Published on in Vol 25 (2023)
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- Anderson B, Herman P, Hays R. Predictors of Pain Management Strategies in Adults with Low-Back Pain: A Secondary Analysis of Amazon Mechanical Turk Survey Data. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2024;30(3):297 View
- Hays R, Herman P, Rodriguez A, Edelen M. Comparison of patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS®)-29 and PROMIS global physical and mental health scores. Quality of Life Research 2024;33(3):735 View
- Hays R, Herman P, Qureshi N, Rodriguez A, Edelen M. Mapping of the PROMIS global health measure to the PROPr in the United States. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2024;8(1) View
- Edelen M, Zeng C, Hays R, Rodriguez A, Hanmer J, Baumhauer J, Cella D, Reeve B, Herman P. Development of an ultra-short measure of eight domains of health-related quality of life for research and clinical care: the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system® PROMIS®-16 profile. Quality of Life Research 2025;34(1):3 View
- Hays R, Herman P, Rodriguez A, Slaughter M, Zeng C, Edelen M. The PROMIS-16 reproduces the PROMIS-29 physical and mental health summary scores accurately in a probability-based internet panel. Quality of Life Research 2025;34(1):19 View
- Hays R, Rodriguez A, Qureshi N, Zeng C, Edelen M. Support for a Single Underlying Dimension of Self-Reported Health in a Sample of Adults with Low Back Pain in the United States. Applied Research in Quality of Life 2024;19(5):2213 View
- Hays R, Edelen M, Rodriguez A, Qureshi N, Feeny D, Herman P. Comparison of the EQ-5D-5L and the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system preference score (PROPr) in the United States. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes 2024;8(1) View
- Berry C, Kees J, Burton S. Response satisficing and data quality in marketing: measurement and effects of satisficing on objective knowledge, experimental results, and replicability of findings. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 2025;33(1):11 View
- Zeng C, Hays R, Rodriguez A, Hanmer J, Herman P, Edelen M. Comparing patient-reported outcomes measurement information system® (PROMIS®)-16 domain scores with the PROMIS-29 and 5-item PROMIS cognitive function scores. Quality of Life Research 2025;34(1):27 View
- DiGuiseppi G, Edelen M, Rodriguez A, Slaughter M, Hays R, Zeng C, Coulter I, Herman P. Crosswalking 4 Pain Impact Measures in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adults With Back Pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2024 View
- Kapteyn A, Angrisani M, Darling J, Gutsche T. The Understanding America Study (UAS). BMJ Open 2024;14(10):e088183 View
- Hanmer J, Zeng C, Cizik A, Raad J, Tsevat J, Rodriguez A, Hays R, Edelen M. Agreement of PROMIS Preference (PROPr) scores generated from the PROMIS-29 + 2 and the PROMIS-16. Quality of Life Research 2025;34(1):43 View
- Rodriguez A, Zeng C, Hays R, Herman P, Edelen M. Longitudinal validation of the PROMIS-16 in a sample of adults in the United States with back pain. Quality of Life Research 2025;34(1):35 View
- Qureshi N, Hays R, Herman P. Dropout in a Longitudinal Survey of Amazon Mechanical Turk Workers With Low Back Pain: Observational Study. Interactive Journal of Medical Research 2024;13:e58771 View
- Herman P, Slaughter M, Qureshi N, Azzam T, Cella D, Coulter I, DiGuiseppi G, Edelen M, Kapteyn A, Rodriguez A, Rubinstein M, Hays R. Comparing Health Survey Data Cost and Quality Between Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel: Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e63032 View