Published on in Vol 19, No 8 (2017): August

- Compen F, Bisseling E, Schellekens M, Donders R, Carlson L, van der Lee M, Speckens A. Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Compared With Treatment as Usual in Reducing Psychological Distress in Patients With Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2018;36(23):2413 View
- Luedke M, Blalock D, Goldstein K, Kosinski A, Sinha S, Drake C, Lewis J, Husain A, Lewinski A, Shapiro A, Gierisch J, Tran T, Gordon A, Van Noord M, Bosworth H, Williams J. Self-management of Epilepsy. Annals of Internal Medicine 2019;171(2):117 View
- Kamath D, Bhuvana K, Dhiraj R, Xavier D, Varghese K, Salazar L, Granger C, Pais P, Granger B. Patient and caregiver reported facilitators of self-care among patients with chronic heart failure: report from a formative qualitative study. Wellcome Open Research 2020;5:10 View
- Simmons L, Williams H, Silva S, Keefe F, Tanabe P. Acceptability and Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Pain Catastrophizing among Persons with Sickle Cell Disease. Pain Management Nursing 2019;20(3):261 View
- Lippmann M, Laudel H, Heinzle M, Narciss S. Relating Instructional Design Components to the Effectiveness of Internet-Based Mindfulness Interventions: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(11):e12497 View
- Toivonen K, Hermann M, White J, Speca M, Carlson L. A Mixed-Method, Multi-Perspective Investigation of Barriers to Participation in Mindfulness-Based Cancer Recovery. Mindfulness 2020;11(10):2325 View
- Farver-Vestergaard I, O’Connor M, Smith N, Løkke A, Bendstrup E, Zachariae R. Tele-delivered mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A mixed-methods feasibility study. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2019;25(8):468 View
- Markert C, Gomm C, Ehlert U, Gaab J, Nater U. Effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management training in individuals with functional somatic symptoms – an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Stress 2019;22(6):696 View
- Kamath D, Bhuvana K, Dhiraj R, Xavier D, Varghese K, Salazar L, Granger C, Pais P, Granger B. Patient and caregiver reported facilitators of self-care among patients with chronic heart failure: report from a formative qualitative study. Wellcome Open Research 2020;5:10 View
- Cox C, Hough C, Jones D, Ungar A, Reagan W, Key M, Gremore T, Olsen M, Sanders L, Greeson J, Porter L. Effects of mindfulness training programmes delivered by a self-directed mobile app and by telephone compared with an education programme for survivors of critical illness: a pilot randomised clinical trial. Thorax 2019;74(1):33 View
- Gardiner P, D'Amico S, Luo M, Haas N. An Innovative Electronic Health Toolkit (Our Whole Lives for Chronic Pain) to Reduce Chronic Pain in Patients With Health Disparities: Open Clinical Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(3):e14768 View
- Hennemann S, Böhme K, Baumeister H, Bendig E, Kleinstäuber M, Ebert D, Witthöft M. Efficacy of a guided internet-based intervention (iSOMA) for somatic symptoms and related distress in university students: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2018;8(12):e024929 View
- Gupta S, Schaffer G, Saps M. Pediatric irritable bowel syndrome and other functional abdominal pain disorders: an update of non-pharmacological treatments. Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2018;12(5):447 View
- Russell L, Ugalde A, Milne D, Austin D, Livingston P. Digital Characteristics and Dissemination Indicators to Optimize Delivery of Internet-Supported Mindfulness-Based Interventions for People With a Chronic Condition: Systematic Review. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(3):e53 View
- Barceló-Soler A, Monreal-Bartolomé A, Navarro-Gil M, Beltran-Ruiz M, García-Campayo J. Mindfulness aplicado a la atención primaria. FMC - Formación Médica Continuada en Atención Primaria 2018;25(10):564 View
- Walsh K, Saab B, Farb N. Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation App on Subjective Well-Being: Active Randomized Controlled Trial and Experience Sampling Study. JMIR Mental Health 2019;6(1):e10844 View
- Compen F, Bisseling E, Schellekens M, Jansen E, van der Lee M, Speckens A. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer Patients Delivered via Internet: Qualitative Study of Patient and Therapist Barriers and Facilitators. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(12):e407 View
