Published on in Vol 21, No 11 (2019): November

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Young People’s Online Help-Seeking and Mental Health Difficulties: Systematic Narrative Review

Young People’s Online Help-Seeking and Mental Health Difficulties: Systematic Narrative Review

Young People’s Online Help-Seeking and Mental Health Difficulties: Systematic Narrative Review


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Pesonen J. Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Games and Virtual Environments for Learning. View
  2. Grant A. The Role of Student Services in Higher Education. View
  3. Lira D, Martínez V. Prevention and Early Treatment of Depression Through the Life Course. View
  4. Areán P, Allred R. Digital Therapeutics for Mental Health and Addiction. View
  5. Achrekar G, Batra K. Effective Use of Social Media in Public Health. View
  6. Rickwood D. Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. View
  7. Bajwa R. Social Psychology Theories and Methods in Education. View
  8. de Almeida R. Emerging Technologies for Health Literacy and Medical Practice. View
  9. . Developing Multicultural Leadership Using Knowledge Dynamics and Cultural Intelligence. View
  10. Modliński A, Pawlak A. Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence. View
  11. Rickwood D. Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. View