Published on in Vol 18, No 6 (2016): Jun

Photoaging Mobile Apps in School-Based Tobacco Prevention: The Mirroring Approach

Photoaging Mobile Apps in School-Based Tobacco Prevention: The Mirroring Approach

Photoaging Mobile Apps in School-Based Tobacco Prevention: The Mirroring Approach


  1. Xavier L, Bernardes-Souza B, Lisboa O, Seeger W, Groneberg D, Tran T, Fries F, Corrêa P, Brinker T. A Medical Student–Delivered Smoking Prevention Program, Education Against Tobacco, for Secondary Schools in Brazil: Study Protocol for a Randomized Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(1):e16 View
  2. Sondermann W, Utikal J, Enk A, Schadendorf D, Klode J, Hauschild A, Weichenthal M, French L, Berking C, Schilling B, Haferkamp S, Fröhling S, von Kalle C, Brinker T. Prediction of melanoma evolution in melanocytic nevi via artificial intelligence: A call for prospective data. European Journal of Cancer 2019;119:30 View
  3. Brinker T, Heckl M, Gatzka M, Heppt M, Resende Rodrigues H, Schneider S, Sondermann W, de Almeida e Silva C, Kirchberger M, Klode J, Enk A, Knispel S, von Kalle C, Stoffels I, Schadendorf D, Nakamura Y, Esser S, Assis A, Bernardes-Souza B. A Skin Cancer Prevention Facial-Aging Mobile App for Secondary Schools in Brazil: Appearance-Focused Interventional Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2018;6(3):e60 View
  4. Brinker T, Buslaff F, Suhre J, Silchmüller M, Divizieva E, Wilhelm J, Hillebrand G, Penka D, Gaim B, Swoboda S, Baumermann S, Walther J, Brieske C, Jakob L, Baumert H, Anhuef O, Schmidt S, Alfitian J, Batra A, Taha L, Mons U, Hofmann F, Haney A, Haney C, Schaible S, Tran T, Beißwenger H, Stark T, Groneberg D, Seeger W, Srivastava A, Gall H, Holzapfel J, Rigotti N, Baudson T, Enk A, Fröhling S, von Kalle C, Bernardes-Souza B, Pereira R, Thomas R. Process Evaluation of a Medical Student–Delivered Smoking Prevention Program for Secondary Schools: Protocol for the Education Against Tobacco Cluster Randomized Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2019;8(4):e13508 View
  5. Brinker T, Owczarek A, Seeger W, Groneberg D, Brieske C, Jansen P, Klode J, Stoffels I, Schadendorf D, Izar B, Fries F, Hofmann F. A Medical Student-Delivered Smoking Prevention Program, Education Against Tobacco, for Secondary Schools in Germany: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(6):e199 View
  6. Perucho I, Vijayakumar K, Talamas S, Chee M, Perrett D, Liu J. A Web-Based Photo-Alteration Intervention to Promote Sleep: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(9):e12500 View
  7. Brinker T, Enk A, Gatzka M, Nakamura Y, Sondermann W, Omlor A, Petri M, Karoglan A, Seeger W, Klode J, von Kalle C, Schadendorf D. A Dermatologist's Ammunition in the War Against Smoking: A Photoaging App. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(9):e326 View
  8. Vilardaga R, Casellas-Pujol E, McClernon J, Garrison K. Mobile Applications for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. Current Addiction Reports 2019;6(2):86 View
  9. Brinker T, Schadendorf D, Klode J, Cosgarea I, Rösch A, Jansen P, Stoffels I, Izar B. Photoaging Mobile Apps as a Novel Opportunity for Melanoma Prevention: Pilot Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2017;5(7):e101 View
  10. Derksen M, van Strijp S, Kunst A, Daams J, Jaspers M, Fransen M. Serious games for smoking prevention and cessation: A systematic review of game elements and game effects. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2020;27(5):818 View
  11. Bernardes-Souza B, Patruz Ananias De Assis Pires F, Madeira G, Felício Da Cunha Rodrigues T, Gatzka M, Heppt M, Omlor A, Enk A, Groneberg D, Seeger W, von Kalle C, Berking C, Corrêa P, Suhre J, Alfitian J, Assis A, Brinker T. Facial-Aging Mobile Apps for Smoking Prevention in Secondary Schools in Brazil: Appearance-Focused Interventional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2018;4(3):e10234 View
  12. Brinker T, Brieske C, Esser S, Klode J, Mons U, Batra A, Rüther T, Seeger W, Enk A, von Kalle C, Berking C, Heppt M, Gatzka M, Bernardes-Souza B, Schlenk R, Schadendorf D. A Face-Aging App for Smoking Cessation in a Waiting Room Setting: Pilot Study in an HIV Outpatient Clinic. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(8):e10976 View
  13. Brinker T, Buslaff F, Haney C, Gaim B, Haney A, Schmidt S, Silchmüller M, Taha L, Jakob L, Baumert H, Hallmann M, Heckl M, Alfitian J, Brieske C, Divizieva E, Wilhelm J, Hillebrand G, Penka D, Raveendranathan S, Suhre J. Das weltweite Medizinernetzwerk Aufklärung gegen Tabak – Ehrenamtliche Prävention made in Germany. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz 2018;61(11):1453 View