- Seabrook E, Kelly R, Foley F, Theiler S, Thomas N, Wadley G, Nedeljkovic M. Understanding How Virtual Reality Can Support Mindfulness Practice: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(3):e16106 View
- Pashing S, Khosh Lahjeh Sedgh A. Comparison of effectiveness of acceptance commitment therapy and metacognitive therapy on reducing symptoms, psychological capital and quality of life of patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. MEDICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL 2019;29(2):181 View
- Greeson J, Chin G. Mindfulness and physical disease: a concise review. Current Opinion in Psychology 2019;28:204 View
- Shallcross A, Visvanathan P, Sperber S, Duberstein Z. Waking up to the problem of sleep: can mindfulness help? A review of theory and evidence for the effects of mindfulness for sleep. Current Opinion in Psychology 2019;28:37 View
- Matis J, Svetlak M, Slezackova A, Svoboda M, Šumec R. Mindfulness-Based Programs for Patients With Cancer via eHealth and Mobile Health: Systematic Review and Synthesis of Quantitative Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(11):e20709 View
- Shao D, Zhang H, Cui N, Sun J, Li J, Cao F. The efficacy and mechanisms of a guided self‐help intervention based on mindfulness in patients with breast cancer: A randomized controlled trial. Cancer 2021;127(9):1377 View
- Büssing A, Hübner J, Walter S, Gießler W, Büntzel J. Tumor Patients´ Perceived Changes of Specific Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relation to Reduced Wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020;11 View
- Büssing A, Rodrigues Recchia D, Hein R, Dienberg T. Perceived changes of specific attitudes, perceptions and behaviors during the Corona pandemic and their relation to wellbeing. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2020;18(1) View
- Weerts Z, Heinen K, Masclee A, Quanjel A, Winkens B, Vork L, Rinkens P, Jonkers D, Keszthelyi D. Smart Data Collection for the Assessment of Treatment Effects in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Observational Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(11):e19696 View
- Fordham B, Sugavanam T, Edwards K, Hemming K, Howick J, Copsey B, Lee H, Kaidesoja M, Kirtley S, Hopewell S, das Nair R, Howard R, Stallard P, Hamer-Hunt J, Cooper Z, Lamb S. Cognitive–behavioural therapy for a variety of conditions: an overview of systematic reviews and panoramic meta-analysis. Health Technology Assessment 2021;25(9):1 View
- Sasseville M, LeBlanc A, Boucher M, Dugas M, Mbemba G, Tchuente J, Chouinard M, Beaulieu M, Beaudet N, Skidmore B, Cholette P, Aspiros C, Larouche A, Chabot G, Gagnon M. Digital health interventions for the management of mental health in people with chronic diseases: a rapid review. BMJ Open 2021;11(4):e044437 View
- Siebenhüner A, Mikolasek M, Witt C, Barth J. Improvements in Health Might Contradict Adherence to Mobile Health Interventions: Findings from a Self-Care Cancer App Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2021;27(S1):S-115 View
- Zhang D, Lee E, Mak E, Ho C, Wong S. Mindfulness-based interventions: an overall review. British Medical Bulletin 2021;138(1):41 View
- Wu A, Choy B. Psychological interventions to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients: a review. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2023;261(5):1215 View
- Kranenburg L, Gillis J, Mayer B, Hoogendijk W. The Effectiveness of a Nonguided Mindfulness App on Perceived Stress in a Nonclinical Dutch Population: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(3):e32123 View
- Ainsworth B, Stanescu S, Stuart B, Russell D, Liddiard M, Djukanovic R, Thomas M. A feasibility trial of a digital mindfulness-based intervention to improve asthma-related quality of life for primary care patients with asthma. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022;45(1):133 View
- Prather J, Baughman B, Alexandrov A, Grimes Stanfill A. A Conceptual Model of the Influence of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress and Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Conditions. Holistic Nursing Practice 2022;36(2):67 View
- Mitchell A, Martin L, Baldwin A, Levens S. Mindfulness-Informed Guided Imagery to Target Physical Activity: A Mixed Method Feasibility and Acceptability Pilot Study. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12 View
