ISRII Theme Issue 2013

JMIR Publications and the International Society for Research in Internet Interventions invite you to publish your presentation from the ISRII Conference (May 16-18, Chicago) as full paper in a special JMIR-ISRII Theme Issue (e-collection). 20% off regular Article Processing Fees To be eligible for the APF discount, the full paper must be submitted between May 16th and Aug 16th, 2013 in the ISRII 2013 section of any JMIR Publications journal ( The e-collection may include papers published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), JMIR Research Protocols (ongoing/planned/formative work welcome), JMIR mHealth and uHealth, and interactive Journal of Medical Research (i-JMR). For pre-submission inquiries, please contact (email subject: JMIR-ISRII theme issue)

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Articles published in this theme: 14 (scroll down to load remaining articles)