This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:
Web-based and Mobile Health Interventions (3396) Telehealth and Telemonitoring (1739) Home Care (180) Innovations and Technology in Cancer Care (435) Fitness Trackers and Smart Pedometers/Accelerometers (576)Published on in Vol 18, No 11 (2016): November
Clinical Relevance of the First Domomedicine Platform Securing Multidrug Chronotherapy Delivery in Metastatic Cancer Patients at Home: The inCASA European Project
Clinical Relevance of the First Domomedicine Platform Securing Multidrug Chronotherapy Delivery in Metastatic Cancer Patients at Home: The inCASA European Project
Authors of this article:
Pasquale F Innominato1, 2, 3 ; Sandra Komarzynski1, 3 ; Ali Mohammad-Djafari4 ; Alexandre Arbaud3 ; Ayhan Ulusakarya3, 5 ; Mohamed Bouchahda3, 5, 6 ; Mazen Haydar5 ; Rachel Bossevot-Desmaris5 ; Virginie Plessis5 ; Magali Mocquery5 ; Davina Bouchoucha5 ; Mehran Afshar7 ; Jacques Beau3 ; Abdoulaye Karaboué3, 8 ; Jean-François Morère5, 9 ; Joanna Fursse10 ; Jordi Rovira Simon11 ; Francis Levi1, 2, 3, 5
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