Published on in Vol 7, No 2 (2005):

Overcoming Depression on the Internet (ODIN) (2): A Randomized Trial of a Self-Help Depression Skills Program With Reminders

Overcoming Depression on the Internet (ODIN) (2): A Randomized Trial of a Self-Help Depression Skills Program With Reminders

Overcoming Depression on the Internet (ODIN) (2): A Randomized Trial of a Self-Help Depression Skills Program With Reminders


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  242. Tong A, Ho F, Chu O, Mak W. Time-Dependent Changes in Depressive Symptoms Among Control Participants in Digital-Based Psychological Intervention Studies: Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e39029 View
  243. Mamukashvili-Delau M, Koburger N, Dietrich S, Rummel-Kluge C. Long-Term Efficacy of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Self-Help Programs for Adults With Depression: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. JMIR Mental Health 2023;10:e46925 View
  244. Lal S, Adair C. E-Mental Health: A Rapid Review of the Literature. Psychiatric Services 2014;65(1):24 View
  245. De Jesús-Romero R, Holder-Dixon A, Buss J, Lorenzo L. Race, ethnicity, and other cultural background factors in trials of internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for depression: Systematic review (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Richards D, Enrique A, Palacios J, Duffy D. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Clinical Applications. View
  2. Mucic D, Hilty D. Education about Mental Health and Illness. View
  3. Mucic D, Hilty D, Parish M, Yellowlees P. e-Mental Health. View
  4. Lubin R, Jordan A, Wortmann J, Larson J, Litz B. Encyclopedia of Mental Health. View
  5. Kaipainen K, Mattila E, Kinnunen M, Korhonen I. Persuasive Technology. View
  6. Fishkind A, Cuyler R, Shiekh M, Snodgress M. Handbook of Community Psychiatry. View
  7. Strecher V. Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. View
  8. Holm S, Burgess S. Volkskrankheit Depression?. View
  9. Pulier M, Mount T, McMenamin J, Maheu M. Low-Cost Approaches to Promote Physical and Mental Health. View
  10. Mucic D, Hilty D. Education about Mental Health and Illness. View
  11. Alvandi E, Van Doorn G, Symmons M. Research Anthology on Rehabilitation Practices and Therapy. View
  12. Kuhl E. Stress Proof the Heart. View
  13. Håvik R, Wake J, Flobak E, Lundervold A, Guribye F. Internet Science. View
  14. Srivastava P, Mehta M, Ambekar A, Sagar R. A Practical Approach to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Adolescents. View
  15. Lehto T, Oinas-Kukkonen H. Software Services for e-Business and e-Society. View
  16. Carneiro L, Afonso J, Clemente F, Frontini R. Digital Therapies in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. View
  17. . Self-Management of Depression. View
  18. . From Patient Data to Medical Knowledge. View
  19. Ashrafi N, Neuhaus V, Vona F, Peperkorn N, Shiban Y, Voigt-Antons J. Human-Computer Interaction. View