [Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement (AMANHI) Gestational Age Study Group, Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement (AMANHI) GA Study Group. Simplified models to assess newborn gestational age in low-middle income countries: findings from a multicountry, prospective cohort study. BMJ Glob Health. Sep 13, 2021;6(9):e005688. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]64], 2021Child health (GAam)To develop and validate programmatically feasible and accurate approaches to estimate newborn GA in low-resource settingsThe ML model (10 neonatal characteristics and LMPan) estimated GA with a variability of 15.7 days of early ultrasound dating.
Mansur et al [Mansur M, Afiaz A, Hossain MS. Sociodemographic risk factors of under-five stunting in Bangladesh: assessing the role of interactions using a machine learning method. PLoS One. 2021;16(8):e0256729. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]65], 2021Child health (malnutrition)To study interactions among various sociodemographic risk factors of childhood stunting in BangladeshLR identified malnourished children with an accuracy of 69.4%.
Khudri et al [Khudri MM, Rhee KK, Hasan MS, Ahsan KZ. Predicting nutritional status for women of childbearing age from their economic, health, and demographic features: a supervised machine learning approach. PLoS One. May 12, 2023;18(5):e0277738. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]66], 2023Maternal health (malnutrition)To predict the BMI and the risks of malnutrition outcomes for Bangladeshi women of childbearing age from their economic, health, and demographic featuresSVM and KNN are the 2 best-performing methods in BMI prediction, with R2 value of 23.9% and 23.2%, RMSE of 3.372 and 3.387, and MAE of 2.718 and 2.756, respectively.
Islam et al [Islam MM, Rahman MJ, Islam MM, Roy DC, Ahmed NA, Hussain S, et al. Application of machine learning based algorithm for prediction of malnutrition among women in Bangladesh. Int J Cogn Comput Eng. Jun 2022;3:46-57. [CrossRef]67], 2022Maternal health (malnutrition)To identify potential risk factors of malnourished women and predicted malnourished women using ML algorithmRF-based classifier provides 81.4% accuracy and 0.837 AUC for underweight prediction and 82.4% accuracy and 0.853 AUC for overweight or obese prediction.
Choudhury et al [Choudhury AA, Khan MR, Nahim NZ, Tulon SR, Islam S, Chakrabarty A. Predicting depression in Bangladeshi undergraduates using machine learning. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Region 10 Symposium. 2019. Presented at: TENSYMP '19; June 7-9, 2019:789-794; Kolkata, India. URL: [CrossRef]68], 2019Mental healthTo identify depression among university students in an early stage using MLRF algorithm accurately predicted depression successfully, with accuracy and F1-score of 75% and 60%, respectively.
Haque et al [Haque MM, Rabbani M, Dipal DD, Zarif MI, Iqbal A, Schwichtenberg A, et al. Informing developmental milestone achievement for children with autism: machine learning approach. JMIR Med Inform. Jun 08, 2021;9(6):e29242. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]69], 2021Mental healthTo understand milestone achievement of ASDao using mCARE mobile app and association of milestone achievement with family or child sociodemographic characteristicsFor milestone for brushing teeth, LR, KNN, and ANN achieved 95% accuracy; for toilet use, 84% accuracy was achieved with KNN and ANN; and for urinates in toilet or potty and buttons large buttons, ANN achieved an accuracy of 91% and 76%, respectively. For all the parameters, ANN had a higher accuracy (approximately >80% on average).
Tariq et al [Tariq Q, Fleming SL, Schwartz JN, Dunlap K, Corbin C, Washington P, et al. Detecting developmental delay and autism through machine learning models using home videos of Bangladeshi children: development and validation study. J Med Internet Res. Apr 24, 2019;21(4):e13822. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]70], 2019Mental healthTo classify autism spectrum disorder, neurotypical disorder, and speech and language condition using ML classifier.The proposed model achieved an accuracy (AUC) of 76% (SD 3%) and sensitivity of 76% (SD 4%) in identifying atypical children from among those with developmental delays. Additionally, the model demonstrated an accuracy (AUC) of 85% (SD 5%) and a sensitivity of 76% (SD 6%) for identifying children with ASD from those predicted to have other developmental delays.
Imtinan Uddin et al [Imtinan Uddin JM, Fatema K, Kumar Dhar P. Depression risk prediction among tech employees in Bangladesh using Adaboosted decision tree. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2020. Presented at: WIECON-ECE '20; December 26-27, 2020:147-150; Bhubaneswar, India. URL: [CrossRef]71], 2020Mental healthTo predict early depression risk among technology employees in Bangladesh as well as found some key factors that contributed to depressionAdaBoost DT achieved approximately 98% accuracy in predicting employees with depression.
Khan et al [Khan SI, Islam A, Hossen A, Zahangir TI, Latiful Hoque SM. Supporting the treatment of mental diseases using data mining. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2018. Presented at: ICISET '18; October 27-28, 2018:339-344; Chittagong, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]72], 2018Mental healthTo examine classification algorithm to predict mental disorderRF produced a better result with an accuracy of 85.1% in predicting mental disorders in real datasets. Furthermore, in an enhanced dataset with synthesized data, it showed 85.9% accuracy.
Rois et al [Rois R, Ray M, Rahman A, Roy SK. Prevalence and predicting factors of perceived stress among Bangladeshi university students using machine learning algorithms. J Health Popul Nutr. Nov 27, 2021;40(1):50. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]73], 2021Mental healthTo detect significant risk factors of perceived stress and predicted the prevalence of stress among Bangladeshi university students using ML algorithmRF model performed better and authentically predicted stress compared with other ML techniques with an accuracy of 0.8972, precision of 0.9241, sensitivity of 0.9250, specificity of 0.8148, AUROC of 0.8715, and k-fold accuracy of 0.8983.
Ahmed et al [Ahmed A, Sultana R, Ullas MT, Begom M, Rahi MM, Alam MA. A machine learning approach to detect depression and anxiety using supervised learning. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering. 2020. Presented at: CSDE '20; December 16-18, 2020:1-6; Gold Coast, Australia. URL: [CrossRef]74], 2020Mental healthTo detect depression and anxiety using MLCNNap algorithm has the highest accuracy of 96% for anxiety and 96.8% for depression. In addition, the analysis showed that among Bangladeshi women aged 18 to 35 years, 7.4% experienced profound levels of anxiety and 15.6% experienced chronic depression.
Khan et al [Khan SI, Islam A, Zahangir TI, Hoque AM. Knowledge discovery from mental health data. In: Proceeding of the 2018 International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT. 2018. Presented at: ICCBI '18; December 19-20, 2018:881-888; Madurai, India. URL: [CrossRef]75], 2018Mental healthTo examine the performance of classification algorithms to predict mental disorderRF has a better performance than the other algorithms.
Moon et al [Moon NN, Hossain RA, Jahan I, Shakil S, Uddin S, Hassan M, et al. Predicting the mental health of rural Bangladeshi children in coronavirus disease 2019. Int J Electr Comput Eng. Oct 01, 2022;12(5):5501. [CrossRef]76], 2022Mental healthTo predict the mental development condition of rural children during the COVID-19 pandemicRF achieved a higher accuracy of 92.41% in predicting individuals who are mentally hampered
Hu et al [Hu M, Nohara Y, Nakamura M, Nakashima N. Prediction and factor extraction of drug function by analyzing medical records in developing countries. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;245:403-407. [Medline]77], 2017Decision support systemTo transform the prediction model into a field-deployable application to predict drug functions to support clinical decisionsGBDTaq models could predict drugs with an accuracy of 96.2%.
Baba et al [Baba Y, Kashima H, Nohara Y, Kai E, Ghosh P, Islam R, et al. Predictive approaches for low-cost preventive medicine program in developing countries. In: Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2015. Presented at: KDD '15; August 10-13, 2015:1681-1690; Sydney, Australia. URL: [CrossRef]78], 2015Decision support systemTo recommend high-cost and low-cost diagnostic tests, recommended drugs recommended for patients, and predicted future health-risk levels by assessing patients’ health status dataThe approach with multiple classifiers successfully reduced the costs of health checkups, a multitask learning method provided accurate recommendations for specific types of drugs, and an active learning method achieved an efficient assignment of health care workers to the follow-up cares of patients.
