Published on in Vol 22, No 10 (2020): October

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A Data Visualization and Dissemination Resource to Support HIV Prevention and Care at the Local Level: Analysis and Uses of the AIDSVu Public Data Resource

A Data Visualization and Dissemination Resource to Support HIV Prevention and Care at the Local Level: Analysis and Uses of the AIDSVu Public Data Resource

A Data Visualization and Dissemination Resource to Support HIV Prevention and Care at the Local Level: Analysis and Uses of the AIDSVu Public Data Resource


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  4. Sullivan P, Satcher Johnson A, Pembleton E, Stephenson R, Justice A, Althoff K, Bradley H, Castel A, Oster A, Rosenberg E, Mayer K, Beyrer C. Epidemiology of HIV in the USA: epidemic burden, inequities, contexts, and responses. The Lancet 2021;397(10279):1095 View
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  7. Siegler A, Sullivan P. The PrEP Laboratory Service Gap: Applying Implementation Science Strategies to Bring PrEP Coverage to Scale in the United States. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2022;50(S1):40 View
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  9. Aduloju-Ajijola N, Oyerinde I, Gaul Z, Gaskins S, Sutton M, Cody S, Johnson K, Mugoya G, Payne-Foster P. HIV Knowledge among African Americans Living with HIV in the Rural South: Implications for Improving HIV Prevention and Care Outcomes. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2024;11(1):364 View
  10. Webster J, Thorpe L, Duncan D, Goldstein N. Accessibility of HIV Services in Philadelphia: Location-Allocation Analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2022;63(6):1053 View
  11. Rodriguez-Hart C, Boone C, del Río-González A, Kutner B, Baral S, Burns P, German D, Eaton L, Lucas L, Remien R, Ellis M, Dale S. Monitoring Intersectional Stigma: A Key Strategy to Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States. American Journal of Public Health 2022;112(S4):S350 View
  12. Creger T, Burgan K, Turner W, Tarrant A, Parmar J, Rana A, Mugavero M, Elopre L. Using Implementation Mapping to Ensure the Success of PrEP Optimization Through Enhanced Continuum Tracking (PrOTECT) AL-A Structural Intervention to Track the Statewide PrEP Care Continuum in Alabama. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2022;90(S1):S161 View
  13. Luan H, Ransome Y. County-Level Spatiotemporal Patterns of New HIV Diagnoses and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Use in Mississippi, 2014–2018: A Bayesian Analysis of Publicly Accessible Censored Data. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 2023;113(1):129 View
  14. Sosnowy C, Predmore Z, Dean L, Raifman J, Chu C, Galipeau D, Nocka K, Napoleon S, Chan P. Paying for PrEP: A qualitative study of cost factors that impact pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake in the US.. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2022;33(14):1199 View
  15. Sullivan P, Stephenson R, Hirshfield S, Mehta C, Zahn R, Bauermeister J, Horvath K, Chiasson M, Gelaude D, Mullin S, Downing Jr M, Olansky E, Wiatrek S, Rogers E, Rosenberg E, Siegler A, Mansergh G. Behavioral Efficacy of a Sexual Health Mobile App for Men Who Have Sex With Men: Randomized Controlled Trial of Mobile Messaging for Men. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(2):e34574 View
  16. Davy-Mendez T, Sarovar V, Levine-Hall T, Lea A, Sterling S, Chi F, Palzes V, Luu M, Flamm J, Hare C, Williams E, Bryant K, Weisner C, Silverberg M, Satre D. Characterizing Unhealthy Alcohol Use Patterns and Their Association with Alcohol Use Reduction and Alcohol Use Disorder During Follow-Up in HIV Care. AIDS and Behavior 2023;27(5):1380 View
  17. Dana R, Sullivan S, MacGowan R, Chavez P, Wall K, Sanchez T, Stephenson R, Hightow-Weidman L, Johnson J, Smith A, Sharma A, Jones J, Hannah M, Trigg M, Luo W, Caldwell J, Sullivan P. Engaging Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino Men Who Have Sex With Men for HIV Testing and Prevention Services Through Technology: Protocol for the iSTAMP Comparative Effectiveness Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e43414 View
