Published on in Vol 17, No 3 (2015): March

- Vis C, Mol M, Kleiboer A, Bührmann L, Finch T, Smit J, Riper H. Improving Implementation of eMental Health for Mood Disorders in Routine Practice: Systematic Review of Barriers and Facilitating Factors. JMIR Mental Health 2018;5(1):e20 View
- Solomon D, Proudfoot J, Clarke J, Christensen H. e-CBT (myCompass), Antidepressant Medication, and Face-to-Face Psychological Treatment for Depression in Australia: A Cost-Effectiveness Comparison. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(11):e255 View
- Logsdon M, Davis D, Eckert D, Smith F, Stikes R, Rushton J, Myers J, Capps J, Sparks K. Feasibility of Two Educational Methods for Teaching New Mothers: A Pilot Study. interactive Journal of Medical Research 2015;4(4):e20 View
- Rotheram-Borus M, Davis E, Rezai R. Stopping the rise of HIV among adolescents globally. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2018;30(1):131 View
- Hoffmann M, Hartmann M, Wensing M, Friederich H, Haun M. Potential for Integrating Mental Health Specialist Video Consultations in Office-Based Routine Primary Care: Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study Among Family Physicians. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(8):e13382 View
- Montero-Marín J, Araya R, Pérez-Yus M, Mayoral F, Gili M, Botella C, Baños R, Castro A, Romero-Sanchiz P, López-Del-Hoyo Y, Nogueira-Arjona R, Vives M, Riera A, García-Campayo J. An Internet-Based Intervention for Depression in Primary Care in Spain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(8):e231 View
- Taiminen H, Saraniemi S, Parkinson J. Incorporating digital self-services into integrated mental health care: a physician’s perspective. European Journal of Marketing 2018;52(11):2234 View
- Holst A, Nejati S, Björkelund C, Eriksson M, Hange D, Kivi M, Wikberg C, Petersson E. Patients’ experiences of a computerised self-help program for treating depression – a qualitative study of Internet mediated cognitive behavioural therapy in primary care. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2017;35(1):46 View
- Davies F, Shepherd H, Beatty L, Clark B, Butow P, Shaw J. Implementing Web-Based Therapy in Routine Mental Health Care: Systematic Review of Health Professionals’ Perspectives. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e17362 View
- Romero-Sanchiz P, Nogueira-Arjona R, García-Ruiz A, Luciano J, García Campayo J, Gili M, Botella C, Baños R, Castro A, López-Del-Hoyo Y, Pérez Ara M, Modrego-Alarcón M, Mayoral Cleríes F, van Wouwe J. Economic evaluation of a guided and unguided internet-based CBT intervention for major depression: Results from a multi-center, three-armed randomized controlled trial conducted in primary care. PLOS ONE 2017;12(2):e0172741 View
- Olivan-Blázquez B, Montero-Marin J, García-Toro M, Vicens-Pons E, Serrano-Ripoll M, Castro-Gracia A, Sarasa-Bosque M, Mendive-Arbeloa J, López-del-Hoyo Y, Garcia-Campayo J. Facilitators and barriers to modifying dietary and hygiene behaviours as adjuvant treatment in patients with depression in primary care: a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry 2018;18(1) View
- Simblett S, Yates M, Wagner A, Watson P, Gracey F, Ring H, Bateman A. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Treat Emotional Distress After Stroke: A Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2017;4(2):e16 View
- Titzler I, Berking M, Schlicker S, Riper H, Ebert D. Barriers and Facilitators for Referrals of Primary Care Patients to Blended Internet-Based Psychotherapy for Depression: Mixed Methods Study of General Practitioners’ Views. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(8):e18642 View
- Fernández-Álvarez J, Díaz-García A, González-Robles A, Baños R, García-Palacios A, Botella C. Dropping out of a transdiagnostic online intervention: A qualitative analysis of client's experiences. Internet Interventions 2017;10:29 View
