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Articles published in 2021 in this theme: 21 (scroll down to load remaining articles)


Authorship Correction: International Changes in COVID-19 Clinical Trajectories Across 315 Hospitals and 6 Countries: Retrospective Cohort Study

Authorship Correction: International Changes in COVID-19 Clinical Trajectories Across 315 Hospitals and 6 Countries: Retrospective Cohort Study

Griffin M Weber, Harrison G Zhang, Sehi L'Yi, Clara-Lea Bonzel, Chuan Hong, Paul Avillach, Alba Gutiérrez-Sacristán, Nathan P Palmer, Amelia Li Min Tan, Xuan Wang, William Yuan, Nils Gehlenborg, Anna Alloni, Danilo F Amendola, Antonio Bellasi, Riccardo Bellazzi, Michele Beraghi, Mauro Bucalo, Luca Chiovato, Kelly Cho, Arianna Dagliati, Hossein Estiri, Robert W Follett, Noelia García Barrio, David A Hanauer, Darren W Henderson, Yuk-Lam Ho, John H Holmes, Meghan R Hutch, Ramakanth Kavuluru, Katie Kirchoff, Jeffrey G Klann, Ashok K Krishnamurthy, Trang T Le, Molei Liu, Ne Hooi Will Loh, Sara Lozano-Zahonero, Yuan Luo, Sarah Maidlow, Adeline Makoudjou, Alberto Malovini, Marcelo Roberto Martins, Bertrand Moal, Michele Morris, Danielle L Mowery, Shawn N Murphy, Antoine Neuraz, Kee Yuan Ngiam, Marina P Okoshi, Gilbert S Omenn, Lav P Patel, Miguel Pedrera Jiménez, Robson A Prudente, Malarkodi Jebathilagam Samayamuthu, Fernando J Sanz Vidorreta, Emily R Schriver, Petra Schubert, Pablo Serrano Balazote, Byorn WL Tan, Suzana E Tanni, Valentina Tibollo, Shyam Visweswaran, Kavishwar B Wagholikar, Zongqi Xia, Daniela Zöller, The Consortium for Clinical Characterization of COVID-19 by EHR (4CE), Isaac S Kohane, Tianxi Cai, Andrew M South, Gabriel A Brat

J Med Internet Res 2021 (Nov 30); 23(11):e34625