Published on in Vol 14, No 6 (2012): Nov-Dec

Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Self-Help Intervention to Reduce Cocaine Consumption in Problematic Cocaine Users: Randomized Controlled Trial

Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Self-Help Intervention to Reduce Cocaine Consumption in Problematic Cocaine Users: Randomized Controlled Trial

Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Self-Help Intervention to Reduce Cocaine Consumption in Problematic Cocaine Users: Randomized Controlled Trial


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Blankers M, Salemink E, Wiers R. e-Mental Health. View
  2. Schulte M, Boumparis N, Huizink A, Riper H. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  3. von Ranson K, Farstad S. Eating Disorders, Addictions and Substance Use Disorders. View
  4. Sevarino K, Shelby B. Psychiatry. View
  5. Schaub M. Innovations in the Treatment of Substance Addiction. View
  6. Lemley S, Marsch L. Textbook of Addiction Treatment. View
  7. Dugdale S, Semper H. Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support. View