- Johan H Vlake1,2, BSc ;
- Denzel L Q Drop1, MD ;
- Jasper Van Bommel1, MD, PhD ;
- Giuseppe Riva3,4, PhD ;
- Brenda K Wiederhold5, BCN, BCB, MBA, PhD ;
- Pietro Cipresso3,6, PhD ;
- Albert S Rizzo7, PhD ;
- Barbara O Rothbaum8, PhD ;
- Cristina Botella9,10, PhD ;
- Lotty Hooft11, PhD ;
- Oscar J Bienvenu12, MD, PhD ;
- Christian Jung13,14, MD, PhD ;
- Bart Geerts15, MSc, MBA, MD, PhD ;
- Evert-Jan Wils2, MD, PhD ;
- Diederik Gommers1, MD, PhD ;
- Michel E van Genderen1, MD, PhD ;
- RATE-XR Expert Group16
1Department of Intensive Care, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2Department of Intensive Care, Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland, Rotterdam, Netherlands
3Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy
4Department of Psychology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy
5Virtual Reality Medical Center, San Diego, CA, United States
6Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
7Medical Virtual Reality Lab, University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, United States
8Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, United States
9Department of Basic Psychology, Clinic, and Psychobiology, University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
10CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBN), Instituto Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
11Department of Epidemiology, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
12Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
13Department of Cardiology, Pulmonology, and Vascular Medicine, Medical Faculty, University Hospital Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
14Cardiovascular Research Institute Düsseldorf (CARID), Medical Faculty, University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
15R&D BV, Healthplus.ai, Amsterdam, Netherlands
16See Acknowledgments
Corresponding Author:
Michel E van Genderen, MD, PhD
Department of Intensive Care
Erasmus Medical Center
Doctor Molewaterplein
Rotterdam, 3015 GD
Phone: 31 107040704
Email: m.vangenderen@erasmusmc.nl
Background: Extended reality (XR), encompassing technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, has rapidly gained prominence in health care. However, existing XR research often lacks rigor, proper controls, and standardization.
Objective: To address this and to enhance the transparency and quality of reporting in early-phase clinical evaluations of XR applications, we present the “Reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality” (RATE-XR) guideline.
Methods: We conducted a 2-round modified Delphi process involving experts from diverse stakeholder categories, and the RATE-XR is therefore the result of a consensus-based, multistakeholder effort.
Results: The guideline comprises 17 XR-specific (composed of 18 subitems) and 14 generic reporting items, each with a complementary Explanation & Elaboration section.
Conclusions: The items encompass critical aspects of XR research, from clinical utility and safety to human factors and ethics. By offering a comprehensive checklist for reporting, the RATE-XR guideline facilitates robust assessment and replication of early-stage clinical XR studies. It underscores the need for transparency, patient-centeredness, and balanced evaluation of the applications of XR in health care. By providing an actionable checklist of minimal reporting items, this guideline will facilitate the responsible development and integration of XR technologies into health care and related fields.
Extended reality (XR) encompasses various forms of computer-generated reality, including augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR). XR, mainly in the form of VR, has rapidly emerged in health care, particularly in fields such as mental health, intensive care medicine, surgery, pain management, and rehabilitation [Topol E. The Topol Review: Preparing the Healthcare Workforce to Deliver the Digital Future. England. Health Education England; 2019:104. URL: https://topol.hee.nhs.uk/1-Kanschik D, Bruno RR, Wolff G, Kelm M, Jung C. Virtual and augmented reality in intensive care medicine: a systematic review. Ann Intensive Care. 2023;13(1):81. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]4]. Much like other transformative technologies as artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, the field of XR has witnessed an exponential surge in research and applications: from 1992 to 2005, merely up to 100 publications were recorded yearly, but this number has steadily increased, with over 1000 publications annually since 2018 [Yeung AWK, Tosevska A, Klager E, Eibensteiner F, Laxar D, Stoyanov J, et al. Virtual and augmented reality applications in medicine: analysis of the scientific literature. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(2):e25499. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]2]. Notably, the US Food and Drug Administration has been approving a growing number of XR-based devices, underscoring its escalating clinical significance [Cipresso P, Giglioli IAC, Raya MA, Riva G. The past, present, and future of virtual and augmented reality research: a network and cluster analysis of the literature. Front Psychol. 2018;9:2086. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]5].