  18. Crawford N, Harrington K, Alohan D, Sullivan P, Holland D, Klepser D, Quamina A, Siegler A, Young H. Integrating and Disseminating Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Screening and Dispensing for Black Men Who Have Sex With Men in Atlanta, Georgia: Protocol for Community Pharmacies. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(2):e35590 View
  19. Sullivan P, Woodyatt C, Kouzouian O, Parrish K, Taussig J, Conlan C, Phillips H. America’s HIV Epidemic Analysis Dashboard: Protocol for a Data Resource to Support Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2022;8(2):e33522 View
  20. Jones J, Zlotorzynska M, Villarino X, Sanchez T. Where is Rural? Examining the Effect of Rural Classification Method on Disparities in HIV and STI Testing Uptake Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States. AIDS and Behavior 2022;26(9):2897 View
  21. Johnson A, Pyra M, Devlin S, Uvin A, Irby S, Blum C, Stewart E, Masinter L, Haider S, Hirschhorn L, Ridgway J. Provider Perspectives on Factors Affecting the PrEP Care Continuum Among Black Cisgender Women in the Midwest United States: Applying the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2022;90(S1):S141 View
  22. Pichon L, Teti M, McGoy S, Murry V, Juarez P. Engaging Black men who have sex with men (MSM) in the South in identifying strategies to increase PrEP uptake. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1) View
  23. Nguyen A, Drabo E, Garland W, Moucheraud C, Holloway I, Leibowitz A, Suen S. Are Unequal Policies in Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake Needed to Improve Equality? An Examination Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Los Angeles County. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2022;36(8):300 View
  24. Drab R, Wolfe J, Chavanduka T, Bonar E, Guest J, Hightow‐Weidman L, Castel A, J. Horvath K, Sullivan P, Stephenson R, Bauermeister J. Constructing a web‐based health directory for adolescent men who have sex with men: Strategies for development and resource verification. Journal of Community Psychology 2022;50(3):1597 View
  25. Elopre L, Boutwell A, Gordon B, Johnson B, Marrazzo J, Van Der Pol B, Mugavero M. PrEP service delivery preferences of black Cis-gender women living in the Southern United States. AIDS and Behavior 2022;26(11):3469 View
  26. Bunting S, Hunt B, Boshara A, Jacobs J, Johnson A, Hazra A, Glick N. Examining the Correlation Between PrEP Use and Black:White Disparities in HIV Incidence in the Ending the HIV Epidemic Priority Jurisdictions. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2023;38(2):382 View
  27. Hill S, Pratt M, Elopre L, Smith T, Simpson T, Lanzi R, Matthews L. “Let’s take that [stop sign] down.” Provider perspectives on barriers to and opportunities for PrEP prescription to African American girls and young women in Alabama. AIDS Care 2022;34(11):1473 View
  28. Beckham S, Glick J, Schneider K, Allen S, Shipp L, White R, Park J, Sherman S. Latent Classes of Polysubstance Use and Associations with HIV Risk and Structural Vulnerabilities among Cisgender Women Who Engage in Street-Based Transactional Sex in Baltimore City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(7):3783 View
  29. Campbell J, Adams O, Bennett-Brown M, Woodward B, Gesselman A, Carter G. PrEP Familiarity, Interest, and Usage Among 364 Black and Hispanic Adults in Indiana. Frontiers in Public Health 2022;10 View
  30. Shrader C, Stoler J, Arroyo-Flores J, Doblecki-Lewis S, Carrico A, Safren S, Fallon S, Kanamori M. Geographic Disparities in Availability of Spanish-Language PrEP Services Among Latino Sexual Minority Men in South Florida. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 2023;25(2):374 View
  31. Norwood A, Zuñiga J. Knowledge and Attitude About Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Primary Care Clinicians at a Federally Qualified Health Center in Central Texas: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 2023;34(1):24 View