- Taiminen H, Saraniemi S, Joffe G, Stenberg J, Parkinson J. Reducing health inequalities trough digital options in mental health: A physician’s perspective. Health Marketing Quarterly 2019;36(2):93 View
- Sundram F, Hawken S, Stasiak K, Lucassen M, Fleming T, Shepherd M, Greenwood A, Osborne R, Merry S. Tips and Traps: Lessons From Codesigning a Clinician E-Monitoring Tool for Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. JMIR Mental Health 2017;4(1):e3 View
- Doukani A, Free C, Michelson D, Araya R, Montero-Marin J, Smith S, Cerga-Pashoja A, Kakuma R. Towards a conceptual framework of the working alliance in a blended low-intensity cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for depression in primary mental health care: a qualitative study. BMJ Open 2020;10(9):e036299 View
- Kuroda N, Burkey M, Wissow L. Discovering Common Elements of Empirically Supported Self-Help Interventions for Depression in Primary Care: a Systematic Review. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2021;36(4):869 View
- Yaacob N, Basari A, Ghani M, Doheir M, Elzamly A. Factors and theoretical framework that influence user acceptance for electronic personalized health records. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 2024;28(1):29 View
- Ivanova J, Tang T, Idouraine N, Murcko A, Whitfield M, Dye C, Chern D, Grando A. Behavioral Health Professionals’ Perceptions on Patient-Controlled Granular Information Sharing (Part 1): Focus Group Study. JMIR Mental Health 2022;9(4):e21208 View
- Dahmen A, Gao L, Keller F, Becker P, Lippke S. Für welche Patienten und Patientinnen ist eine webbasierte psychotherapeutische Nachsorge nach psychosomatischer Rehabilitation am besten geeignet?. PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie 2022;72(06):235 View
- López-del-Hoyo Y, Fernández-Martínez S, Pérez-Aranda A, Barceló-Soler A, Guzman-Parra J, Varela-Moreno E, Campos D, Monreal-Bartolomé A, Beltrán-Ruiz M, Moreno-Küstner B, Mayoral-Cleries F, García-Campayo J. Effectiveness and implementation of an online intervention (MINDxYOU) for reducing stress and promote mental health among healthcare workers in Spain: a study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial. BMC Nursing 2022;21(1) View
- Freund J, Buntrock C, Braun L, Thielecke J, Baumeister H, Berking M, Ebert D, Titzler I. Digital prevention of depression for farmers? A qualitative study on participants' experiences regarding determinants of acceptance and satisfaction with a tailored guided internet intervention program. Internet Interventions 2022;29:100566 View
- Osma J, Martínez-García L, Prado-Abril J, Peris-Baquero Ó, González-Pérez A. Developing a smartphone App based on the Unified Protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: A qualitative analysis of users and professionals' perspectives. Internet Interventions 2022;30:100577 View
- Barceló-Soler A, García-Campayo J, Araya R, Doukani A, Gili M, García-Palacios A, Mayoral F, Montero-Marin J. Working alliance in low-intensity internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in primary care in Spain: A qualitative study. Frontiers in Psychology 2023;14 View
- Derksen C, Rinn R, Gao L, Dahmen A, Cordes C, Kolb C, Becker P, Lippke S. Longitudinal Evaluation of an Integrated Post–COVID-19/Long COVID Management Program Consisting of Digital Interventions and Personal Support: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e49342 View
- Tsantila F, Coppens E, De Witte H, Arensman E, Aust B, Pashoja A, Corcoran P, Cully G, De Winter L, Doukani A, Dushaj A, Fanaj N, Griffin E, Hogg B, Holland C, Leduc C, Leduc M, Mathieu S, Maxwell M, Ni Dhalaigh D, O' Brien C, Reich H, Ditta Tóth M, van Weeghel J, Van Audenhove C. Implementing a complex mental health intervention in occupational settings: process evaluation of the MENTUPP pilot study. BMJ Open 2023;13(12):e077093 View