Despite this expanding landscape of XR research in health care, most studies primarily focus on treatment effects, tend to be small and heterogeneous, and often lack proper control conditions [Laver KE, Lange B, George S, Deutsch JE, Saposnik G, Crotty M. Virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017;11(11):CD008349. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6]. Consequently, comparing XR studies is challenging, as scientific rigor is often lacking and they pose several unique implementation and technological challenges in health care [Jung C, Wolff G, Wernly B, Bruno RR, Franz M, Schulze PC, et al. Virtual and augmented reality in cardiovascular care: state-of-the-art and future perspectives. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022;15(3):519-532. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7-Tsai TY, Onuma Y, Złahoda-Huzior A, Kageyama S, Dudek D, Wang Q, et al. Merging virtual and physical experiences: extended realities in cardiovascular medicine. Eur Heart J. 2023;44(35):3311-3322. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. To overcome these challenges and to promote optimal reporting of XR-based interventions' clinical utility, a more structured approach is essential. This approach should encompass technological, methodological, and safety aspects to support a more objective understanding of the validity and generalizability of findings [Rizzo AS, Koenig ST. Is clinical virtual reality ready for primetime? Neuropsychology. 2017;31(8):877-899. [CrossRef] [Medline]10]. The challenges of early-stage clinical evaluation of applications using XR (Textbox 1) share similarities to those of other innovative technologies and interventions such as developing and implementing surgical innovations or AI models [Hirst A, Philippou Y, Blazeby J, Campbell B, Campbell M, Feinberg J, et al. No surgical innovation without evaluation: evolution and further development of the IDEAL framework and recommendations. Ann Surg. 2019;269(2):211-220. [CrossRef] [Medline]11-Beams R, Brown E, Cheng W, Joyner JS, Kim AS, Kontson K, et al. Evaluation challenges for the application of extended reality devices in medicine. J Digit Imaging. 2022;35(5):1409-1418. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14].
Early-stage clinical evaluation of XR systems plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between preclinical technological development and large-scale effectiveness trials. Existing guidelines such as the VR core model stage 2/3 recommendations, SPIRIT (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials) and CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statements, including their AI extensions, and the IDEAL guidelines offer valuable insights into the design and reporting of clinical trials (Figure 1) [McCulloch P, Altman DG, Campbell WB, Flum DR, Glasziou P, Marshall JC, Balliol Collaboration, et al. No surgical innovation without evaluation: the IDEAL recommendations. Lancet. 2009;374(9695):1105-1112. [CrossRef] [Medline]12,Vasey B, Nagendran M, Campbell B, Clifton DA, Collins GS, Denaxas S, et al. DECIDE-AI expert group. Reporting guideline for the early-stage clinical evaluation of decision support systems driven by artificial intelligence: DECIDE-AI. Nat Med. 2022;28(5):924-933. [CrossRef] [Medline]13,Fleetcroft C, McCulloch P, Campbell B. IDEAL as a guide to designing clinical device studies consistent with the new European medical device regulation. BMJ Surg Interv Health Technol. 2021;3(1):e000066. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15,Birckhead B, Khalil C, Liu X, Conovitz S, Rizzo A, Danovitch I, et al. Recommendations for methodology of virtual reality clinical trials in health care by an international working group: iterative study. JMIR Ment Health. 2019;6(1):e11973. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]16]. However, they generally focus on later stages of clinical research or do not adequately address the specific challenges of developing and evaluating XR technologies in early clinical settings. These include the rapid evolution of XR hardware and software and the specific safety, usability, and ethical considerations that arise in these contexts. To address these gaps, the reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality (RATE-XR) guideline specifically tailors its recommendations to support transparent reporting and effective evaluation of XR applications from the developmental phase through to early clinical trials, ensuring that these innovations can be safely and effectively integrated into health care practice.
- Allow for a continuous changing nature of the software applications using XR and its hardware (due to early prototyping and version updates)
- Account for technical errors negatively impacting the reliability and consistency of clinical evaluations
- Evaluate the generalizability of findings across sites and populations
- Deal with ethical considerations in this early stage of research
- Deal with a variety of clinical trial endpoints for applications due to the wide range of intended uses
- Account for user variability and consequently the arising bias as users may not be trained adequately or may not be familiar with XR technology
- Incorporate XR applications into the standard workflow
- Absence of established methodologies and frameworks
- Having sufficient image quality of XR devices for users, due to their diversity and constantly evolving technological characteristics
- Create a usability profile applicable to various working environments

Early-stage clinical evaluation of XR interventions must prioritize clinical utility, safety, and human factors challenges in real-life clinical settings. Factors such as cybersickness, customizability and duration of the XR content, treatment frequency, and immersiveness contribute to safety and feasibility considerations and must be addressed transparently. A one-size-fits-all model is often not feasible, and neglecting safety profiles and rushing into large-scale trials can jeopardize patient well-being, which is ethically unacceptable. In terms of ethics, patient-centeredness and commercial interests must be addressed in the early stages of XR development. Currently, studies too often prioritize assessing commercial products but fail to address essential clinical research elements or tailoring content for medical applications, while understanding the interaction between XR technology and human factors is essential [Kellmeyer P, Biller-Andorno N, Meynen G. Ethical tensions of virtual reality treatment in vulnerable patients. Nat Med. 2019;25(8):1185-1188. [CrossRef] [Medline]17-Lewis CH, Griffin MJ. Human factors consideration in clinical applications of virtual reality. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1997;44:35-56. [Medline]19]. The clinical context should be the starting point in the development of medical XR systems, involving patients and health care providers as primary stakeholders early in the process to design systems that optimally address their needs, beyond placing an initial focus on commercial product evaluation. Moreover, variations in hardware, software, and content selection are complex to assess and often underreported [Riva G, Wiederhold BK. What the metaverse Is (really) and why we need to know about It. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2022;25(6):355-359. [CrossRef] [Medline]20].