- Bartlett L, Buscot M, Bindoff A, Chambers R, Hassed C. Mindfulness Is Associated With Lower Stress and Higher Work Engagement in a Large Sample of MOOC Participants. Frontiers in Psychology 2021;12 View
- Ziv I, Baram H, Bar K, Zilberstein V, Itzikowitz S, Harel E, Dershowitz N. Morphological characteristics of spoken language in schizophrenia patients – an exploratory study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2022;63(2):91 View
- Veldman M, van der Aa H, Bode C, Knoop H, Hulshof C, Koopmanschap M, Stavleu E, van Rens G, van Nispen R. E-nergEYEze, a vision-specific eHealth intervention based on cognitive behavioral therapy and self-management to reduce fatigue in adults with visual impairment: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2021;22(1) View
- Islam Z, D’Silva A, Raman M, Nasser Y. The role of mind body interventions in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022;13 View
- Moulaei K, Rajaei E, Ahmadian L, Khajouei R. Investigating the role of health information technology in the control and management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): a systematic review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2022;22(1) View
- Zainal N, Newman M. A randomized controlled trial of a 14-day mindfulness ecological momentary intervention (MEMI) for generalized anxiety disorder. European Psychiatry 2023;66(1) View
- Koulouri T, Macredie R, Olakitan D. Chatbots to Support Young Adults’ Mental Health: An Exploratory Study of Acceptability. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 2022;12(2):1 View
- Shah A, Hussain-Shamsy N, Strudwick G, Sockalingam S, Nolan R, Seto E. Digital Health Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Among People With Chronic Conditions: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(9):e38030 View
- Mittal T, Evans E, Pottle A, Lambropoulos C, Morris C, Surawy C, Chuter A, Cox F, de Silva R, Mason M, Banya W, Thakrar D, Tyrer P. Mindfulness-based intervention in patients with persistent pain in chest (MIPIC) of non-cardiac cause: a feasibility randomised control study. Open Heart 2022;9(1):e001970 View
- Graham B, Jin Y, Bazeley P, Husni E, Calabrese L. Online, low-volume meditation does not alter immune-related biomarkers. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 2022;26:100531 View
- Liu Z, Li M, Jia Y, Wang S, Zheng L, Wang C, Chen L. A randomized clinical trial of guided self-help intervention based on mindfulness for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: effects and mechanisms. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022;52(3):227 View
- Burks N, Turner B, Cadavero A, McGugan L, Thompson J. Addressing Compassion Fatigue in Family Caregivers using a Mindfulness-based Smartphone Application. Home Healthcare Now 2022;40(6):330 View
- James-Palmer A, Anderson E, Daneault J. Remote Delivery of Yoga Interventions Through Technology: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(6):e29092 View
- Liu Z, Jia Y, Li M, Meng X, Shang B, Wang C, Chen L. Effectiveness of online mindfulness-based interventions for improving mental health in patients with physical health conditions: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2022;37:52 View
- Livingston P, Russell L, Orellana L, Winter N, Jefford M, Girgis A, Austin D, O E, Mihalopoulos C, Ugalde A, Chambers R, Phipps-Nelson J, Herath D, Botti M, Rasmussen B, Whitfield K, Ftanou M, Smith A, Pilatti K, Sara S, Wootten A, Gillan K, Singh M, Campbell D, Pillay B, White V. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an online mindfulness program (MindOnLine) to reduce fear of recurrence among people with cancer: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2022;12(1):e057212 View
- Lester E, Fishbein N, Peterson A, Vranceanu A. Early feasibility testing of a web-based mind-body resiliency program for adults with neurofibromatosis: The NF-Web study. PEC Innovation 2022;1:100076 View
- Leslie M, Beatty L, Hulbert-Williams L, Pendrous R, Cartwright T, Jackson R, Hulbert-Williams N. Web-Based Psychological Interventions for People Living With and Beyond Cancer: Meta-Review of What Works and What Does Not for Maximizing Recruitment, Engagement, and Efficacy. JMIR Cancer 2022;8(3):e36255 View
- Hellrigel-Holderbaum M, Romanczuk-Seiferth N, Glos M, Fietze I. Effects of mindfulness meditation and Acceptance and commitment therapy in patients with obstructive sleep apnea with residual excessive sleepiness: A randomized controlled pilot study. Sleep Medicine 2023;106:33 View