  14. Lisboa O, Bernardes-Souza B, Xavier L, Almeida M, Corrêa P, Brinker T. A Smoking Prevention Program Delivered by Medical Students to Secondary Schools in Brazil Called “Education Against Tobacco”: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(2):e12854 View
  15. Soranzo A, Bruno N, Jones A. Nonverbal communication in selfies posted on Instagram: Another look at the effect of gender on vertical camera angle. PLOS ONE 2020;15(9):e0238588 View
  16. Brinker T, Faria B, Gatzka M, de Faria O, Heppt M, Kirchberger M, Schadendorf D, Nakamura Y, Buslaff F, Lisboa O, Oliveira A, Lino H, Bernardes-Souza B. A skin cancer prevention photoageing intervention for secondary schools in Brazil delivered by medical students: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2018;8(3):e018299 View
  17. Brinker T, Brieske C, Schaefer C, Buslaff F, Gatzka M, Petri M, Sondermann W, Schadendorf D, Stoffels I, Klode J. Photoaging Mobile Apps in School-Based Melanoma Prevention: Pilot Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(9):e319 View
  18. Brinker T, Faria B, de Faria O, Klode J, Schadendorf D, Utikal J, Mons U, Krieghoff-Henning E, Lisboa O, Oliveira A, Lino H, Bernardes-Souza B. Effect of a Face-Aging Mobile App–Based Intervention on Skin Cancer Protection Behavior in Secondary Schools in Brazil. JAMA Dermatology 2020;156(7):737 View
  19. Brinker T, Alfitian J, Seeger W, Groneberg D, Von Kalle C, Enk A, Herth F, Kreuter M, Bauer C, Gatzka M, Suhre J. A Face-Aging Smoking Prevention/Cessation Intervention for Nursery School Students in Germany: An Appearance-Focused Interventional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(8):1656 View
  20. Uribe-Madrigal R, Gogeascoechea-Trejo M, Mota-Morales M, Ortiz-Chacha C, Salas-García B, Romero-Pedraza E, Ortiz-León M. Secondary School Students’ Perceptions of a Mobile Application Design for Smoking Prevention. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 2021;7(March):1 View
  21. Zhai D, van Stiphout R, Schiavone G, De Raedt W, Van Hoof C. Characterizing and Modeling Smoking Behavior Using Automatic Smoking Event Detection and Mobile Surveys in Naturalistic Environments: Observational Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(2):e28159 View
  22. Walker L, Grogan S, Scholtens K, Denovan A, McMillan B, Armitage C, Conner M, Epton T, Cordero M. UK women smokers' experiences of an age-progression smoking cessation intervention: Thematic analysis of accounts. PEC Innovation 2022;1:100021 View
  23. Micalizzi L, Mattingly D, Hart J, Jensen J, Mahabee-Gittens E, Garrison K. Smartphone Apps Targeting Youth Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation: An Assessment of Credibility and Quality. Current Addiction Reports 2023;10(4):649 View
  24. Brinker T, Holzapfel J, Baudson T, Sies K, Jakob L, Baumert H, Heckl M, Cirac A, Suhre J, Mathes V, Fries F, Spielmann H, Rigotti N, Seeger W, Herth F, Groneberg D, Raupach T, Gall H, Bauer C, Marek P, Batra A, Harrison C, Taha L, Owczarek A, Hofmann F, Thomas R, Mons U, Kreuter M. Photoaging smartphone app promoting poster campaign to reduce smoking prevalence in secondary schools: the Smokerface Randomized Trial: design and baseline characteristics. BMJ Open 2016;6(11):e014288 View
  25. Faria B, Brieske C, Cosgarea I, Omlor A, Fries F, de Faria C, Lino H, Oliveira A, Lisboa O, Klode J, Schadendorf D, Bernardes-Souza B, Brinker T. A smoking prevention photoageing intervention for secondary schools in Brazil delivered by medical students: protocol for a randomised trial. BMJ Open 2017;7(12):e018589 View
  26. Brinker T, Krieghoff-Henning E, Suhre J, Silchmüller M, Divizieva E, Wilhelm J, Hillebrand G, Haney A, Srivastava A, Haney C, Seeger W, Penka D, Gall H, Gaim B, Glisic L, Stark T, Swoboda S, Baumermann S, Brieske C, Jakob L, Fahrner H, Anhuef O, Schmidt S, Alfitian J, Taha L, Beißwenger H, Groneberg D, Thomas R, Fröhling S, von Kalle C, Baudson T, Buslaff F, Mons U. Evaluation of a medical student-delivered smoking prevention program utilizing a face-aging mobile app for secondary schools in Germany: The Education Against Tobacco cluster-randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Cancer 2024;209:114255 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Betz M, Koehler U, Sohrabi K. Digitales Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement. View
  2. Schirrmacher L, Betz M, Brand S. BGM – Ein Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen. View