Published on in Vol 14, No 3 (2012): May-Jun

Effectiveness of a Web-Based Multiple Tailored Smoking Cessation Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Dutch Adult Smokers

Effectiveness of a Web-Based Multiple Tailored Smoking Cessation Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Dutch Adult Smokers

Effectiveness of a Web-Based Multiple Tailored Smoking Cessation Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Dutch Adult Smokers


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  19. van der Wulp N, Hoving C, Eijmael K, Candel M, van Dalen W, De Vries H. Reducing Alcohol Use During Pregnancy Via Health Counseling by Midwives and Internet-Based Computer-Tailored Feedback: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(12):e274 View
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  23. Schulz D, Kremers S, Vandelanotte C, van Adrichem M, Schneider F, Candel M, de Vries H. Effects of a Web-Based Tailored Multiple-Lifestyle Intervention for Adults: A Two-Year Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Sequential and Simultaneous Delivery Modes. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(1):e26 View
  24. Stanczyk N, Bolman C, van Adrichem M, Candel M, Muris J, de Vries H. Comparison of Text and Video Computer-Tailored Interventions for Smoking Cessation: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2014;16(3):e69 View
  25. Voncken-Brewster V, Amoureus M, de Vries H, Nagykaldi Z, Winkens B, van der Weijden T, Tange H. The Impact of Participant Characteristics on Use and Satisfaction of a Web-Based Computer-Tailored Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Self-Management Intervention: A Process Evaluation. JMIR Formative Research 2017;1(1):e1 View
  26. Altendorf M, Hoving C, Van Weert J, Smit E. Effectiveness of Message Frame-Tailoring in a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Program: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(4):e17251 View
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  31. Smit E, Brinkhues S, de Vries H, Hoving C. Subgroups Among Smokers in Preparation: A Cluster Analysis Using the I-Change Model. Substance Use & Misuse 2018;53(3):400 View
  32. Danaher B, Severson H, Crowley R, van Meter N, Tyler M, Widdop C, Lichtenstein E, Ebbert J. Randomized controlled trial examining the adjunctive use of nicotine lozenges with MyLastDip: An eHealth smokeless tobacco cessation intervention. Internet Interventions 2015;2(1):69 View
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  34. de Ruijter D, Smit E, de Vries H, Hoving C. Web-based computer-tailoring for practice nurses aimed to improve smoking cessation guideline adherence: A study protocol for a randomized controlled effectiveness trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2016;48:125 View
  35. Hors-Fraile S, Rivera-Romero O, Schneider F, Fernandez-Luque L, Luna-Perejon F, Civit-Balcells A, de Vries H. Analyzing recommender systems for health promotion using a multidisciplinary taxonomy: A scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2018;114:143 View
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  37. Altendorf M, Smit E, Azrout R, Hoving C, Weert J. A smoker’s choice? Identifying the most autonomy-supportive message frame in an online computer-tailored smoking cessation intervention. Psychology & Health 2021;36(5):549 View
  38. Stanczyk N, de Vries H, Candel M, Muris J, Bolman C. Effectiveness of video- versus text-based computer-tailored smoking cessation interventions among smokers after one year. Preventive Medicine 2016;82:42 View
  39. de Ruijter D, Hoving C, Evers S, Hudales R, de Vries H, Smit E. An economic evaluation of a computer-tailored e-learning program to promote smoking cessation counseling guideline adherence among practice nurses. Patient Education and Counseling 2019;102(10):1802 View
  40. McCrabb S, Balogh Z, Baker A, Harris I, Attia J, Lott N, Naylor J, Doran C, George J, Wolfenden L, Wallis M, Paul D, Henskens F, Skelton E, Bonevski B. Development of an online smoking cessation program for use in hospital and following discharge: smoke-free recovery. BMJ Innovations 2017;3(2):115 View
  41. Reinwand D, Crutzen R, Elfeddali I, Schneider F, Schulz D, Stanczyk N, Tange H, Voncken-Brewster V, Walthouwer M, Hoving C, de Vries H. Impact of Educational Level on Study Attrition and Evaluation of Web-Based Computer-Tailored Interventions: Results From Seven Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(10):e228 View
  42. Hoving C, Suzanne Smit E, de Vries H. Wie kiest er voor PAS?. Tijdschrift voor praktijkondersteuning 2014;9(3):66 View
