Published on in Vol 14, No 1 (2012): Jan-Feb

eHealth Literacy: Extending the Digital Divide to the Realm of Health Information

eHealth Literacy: Extending the Digital Divide to the Realm of Health Information

eHealth Literacy: Extending the Digital Divide to the Realm of Health Information

Authors of this article:

Efrat Neter1 Author Orcid Image ;   Esther Brainin1


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  397. Turnbull J, MacLellan J, Churruca K, Ellis L, Prichard J, Browne D, Braithwaite J, Petter E, Chisambi M, Pope C. A multimethod study of NHS 111 online. Health and Social Care Delivery Research 2023:1 View
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  405. Kaplan A, Boivin M, Bouchard J, Kim J, Hayes S, Licskai C. The emerging role of digital health in the management of asthma. Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease 2023;14 View
  406. Varhol R, Norman R, Randall S, Man Ying Lee C, Trevenen L, Boyd J, Robinson S, Watts C. Public preference on sharing health data to inform research, health policy and clinical practice in Australia: A stated preference experiment. PLOS ONE 2023;18(11):e0290528 View
  407. Choi J, Choi S, Song K, Baek J, Kim H, Choi M, Kim Y, Chu S, Shin J. Everyday Digital Literacy Questionnaire for Older Adults: Instrument Development and Validation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e51616 View
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  410. Alhur A, Alhur A, Alshammari M, Alhur A, Bin Shamlan W, Alqahtani M, Alhabsi S, Hassan R, Baawadh E, Alahmari S, Alshahrani N, Alwadae R, Abdalla E, Abuali H, Alshahrani M. Digital Health Literacy and Web-Based Health Information-Seeking Behaviors in the Saudi Arabian Population. Cureus 2023 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Guh S, Whang T, Keller B, Fiero P. HCI International 2019 – Late Breaking Posters. View
  2. Effing T, Lenferink A. Enhancing Patient Engagement in Pulmonary Healthcare. View
  3. Fischer F, Dockweiler C. eHealth in Deutschland. View
  4. Paige S. Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindfulness. View
  5. Neter E, Brainin E, Baron-Epel O. eHealth: Current Evidence, Promises, Perils and Future Directions. View
  6. Pohl A, Trill R. Building Sustainable Health Ecosystems. View
  7. Mitzner T, Charness N, Rogers W. Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging. View
  8. Šmahel D, Macháčková H, Šmahelová M, Čevelíček M, Almenara C, Holubčíková J. Digital Technology, Eating Behaviors, and Eating Disorders. View
  9. Suri V, Chang Y, Majid S, Foo S. Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century. View
  10. Dockweiler C, Hornberg C. Handbuch Gesundheitssoziologie. View
  11. Bujnowska-Fedak M, Waligóra J, Mastalerz-Migas A. Advancements and Innovations in Health Sciences. View
  12. Jiménez A, Malavé de León E, Sims G, Hiraldo-Lebrón C, Small P, Kamel Boulos M. Stigma and Prejudice. View
  13. Hesse B. Principles and Concepts of Behavioral Medicine. View
  14. Šmahel D, Macháčková H, Šmahelová M, Čevelíček M, Almenara C, Holubčíková J. Digital Technology, Eating Behaviors, and Eating Disorders. View
  15. Dalrymple P, Zach L. Meeting Health Information Needs Outside Of Healthcare. View
  16. Bertschi I, Levin-Zamir D. Health Literacy im Kindes- und Jugendalter. View
  17. Kaufman D, Mirkovic J, Chan C. Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine. View
  18. Dockweiler C, Hornberg C. Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft. View
  19. Dockweiler C, Hornberg C. Handbuch Gesundheitssoziologie. View
  20. Cronin R, Jimison H, Johnson K. Biomedical Informatics. View
  21. Özen H, Yaşin B. New Approaches to CSR, Sustainability and Accountability, Volume II. View
  22. Chaudhry B, Dasgupta D, Mohamed M, Chawla N. HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: Cognition, Inclusion, Learning, and Culture. View
  23. Suri V, Gonzales A, Singh R. Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. View
  24. Eriksson‐Backa K, Ek S. Information Practices and Knowledge in Health. View
  25. Wang S. Extended Reality Usage During COVID 19 Pandemic. View
  26. Sakly H, Al-Sayed A, Said M, Loussaief C, Seekins J, Sakly R. Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for E-Health. View
  27. Parker N, Paige S. The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. View
  28. Pyne Y, McMillan B, Stewart S. Smartphone Apps for Health and Wellness. View
  29. Kostagiolas P, Parnavela S, Theodorou P. GeNeDis 2022. View
  30. Guo Y, Deng Y. Emerging Developments and Technologies in Digital Government. View
  31. Hong M, Huang X, Ge Z. Human-Centered Design, Operation and Evaluation of Mobile Communications. View