This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:
Tutorial (64) E-Health Policy and Health Systems Innovation (230) Public (e)Health, Digital Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics (725) eHealth Infrastructures (345) E-Health / Health Services Research and New Models of Care (517)Published on in Vol 25 (2023)
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GATEKEEPER’s Strategy for the Multinational Large-Scale Piloting of an eHealth Platform: Tutorial on How to Identify Relevant Settings and Use Cases
GATEKEEPER’s Strategy for the Multinational Large-Scale Piloting of an eHealth Platform: Tutorial on How to Identify Relevant Settings and Use Cases
Authors of this article:
Jordi de Batlle1, 2 ; Ivan D Benítez1, 2 ; Anna Moncusí-Moix1, 2 ; Odysseas Androutsos3 ; Rosana Angles Barbastro4 ; Alessio Antonini5 ; Eunate Arana6 ; Maria Fernanda Cabrera-Umpierrez7 ; Gloria Cea7 ; George Ε Dafoulas8, 9 ; Frans Folkvord10, 11 ; Ane Fullaondo12 ; Francesco Giuliani13 ; Hsiao-Ling Huang14 ; Pasquale F Innominato15, 16, 17 ; Przemyslaw Kardas18 ; Vivian W Q Lou19 ; Yannis Manios20, 21 ; Maria Matsangidou22 ; Franco Mercalli23 ; Mounir Mokhtari24, 25 ; Silvio Pagliara26 ; Julia Schellong27 ; Lisa Stieler27 ; Konstantinos Votis28 ; Paula Currás29 ; Maria Teresa Arredondo7 ; Jorge Posada29 ; Sergio Guillén30 ; Leandro Pecchia26 ; Ferran Barbé1, 2 ; Gerard Torres1, 2 ; Giuseppe Fico7 ; the GATEKEEPER project31
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