  43. Schulz D, Kremers S, De Vries H. Tailored eHealth Lifestyle Promotion: Which Behavioral Modules Do Users Prefer?. Journal of Health Communication 2015;20(6):663 View
  44. Smit E, Candel M, Hoving C, de Vries H. Results of the PAS Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Multiple Tailored Smoking Cessation Program Combined With Tailored Counseling by Practice Nurses. Health Communication 2016;31(9):1165 View
  45. Smit E, Hoving C, Schelleman-Offermans K, West R, de Vries H. Predictors of successful and unsuccessful quit attempts among smokers motivated to quit. Addictive Behaviors 2014;39(9):1318 View
  46. McCrabb S, Baker A, Attia J, Balogh Z, Lott N, Palazzi K, Naylor J, Harris I, Doran C, George J, Wolfenden L, Skelton E, Bonevski B. Who is More Likely to Use the Internet for Health Behavior Change? A Cross-Sectional Survey of Internet Use Among Smokers and Nonsmokers Who Are Orthopedic Trauma Patients. JMIR Mental Health 2017;4(2):e18 View
  47. Richardson C, Struik L, Johnson K, Ratner P, Gotay C, Memetovic J, Okoli C, Bottorff J. Initial Impact of Tailored Web-Based Messages About Cigarette Smoke and Breast Cancer Risk on Boys’ and Girls’ Risk Perceptions and Information Seeking: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2013;2(2):e53 View
  48. Nguyen Thanh V, Guignard R, Lancrenon S, Bertrand C, Delva C, Berlin I, Pasquereau A, Arwidson P. Effectiveness of a Fully Automated Internet-Based Smoking Cessation Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial (STAMP). Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2019;21(2):163 View
  49. Stanczyk N, Smit E, Schulz D, de Vries H, Bolman C, Muris J, Evers S, Mahal A. An Economic Evaluation of a Video- and Text-Based Computer-Tailored Intervention for Smoking Cessation: A Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Utility Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE 2014;9(10):e110117 View
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  53. Gültzow T, Smit E, Hudales R, Dirksen C, Hoving C. Smoker profiles and their influence on smokers’ intention to use a digital decision aid aimed at the uptake of evidence-based smoking cessation tools: An explorative study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2020;6 View
  54. Gültzow T, Hoving C, Smit E, Bekker H. Integrating behaviour change interventions and patient decision aids: How to accomplish synergistic effects?. Patient Education and Counseling 2021 View
  55. van Strien-Knippenberg I, Altendorf M, Hoving C, van Weert J, Smit E. Message Frame–Tailoring in Digital Health Communication: Intervention Redesign and Usability Testing. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e33886 View
  56. Gültzow T, Smit E, Crutzen R, Jolani S, Hoving C, Dirksen C. Effects of an Explicit Value Clarification Method With Computer-Tailored Advice on the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Smoking Cessation Decision Aid: Findings From a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(7):e34246 View
  57. Hoving C, de Ruijter D, Smit E. Using tailored eHealth programmes to stimulate primary health care professionals’ lifestyle counselling guideline adherence - Lessons learned from the STAR project. Patient Education and Counseling 2023;109:107621 View
  58. Hors-Fraile S, Candel M, Schneider F, Malwade S, Nunez-Benjumea F, Syed-Abdul S, Fernandez-Luque L, de Vries H. Applying Collective Intelligence in Health Recommender Systems for Smoking Cessation: A Comparison Trial. Electronics 2022;11(8):1219 View
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  60. Altendorf M, van Weert J, Hoving C, Smit E, Lichtner V. An economic evaluation of an online computer-tailored smoking cessation intervention that includes message frame-tailoring: A randomized controlled trial. PLOS Digital Health 2022;1(9):e0000094 View
  61. Lindson N, Pritchard G, Hong B, Fanshawe T, Pipe A, Papadakis S. Strategies to improve smoking cessation rates in primary care. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021;2021(9) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Kappagoda C, Amsterdam E, Wenger N. PanVascular Medicine. View
  2. McCabe C, McCann M, Brady A, McCabe C. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. View
  3. Civljak M, Stead L, Hartmann-Boyce J, Sheikh A, Car J, Car J. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. View
  4. Kappagoda C, Amsterdam E, Wenger N. PanVascular Medicine. View
  5. Ditre J, LaRowe L, Powers J, Hooker J. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. View
  6. Smit E, Hoving C. The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. View