Articles published in 1999 in this theme: 128 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
COM5/443: Health Portals, Search Engines and Intranets: Making order of the chaos - A review article
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e18Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED32/442: Internet Lectures: A five years experience at the University of Vienna
H Kritz, C Najemnik, H Sinzinger
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e69Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
G Mann, C Birkmann, T Schmidt, V Schaeffler
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e16Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
QOI2/356: Trying to Meet the User's Needs in A Web-based Patient Information System
M Lerch, C Reichle, ML Dierks, FW Schwartz
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e96Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
UST1/435: HON's Fourth Survey on the Usage of the Internet for Medical and Health Internet Purposes
C Boyer, V Baujard, T Nater, JR Scherrer, R Appel
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e127Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED21/393: ICD as a Search Tool for Medical Internet Resources
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e63Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
C Boyer, V Baujard, T Nater, JR Scherrer, RD Appel
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e99Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED7/358: Lessons Learned from Creating a Unique Integrative Medical Website for Web Education
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e50Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
EMB3/389: Information Systems for Evidence-based Healthcare: status, issues and perspectives
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e23Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
RES1/384: Spreading the Use of Kinetic Modeling Techniques by JAVA Analysis Software
P Rudnicki, K Mikolajczyk, M Grodzki, C Burger
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e77Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
HIN6/427: Co-operative Health Information Network in Europe: The Greek experience
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e37Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED40/472: A WWW Multimedia Textbook of Internal Propedeutics
J Zelenková, J Vejvalka, D Holá, J Segethová
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e75Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
QOI1/338: Evaluation of Continuing Medical Education on the Internet
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e95Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
HIN7/440: Evidence-based Consumer Health Information - The need for unbiased risk communication
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e38Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
PHL3/364: Patient Information via Faxback, Web & Compact Disc
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e84Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED35/450: Evaluation of Internet Health Portals
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e72Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
HIN9/468: The Last Mile - Secure and mobile data processing in healthcare
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e40Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
QOI5/394: A Stakeholder Matrix for Effective Health Web Design
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e98Download Citation: END BibTex RIS