Published on in Vol 16, No 9 (2014): September

The Management of Acute Adverse Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment in General Practice: A Video-Vignette Study

The Management of Acute Adverse Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment in General Practice: A Video-Vignette Study

The Management of Acute Adverse Effects of Breast Cancer Treatment in General Practice: A Video-Vignette Study

Moyez Jiwa   1 , MD, FRCP, FRACGP ;   Anne Long   2 * , BSc, BMBS, FRACP ;   Tim Shaw   2 * , BSc, PhD ;   Georgina Pagey   1 , MBBS, FRACGP ;   Georgia Halkett   3 , PhD, FIR, BMedRad ;   Vinita Pillai   1 , BSc, MSc ;   Xingqiong Meng   1 , MBBS, MAppE, PhD

1 Curtin University, Perth, Australia

2 Sydney Medical School, Sydney, Australia

3 Curtin Univeristy, Perth, Australia

*these authors contributed equally

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