Al Iqbal [Al Iqbal R. Hybrid clinical decision support system: an automated diagnostic system for rural Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision. 2012. Presented at: ICIEV '12; May 18-19, 2012:76-81; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]79], 2012Decision support systemA clinical decision support system to serve the rural medicine centerACM-FOCLar can identify hepatitis and breast cancer with 90.17% and 84.97 accuracy, respectively, and FOCLas can identify lung cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and arrhythmia with 82.67%, 81.60%, 86.88%, and 70.73%, respectively.
Bin Alam et al [Bin Alam MS, Patwary MJ, Hassan M. Birth mode prediction using bagging ensemble classifier: a case study of Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development. 2021. Presented at: ICICT4SD '21; February 27-28, 2021:95-99; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]80], 2021Pregnancy and childbirthTo evaluate bagging classifiers in birth mode prediction and identified key factors influencing cesarean sectionDT bagging produces the highest accuracy of 0.87 with a 0.60 F1-score for predicting birth mode.
Kowsher et al [Kowsher M, Prottasha NJ, Tahabilder A, Habib K, Abdur-Rakib M, Shameem Alam M. Predicting the appropriate mode of childbirth using machine learning algorithm. Int J Adv Comput Sci Appl. 2021;12(5):700-708. [CrossRef]81], 2021Pregnancy and childbirthTo predict the mode of childbirth that will be appropriate for pregnant womenQuadratic discriminant analysis has the highest accuracy and F1-score of 0.97992 and 0.979960, respectively, in predicting the mode of childbirth.
Hossain et al [Hossain MI, Habib MJ, Saleheen AA, Kamruzzaman M, Rahman A, Roy S, et al. Performance evaluation of machine learning algorithm for classification of unintended pregnancy among married women in Bangladesh. J Healthc Eng. May 28, 2022;2022:1460908-1460910. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]82], 2022Pregnancy and childbirthTo predict unwanted pregnancies among married women in Bangladesh using MLElastic net regression algorithm showed the best results and the most accurate classification for predicting unwanted pregnancy among Bangladeshi women with an accuracy of 77.51%.
Sarma et al [Sarma D, Hossain S, Mittra T, Bhuiya MA, Saha I, Chakma R. Dengue prediction using machine learning algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 8th R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference. 2020. Presented at: R10-HTC '20; December 1-3, 2020:1-6; Kuching, Malaysia. URL: [CrossRef]83], 2020Vector-borne diseases (malaria)To predict dengue fever at an early stage using ML algorithmDT algorithm performs well in classifying normal fever and dengue fever, with an accuracy of 79%.
Dey et al [Dey SK, Rahman MM, Howlader A, Siddiqi UR, Uddin KM, Borhan R, et al. Prediction of dengue incidents using hospitalized patients, metrological and socio-economic data in Bangladesh: a machine learning approach. PLoS One. Jul 20, 2022;17(7):e0270933. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]84], 2022Vector-borne diseases (malaria)To develop an ML model that can use relevant information about the factors that cause dengue outbreaks within a geographic regionSVR identified the dengue outbreak accurately with a prediction accuracy of 75%.
Islam et al [Islam MS, Khushbu SA, Rabby AS, Bhuiyan T. A study on dengue fever in Bangladesh: predicting the probability of dengue infection with external behavior with machine learning. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems. 2021. Presented at: ICICCS '21; May 6-8, 2021:1717-1721; Madurai, India. URL: [CrossRef]85], 2021Vector-borne diseases (malaria)To predict the probability of dengue fever before taking the pathological testDT and naïve Bayes achieved a higher accuracy of 100% in predicting dengue fever.
Kassim et al [Kassim YM, Palaniappan K, Yang F, Poostchi M, Palaniappan N, Maude RJ, et al. Clustering-based dual deep learning architecture for detecting red blood cells in malaria diagnostic smears. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. May 2021;25(5):1735-1746. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]86], 2021Vector-borne diseases (malaria)To detect RBCsat in malaria diagnostic smears using dual deep learningThe proposed RBCNetau architecture detected RBC with F1-score, precision, and recall of 97.76%, 97.51%, and 98.07%, respectively.
Vink et al [Vink JP, Laubscher M, Vlutters R, Silamut K, Maude RJ, Hasan MU, et al. An automatic vision-based malaria diagnosis system. J Microsc. Jun 2013;250(3):166-178. [CrossRef] [Medline]87], 2013Vector-borne diseases (malaria)To detect malaria parasite using vision-based malaria parasite selectionIn healthy samples, the system achieved an overall specificity of 99.999978% at the level of (infected) RBCs and a sensitivity of 75% at the cell level, enabling the detection of low parasite densities in a fast and easy-to-use manner.
Masud et al [Masud FA, Royel MR, Sajal MM, Jahan S, Paul BK, Ahmed K. Smart risk prediction tools of appendicitis patients: a machine learning approach. Biointerface Res Appl Chem. Jul 4, 2020;11(1):7804-7813. [CrossRef]88], 2020Preventive health (appendicitis)To identify risk factors for appendicitis using preoperative symptoms and developed an Android-based appApriori algorithm could correctly classify affected patients between medium to very high risk with 99% accuracy.
Sampa et al [Sampa MB, Hossain MN, Hoque MR, Islam R, Yokota F, Nishikitani M, et al. Blood uric acid prediction with machine learning: model development and performance comparison. JMIR Med Inform. Oct 08, 2020;8(10):e18331. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]89], 2020Preventive health (uric acid)To predict the blood uric acid level using ML model based on basic health checkup test results, dietary information, and sociodemographic informationBoosted DT regression can predict patients with a high risk of increased uric acid levels with an RMSE of 0.03.
Ferdowsy et al [Ferdowsy F, Rahi KS, Jabiullah MI, Habib MT. A machine learning approach for obesity risk prediction. Curr Res Behav Sci. Nov 2021;2:100053. [CrossRef]90], 2021Preventive health (obesity)To predict obesity by identifying risk factors of obesity using ML-based data analysisThe LR algorithm performed better than other algorithms to predict obesity with an accuracy of 97.09%, whereas the gradient boosting algorithm produced the poorest accuracy of 64.08%.
Riajuliislam et al. [Riajuliislam M, Rahim KZ, Mahmud A. Prediction of thyroid disease (hypothyroid) in early stage using feature selection and classification techniques. In: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Developmen. 2021. Presented at: ICICT4SD '21; February 27-28, 2021:60-64; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]91], 2021Preventive health (thyroid)To predict hypothyroidism at an early stage by analyzing clinical and demographic dataRFEav performed well in predicting features with an accuracy of 99.35%.
Diptu et al [Diptu NA, Khan MA, Debnath S, Al Imam A, Rakib AM, Ador KA, et al. Early detection of glaucoma using fuzzy logic in Bangladesh context. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems. 2018. Presented at: IS '18; September 25-27, 2018:87-93; Funchal, Portugal. URL: [CrossRef]92], 2018OphthalmologyTo detect glaucoma with the data obtained from OCTaw and tonometry testANFIS can detect glaucoma from OCT and tonometry tests with an accuracy of 81.25%.
Hassan et al [Hassan S, Dhali M, Zaman F, Tanveer M. Big data and predictive analytics in healthcare in Bangladesh: regulatory challenges. Heliyon. Jun 2021;7(6):e07179. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]11], 2021Health policyTo assess the policy and regulations for medical devices and policy for health data in Bangladesh and compared these with those in the United States and European Union. In addition, identified the gaps in implementing big data and ML in health careThe current regulatory framework of Bangladesh for medical device regulation is inadequate to regulate AI-based medical devices. Furthermore, Bangladesh has neither comprehensive data protection legislation nor specific sectoral laws for health data privacy.

