Published on in Vol 16, No 12 (2014): December

- Jahangiry L, Farhangi M, Shab-Bidar S, Rezaei F, Pashaei T. Web-based physical activity interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Public Health 2017;152:36 View
- Tropea P, Schlieter H, Sterpi I, Judica E, Gand K, Caprino M, Gabilondo I, Gomez-Esteban J, Busnatu S, Sinescu C, Kyriazakos S, Anwar S, Corbo M. Rehabilitation, the Great Absentee of Virtual Coaching in Medical Care: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(10):e12805 View
- Buyl R, Beogo I, Fobelets M, Deletroz C, Van Landuyt P, Dequanter S, Gorus E, Bourbonnais A, Giguère A, Lechasseur K, Gagnon M. e-Health interventions for healthy aging: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews 2020;9(1) View
- Broekhuizen K, de Gelder J, Wijsman C, Wijsman L, Westendorp R, Verhagen E, Slagboom P, de Craen A, van Mechelen W, van Heemst D, van der Ouderaa F, Mooijaart S. An Internet-Based Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Quality of Life of Inactive Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(4):e74 View
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- Volpe S, Sukumar D, Milliron B. Obesity Prevention in Older Adults. Current Obesity Reports 2016;5(2):166 View
- Grace-Farfaglia P. Social Cognitive Theories and Electronic Health Design: Scoping Review. JMIR Human Factors 2019;6(3):e11544 View
- Kwan R, Salihu D, Lee P, Tse M, Cheung D, Roopsawang I, Choi K. The effect of e-health interventions promoting physical activity in older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2020;17(1) View
- Kirwan R, McCullough D, Butler T, Perez de Heredia F, Davies I, Stewart C. Sarcopenia during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions: long-term health effects of short-term muscle loss. GeroScience 2020;42(6):1547 View
- Melton P, Sims O, Oh H, Truong D, Atim K, Simon C. African American Ethnicity, Hypertension, Diabetes, and Arthritis Independently Predict Co-occurring Depression and Obesity among Community-dwelling Older Adult Alabamians. Social Work in Public Health 2021;36(3):344 View
- Gray S, Franke T, Sims-Gould J, McKay H. Rapidly adapting an effective health promoting intervention for older adults—choose to move—for virtual delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1) View
- Bogaards F, Gehrmann T, Beekman M, van den Akker E, van de Rest O, Hangelbroek R, Noordam R, Mooijaart S, de Groot L, Reinders M, Slagboom P. PLIS: A metabolomic response monitor to a lifestyle intervention study in older adults. The FASEB Journal 2022;36(11) View
- Spelt H, Westerink J, Frank L, Ham J, IJsselsteijn W. Physiology-based personalization of persuasive technology: a user modeling perspective. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 2022;32(1-2):133 View
- Irvin L, Madden L, Marshall P, Vince R. Digital Health Solutions for Weight Loss and Obesity: A Narrative Review. Nutrients 2023;15(8):1858 View
- Keawtep P, Kamnardsiri T, Boripuntakul S, Wichayanrat W, Worakul P, Sungkarat S. Feasibility of Internet-Based Physical-Cognitive Exercise for Health Benefits of Middle-Aged Obese Women. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 2023;14 View
- Fichtner U, Tinsel I, Sehlbrede M, Maiwald P, Bischoff M, Metzner G, Schlett C, Brame J, Kohl J, König D, Bredenkamp R, Wurst R, Farin-Glattacker E. Effects of a digital intervention on physical activity in adults: A randomized controlled trial in a large-scale sample. Internet Interventions 2024;37:100762 View
- Bogaards F, Gehrmann T, Beekman M, Lakenberg N, Suchiman H, de Groot C, Reinders M, Slagboom P. Secondary integrated analysis of multi-tissue transcriptomic responses to a combined lifestyle intervention in older adults from the GOTO nonrandomized trial. Nature Communications 2024;15(1) View
- Burtscher J, Kopp M, Klimont J, Ulmer H, Strasser B, Burtscher M. Age- and sex-dependent associations between self-reported physical activity levels and self-reported cardiovascular risk factors: a population-based cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health 2024;24(1) View
- Kramer C, Monsegue A, Morwani-Mangnani J, Grootswagers P, Beekman M, Slagboom P, Verdijk L, de Groot L. Design of the VOILA-intervention study: A 12-week nutrition and resistance exercise intervention in metabolic or mobility compromised Dutch older adults and the response on immune-metabolic, gut and muscle health parameters. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2024;222:112002 View