Published on in Vol 17, No 1 (2015): January

“Friending” Teens: Systematic Review of Social Media in Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care

“Friending” Teens: Systematic Review of Social Media in Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care

“Friending” Teens: Systematic Review of Social Media in Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care


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  24. Halsall T, Garinger C, Dixon K, Forneris T. Evaluation of a Social Media Strategy to Promote Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking in Youth. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet 2019;23(1):13 View
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  66. Dietrich J, Laher F, Hornschuh S, Nkala B, Chimoyi L, Otwombe K, Kaida A, Gray G, Miller C. Investigating Sociodemographic Factors and HIV Risk Behaviors Associated With Social Networking Among Adolescents in Soweto, South Africa: A Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2016;2(2):e154 View
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  120. Alatorre S, Schwarz A, Egan K, Feldman A, Rosa M, Wang M. Exploring Social Media Preferences for Healthy Weight Management Interventions Among Adolescents of Color: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2023;6:e43961 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Albarracín D, Sunderrajan A, Dai W, White B. . View
  2. Leanza F, Alani R. Technology and Adolescent Health. View
  3. Rice L, Halbert C. Cancer Disparities. View
  4. Gabarron E, Luque L, Schopf T, Lau A, Armayones M, Wynn R, Serrano J. Healthcare Policy and Reform. View
  5. Hamilton J, Coulter R, Radovic A. Technology and Adolescent Health. View
  6. Goodman S, Bachrach L. Optimizing IUD Delivery for Adolescents and Young Adults. View
  7. Whaley N, Brandt J. Global Perspectives on Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Across the Lifecourse. View
  8. Diviya Prabha V, Rathipriya R. Nature-Inspired Optimization Methodologies in Biomedical and Healthcare. View