aLR: logistic regression.

bFPM: Facebook Prophet model.

cRMSE: root mean square error.

dMAE: mean absolute error.

eCXR: chest x-ray.

fLSTM: long short-term memory.

gSVR: support vector regression.

hRF: random forest.

iAI: artificial intelligence.

jDNN: deep neural network.

kMAPE: mean absolute percentage error.

lANFIS: adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system.

mAUC: area under the curve.

nARIMA: autoregressive integrated moving average.

oMSE: mean squared error.

pNCD: noncommunicable disease.

qKNN: k-nearest neighbor.

rGP: Gaussian process.

sAUROC: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.

tML: machine learning.

uCART: classification and regression tree.

vIBK: Instance-Based K-nearest Neighbors.

wDT: decision tree.

xXGB: extreme gradient boost.

yLGBM: light gradient boost Machine.

zSVM: support vector machine.

aaCAN: Convolutional Attention Network.

abDPN: Dual Path Networks.

acRET: RetinaNet.

adCVD: cardiovascular disease.

aeSVMRFE-GB: Support Vector Machine Recursive Feature Elimination with Gradient Boosting.

afGBM: gradient boosting machine.

agLDA: linear discriminant analysis.

ahCKD: chronic kidney disease.

aiWBC: white blood cell.

ajRCNN: Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks.

akANN: artificial neural network.

alPTB: preterm birth.

amGA: gestational age.

anLMP: last menstrual period.

aoASD: autism spectrum disorder.

apCNN: convolutional neural network.

aqGBDT: gradient boosting decision tree.

arACN-FOCL: Attention Convolutional Network-Focused Clustering.

asFOCL: Focused Clustering.

atRBC: red blood cell.

auRBCNet: Residual Bi-directional Convolutional Network.

avREF: Recursive Elimination Feature.

awOCT: optical coherence tomography.

Synthesis of Findings

According to the findings, the studies intended to predict various diseases using various risk factor data (33/77, 43%), classify patients in disease-exposed and unexposed groups (21/77, 27%), predict trends of the outbreak (18/77, 23%), formulate intelligent systems for health service (3/77, 4%), and so on. One study explored the regulatory challenges of using big data technology in the health sector, as well as making recommendations for future policy. Another study tried to detect glaucoma with the data obtained from optical coherence tomography and the tonometry test.