To address these challenges and with the aim of improving the consistency, safety, knowledge generation, and applicability of XR research in the health care domain, we undertook a robust 2-phase modified Delphi process. This collaborative effort engaged strong and diverse stakeholder engagement and resulted in the development of the RATE-XR guideline. Here, we present the development process, key recommendations, and their implications for the XR health care field.
RATE-XR Guideline Development
The RATE-XR guideline was developed through an international expert consensus process adhering to the EQUATOR Network’s recommendations for guideline development [Moher D, Schulz KF, Simera I, Altman DG. Guidance for developers of health research reporting guidelines. PLoS Med. 2010;7(2):e1000217. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21].
Establishment of the Steering Committee
To guide the development of the RATE-XR guideline, a Steering Committee was assembled, detailed in Table S1 in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Ethical Considerations
The project was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam (approval 2022-0623) and registered with the EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research) network. Informed consent was obtained from all members of the Steering Committee, all participants of the Delphi rounds, and all members of the evaluation committee.
Generation of the Initial Item List
An initial list of 61 candidate items (with subitems) was composed by 2 authors (JV and MEvG) and was based on (1) scientific reports on trials examining XR-based studies in health care [Vlake JH, Wils E, van Bommel J, Korevaar TIM, Gommers D, van Genderen ME. Virtual reality tailored to the needs of post-ICU patients: a safety and immersiveness study in healthy volunteers. Crit Care Explor. 2021;3(5):e0388. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24-Vlake JH, van Bommel J, Wils E, Bienvenu J, Hellemons ME, Korevaar TI, et al. Intensive care unit-specific virtual reality for critically ill patients with COVID-19: multicenter randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2022;24(1):e32368. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]27], (2) recently published innovative technology guidelines [Vasey B, Nagendran M, Campbell B, Clifton DA, Collins GS, Denaxas S, et al. DECIDE-AI expert group. Reporting guideline for the early-stage clinical evaluation of decision support systems driven by artificial intelligence: DECIDE-AI. Nat Med. 2022;28(5):924-933. [CrossRef] [Medline]13,Bilbro NA, Hirst A, Paez A, Vasey B, Pufulete M, Sedrakyan A, et al. IDEAL Collaboration Reporting Guidelines Working Group. The IDEAL reporting guidelines: a Delphi consensus statement stage specific recommendations for reporting the evaluation of surgical innovation. Ann Surg. 2021;273(1):82-85. [CrossRef] [Medline]28], (3) methodological and evaluative challenges concerning the application of XR in health care [Beams R, Brown E, Cheng W, Joyner JS, Kim AS, Kontson K, et al. Evaluation challenges for the application of extended reality devices in medicine. J Digit Imaging. 2022;35(5):1409-1418. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Birckhead B, Khalil C, Liu X, Conovitz S, Rizzo A, Danovitch I, et al. Recommendations for methodology of virtual reality clinical trials in health care by an international working group: iterative study. JMIR Ment Health. 2019;6(1):e11973. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]16], (4) a Cochrane Systematic Review on the clinical use of XR [Dockx K, Bekkers EM, Van den Bergh V, Ginis P, Rochester L, Hausdorff JM, et al. Virtual reality for rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016;12(12):CD010760. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]29], and (5) institutional documents [Clinical Evaluation. IMDRF Medical Device Clinical Evaluation Form. 2019. URL: https://tinyurl.com/5n6jxst9 [accessed 2024-09-27] 30-Public Workshop - Medical Extended Reality: Towards Best Evaluation Practices for Virtual And Augmented Reality in Medicine. 2020. URL: https://www.fda.gov/media/159709/download: [accessed 2024-09-27] 32]. Hereafter, the candidate item list was commented on by the Steering Group members (Steering Group Round).
Expert Recruitment
Experts were recruited using five distinct approaches: (1) invitations to experts that were endorsed by the Steering Group members, (2) invitations to authors of publications identified through the preliminary literature search, (3) a call for contributions published within a medical journal [Vlake JH, van Bommel J, Riva G, Wiederhold BK, Cipresso P, Rizzo AS, et al. Reporting the early stage clinical evaluation of virtual-reality-based intervention trials: RATE-VR. Nat Med. 2023;29(1):12-13. [CrossRef] [Medline]33], (4) consideration of professionals proactively reaching out to the Steering Group, and (5) invitations to experts recommended by the Delphi participants (snowballing). Prior to the initiation of recruitment, 17 target stakeholder groups were defined: clinicians, engineers or computer scientists, methodologists, statisticians, implementation specialists, entrepreneurs, epidemiologists, journal editors, allied health professionals, policy makers or official institutional staff, administrators or hospital management, researchers, ethicists, private sector representatives, patient representatives, funders, and psychologists or psychiatrists.