  32. Sullivan P, Siegler A. What will it take to meet UNAIDS targets for preexposure prophylaxis users?. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2022;35(1):1 View
  33. Cook P, Jankowski C, Erlandson K, Reeder B, Starr W, Flynn Makic M. Low- and High-Intensity Physical Activity Among People with HIV: Multilevel Modeling Analysis Using Sensor- and Survey-Based Predictors. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(4):e33938 View
  34. Doherty R, Walsh J, Quinn K, John S. Association of Race and Other Social Determinants of Health With HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use: A County-Level Analysis Using the PrEP-to-Need Ratio. AIDS Education and Prevention 2022;34(3):183 View
  35. Platt J, Pamplin J, Gimbrone C, Rutherford C, Kandula S, Olfson M, Gould M, Martínez-Alés G, Shaman J, Keyes K. Racial Disparities in Spatial and Temporal Youth Suicide Clusters. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2022;61(9):1131 View
  36. Anderson S, Friedman E, Eller D, Kerman J, Zhou J, Stanford K, Ridgway J, McNulty M. HIV testing in a high prevalence urban area in the US: Identifying missed opportunities two ways. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2022;33(11):970 View
  37. Carlisle N, Booth J, Rodgers J, Heath S, Walter L. Utilizing Laboratory Results to Identify Emergency Department Patients with Indications for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2022;36(8):285 View
  38. Goodreau S, Delaney K, Zhu W, Smith D, Mann L, Sanchez T, Hamilton D, Hoover K, Krakower D. Impacts of COVID-19 on sexual behaviors, HIV prevention and care among men who have sex with men: A comparison of New York City and Metropolitan Atlanta. PLOS ONE 2023;18(3):e0282503 View
  39. Sullivan P, Hall E, Bradley H, Sanchez T, Woodyatt C, Russell E. Estimating HIV Incident Diagnoses Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Eligible for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis but Not Taking It: Protocol and Feasibility Assessment of Data Sources and Methods. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e42267 View
  40. López-Pintor E, Gómez-Ramos A, Sanz-Valero J. Antibiotic Infographics Available on the Internet: Documentary Quality, Purpose, and Appropriateness as Educational Tools on Antimicrobial Resistance. Antibiotics 2023;12(3):462 View
  41. Brousseau N, Kalichman S, Watson R, Eaton L. Amphetamine use and its associations with antiretroviral adherence and viral load among sexual minority men and transgender women living with HIV. AIDS Care 2023;35(10):1472 View
  42. Calabrese S, Kalwicz D, Dovidio J, Rao S, Modrakovic D, Boone C, Magnus M, Kharfen M, Patel V, Zea M, Demant D. Targeted social marketing of PrEP and the stigmatization of black sexual minority men. PLOS ONE 2023;18(5):e0285329 View
  43. Piper K, Anderson K, Kokubun C, Sheth A, Sales J. Using qualitative comparative analysis to understand the conditions that produce successful PrEP implementation in family planning clinics. Implementation Science Communications 2023;4(1) View
  44. Sophus A, Mitchell J, Barroso J, Sales J. Factors Associated with Planned Future Use of PrEP in the Next 3 Months and Likelihood to Use PrEP Among Black Cisgender HIV-negative Women in Texas. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(1):72 View
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  46. Qiao S, Zhang J, Li Z, Olatosi B, Weissman S, Li X. The Impacts of HIV-Related Service Interruptions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Protocol of a Mixed Methodology Longitudinal Study. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(S1):61 View
  47. Zang X, Piske M, Humphrey L, Enns B, Sui Y, Marshall B, Goedel W, Feaster D, Metsch L, Sullivan P, Tookes H, Nosyk B. Estimating the epidemiological impact of reaching the objectives of the Florida integrated HIV prevention and care plan in Miami-Dade County. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2023;27:100623 View