The study’s findings indicate that, compared to secondary data, the use of prediction and classification algorithms on primary data has significantly grown (40/77, 52%). In a significant number of studies (37/77, 48%), researchers used data from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, which is part of the global Demographic and Health Surveys program, designed to collect information on fertility, family planning, and maternal and child health. Furthermore, a substantial portion of studies (12/77, 16%) made use of publicly available data from web-based sources, such as Kaggle, the University of California, Irvine repository, and Worldometer. Researchers validated their prediction algorithms within the context of Bangladesh.

In this review, we observed the adoption of digital interventions, including the use of mobile devices for public health purposes. This review explored articles (4/77, 5%) that leveraged mobile devices for their research, creating intelligent risk prediction tools by analyzing data collected through ML- and DL-based algorithms. The objective was to demonstrate the value of mobile apps in obtaining real-time health data and predicting health status. The primary outcomes of these studies underscored the utility of intelligent mobile apps for self-assessing an individual’s health and offering essential therapy recommendations.

On the basis of the data extracted in this review, 44 distinct AI, ML, and DL algorithms commonly used in public health studies were identified. Table 3 presents the algorithms according to different categories and their respective use frequencies.

Table 3. Different categories of available algorithms found in this scoping review (N=77).
Category and subcategoryAlgorithmFrequency, n (%)

ClassificationDecision tree37 (48)

ClassificationRandom forest37 (48)

ClassificationLogistic regression35 (45)

Classificationk-nearest neighbor27 (35)

ClassificationNaive Bayes22 (29)

ClassificationQuadratic discriminant analysis1 (1)

ClassificationBagging classifier1 (1)

ClassificationBagged classification and regression tree1 (1)

ClassificationCatBoost1 (1)

Classification or regressionArtificial neural network11 (14)

Classification or regressionConvolutional neural network7 (9)

RegressionGradient boosting9 (12)

RegressionLinear regression8 (10)

RegressionAdaptive boosting7 (9)

RegressionSupport vector regression2 (3)

RegressionElastic net regression2 (3)

RegressionGaussian process1 (1)

RegressionRidge regression1 (1)

RegressionMultiple linear regression1 (1)

RegressionLeast absolute shrinkage and selection operator4 (5)

RegressionAutoregressive3 (4)

Time seriesFacebook prophet time series model5 (6)

Time seriesRecurrent neural network2 (3)

Time seriesLong short-term memory2 (3)

Clusteringk-means clustering1 (1)

Dimensionality reductionPrincipal component analysis1 (1)

Time seriesAutoregressive integrated moving average4 (5)

Time seriesApriori algorithm2 (3)

Among these, the random forest algorithm emerged as a standout performer, delivering the highest accuracy in 21% (16/77) of the studies. The decision tree classifier was also highly effective, with a track record of accurate predictions in 16% (12/77) of the studies. However, for maternal and child health, logistic regression showed substantial promises, while for outbreak trend prediction, the Facebook Prophet model and long short-term memory (LSTM) demonstrated strong performance. In the mental health domain, random forest excelled, and for NCDs, random forest and support vector machine exhibited strong predictive capabilities. In the context of vector-borne diseases, the decision tree algorithm proved effective.

Several other algorithms showcased their utility in various domains, including support vector machine (9/77, 12%), logistic regression (8/77, 10%), Naïve Bayes (4/77, 5%), k-nearest neighbor (3/77, 4%), convolutional neural network (3/77, 4%), gradient boosting (3/77, 4%), LSTM (3/77, 4%), Facebook Prophet time series model (3/77, 4%), artificial neural network (2/77, 3%), XGBoost (2/77, 3%), a priori algorithm (2/77, 3%), and linear discriminant analysis (1/77, 1%). In addition, support vector regression (1/77, 1%), bagging classifier (1/77, 1%), quadratic discriminant analysis (1/77, 1%), multiple linear regression (1/77, 1%), elastic net regression (1/77, 1%), and bagged classification and regression tree (1/77, 1%) displayed their potential in achieving high prediction accuracy in their respective research studies.

This comprehensive analysis highlights the diverse and effective use of these algorithms in public health research, offering valuable insights for researchers and professionals in the field.

Practical Implication of Studies

This review identified a number (9/77, 12%) [Rahman T, Khandakar A, Hoque ME, Ibtehaz N, Bin Kashem S, Masud R, et al. Development and validation of an early scoring system for prediction of disease severity in COVID-19 using complete blood count parameters. IEEE Access. 2021;9:120422-120441. [CrossRef]17,Ullah AN, Rahman MH, Allayear SM, Khan ML, Faysal SM, Chowdhury AB, et al. Helping healthcare providers to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia by analyzing digital chest X-Rays: role of artificial intelligence in healthcare practice. Int J Biomed. Sep 05, 2022;12(3):459-465. [CrossRef]24,Asaduzzaman S, Ahmed MR, Rehana H, Chakraborty S, Islam MS, Bhuiyan T. Machine learning to reveal an astute risk predictive framework for gynecologic cancer and its impact on women psychology: Bangladeshi perspective. BMC Bioinformatics. Apr 24, 2021;22(1):213. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Ahmed K, Emran AA, Jesmin T, Mukti RF, Rahman MZ, Ahmed F. Early detection of lung cancer risk using data mining. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. Jan 31, 2013;14(1):595-598. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Fahim KE, Yassin H, Amin MH, Dewan PD, Islam A. Detection of cardiovascular disease of patients at an early stage using machine learning algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Healthcare Engineering. 2022. Presented at: ICHE '22; September 23-25, 2022:1-6; Johor, Malaysia. URL: [CrossRef]47,Islam SM, Talukder A, Awal MA, Siddiqui MM, Ahamad MM, Ahammed B, et al. Machine learning approaches for predicting hypertension and its associated factors using population-level data from three south Asian countries. Front Cardiovasc Med. Mar 31, 2022;9:839379. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]50,Akter Hossain M, Islam Sabik M, Muntasir I, Muzahidul Islam AK, Islam S, Ahmed A. Leukemia detection mechanism through microscopic image and ML techniques. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Region 10 Conference. 2020. Presented at: TENCON '20; November 16-19, 2020:61-66; Osaka, Japan. URL: [CrossRef]54,Vink JP, Laubscher M, Vlutters R, Silamut K, Maude RJ, Hasan MU, et al. An automatic vision-based malaria diagnosis system. J Microsc. Jun 2013;250(3):166-178. [CrossRef] [Medline]87,Masud FA, Royel MR, Sajal MM, Jahan S, Paul BK, Ahmed K. Smart risk prediction tools of appendicitis patients: a machine learning approach. Biointerface Res Appl Chem. Jul 4, 2020;11(1):7804-7813. [CrossRef]88] of studies where researchers have made web-based and Android-based solutions by applying AI-, ML- and DL-based models after conducting their research. Of the 9 studies, 6 (67%) studies developed apps that mostly focused on NCDs to allow persons to self-assess their own physical condition. The other 3 (33%) studies developed web-based prediction tools for identifying the trends and hot spots of the COVID-19 pandemic, which were found effective when the world suffered a lot from the pandemic situation.