The Delphi Process
The Delphi process consisted of 2 rounds, and the Delphi surveys were designed and distributed using the Castor Electronic Data Capture web application (Castor EDC). The first round encompassed 2 parts. In the first part, participants answered 6 open-ended inquiries that address facets considered essential to be reported on during early-phase clinical evaluation. In the second part, Delphi participants were tasked with rating, from 1 to 9, the significance of items in the initial list. Ratings of 1 to 3 indicated insignificance, 4 to 6 denoted importance without being pivotal, and 7 to 9 implied that items were both important and critical. In addition to rating the items, participants were prompted to offer commentary on items and propose new additions. Thematic analysis of the open-ended questions was independently conducted by 2 Steering Group members (JV and MEvG), with any disagreements being resolved through consensus. Identified themes were used to determine whether any important themes were missing in the item list, along with newly proposed items to complement the item list. Hereafter, a summary score, including the median, 25th percentile, 75th percentile, mean, SD, proportion of participants scoring the item above 7 or below 3, and stakeholder groups with a median of ≤2 or ≥2 points from the overall median were calculated for each item. Prespecified inclusion cutoffs were determined as an item scoring a mean ≥7 and exclusion as an item scoring a mean ≤3. Based on these results, a revised item list for the second Delphi round was generated.
In the second Delphi round, participants were presented with the outcomes of the first round, along with the revised item list. Participants were tasked with reevaluating all items in a manner akin to the first Delphi round and were invited to comment on content and wording. Both Delphi round surveys and outcomes are accessible through the Open Science Framework (OSF) [Vlake JH, Drop DLQ, van Genderen ME. Open Science Framework RATE-XR. 2023. URL: https://osf.io/cw6yq/ [accessed 2024-09-27] 34]. All analyses were performed using R for Statistics (R Foundation for Statistical Computing).
Consensus Meeting
Virtual consensus meetings were held on 3 separate occasions between June 12 and 15, 2023, with the aim of finalizing content and refining the phrasing of items within the RATE-XR reporting guideline. To ensure a balanced representation of key stakeholders throughout the XR field and geographic diversity, we engaged 18 experts with diverse expertise and backgrounds (Tables S2-S4 in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Qualitative Evaluation
After finalizing both the guideline and the Explanation & Elaboration note, a qualitative evaluation was conducted by a panel of 14 experts (Note 1 in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Table 1) was composed. All Consensus Group members approved the modifications, the final guideline, and the complementary Explanation & Elaboration note.
Terms | Explanations |
Application | The software, program, intervention, or modality using an XR device or hardware. |
Artificial intelligence algorithm | ”Science of developing computer systems which can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence” based on a mathematical model responsible for learning from data and producing an output [Liu X, Cruz Rivera S, Moher D, Calvert MJ, Denniston AK, SPIRIT-AICONSORT-AI Working Group. Reporting guidelines for clinical trial reports for interventions involving artificial intelligence: the CONSORT-AI extension. Lancet Digit Health. 2020;2(10):e537-e548. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. |
Augmented reality | A technology that overlays digital information onto the real-world environment, viewed through an augmented reality headset or glasses in order to enhance the user’s perception of reality. Augmented reality is part of the extended reality (XR) technologies. |
Bias | Systematic difference in treatment of certain objects, people, or groups in comparison to others [International Organization for Standardization. Information technology - artificial intelligence (AI) - bias in AI systems and AI aided decision making. URL: https://www.iso.org/standard/77607.html [accessed 2024-09-27] 37]. |
Clinical utility | The practical value and usefulness of the application using XR. |
Commercial name of application | Trademarked or branded name under which the specific software application or hardware device is sold. |
Commercial product | An item originally manufactured for sale, lease, or license to the general public. |
Cybersickness | A form of motion sickness or discomfort experienced by individuals while using XR devices. |
Early-phase studies | Studies in the initial stages of investigation where applications using XR devices are tested and evaluated, focusing on safety, dosage, feasibility, and potential efficacy of the intervention involving a relatively small number of participants. |
XR | An umbrella term to encompass the spectrum of immersive technologies consisting of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. |
Flow diagram | A visual representation using symbols and arrows to illustrate the sequential steps, processes, or decisions within the workflow or procedure. |
Hardware | The physical components and equipment that make up the XR system. |
Human factors | Also called ergonomics. “The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance” (International Ergonomics Association). |
Immersiveness | The degree to which the experience captivates and engages the user, involving a deep sense of presence and absorption within a simulated environment. |
Immersive virtual reality | A computer-generated, 3D artificial environment using a head-mounted display and therefore completely surrounding the user’s senses. This way the user is brought from the real world into the artificial, virtual world. |
Mixed reality | A technology combining elements of both virtual reality and augmented reality. It integrates digital content and virtual objects into the real-world environment, allowing users to interact with and manipulate these virtual elements as if they were part of their physical surroundings. |
Performance | How well the application, device, system, or technology functions and executes its intended task or functionalities. |
Preclinical | Pertaining to the phase of research prior to clinical trials targeting actual patients. |
Prespecified outcomes | Specific defined results, goals, or expectations that are determined and established in advance, prior to performing the study. |
Real clinical setting | Pertaining to the observation and treatment of actual patients, instead of preclinical users or simulated scenarios. |
Software | The applications, programs, and digital content are specifically designed to interact with the XR system. |
Usability | “Extend to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use” [International Organization for Standardization. Ergonomics of human-system interaction—part 11: usability: defnitions and concepts. 2018. URL: https://www.iso.org/ [accessed 2024-09-27] 38]. |
aThe definitions provided apply to the specific context of RATE-XR and the use of the terms in the guideline. They are not necessarily generally accepted definitions and may not always be entirely suitable for other research domains.
