Published on in Vol 23, No 7 (2021): July

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Assessing Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Paracetamol in France: Infodemiology Study Using Social Media Data Mining

Assessing Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Paracetamol in France: Infodemiology Study Using Social Media Data Mining

Assessing Patient Perceptions and Experiences of Paracetamol in France: Infodemiology Study Using Social Media Data Mining

Stéphane Schück   1 , MSc, MD ;   Avesta Roustamal   1 , MSc ;   Anaïs Gedik   1 , MSc ;   Paméla Voillot   1 , MSc ;   Pierre Foulquié   1 , MSc ;   Catherine Penfornis   2 , MD ;   Bernard Job   2 , MD

1 Kap Code, Paris, France

2 Sanofi, Paris, France

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