Limitations Mentioned by the Studies

According to the findings, this scoping review observed a significant number of limitations mentioned by the researchers. In approximately 27% (21/77) studies, researchers have expressed their concerns about the datasets they have used. The articles also expressed concerns about using a large amount of data with different dimensions for risk factor identification and prediction of NCDs. Sociodemographic data (8/77, 10%), clinical feature data (15/77, 19%), and lifestyle data (12/77, 16%) were crucial for effective risk factor identification as well as disease prediction, as mentioned in these 21 studies. However, the researchers were able to work on a small sample size with inadequate features, which overfitted their predictions, as reported by the articles.

For outbreak prediction, in 25% (19/77) of the studies, researchers mentioned the necessity to use diversified data from different dimensions with proper tuning of the AI, ML, and DL models on a regular basis. Environmental data, weather data, population movement data, quarantine data, vaccination information, clinical symptoms of patients, as well as crowd-sourced data were required for effective outbreak prediction. However, due to the lack of these features, they expressed concern that their provided prediction model may not work perfectly in all contexts.

Data source is also vital for an effective predictive model, as mentioned in some of the studies (12/77, 16%). Primary-sourced datasets seemed suitable for predictive modeling as they are usually collected in accordance with the research objective, whereas secondary-sourced datasets have their own research objectives, which was not convenient for effective predictive modeling.

Risk factor identification and prediction modeling were revealed as very sensitive for child health–related diseases. Some researchers mentioned using factors from different domains as well as clinical features (10/77, 13%).

Principal Findings

This scoping review is an attempt to explore research focusing on Bangladesh’s perspective on using BDA, AI, ML, and DL technologies across various health care domains. The 77 studies included in this review were mostly quantitative in nature and focused on 7 distinct health care domains, including infectious diseases, NCDs, maternal health, child health, preventive health, vector-borne diseases, and mental health. While most (65/77, 84%) studies adopted a cross-sectional study design, a few used cohort (5/77, 6%), case-control (4/77, 5%), and retrospective (3/77, 4%) designs. The review revealed 44 distinct AI, ML, and DL algorithms for risk factor identification, classification, prediction, and trend analysis. The most used algorithms were decision tree, random forest, logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, artificial neural network, and k-nearest neighbor. Notably, among the studies, the random forest surpassed others in classification and prediction by accuracy and F1-score, followed by decision trees. However, in trend analysis, the Facebook Prophet model and LSTM performed better.

These technologies have exhibited effectiveness in classification, prediction, and severity analysis across various health care domains. For instance, time series algorithms, such as Facebook Prophet model and LSTM, can be invaluable in potential outbreak prediction, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Sarkar et al [Sarkar O, Ahamed MF, Chowdhury P. Forecasting and severity analysis of COVID-19 using machine learning approach with advanced data visualization. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. 2020. Presented at: ICCIT '20; December 19-21, 2020:1-6; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]20] explored better performance in forecasting and severity analysis of COVID-19 outbreaks in Bangladesh using the Facebook Prophet model. Similarly, these algorithms can be of great use in addressing other epidemics and endemics, such as dengue and diarrhea outbreaks in Bangladesh and other South Asian countries. The use of these algorithms may include but is not limited to hot spot detection, disease pattern recognition, disease severity detection, and resource allocation for effective management. Moreover, Islam et al [Islam MM, Rahman MJ, Chandra Roy D, Tawabunnahar M, Jahan R, Ahmed NA, et al. Machine learning algorithm for characterizing risks of hypertension, at an early stage in Bangladesh. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021;15(3):877-884. [CrossRef] [Medline]48] and Asaduzzaman et al [Asaduzzaman S, Ahmed MR, Rehana H, Chakraborty S, Islam MS, Bhuiyan T. Machine learning to reveal an astute risk predictive framework for gynecologic cancer and its impact on women psychology: Bangladeshi perspective. BMC Bioinformatics. Apr 24, 2021;22(1):213. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39] incorporated different ML techniques (decision tree, support vector machine, XGBoost, gradient boosting machine, logistic regression, and linear discriminant analysis) to identify individuals at risk of NCDs, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer, as well as explored potential factors influencing the severity, considering the growing burden of NCDs in Bangladesh.

Furthermore, ML-driven classification algorithms can play a pivotal role in categorizing patients based on disease severity, facilitating efficient resource allocation in health care facilities. For example, Rahman et al [Rahman T, Khandakar A, Hoque ME, Ibtehaz N, Bin Kashem S, Masud R, et al. Development and validation of an early scoring system for prediction of disease severity in COVID-19 using complete blood count parameters. IEEE Access. 2021;9:120422-120441. [CrossRef]17] developed a web application incorporating ML algorithms to identify the severity of COVID-19 among patients in Bangladesh, enabling health care providers to prioritize treatment and intervention strategies effectively. Such categorization technology can reduce human error and overall stress if incorporated into high mobility wards (eg, diarrhea and casualty) and emergency rooms. However, future studies that focus on efficient fine-tuning and validation strategies are needed to ensure higher specificity and prevent false alarms.