  48. Hamilton D, Wang L, Hoover K, Smith D, Delaney K, Li J, Hoyte T, Jenness S, Goodreau S, Rosenbaum J. Potential contribution of PrEP uptake by adolescents 15–17 years old to achieving the “Ending the HIV Epidemic” incidence reduction goals in the US South. PLOS ONE 2023;18(11):e0288588 View
  49. Keralis J. HIV Criminalization Laws and Enforcement: Assessing the Relationship Between HIV Criminalization at the State Level, Policing at the County Level, and County-level HIV Incidence Rates. AIDS and Behavior 2023;27(11):3713 View
  50. McNulty M, Kerman J, Devlin S, Pyra M, Rusie L, Curoe K, Thompson L, Mason J, Friedman E, Uvin A, Brown C, Schneider J, Patel R. PrEP Persistence Support and Monitoring in Areas of High HIV Burden in the Midwestern United States. AIDS Education and Prevention 2023;35(3):235 View
  51. Zhai Y, Isadore K, Parker L, Sandberg J. Responding to the HIV Health Literacy Needs of Clients in Substance Use Treatment: The Role of Universal PrEP Education in HIV Health and Prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(19):6893 View
  52. Gaines T, Werb D, Harris O. Young, Black/African American, and Latino communities are left behind despite legislative efforts in California to reduce HIV/STI disparities. Frontiers in Reproductive Health 2023;5 View
  53. Wells K, Gordon J, Carrizosa C, Mozo E, Lucido N, Cobian Aguilar R, Brady J, Rojas S, Ramers C, Nogg K, Fahey K, Jones I, Rivera D, Blashill A. Interpersonal and Community-Level Influences Across the PrEP Cascade Among Young Adult Latinx Men who Have Sex with Men Living in a US-Mexico Border Region: A Qualitative Study. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(3):759 View
  54. Harrington K, Chandra C, Alohan D, Cruz D, Young H, Siegler A, Crawford N. Examination of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Need, Availability, and Potential Pharmacy Integration in the Southeastern US. JAMA Network Open 2023;6(7):e2326028 View
  55. Paer J, Ratcliffe J, Chang M, Carnevale C, Quigee D, Gordon P, Olender S, Sobieszczyk M, Zucker J, Jin F. Predictors of missed HIV screening opportunities among newly diagnosed individuals at an urban medical center in New York City, 2018–2022. PLOS ONE 2023;18(9):e0290414 View
  56. Fallahi M, Guadamuz J, Shooshtari A, Qato D. Changes in HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Coverage at State and County Level During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(3):799 View
  57. Gray A, Ward M, Fernandez S, Nawfal E, Gwanzura T, Li T, Sheehan D, Jean-Gilles M, Beach M, Ladner R, Trepka M. Exploring the use of self-management strategies for antiretroviral therapy adherence among women with HIV in the Miami-Dade County Ryan White Program. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2024;47(2):282 View
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  59. Yang X, Zhang J, Olatosi B, Li Z, Weissman S, Li X. Patterns and predictors of racial/ethnic disparities in HIV care continuum in the Southern USA: protocol for a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open 2023;13(12):e080521 View
  60. Hood N, Benbow N, Jaggi C, Whitby S, Sullivan P. AIDSVu Cities’ Progress Toward HIV Care Continuum Goals: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024;10:e49381 View
  61. Stewart B, Byrne M, Levy M, Horberg M, Monroe A, Castel A, Rakhmanina N, Barnes C, Wood A, Kumar P, Temprosa M, Bhandaru V, Bezabeh T, Grover N, Mele L, Reamer S, Sapozhnikova A, Strylewicz G, Barth S, Castel A, Greenberg A, Hammerlund S, Kulie P, Monroe A, Peterson J, Stewart B, Ma Y, Lucar J, Gajjala J, Rana S, Horberg M, Fernandez R, Taylor D, Bordon J, Teferi G, Benator D, Wortmann G, Abbott S. The Association of Mental Health and Substance Use With Retention in HIV Care Among Black Women in Washington, District of Columbia. Women's Health Issues 2024;34(3):250 View
