Published on in Vol 19, No 9 (2017): September

User Acceptance of Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: Systematic Review

User Acceptance of Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: Systematic Review

User Acceptance of Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: Systematic Review

Theresia Rost   1 , M.A. ;   Janine Stein   1 , Dr. rer. med. ;   Margrit Löbner   1 , Dr. rer. med. ;   Anette Kersting   2 , Prof. Dr. med. ;   Claudia Luck-Sikorski   3, 4 , Prof., Dr. rer. med. ;   Steffi G Riedel-Heller   1 , MPH, Prof. Dr. med.

1 Institute of Social Medicine, Occupational Health and Public Health, Medical Faculty, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

2 Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, University Medical Centre, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

3 Mental Health and Psychotherapy, SRH University of Applied Health Services, Gera, Germany

4 Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB) AdiposityDiseases, University Hospital, Leipzig, Germany

Corresponding Author:

  • Steffi G Riedel-Heller, MPH, Prof. Dr. med.
  • Institute of Social Medicine, Occupational Health and Public Health
  • Medical Faculty
  • University of Leipzig
  • Building A, 3rd Fl.
  • Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 55
  • Leipzig, 04103
  • Germany
  • Phone: 49 3419715408
  • Fax: 49 3419724569
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