Apart from these, several clinical decision support systems have been developed to assist depression diagnosis, considering the recent conversations on mental health, anxiety, and depression [Hu M, Nohara Y, Nakamura M, Nakashima N. Prediction and factor extraction of drug function by analyzing medical records in developing countries. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;245:403-407. [Medline]77,Al Iqbal R. Hybrid clinical decision support system: an automated diagnostic system for rural Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision. 2012. Presented at: ICIEV '12; May 18-19, 2012:76-81; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]79]. Although the models were proven successful in predicting and classifying information to aid public health experts, their real-world validation remains somewhat limited. Few studies (0/77, 13%) tested algorithms in controlled clinical settings with smaller sample sizes [Rahman T, Khandakar A, Hoque ME, Ibtehaz N, Bin Kashem S, Masud R, et al. Development and validation of an early scoring system for prediction of disease severity in COVID-19 using complete blood count parameters. IEEE Access. 2021;9:120422-120441. [CrossRef]17,Pranto B, Mehnaz SM, Mahid EB, Sadman IM, Rahman A, Momen S. Evaluating machine learning methods for predicting diabetes among female patients in Bangladesh. Information. Jul 23, 2020;11(8):374. [CrossRef]32,Emon MU, Keya MS, Kaiser MS, Islam MA, Tanha T, Zulfiker MS. Primary stage of diabetes prediction using machine learning approaches. In: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems. 2021. Presented at: ICAIS '21; March 25-27, 2021:3643-3647; Coimbatore, India. URL: [CrossRef]36,Rejaul Islam Royel M, Ajmanur Jaman M, Al Masud F, Ahmed A, Muyeed A, Ahmed K. Machine learning and data mining methods in early detection of stomach cancer risk. J Appl Sci Eng. 2021;24(1):1-8. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]41,Arefa I, Alam MS, Siddiquee I, Siddique N. Performance analysis of machine learning algorithms for hypertension decision support system. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation, Artificial-intelligence and Internet-of-Things. 2019. Presented at: RAAICON '19; November 29-December 1, 2019:15-20; Dhaka, Bangladesh. URL: [CrossRef]49,Tariq Q, Fleming SL, Schwartz JN, Dunlap K, Corbin C, Washington P, et al. Detecting developmental delay and autism through machine learning models using home videos of Bangladeshi children: development and validation study. J Med Internet Res. Apr 24, 2019;21(4):e13822. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]70,Rois R, Ray M, Rahman A, Roy SK. Prevalence and predicting factors of perceived stress among Bangladeshi university students using machine learning algorithms. J Health Popul Nutr. Nov 27, 2021;40(1):50. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]73,Moon NN, Hossain RA, Jahan I, Shakil S, Uddin S, Hassan M, et al. Predicting the mental health of rural Bangladeshi children in coronavirus disease 2019. Int J Electr Comput Eng. Oct 01, 2022;12(5):5501. [CrossRef]76,Sarma D, Hossain S, Mittra T, Bhuiya MA, Saha I, Chakma R. Dengue prediction using machine learning algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 8th R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference. 2020. Presented at: R10-HTC '20; December 1-3, 2020:1-6; Kuching, Malaysia. URL: [CrossRef]83,Masud FA, Royel MR, Sajal MM, Jahan S, Paul BK, Ahmed K. Smart risk prediction tools of appendicitis patients: a machine learning approach. Biointerface Res Appl Chem. Jul 4, 2020;11(1):7804-7813. [CrossRef]88,Sampa MB, Hossain MN, Hoque MR, Islam R, Yokota F, Nishikitani M, et al. Blood uric acid prediction with machine learning: model development and performance comparison. JMIR Med Inform. Oct 08, 2020;8(10):e18331. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]89], while others (9/77, 12%) developed AI-, ML-, and DL-based applications without any real-world effectiveness testing [Rahman T, Khandakar A, Hoque ME, Ibtehaz N, Bin Kashem S, Masud R, et al. Development and validation of an early scoring system for prediction of disease severity in COVID-19 using complete blood count parameters. IEEE Access. 2021;9:120422-120441. [CrossRef]17,Ullah AN, Rahman MH, Allayear SM, Khan ML, Faysal SM, Chowdhury AB, et al. Helping healthcare providers to differentiate COVID-19 pneumonia by analyzing digital chest X-Rays: role of artificial intelligence in healthcare practice. Int J Biomed. Sep 05, 2022;12(3):459-465. [CrossRef]24,Asaduzzaman S, Ahmed MR, Rehana H, Chakraborty S, Islam MS, Bhuiyan T. Machine learning to reveal an astute risk predictive framework for gynecologic cancer and its impact on women psychology: Bangladeshi perspective. BMC Bioinformatics. Apr 24, 2021;22(1):213. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39,Ahmed K, Emran AA, Jesmin T, Mukti RF, Rahman MZ, Ahmed F. Early detection of lung cancer risk using data mining. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. Jan 31, 2013;14(1):595-598. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Fahim KE, Yassin H, Amin MH, Dewan PD, Islam A. Detection of cardiovascular disease of patients at an early stage using machine learning algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Healthcare Engineering. 2022. Presented at: ICHE '22; September 23-25, 2022:1-6; Johor, Malaysia. URL: [CrossRef]47,Islam SM, Talukder A, Awal MA, Siddiqui MM, Ahamad MM, Ahammed B, et al. Machine learning approaches for predicting hypertension and its associated factors using population-level data from three south Asian countries. Front Cardiovasc Med. Mar 31, 2022;9:839379. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]50,Akter Hossain M, Islam Sabik M, Muntasir I, Muzahidul Islam AK, Islam S, Ahmed A. Leukemia detection mechanism through microscopic image and ML techniques. In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Region 10 Conference. 2020. Presented at: TENCON '20; November 16-19, 2020:61-66; Osaka, Japan. URL: [CrossRef]54,Vink JP, Laubscher M, Vlutters R, Silamut K, Maude RJ, Hasan MU, et al. An automatic vision-based malaria diagnosis system. J Microsc. Jun 2013;250(3):166-178. [CrossRef] [Medline]87,Masud FA, Royel MR, Sajal MM, Jahan S, Paul BK, Ahmed K. Smart risk prediction tools of appendicitis patients: a machine learning approach. Biointerface Res Appl Chem. Jul 4, 2020;11(1):7804-7813. [CrossRef]88].

