Published on in Vol 16, No 11 (2014): November

- Hudnut-Beumler J, Po'e E, Barkin S. The Use of Social Media for Health Promotion in Hispanic Populations: A Scoping Systematic Review. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2016;2(2):e32 View
- Griauzde D, Kieffer E, Domoff S, Hess K, Feinstein S, Frank A, Pike D, Pesch M. The influence of social media on child feeding practices and beliefs among Hispanic mothers: A mixed methods study. Eating Behaviors 2020;36:101361 View
- Calderón J, Cherrez A, Ramón G, Lopez Jove O, Baptist A, Matos E, Morfín Maciel B, Calero E, Sanchez-Borges M, Cherrez S, Simancas-Racines D, Cherrez Ojeda I. Information and communication technology use in asthmatic patients: a cross-sectional study in Latin America. ERJ Open Research 2017;3(3):00005-2017 View
- Hart M, Stetten N, Castaneda G. Considerations for Public Health Organizations Attempting to Implement a Social Media Presence: A Qualitative Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2016;2(1):e6 View
- Laukka E, Rantakokko P, Suhonen M. Consumer-led health-related online sources and their impact on consumers: An integrative review of the literature. Health Informatics Journal 2019;25(2):247 View
- Epure E, Compagno D, Salinesi C, Deneckere R, Bajec M, Žitnik S. Process models of interrelated speech intentions from online health-related conversations. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2018;91:23 View
- Moore K, Cottrell E, Chambers R. Facebook in general practice: a service evaluation in one health economy. BJGP Open 2018;1(4):bjgpopen17X101181 View
- El Tantawi M, Bakhurji E, Al-Ansari A, AlSubaie A, Al Subaie H, AlAli A. Indicators of adolescents’ preference to receive oral health information using social media. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2019;77(3):213 View
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- Tengilimoglu D, Sarp N, Yar C, Bektaş M, Hidir M, Korkmaz E. The consumers' social media use in choosing physicians and hospitals: the case study of the province of Izmir. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 2017;32(1):19 View
- Boulter T, Moran S, Moxley V, Cole E. Investigation of Knowledge and Perception of Tuberculosis Among Hispanics in Utah County, Utah. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2017;19(1):147 View
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- DALTABAN Ö, ŞİMŞEK KAYA G, HATİPOĞLU M, AYTEKİN Z. Türkçe İnternet Sitelerinde Oral Liken Planus ile İlgili Bilgi Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi. Gazi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2022;7(3):10 View