Initial Item List
Based on the yielded 97 comments and 22 proposals for new items, 18 items were appended and 29 were subjected to reorganization (through merging or splitting, resulting in 16 items). Additionally, wording was amended, and items were categorized into XR-specific and general items. The final initial item list resulted in 71 Delphi items, subdivided into 41 XR-specific and 30 general reporting items, 6 categories, and 22 subcategories, and was approved on by all Steering Group members (see digital file in the OSF platform) [Vlake JH, Drop DLQ, van Genderen ME. Open Science Framework RATE-XR. 2023. URL: https://osf.io/cw6yq/ [accessed 2024-09-27] 34].
Delphi Rounds
A total of 124 individuals expressed their interest and completed the participation form for the first Delphi round, of whom 22 were unqualified due to lack of XR-related experience. Among the 102 experts who received the first Delphi questionnaire, 93 (91%) completed the questionnaire. The participants included 13 Steering Group members, 38 identified from Steering Group recommendations, 13 from proactive contacts or correspondence, and 29 through snowballing. In total, 112 experts were invited to participate in the second Delphi round, of which 96 (86%) responded. In total, 82 of these experts also participated in the first Delphi round (continuity rate: 88%). Collectively, the participating experts represented 14 countries, and all stakeholders were represented (Supplementary Note 1 and Tables S5-S8 in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
The first Delphi round yielded over 17,300 words of unstructured text to the open-ended inquiries, along with 6603 item scores, 256 item comments, and 97 newly proposed items. Thematic analysis identified 146 themes, of which 88 were covered in existing items, 22 were integrated into or added to the provisory Explanation & Elaboration note, 28 were used to amend existing items, 2 were selected as new items, and 6 were dropped as they were determined to be outside of the reporting guideline scope. Eventually, 5 items remained unchanged, 27 items were amended or rephrased, 36 items were merged or split into 14 items, 3 items were dropped, and 5 items were added (Figures S1 and S2 in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Consensus Meeting
In total, 32 items received endorsement for integration into the RATE-XR guideline during the consensus meetings—17 items specific to XR and 14 encompassing general reporting. A summary of the Consensus Meetings votes is presented in Table S9 in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Qualitative Evaluation
A total of 95 comments were provided. Subsequently, wording of 7 items was refined in the checklist, and of 9 items, there were modifications in their corresponding Explanation & Elaboration section in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline. The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Multimedia Appendix 1
Final Reporting Item Checklist
Table 2 presents the RATE-XR checklist and consists of 17 XR-specific reporting items (composed of 18 subitems) and 14 generic reporting items, selected by the Consensus Group.
Theme | Item numbera | Recommendation | |||
Title and abstract | |||||
Title | 1 |
| |||
Abstract | I |
| |||
Introduction | |||||
Clinical problem and existing evidence | 2 |
| |||
Introduction of the application | 3 |
| |||
Objectives | II |
| |||
Methods and analysis | |||||
Trial design and reporting | III |
| |||
Trial design and reporting | IV |
| |||
Participants and setting | 4 |
| |||
Participants and setting | 5a |
| |||
Participants nad setting | 5b |
| |||
Intervention and procedures | 6 |
| |||
Intervention and procedures | 7 |
| |||
Intervention and procedures | 8 |
| |||
Intervention and procedures | V |
| |||
Outcomes | VI |
| |||
Outcomes | 9 |
| |||
Sample size | VII |
| |||
Analysis | VIII |
| |||
Protocol alterations | IX |
| |||
Results | |||||
Participant flow and recruitment | X |
| |||
Baseline data | XI |
| |||
Main results | XII |
| |||
XR and human factors | 10 |
| |||
XR and human factors | 11 |
| |||
Safety and harms | 12 |
| |||
Discussion and conclusion | |||||
Generalizability and impact | 13 |
| |||
Safety and harms | 14 |
| |||
Ethics | 15 |
| |||
Strengths and limitations | XIII |
| |||
Conclusion | 16 |
| |||
Statements | |||||
Funding and conflicts of interest | XIV |
| |||
Application | 17 |
aAI-specific items are numbered in Arabic numerals; generic items are numbered in Roman numerals.
bXR: extended reality.