In Bangladesh, the application of AI, ML, and DL in health care and public health has primarily been confined to risk factors identification, classification of exposed and unexposed disease groups, early danger-sign prediction, trend analysis, and early forecasting of outbreaks on a smaller scale. However, studies from high-income countries have presented the successful implementation of AI, ML, and DL interventions in diverse health care settings as well as mentioned stronger policy evidence [Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi S, Légaré F, Sharma G, Archambault P, Zomahoun HT, Chandavong S, et al. Application of artificial intelligence in community-based primary health care: systematic scoping review and critical appraisal. J Med Internet Res. Sep 03, 2021;23(9):e29839. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]93-Wahl BA, Cossy-Gantner A, Germann S, Schwalbe NR. Artificial intelligence (AI) and global health: how can AI contribute to health in resource-poor settings? BMJ Glob Health. 2018;3(4):e000798. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96]. For example, scoping reviews mentioned the successful use of BDA for mental health treatment [Ahmed A, Agus M, Alzubaidi M, Aziz S, Abd-Alrazaq A, Giannicchi A, et al. Overview of the role of big data in mental health: a scoping review. Comput Methods Programs Biomed Update. 2022;2:100076. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]97], decision support management [Gaitanou P, Garoufallou E, Balatsoukas P. The effectiveness of big data in health care: a systematic review. In: Proceedings of the 8th Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research. 2014. Presented at: MTSR '14; November 27-29, 2014:141-153; Karlsruhe, Germany. URL: [CrossRef]98], patient classification, emergency department triage, and hospital resource allocation [Brossard PY, Minvielle E, Sicotte C. The path from big data analytics capabilities to value in hospitals: a scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res. Jan 31, 2022;22(1):134. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]99] as well as effective management of virus transmissions such as influenza, Zika virus, AIDS, chikungunya, and Ebola [Corsi A, de Souza FF, Pagani RN, Kovaleski JL. Big data analytics as a tool for fighting pandemics: a systematic review of literature. J Ambient Intell Humaniz Comput. 2021;12(10):9163-9180. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]100]. In Bangladesh, except for 1 policy article on big data, no studies mentioned any call for policies or actions on BDA for the public health domain [Hassan S, Dhali M, Zaman F, Tanveer M. Big data and predictive analytics in healthcare in Bangladesh: regulatory challenges. Heliyon. Jun 2021;7(6):e07179. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]11].

While AI and ML have been used to forecast potential outbreaks such as COVID-19, influenza, and dengue in Bangladesh, BDA could be used in such domains for more comprehensive outcomes. Moreover, despite remarkable performances in screening, diagnosis, and prediction of cardiovascular diseases, the use of BDA in clinical settings remains limited [Makimoto H, Kohro T. Adopting artificial intelligence in cardiovascular medicine: a scoping review. Hypertens Res. Mar 31, 2024;47(3):685-699. [CrossRef] [Medline]101]. Nonetheless, AI and ML have the potential to improve public health efforts and promote quality health care for all individuals across diverse communities, as mentioned by 1 review article [Fisher S, Rosella LC. Priorities for successful use of artificial intelligence by public health organizations: a literature review. BMC Public Health. Nov 22, 2022;22(1):2146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]102].

Research Implications

Our scoping review unveiled that integrating ML algorithms for diagnosis improves accuracy, saving time and effort. Moreover, AI-based decision support systems enhance prescription recommendations, aiding health care professionals in resource-constrained settings such as Bangladesh. Although ML and AI algorithms showed potential regarding outbreak trend prediction and hot spot detection, most studies were conducted on a smaller scale with a smaller sample size and within controlled environments. To gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of AI, ML, and DL algorithm–based prediction models and decision support systems, it is imperative to conduct large-scale studies in diverse environments and real clinical settings. Furthermore, in countries with robust health care systems, ML-based prediction systems tend to be successful in analyzing patient data from electronic health records and generating illness scores for predicting future health care needs [Alowais SA, Alghamdi SS, Alsuhebany N, Alqahtani T, Alshaya AI, Almohareb SN, et al. Revolutionizing healthcare: the role of artificial intelligence in clinical practice. BMC Med Educ. Sep 22, 2023;23(1):689. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6]. For example, the Cambridge Adjutorium system, developed by a team at the Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine in the United Kingdom, uses cutting-edge ML techniques to accurately forecast death rates, the necessity for intensive care unit admission, and the need for ventilation in patients with COVID-19 [van der Schaar M, Alaa AM, Floto A, Gimson A, Scholtes S, Wood A, et al. How artificial intelligence and machine learning can help healthcare systems respond to COVID-19. Mach Learn. Dec 09, 2021;110(1):1-14. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]103]. AI-powered physicians can offer health advice for common medical conditions, reducing hospital visits and staying through digital health coaching. Yet, applying these approaches in lower-income countries such as Bangladesh is limited due to structural, regulatory, and legislative constraints. Further studies and future research are essential to assess the effectiveness of AI-, ML-, and DL-based solutions in genuine clinical and larger population-based settings.

Policy Implications

Technology has become integral to Bangladesh’s health care system, with platforms such as District Health Information System 2, electronic management information system, and open medical record system collecting vast amounts of patient data [Khan MA, Cruz VO, Azad AK. Bangladesh's digital health journey: reflections on a decade of quiet revolution. WHO South East Asia J Public Health. Sep 2019;8(2):71-76. [CrossRef] [Medline]12]. Despite challenges in structured data acquisition, data security, and processing capacity, research and implementation of AI, ML, and DL initiatives are expanding, promising substantial benefits for resource-limited countries such as Bangladesh. The government of Bangladesh is actively integrating AI, ML, and knowledge-based systems into health care operations as part of its strategic plan [National artificial intelligence policy 2024: draft. Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology. 2024. URL: https:/​/ictd.​​sites/​default/​files/​files/​​page/​6c9773a2_7556_4395_bbec_f132b9d819f0/​National_AI_Policy_2024_DRAFT.​pdf [accessed 2024-04-29] 104]. They are supporting technology industries and small teams in developing such solutions. Moreover, the government of Bangladesh is hosting national and international events and offering small grants for AI-driven health care projects, reflecting a strong commitment to incorporating these technologies despite financial limitations.