  62. Burgan K, McCollum C, Guzman A, Penney B, Hill S, Kudroff K, Thorn S, Burton T, Turner K, Mugavero M, Rana A, Elopre L. A mixed methods evaluation assessing the feasibility of implementing a PrEP data dashboard in the Southeastern United States. BMC Health Services Research 2024;24(1) View
  63. Moen M, Sublette N, Alves J, Walker C. Policy Challenges and Resiliency Related to Ending the HIV Epidemic in the Southern and Rural United States: A Call to Action. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 2024;35(2):161 View
  64. Li L, Lin J, Tackett S, Bertram A, Sisson S, Rastegar D, Berkenblit G. Knowledge of Pre- and Postexposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention Among Internal Medicine Residents in the United States. AIDS Education and Prevention 2024;36(1):48 View
  65. Pinto Taylor E, Halpin S, Marconi V, Justice A, Johnson T, McInnes D, Perkins M. “Call 911 - That’s my [Advance Care] Plan”: Factors that Inform Advance Care Planning Conversation Readiness Among Aging Persons Living With HIV. Journal of Applied Gerontology 2024;43(8):1156 View
  66. Dickson S, James K. Trends in HIV preexposure prophylaxis utilization and spending among individuals with commercial insurance. AIDS 2024;38(4):610 View
  67. Vilidnitsky A, Hernandez R, Silva C, Fields E. HIV Testing Deserts and Vulnerability Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Tampa Bay, Florida. Journal of Adolescent Health 2024;74(5):1012 View
  68. Waldron E, Goodman G, Rivas A, Ott C, Blyler A, McDonald V, Campbell M, Underwood E, Bonner A, Wise J, Elopre L, Kudroff K, Krakower D, Sherr K, Kempf M, Psaros C. Perceptions of and preferences for PrEP use among African American women and providers in the U.S. South: a qualitative study. Psychology & Health 2024:1 View
  69. Sheth A, Momplaisir F, Dumond J. Shifting the Narrative of Preexposure Prophylaxis Adherence Counseling for Cisgender Women. JAMA 2024;331(11):912 View
  70. Rodriguez E, Boga D, Shrader C, Arroyo-Flores J, Rosas Y, Kanamori M. PROGRESO-II: Developing Culturally Tailored Materials for a Social Network-Based Intervention to Promote HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Initiation Among Latina Seasonal Farmworkers. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2024;38(3):134 View
  71. Sullivan P, DuBose S, Castel A, Hoover K, Juhasz M, Guest J, Le G, Whitby S, Siegler A. Equity of PrEP uptake by race, ethnicity, sex and region in the United States in the first decade of PrEP: a population-based analysis. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2024;33:100738 View
  72. Mullis C, Goldberg A, Avila K, Hall B, Golub S, Keller M. Understanding Attitudes of Postpartum Cisgender Women Toward Integration of HIV Prevention Services into Routine Prenatal and Postpartum Sexual Health Discussions. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2024;38(4):185 View
  73. Camfield C, Evans Y, Kumbhakar R. HIV preexposure prophylaxis in adolescents and young adults: an update. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2024;36(4):389 View
  74. Bennett B, DuBose S, Huang Y, Johnson C, Hoover K, Wiener J, Purcell D, Sullivan P. Population Percentage and Population Size of Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States, 2017-2021: Meta-Analysis of 5 Population-Based Surveys. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024;10:e56643 View
  75. Li G, Chang B, Zhao J, Wang J, He F, Wang Y, Xu T, Zhou Z. VIVIAN: virtual simulation and visual analysis of epidemic spread data. Journal of Visualization 2024;27(4):677 View
  76. Saldarriaga E, Basu A. Estimation of HIV Prevalence at the ZIP Code-Level in Atlanta, Georgia: Bayesian Prediction Modeling Using Passive Surveillance Data and Social Determinants of Disease Spreading. (Preprint). JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2023 View
  77. Wirtz A, Poteat T, Borquez A, Linton S, Stevenson M, Case J, Brown C, Lint A, Miller M, Radix A, Althoff K, Schneider J, Haw J, Wawrzyniak A, Rodriguez A, Cooney E, Humes E, Pontes C, Seopaul S, White C, Beyrer C, Reisner S. Enhanced Cohort Methods for HIV Research and Epidemiology (ENCORE): Protocol for a Nationwide Hybrid Cohort for Transgender Women in the United States. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e59846 View
