Published on in Vol 17, No 5 (2015): May

- Tkatch R, Bazarko D, Musich S, Wu L, MacLeod S, Keown K, Hawkins K, Wicker E. A Pilot Online Mindfulness Intervention to Decrease Caregiver Burden and Improve Psychological Well-Being. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 2017;22(4):736 View
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- Harada K, Masumoto K, Katagiri K, Fukuzawa A, Touyama M, Sonoda D, Chogahara M, Kondo N, Okada S. Three-year effects of neighborhood social network intervention on mental and physical health of older adults. Aging & Mental Health 2021;25(12):2235 View
- Llorente-Barroso C, Kolotouchkina O, Mañas-Viniegra L. The Enabling Role of ICT to Mitigate the Negative Effects of Emotional and Social Loneliness of the Elderly during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(8):3923 View
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- Lee C, Kuhn I, McGrath M, Remes O, Cowan A, Duncan F, Baskin C, Oliver E, Osborn D, Dykxhoorn J, Kaner E, Walters K, Kirkbride J, Gnani S, Lafortune L. A systematic scoping review of community‐based interventions for the prevention of mental ill‐health and the promotion of mental health in older adults in the UK. Health & Social Care in the Community 2022;30(1):27 View
- Johnson N, Bradley A, Klawitter L, Johnson J, Johnson L, Tomkinson G, Hackney K, Stastny S, Ehlers D, McGrath R. The Impact of a Telehealth Intervention on Activity Profiles in Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study. Geriatrics 2021;6(3):68 View
- Llorente-Barroso C, Sánchez-Valle M, Viñarás-Abad M. The role of the Internet in later life autonomy: Silver surfers in Spain. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2023;10(1) View
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- Kusumota L, Diniz M, Ribeiro R, Silva I, Figueira A, Rodrigues F, Rodrigues R. Impact of digital social media on the perception of loneliness and social isolation in older adults. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 2022;30 View
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- Balki E, Hayes N, Holland C. Effectiveness of Technology Interventions in Addressing Social Isolation, Connectedness, and Loneliness in Older Adults: Systematic Umbrella Review. JMIR Aging 2022;5(4):e40125 View
- Kusumota L, Diniz M, Ribeiro R, Silva I, Figueira A, Rodrigues F, Rodrigues R. Impacto de los medios de comunicación social digitales en la percepción de soledad y aislamiento social en las personas mayores. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 2022;30 View
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- Kusumota L, Diniz M, Ribeiro R, Silva I, Figueira A, Rodrigues F, Rodrigues R. Impacto de mídias sociais digitais na percepção de solidão e no isolamento social em idosos. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem 2022;30 View
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- Harada K, Masumoto K, Okada S. Social network and health behaviors among Japanese older adults: a three-wave longitudinal study. Health Promotion International 2023;38(2) View
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- Paquet C, Whitehead J, Shah R, Adams A, Dooley D, Spreng R, Aunio A, Dubé L. Social Prescription Interventions Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Meta-Review Integrating On-the-Ground Resources. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e40213 View
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- Ambagtsheer R, Borg K, Townsin L, Pinero de Plaza M, O'Brien L, Kunwar R, Lawless M. The effectiveness of technology interventions in reducing social isolation and loneliness among community-dwelling older people: A mixed methods systematic review. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus 2024;1(1):100008 View
- Palacios-Navarro G, Santamaría R, del Río D, Ramos P, Gascón-Santos S. Effects of a home care community-dwelling intervention on cognition, mental health, loneliness and quality of life in elder people: The VERA study. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;185:105378 View
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- Zaharia G, Ibáñez-del Valle V, Cauli O, Corchón S. The Long-Lasting Effect of Multidisciplinary Interventions for Emotional and Social Loneliness in Older Community-Dwelling Individuals: A Systematic Review. Nursing Reports 2024;14(4):3847 View
Books/Policy Documents
- Pohl A, Trill R. Building Sustainable Health Ecosystems. View
- Pinto da Costa M, Foster R, Gillard S, Priebe S. Innovations in Global Mental Health. View
- Pinto da Costa M, Foster R, Gillard S, Priebe S. Innovations in Global Mental Health. View
- Spencer L, Hartfiel N, Lynch M, Bray N, Anthony B, Lawrence C, Edwards R. Health Economics of Well-being and Well-becoming across the Life-course. View