Reporting Item Checklist
The RATE-XR guideline serves as a checklist for reporting studies that focus on the early-phase evaluation of clinical applications using immersive technologies, regardless of the chosen study design ( The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Figure 1). Depending on the specific study design selected, authors may also find it contributing to complement their reporting with guidelines tailored to that study type, such as the CONSORT guideline for randomized trials or the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guideline for observational studies [Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, CONSORT Group. CONSORT 2010 statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. Br Med J. 2010;340:c332. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]39,von Elm E, Altman DG, Egger M, Pocock SJ, Gøtzsche PC, Vandenbroucke JP, et al. STROBE Initiative. Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. Br Med J. 2007;335(7624):806-808. [CrossRef] [Medline]40]. This provides a helpful source to support researchers and reviewers assess manuscript compliance with the guideline. For a more elaborate understanding of each item's relevance and recommendations on how to report, we added an in-depth Explanation & Elaboration section for every item in Note 2 in
Multimedia Appendix 1
It is important to recognize that reporting guidelines, including the RATE-XR guideline, offer a framework of reporting recommendations, yet they may not comprehensively cover every aspect relevant to a particular study or guide the conduct of research. While not exhaustive, familiarity with RATE-XR can help researchers in the design and execution of studies within the guideline's scope. Given the challenge of reporting all required information into a single manuscript, authors may need to refer to other documents, such as study protocols, previous publications, and supplementary materials from digital repositories.
Lessons Learned
The RATE-XR guideline represents the outcome of an extensive international consensus effort from a diverse and representative group of experts with a broad range of professional expertise and backgrounds. The high response rate and the remarkable level of engagement from stakeholders, along with the fact that 5 of the 7 most productive authors of XR research in psychology or medicine were willing to be included in the Steering Group, underscore the necessity for comprehensive reporting guidance in the early-phase clinical evaluation of XR applications [Yeung AWK, Tosevska A, Klager E, Eibensteiner F, Laxar D, Stoyanov J, et al. Virtual and augmented reality applications in medicine: analysis of the scientific literature. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(2):e25499. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]2]. This growing recognition highlights the increasing importance attributed to thorough clinical evaluation as a cornerstone for the effective implementation of XR technologies. The development of this reporting guideline was shaped by the Steering Group's belief that the use of XR-related health care applications will continue to expand, with an increasing requirement for high-quality, comprehensive, consistent, and generalizable reporting of early-phase evaluations.
The RATE-XR guideline is a pioneering endeavor, being the world's first reporting guideline specifically tailored to medical or psychology research involving XR-related applications. We focused on the early-phase clinical evaluation of XR-related applications, as existing guidelines insufficiently represented the essential reporting items for this type of research. Studies on late-phase evaluation often have the option to adhere to more general reporting guidelines, such as CONSORT for randomized controlled trials. However, we acknowledge that beyond this initial guideline, there is merit in further developing XR-specific extensions for existing guidelines. Thus, our efforts mark the crucial first step in harmonizing XR research in the health care sector. Beyond its primary aim, the RATE-XR guideline may also serve as a compass for authors, guiding them in study design, protocol development, and the registration of early-phase studies involving XR applications.
To attract experts with diverse backgrounds across the health care field, we published a call for contributions in the form of a correspondence paper. In this publication, we mainly focused on the terminology “virtual reality,” although we already had the more inclusive terminology “XR” in scope. During extensive deliberations during the Delphi rounds and after discussion within the Steering Group and Consensus Group meetings, we decided to use the more inclusive term XR instead of VR. This change allows the guideline to cover a broader range of applications, including augmented and MR, as well as any future immersive technologies. We concluded that XR terminology better represents all these applications, and all eventually will have to undertake equal and similar steps during early-stage evaluation and research. The decision to change the project's name from RATE-VR to RATE-XR reflects the guideline's adaptability and commitment to serving a diverse spectrum of applications beyond just focusing on VR alone.
The Delphi process, while invaluable for achieving consensus on guideline development, presented challenges such as maintaining a high follow-up rate among participants and reconciling diverse expert opinions. Our approach to addressing these challenges involved adaptive communication strategies and fostering an environment conducive to open dialogue, which were instrumental in enhancing participant engagement and consensus quality. These experiences provide key learnings that could inform similar guideline development efforts in emerging research fields.