  78. Shi F, Zhang J, Chen S, Yang X, Li Z, Weissman S, Olatosi B, Li X. Multi-level Factors Associated with HIV Late Presentation with Advanced Disease and Delay Time of Diagnosis in South Carolina, 2005–2019. AIDS and Behavior 2024;28(10):3205 View
  79. Xia Q, Edelstein Z, Katz B, Bertolino D, Berry A, Tsoi B, Torian L. Impact of HIV preexposure prophylaxis prescriptions on HIV diagnoses in New York City. AIDS 2024;38(9):1412 View
  80. Chory A, Bond K. Access to PrEP and other sexual health services for cisgender women in the United States: a review of state policy and Medicaid expansion. Frontiers in Public Health 2024;12 View
  81. Zapata J, Hurtado M, Avila A, Mustanski B. A Mixed Methods Investigation Examining the PrEP Cascade Among 13–18-Year-Old Latino Adolescent Sexual Minority Men. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2024 View
  82. Zuniga J, Prachniak C, Policek N, Magula N, Gandhi A, Anderson J, Diallo D, Lima V, Ravishankar S, Acharya S, Achrekar A, Adeleke M, Aïna É, Baptiste S, Barrow G, Begovac J, Bukusi E, Castel A, Castellanos E, Cestou J, Chirambo G, Crowley J, Dedes N, Ditiu L, Doherty M, Duncombe C, Durán A, Futterman D, Hader S, Kounkeu C, Lawless F, Lazarus J, Lex S, Lobos C, Mayer K, Mejia M, Moheno H, d'Arminio Monforte A, Morán-Arribas M, Nagel D, Ndugwa R, Ngunu C, Poonkasetwattana M, Prins M, Quesada A, Rudnieva O, Ruth S, Saavedra J, Toma L, Wanjiku Njenga L, Williams B. IAPAC–Lancet HIV Commission on the future of urban HIV responses. The Lancet HIV 2024;11(9):e607 View
  83. Piske M, Nosyk B, Smith J, Yeung B, Enns B, Zang X, Sullivan P, Armstrong W, Thompson M, Daniel G, del Rio C. Ending the HIV Epidemic in Metropolitan Atlanta: a mixed‐methods study to support the local HIV/AIDS response. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2024;27(7) View
  84. Alexander L, Brown V, Koethe J, Shepherd B, Green M, Myers H, Chandler C. Keeping it real: A descriptive analysis of HIV testing history, PrEP awareness, and PrEP use among Black cisgender women in Middle Tennessee, 2018. Journal of the National Medical Association 2024;116(4):338 View
  85. Touleyrou L, Newman G, Heisler S, Chopra T. Empowering Health and Identity: The Vital Role of Gender-affirming Care for Individuals With HIV. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2024;11(8) View
  86. Surratt H, Brown S, Burton A, Cranford W, Green C, Mersch S, Rains R, Westgate P. Examining HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) acceptability among rural people who inject drugs: predictors of PrEP interest among syringe service program clients. AIDS Care 2024;36(12):1858 View
  87. Shrader C, Craker L, Johnson A, Rodriguez E, Skvoretz J, Self K, Kanamori M. Peer Influence on Motivation to Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Latino Sexual Minority Men in Miami, Florida: A Network Autocorrelation Model. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2024;38(8):370 View
  88. Keralis J, Bourbeau A, Delaney K, Odunsi S, Valentine S. HIV: California’s 2018 criminalization reform and testing among those reporting risk behavior. Journal of Public Health Policy 2024;45(4):673 View
  89. Doblecki‐Lewis S, Johnson A, Klose K, King K, Narcisse G, Butts S, Whiteside P, Kobetz E, Stevenson M. An observational cohort study evaluating PrEP reach, engagement and persistence through a community‐based mobile clinic in Miami‐Dade County, Florida. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2024;27(10) View
  90. Shi F, Zhang J, Chen S, Yang X, Li Z, Weissman S, Olatosi B, Li X. Association of Racial Residential Segregation and Other Social Determinants of Health with HIV Late Presentation. AIDS and Behavior 2025;29(2):517 View
  91. Crawford N, Harrington K, Chandra C, Alohan D, Quamina A, Beck O, Young H. Feasibility of reaching populations at high risk for HIV in community pharmacies. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2024;64(6):102239 View
