Published on in Vol 19, No 5 (2017): May

Moving the Agenda on Noncommunicable Diseases: Policy Implications of Mobile Phone Surveys in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Moving the Agenda on Noncommunicable Diseases: Policy Implications of Mobile Phone Surveys in Low and Middle-Income Countries

Moving the Agenda on Noncommunicable Diseases: Policy Implications of Mobile Phone Surveys in Low and Middle-Income Countries


  1. Gibson D, Pariyo G, Wosu A, Greenleaf A, Ali J, Ahmed S, Labrique A, Islam K, Masanja H, Rutebemberwa E, Hyder A. Evaluation of Mechanisms to Improve Performance of Mobile Phone Surveys in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Research Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(5):e81 View
  2. Pariyo G, Greenleaf A, Gibson D, Ali J, Selig H, Labrique A, Al Kibria G, Khan I, Masanja H, Flora M, Ahmed S, Hyder A, Maulik P. Does mobile phone survey method matter? Reliability of computer-assisted telephone interviews and interactive voice response non-communicable diseases risk factor surveys in low and middle income countries. PLOS ONE 2019;14(4):e0214450 View
  3. Rosskam E, Hyder A. Using mHealth to Predict Noncommunicable Diseases: A Public Health Opportunity for Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(5):e129 View
  4. Ali J, DiStefano M, Coates McCall I, Gibson D, Al Kibria G, Pariyo G, Labrique A, Hyder A. Ethics of mobile phone surveys to monitor non-communicable disease risk factors in low- and middle-income countries: A global stakeholder survey. Global Public Health 2019;14(8):1167 View
  5. Hyder A, Wosu A, Gibson D, Labrique A, Ali J, Pariyo G. Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors and Mobile Phones: A Proposed Research Agenda. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(5):e133 View
  6. Ali J, Labrique A, Gionfriddo K, Pariyo G, Gibson D, Pratt B, Deutsch-Feldman M, Hyder A. Ethics Considerations in Global Mobile Phone-Based Surveys of Noncommunicable Diseases: A Conceptual Exploration. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(5):e110 View
  7. Torres-Quintero A, Vega A, Gibson D, Rodriguez-Patarroyo M, Puerto S, Pariyo G, Ali J, Hyder A, Labrique A, Selig H, Peñaloza R, Vecino-Ortiz A. Adaptation of a mobile phone health survey for risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in Colombia: a qualitative study. Global Health Action 2020;13(1) View
  8. Tweheyo R, Selig H, Gibson D, Pariyo G, Rutebemberwa E. User Perceptions and Experiences of an Interactive Voice Response Mobile Phone Survey Pilot in Uganda: Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(12):e21671 View
  9. Kruse C, Williams K, Bohls J, Shamsi W. Telemedicine and health policy: A systematic review. Health Policy and Technology 2021;10(1):209 View
  10. Oridupa O, Oyagbemi A, Adejumobi O, Falade F, Obisesan A, Abegunde B, Ekwem P, Adegboye V, Omobowale T. Compensatory depression of arterial pressure and reversal of ECG abnormalities by Annona muricata and Curcuma longa in hypertensive Wistar rats. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 2022;19(2):375 View
  11. Vecino-Ortiz A, Nagarajan M, Katumba K, Akhter S, Tweheyo R, Gibson D, Ali J, Rutebemberwa E, Khan I, Labrique A, Pariyo G. A cost study for mobile phone health surveys using interactive voice response for assessing risk factors of noncommunicable diseases. Population Health Metrics 2021;19(1) View
  12. Berry I, Mangtani P, Rahman M, Khan I, Sarkar S, Naureen T, Greer A, Morris S, Fisman D, Flora M. Population Health Surveillance Using Mobile Phone Surveys in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Methodology and Sample Representativeness of a Cross-sectional Survey of Live Poultry Exposure in Bangladesh. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2021;7(11):e29020 View
  13. Devi R, Kanitkar K, Narendhar R, Sehmi K, Subramaniam K. A Narrative Review of the Patient Journey Through the Lens of Non-communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Advances in Therapy 2020;37(12):4808 View
  14. Kiragu Z, Rockers P, Onyango M, Mungai J, Mboya J, Laing R, Wirtz V, Sharma G. Household access to non-communicable disease medicines during universal health care roll-out in Kenya: A time series analysis. PLOS ONE 2022;17(4):e0266715 View
  15. Gibson D, Wosu A, Pariyo G, Ahmed S, Ali J, Labrique A, Khan I, Rutebemberwa E, Flora M, Hyder A. Effect of airtime incentives on response and cooperation rates in non-communicable disease interactive voice response surveys: randomised controlled trials in Bangladesh and Uganda. BMJ Global Health 2019;4(5):e001604 View
  16. Gram I, Skeie G, Oyeyemi S, Borch K, Hopstock L, Løchen M. A Smartphone-Based Information Communication Technology Solution for Primary Modifiable Risk Factors for Noncommunicable Diseases: Pilot and Feasibility Study in Norway. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(2):e33636 View
  17. Pariyo G, Meghani A, Gibson D, Ali J, Labrique A, Khan I, Kibria G, Masanja H, Hyder A, Ahmed S. Effect of the Data Collection Method on Mobile Phone Survey Participation in Bangladesh and Tanzania: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Crossover Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e38774 View
  18. Ross E, Al Ozairi E, Al qabandi N, Jamison R. Optimizing an mHealth Program to Promote Type 2 Diabetes Prevention in High-Risk Individuals: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e45977 View
  19. Maniar V, Gibson D, Labrique A, Ali J, Vecino-Ortiz A, Torres-Quintero A, Puerto-García S, Solorzano-Barrera C, Masanja H, Kagoro F, Pariyo G. The effect of airtime incentives to improve participation in noncommunicable disease interactive voice response surveys: randomized controlled trials in Colombia and Tanzania. Oxford Open Digital Health 2023;1 View
  20. Solorzano-Barrera C, Rodriguez-Patarroyo M, Tórres-Quintero A, Guzman-Tordecilla D, Franco-Rodriguez A, Maniar V, Shrestha P, Vecino-Ortiz A, Pariyo G, Gibson D, Ali J. Recruiting hard-to-reach populations via respondent driven sampling for mobile phone surveys in Colombia: a qualitative study. Global Health Action 2024;17(1) View
  21. Rodriguez-Patarroyo M, Torres-Quintero A, Vecino-Ortiz A, Hallez K, Franco-Rodriguez A, Rueda Barrera E, Puerto S, Gibson D, Labrique A, Pariyo G, Ali J. Informed Consent for Mobile Phone Health Surveys in Colombia: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 2021;16(1-2):24 View
  22. Ali J, Esmonde K, Agudelo-Londoño S, Jannat Z, Shrestha P, Torres-Quintero A, Mwaka E. “Digital benefit sharing” for non-communicable disease risk factor surveillance in low – and middle-income countries: implications for digital health governance. Policy Studies 2025:1 View