Throughout the guideline's development, several topics generated more dynamic discussions than others, leading to a number of critical decisions. First, a discussion concerned the depth of information required about those administering XR applications. Some participants advocated for gathering baseline researcher or provider characteristics and offering detailed accounts of their training and qualifications. Given the novelty of the technology, the consensus was that mentioning that application providers had sufficient training was sufficient with no specific detailed requirement or baseline demographics unless deemed pivotal for study outcomes. In concordance, a recent review concluded that XR providers need training to improve adoption, which can be achieved using a variety of training programs, strategies, or educational resources, and that there is no minimum amount or golden standard of XR training [Kouijzer MMTE, Kip H, Bouman YHA, Kelders SM. Implementation of virtual reality in healthcare: a scoping review on the implementation process of virtual reality in various healthcare settings. Implement Sci Commun. 2023;4(1):67. [CrossRef] [Medline]41].
Second, the deliberation on XR-specific outcomes, including factors such as acceptability, usability, user experiences, immersiveness, and cybersickness or other negative side-effects, sparked lengthy discussions among participants. While the importance of reporting cybersickness and safety-related aspects in early-phase evaluations was unanimously acknowledged for building trust within the research community, participants recognized the challenges of encompassing all XR-specific outcomes comprehensively in every article. Consequently, it was agreed that cybersickness and safety should be mandatory reporting items, while other XR-specific outcomes should be considered optional, acknowledging the difficulty in fully addressing all these outcomes in every manuscript. This approach allows researchers the flexibility to focus on the most relevant outcomes for their specific studies.
Third, intensive debates centered around the level of detail necessary when describing XR application hardware, software, and development processes in the RATE-XR guideline. While some argued for comprehensive and mandatory disclosure, others championed flexibility. Ultimately, agreement was reached to consolidate these aspects into a single section in the guideline, with the Explanation & Elaboration note providing guidance on what to include and how to effectively report them.
Fourth, the need for items on randomization in the current guideline was discussed. Participants felt that most early-phase evaluations are seldom randomized and acknowledged that if a study has a randomized design, adhering to established guidelines such as CONSORT would be more appropriate than duplicating information in the RATE-XR guideline. It was agreed that the guideline should not delve into specific items related to randomization, as it would be more beneficial for researchers to consult CONSORT and ensure consistency in reporting across various study designs. A similar consideration and strategy was recently adopted in the DECIDE-AI guideline to prevent a too exhaustive reporting checklist in the early stage of innovative technology development [Vasey B, Nagendran M, Campbell B, Clifton DA, Collins GS, Denaxas S, et al. DECIDE-AI expert group. Reporting guideline for the early-stage clinical evaluation of decision support systems driven by artificial intelligence: DECIDE-AI. Nat Med. 2022;28(5):924-933. [CrossRef] [Medline]13].
Fifth, the topic of blinding and the utilization of control groups triggered significant debate during the consensus process. Participants recognized the inherent challenges of blinding in XR studies due to the immersive nature of the technology. While some argued that specific items on blinding-related items should be included, others emphasized the challenges in doing so effectively. Furthermore, in alignment with the guideline's aim to avoid duplicating items covered by study design–specific guidelines, the decision was made to omit the item on blinding. Nevertheless, control groups were deemed valuable for comparison purposes, resulting in the inclusion of items that address the presence or absence of control groups and outline their characteristics as essential components within the guideline.
Sixth, discussions occurred regarding the necessity of justifying the sample sizes in the early-phase clinical assessment of XR applications. Participants held differing perspectives as to whether a formal sample size calculation should be mandated for all research types within the RATE-XR guideline. Ultimately, it was determined that while it is essential to provide some form of justification for the chosen sample size, not all research designs necessitate a formal sample size calculation. This decision recognizes the diversity of study designs and acknowledges that certain types of early-phase evaluations may have inherent limitations that preclude the use of traditional sample size calculations. Nevertheless, authors are strongly encouraged to provide a rationale and justification for their chosen sample size. This proactive step enhances transparency within the research process, enabling readers to assess the study's reliability of its findings.
Lastly, discussions concerning the inclusion of standardized statements such as data protection, ethics approval, and data and code availability were extensive. While their significance was acknowledged, the consensus was that most journals already require authors to address these elements in their manuscripts. Therefore, specific items related to these aspects were omitted from the RATE-XR guideline, as they are comprehensively covered by existing publication requirements and publication guidelines.
In conclusion, the RATE-XR guideline is a pioneering effort in facilitating comprehensive and standardized reporting in the early-phase clinical evaluation of XR applications. Its development involved extensive expert-informed debates and critical decisions that aim to ensure its purpose as a valuable resource for researchers while maintaining its adaptability to a dynamic and evolving field. We anticipate that this guideline will foster transparency, enhance the quality of reporting, and ultimately contribute to the responsible and effective integration of XR technologies in health care and related fields. Furthermore, we encourage the development of XR-specific extensions for existing guidelines to further advance the harmonization of XR research practices.