- Fan M, Wang Y, Zheng L, Cui M, Zhou X, Liu Z. Effectiveness of online mindfulness-based interventions for cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2023;53(11):1068 View
- Mendu S, Doyle Fosco S, Lanza S, Abdullah S. Designing voice interfaces to support mindfulness-based pain management. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
- Nagykaldi Z, Littenberg B, Bonnell L, Breshears R, Clifton J, Crocker A, Hitt J, Kessler R, Mollis B, Miyamoto R, van Eeghen C. Econometric evaluation of implementing a behavioral health integration intervention in primary care settings. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2023;13(8):571 View
- Berko J, Mazonson P, Short D, Karris M, Ehui L, Gutner C, Spinelli F, Zolopa A. Waitlist-controlled trial of an online intervention to address mental health among older people living with HIV. Antiviral Therapy 2023;28(6) View
- Anderson J, Jabson Tree J, Flatt J, Smith J, Morgan K, Beebe L, Rose K. Use of Digital Health Resources by Sexual and Gender Minority Caregivers of Older Adults: Findings From the 2020 Caregiving in the U.S. Survey. Journal of Family Nursing 2024;30(1):68 View
- Johnson E, Corrick S, Isley S, Vandermeer B, Dolgoy N, Bates J, Godfrey E, Soltys C, Muir C, Vohra S, Tandon P, Ayatollahi H. Mind-body internet and mobile-based interventions for depression and anxiety in adults with chronic physical conditions: A systematic review of RCTs. PLOS Digital Health 2024;3(1):e0000435 View
- Zainal N, Tan H, Hong R, Newman M. Is a brief mindfulness ecological momentary intervention more efficacious than a self-monitoring app for social anxiety disorder? A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 2024;104:102858 View
- Wang T, Tang C, Jiang X, Guo Y, Zhu S, Xu Q. Effectiveness of Web-Based Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Patients With Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e47704 View
- Malandrone F, Urru S, Berchialla P, Rossini P, Oliva F, Bianchi S, Ottaviano M, Gonzalez-Martinez S, Carli V, Valenza G, Scilingo E, Carletto S, Ostacoli L. Exploring the Effects of Variety and Amount of Mindfulness Practices on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Symptoms: Longitudinal Study on a Mental Health–Focused eHealth System for Patients With Breast or Prostate Cancer. JMIR Mental Health 2024;11:e57415 View
- Corrick S, Johnson E, Isley S, Vandermeer B, Dolgoy N, Bates J, Godfrey E, Soltys C, Muir C, Tegg N, Norris C, Tandon P, Dale R. Sex and gender reporting in RCTs of internet and mobile-based interventions for depression and anxiety in chronic conditions: A secondary analysis of a systematic review. PLOS Mental Health 2024;1(2):e0000048 View
- Levey N, Chen N, Ditre J, Sylvia L, Mudgal C, Bhashyam A, Garg R, Ring D, Vranceanu A, Bakhshaie J. A Web-Based Mind-Body Intervention to Improve Resilience Among Patients With Nontraumatic Painful Upper-Extremity Conditions and Comorbid Risky Substance Use: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e64547 View
- Ng H, Wu C, Hsu H, Huang C, Hsu A, Chao Y, Jung T, Chuang C. Neurological Evidence of Diverse Self-Help Breathing Training With Virtual Reality and Biofeedback Assistance: Extensive Exploration Study of Electroencephalography Markers. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e55478 View
- Gu C, Qian L, Zhuo X. Mindfulness Intervention for Health Information Avoidance in Older Adults: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2025;11:e69554 View
- Berentsen B, Thuen C, Hillestad E, Steinsvik E, Hausken T, Hatlebakk J. The Effects of Digital eHealth Versus Onsite 2-Day Group-Based Education in 255 Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Cohort Study. JMIR Human Factors 2025;12:e43618 View
Books/Policy Documents
- Veldhoven B, Rouwet E. Handboek leefstijlgeneeskunde. View
- Markowitsch H, Schreier M. Reframing der Bedürfnisse. View
- Markowitsch H, Schreier M. Reframing der Bedürfnisse. View
- Smart C. Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology. View
- Mitchell S. Blood and Marrow Transplantation Long Term Management. View
- Doeleman-van Veldhoven B, Rouwet E. Handboek leefstijlgeneeskunde. View
- Choudhury A, Clare C, Koduri S, Saxena K. Handbook of Mind/Body Integration in Child and Adolescent Development. View