Training health care workers and ensuring consistent data entry are crucial to enhancing data integration and interoperability. Implementing AI, ML, and DL pilot projects can help optimize resources and gather insights for incremental and broader implementation. Moreover, collaborating with private technology companies, universities, and international organizations through public-private partnerships can codevelop and fund these initiatives, easing the financial burden on the government.

Furthermore, it is essential to develop robust data privacy and security frameworks suited to local needs and establish standards for the ethical use of AI, ML, and DL technologies. Investing in training health care workers and IT professionals, as well as encouraging local universities to include AI and ML in their curricula, will build a skilled workforce. In addition, targeted funding should prioritize high-return investments such as predictive analytics and AI-assisted diagnostic tools supported by thorough cost-benefit analyses.

Despite budget constraints, these strategic initiatives can potentially promote AI- and ML-based solutions in health care settings. By focusing on these actionable steps, Bangladesh can effectively integrate these technologies, ensuring sustainable advancements in digital health and improved overall health outcomes.

Strengths and Limitations

Our study’s primary strength lies in the rigorous adherence to the scoping review methodology at every stage. This encompassed thorough screening and quality assessment of the studies included in our analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first initiative to outline the extension and utility of AI, ML, DL, and BDA in health care, along with illustrating the potential scope for interventions, research, and policies around such burgeoning domains in Bangladesh, which is also applicable for similar resource-limited settings. However, further studies are needed to investigate and contrast findings from other settings.

Nonetheless, our study does have other limitations. First, we exclusively considered literature in the English language, potentially excluding studies in other languages that could have offered valuable insights into the applications of DL, AI, ML, and BDA. However, it is worth noting that previous research has suggested that language restrictions in scoping reviews do not substantially introduce bias [Morrison A, Polisena J, Husereau D, Moulton K, Clark M, Fiander M, et al. The effect of English-language restriction on systematic review-based meta-analyses: a systematic review of empirical studies. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. Apr 26, 2012;28(2):138-144. [CrossRef] [Medline]105]. Moreover, we only included MEDLINE, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Embase databases to search the relevant articles, whereas we acknowledge that there might be potential useful insights from gray literature, including government of Bangladesh reports and nongovernmental organization publications. However, our included databases thoroughly cover peer-reviewed literature in medicine, engineering, and public health, aligning closely with our scoping review’s subject matter and ensuring the reliability and credibility of the evidence synthesized. Furthermore, several studies in our analysis involved small population sizes, and the overall quality of many included studies left room for doubt. Consequently, caution is warranted when interpreting our findings. Another limitation pertained to including studies that relied on secondary datasets and global data sources, primarily due to the scarcity of datasets specific to Bangladesh. We excluded 22 (15.4%) of the 143 articles from our review due to inaccessibility, which may have contributed valuable insights to our review. Finally, some studies did not mention explicit information about their ML models. Because our primary objective did not involve assessing the quality of modeling, these studies were included as part of our analysis.


This scoping review outlines available research on BDA, AI, ML, and DL in the health care system sector of Bangladesh. The increasing demand for these cross-cutting technologies for analyzing and processing health data is steadily expanding. The use of ML for disease prediction and classification can aid health care professionals in enhancing diagnosis and treatments. Advanced algorithmic scoring systems based on multiple health determinants have immense potential to predict diagnosis, readmission, and mortality rates in the near future, potentially saving resources and efforts. Therefore, it is crucial to use BDA, AI, ML, and DL technology in designing future health interventions and policies to maximize the use of health resources and maintain optimum competitiveness. Finally, it is crucial to identify priority areas for the application of these technologies and develop a national strategy for the integration of AI and data science. This strategy should include but not be limited to components such as data monitoring, privacy and security, data availability and validation for research, academic and industry collaboration, e-infrastructure establishment, fostering a supportive legal framework, and training data scientists to ensure a successful transition to a future digital health era.


The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The first author (MAA) would like to thank Md Al Mamun, manager of library and information services at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh, for their help with the database searches. Patients or the public were not involved in the design, conduct, reporting, or dissemination plans of our research.

Data Availability

All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article (and its supplementary information files).

Authors' Contributions

MAA and MRUZS defined the research question of the scoping review, conducted the literature search, and summarized the findings. EA, STE, NN, and TTI helped in the title and abstract screening, full-text screening, and quality assessment. FR, MH, AS, SR, KMT, MJC, QSR, TH, AL, AZ, and JR reviewed the manuscript and gave important feedback. AA, SMR, SEA, and AER supervised the research and revised the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1

PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist.

DOCX File , 50 KB

Multimedia Appendix 2

Database search strategy.

PDF File (Adobe PDF File), 746 KB

Multimedia Appendix 3

Quality assessment.

DOCX File , 28 KB

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AI: artificial intelligence
BDA: big data analytics
DL: deep learning
LSTM: long short-term memory
ML: machine learning
NCD: noncommunicable disease
PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
PRISMA-ScR: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews

Edited by A Mavragani; submitted 20.11.23; peer-reviewed by S Pesälä, J Aarts, E Vashishtha; comments to author 25.04.24; revised version received 14.05.24; accepted 12.09.24; published 28.10.24.


©Md Ashraful Alam, Md Refat Uz Zaman Sajib, Fariya Rahman, Saraban Ether, Molly Hanson, Abu Sayeed, Ema Akter, Nowrin Nusrat, Tanjeena Tahrin Islam, Sahar Raza, K M Tanvir, Mohammod Jobayer Chisti, Qazi Sadeq-ur Rahman, Akm Hossain, MA Layek, Asaduz Zaman, Juwel Rana, Syed Moshfiqur Rahman, Shams El Arifeen, Ahmed Ehsanur Rahman, Anisuddin Ahmed. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 28.10.2024.

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