There was no funding in any form for this study. We have not received payments from any agency or pharmaceutical company to establish this manuscript.
The members of RATE-XR Expert Group are Aisling Flynn, Alice Chirico, Amir H Sadeghi, Andrea Gaggioli, Andrea S Won, Annelotte P van Haaps, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, Beate Dejaco, Bram Dierckx, Carsten Finke, Catheleine van Driel, Chris NW Geraets, Christopher Eccleston, Christopher R Madan, Clarine van Oel, Constantinos Panayi, Darcy Ummels, Dave Thomas, Debra L Safer, Elsbeth Zandee, Emil R Høeg, Felix J Hüttner, Floris van der Breggen, Geert-Jan van Geffen, Gido A Hakvoort, Giulia Corno, Hadi Hosseini, Hafize Demirci, Hanne Konradsen, Henry Xiang, Ivan Phelan, Jan D Rölfing, Jan Gödeke, Jennifer N Stinson, Jeremy Bailenson, Jeroen Legerstee, Jiabin Shen, Joost Huiskens, Jordan Tsigarides, Jose F Costa, Juana M Bretón-López, Karamveer Narang, Karin Valkenet, Kim D Bullock, Kimmy Rosielle, Krista Hoek, Line K Pedersen, Loes Bulle-Smid, Lonneke M Staals, Kemal Kuscu, Mareine GT Koornneef, Margaux Sageot, Margot D Paul, Maria Bajwa, Maria Matsangidou, Marie-Madlen Jeitziner, Mariju F Baluyot, Marlies P Schijven, Martine J van Bennekom, Matthew Browning, Melissa L Morris, Merel A Oskam, Merlijn Smits, Michael Gaebler, Mienke Rijsdijk, Njin-Zu Chen, Omar Aly, Pablo Campo-Prieto, Panagiotis Kourtesis, Philipp Kellmeyer, Les Posen, Rachel Reeves, Rami A Ahmed, Raphael R Bruno, Rob JEM Smeets, Robbert Brouwer, Robert J Fine, Robert M Lundin, Roderick F van Beek, Rosa M Baños, Roselinde MCA Pot-Kolder, Sarah E MacPherson, Silvia Serino, Sophia Rekers, Srinivasan S Pillay, Stephan Krohn, Stéphane Bouchard, Sulayman el Mathari, Susan Persky, Syl Slatman, Synthia Guimond, Thomas J Caruso, Thomas Sauter, Thomas Wolbers, Tjitske D Groenveld, Tobias Loetscher, Todd Chang, Tonnie Staring,Vishnunarayan G Prabhu, Wim Veling, and Winnie WS Mak.
Data Availability
The datasets and necessary documents generated and analyzed during this study are available in The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.Multimedia Appendix 1
Authors' Contributions
MEvG initiated the study. JHV, JvB, and MEvG designed the study. Members of the RATE-XR Steering Group (DD, JvB, GR, ASR, LH, BG, EJW, and DG) provided methodological input and oversaw the conduct of the study. JHV and DD conducted the thematic analysis and Delphi rounds analysis and produced the Delphi round summaries. All members of the steering group (JHV, DD, JvB, GR, BKW, PC, ASR, BOR, CB, LH, OJB, CJ, BG, EJW, BJB, DG, and MEvG) selected the final content and wording of the guidelines. JHV, DD, and MEvG chaired the consensus meeting. JHV, DD, and MEvG drafted the final manuscript and Explanation & Elaboration note. All authors reviewed and commented on the final manuscript and Explanation & Elaboration note. All members of the steering group collaborated in the development of the guidelines by participating in the Delphi process, the qualitative evaluation of the guidelines, or both.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
Multimedia Appendix 1
The RATE-XR (reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality) qualitative study guideline.
DOCX File , 335 KBReferences
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AI: artificial intelligence |
AR: augmented reality |
CONSORT: Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials |
EQUATOR: Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research |
MR: mixed reality |
OSF: Open Science Framework |
RATE-XR: reporting for the early-phase clinical evaluation of applications using extended reality |
SPIRIT: Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials |
STROBE: Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology |
VR: virtual reality |
XR: extended reality |
Edited by N Cahill, T Leung; submitted 26.01.24; peer-reviewed by J Peek, X Liu; comments to author 25.04.24; revised version received 03.06.24; accepted 11.09.24; published 29.11.24.
Copyright©Johan H Vlake, Denzel LQ Drop, Jasper Van Bommel, Giuseppe Riva, Brenda K Wiederhold, Pietro Cipresso, Albert S Rizzo, Barbara O Rothbaum, Cristina Botella, Lotty Hooft, Oscar J Bienvenu, Christian Jung, Bart Geerts, Evert-Jan Wils, Diederik Gommers, Michel E van Genderen, RATE-XR Expert Group. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (https://www.jmir.org), 29.11.2024.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (ISSN 1438-8871), is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on https://www.jmir.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.