Articles published in 1999 in this theme: 128 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
ETH2/407: Ethical Problems in Non-Direct Patient-Physician Interaction
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e42Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
PHL2/340: West of Scotland Primary Care Internet Project
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e83Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME10/380: Remote Transmission of Radiological Images by means of Intranet/Internet Technology
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e117Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME9/379: Development of a WWW Clinical Booking Service
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e116Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME14/457: Teleradiology: Opinion and technical requirements of German radiologists
M Walz, C Brill, R Bolte, K J. Lehmann, T Hothorn, M Georgi
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e121Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED8/367: Developing an Internet-based Informatics Diploma
DT Parry, D Abernethy, S Cockcroft, A Breton, JD Gillies
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e51Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME8/375: The collaborative Interface: A seamless web in the medical field
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e115Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED35/450: Evaluation of Internet Health Portals
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e72Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED1/337: Using the Internet to Deliver Decision Support Systems to Physicians
MW Peterson, KW Thomas, C Dayton
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e44Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
FTO4/449: Use of Software Agents for Treating Disease over the Internet
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e29Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME3/347: A Teledentistry Consultation System and Continuing Dental Education via Internet
L Alipour-Rocca, V Kudryk, T Morris
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e110Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
EML1/402: An Electronic Mailing List for Radiologists: First year's experience
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e31Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
The Global Health Network and globalization of higher education
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e5Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
QOI8/456: Quality Criteria for Electronic Publications in Medicine
S Schulz, T Auhuber, U Schrader, A Koop, R Kreutz, R Oppermann, H Simm, R Klar
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e101Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
QOI2/356: Trying to Meet the User's Needs in A Web-based Patient Information System
M Lerch, C Reichle, ML Dierks, FW Schwartz
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e96Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
QOI1/338: Evaluation of Continuing Medical Education on the Internet
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e95Download Citation: END BibTex RIS