  92. Saldarriaga E, Basu A. Estimation of HIV prevalence at the ZIP code-level in Atlanta, Georgia: Bayesian prediction modeling using passive surveillance data and social determinants of disease spreading. Public Health 2024;237:282 View
  93. Sullivan P, Mera-Giler R, Bush S, Shvachko V, Sarkodie E, O'Farrell D, Dubose S, Magnuson D. Claims-Based Algorithm to Identify Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Indications for Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabine Prescriptions (2012-2014): Validation Study. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e55614 View
  94. Tieu H, Nandi V, Diaz J, Greene E, Walcott M, Curriero F, Desjardins M, Wychgram C, Latkin C, Rundle A, Frye V. Neighborhoods, Networks, and HIV Care Among Men Who Have Sex With Men: Proposal for a Longitudinal Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e64358 View
  95. Johnson A, Devlin S, Pyra M, Etshokin E, Ducheny K, Friedman E, Hirschhorn L, Haider S, Ridgway J. Mapping Implementation Strategies to Address Barriers to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use Among Women Through POWER Up (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Optimization Among Women to Enhance Retention and Uptake): Content Analysis. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e59800 View
  96. Knight D, Monger M, Phillips K, Antar A, Baral S, Stockman J, Nunn A, Chan P, Mayer K, Mena L, Kershaw T, Willie T. PrEP initiation and adherence among Black cisgender women in Mississippi: The role of HIV and PrEP stigma and social support. Women's Health 2024;20 View
  97. Lipps A, Nielsen N, Dannemiller A, Patel Y, Bazan J, Ricks J, Koletar S, Malvestutto C. Utilization of an Off-Site Patient Navigator to Facilitate HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Referrals in Patients with Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Emergency Department. AIDS and Behavior 2025;29(3):823 View
  98. Nijhawan A, Kholy J, Marcus J, Hogan T, Higashi R, Naeem J, Hansen L, Torres B, Harris B, Zhang S, Krakower D. A Multicomponent Strategy to Improve HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Southern US Jail: Protocol for a Type 3 Hybrid Implementation-Effectiveness Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2025;14:e64813 View
  99. Hernandez C, Turner C, Trujillo D, Tate M, Quintana J, Baguso G, McNaughton K, Arayasirikul S, McFarland W, Wilson E, Phanuphak N. High interest for long-acting injectable PrEP among men who have sex with men at most risk for HIV in San Francisco, 2021. Sexual Health 2024;21(6) View
  100. Tran J, Mishra A, Zimmermann M, Hansen R. Bridging PrEP access gaps: Mapping geospatial accessibility across the United States and leveraging community pharmacies for expansion. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association 2025;65(2):102274 View
  101. Surratt H, Brown S, Burton A, Cranford W, Fanucchi L, Green C, Mersch S, Rains R, Westgate P. Outcomes of a pilot randomized clinical trial testing brief interventions to increase HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among rural people who inject drugs attending syringe services programs. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease 2025;12 View
  102. Ma Y, Yang X, Xiao J, Li X, Olatosi B, Zhang J, Wang T. Longitudinal Viral Load Clustering for People With HIV Using Functional Principal Component Analysis. AIDS Research and Treatment 2025;2025(1) View
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  105. Eichenwald C, Higashi R, Hogan T, Naeem J, Marcus J, Krakower D, Nijhawan A. Supporting Access to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in a Shifting Financial and Insurance Landscape. AJPM Focus 2025;4(2):100311 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Detels R, Karim Q, Baum F, Li L, Leyland A, Sullivan P, Siegler A, Hightow-Weidman L. Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health. View
  2. Kaslow R, Tang J, Goepfert P. Viral Infections of Humans. View