Published on in Vol 16, No 7 (2014): July

Social Network Sites as a Mode to Collect Health Data: A Systematic Review

Social Network Sites as a Mode to Collect Health Data: A Systematic Review

Social Network Sites as a Mode to Collect Health Data: A Systematic Review


  1. Cook N, Mullins A, Gautam R, Medi S, Prince C, Tyagi N, Kommineni J. Evaluating Patient Experiences in Dry Eye Disease Through Social Media Listening Research. Ophthalmology and Therapy 2019;8(3):407 View
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  14. Merolli M, Gray K, Martin-Sanchez F, Lopez-Campos G. Patient-Reported Outcomes and Therapeutic Affordances of Social Media: Findings From a Global Online Survey of People With Chronic Pain. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(1):e20 View
  15. Merolli M, Busuttil M, Wåhlin C, Green A. Global communication practices of physiotherapists on Twitter. European Journal of Physiotherapy 2019;21(1):20 View
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  19. Currin-McCulloch J, Stanton A, Boyd R, Neaves M, Jones B. Understanding breast cancer survivors’ information-seeking behaviours and overall experiences: a comparison of themes derived from social media posts and focus groups. Psychology & Health 2021;36(7):810 View
  20. Merolli M, Gray K, Martin-Sanchez F, Mantopoulos S, Hogg M. Using Social Media While Waiting in Pain: A Clinical 12-Week Longitudinal Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2015;4(3):e101 View
  21. Tustin J, Crowcroft N, Gesink D, Johnson I, Keelan J. Internet Exposure Associated With Canadian Parents’ Perception of Risk on Childhood Immunization: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2018;4(1):e7 View
  22. Hu J, Wong K, Wang Z. Recruiting Migrants for Health Research Through Social Network Sites: An Online Survey Among Chinese Migrants in Australia. JMIR Research Protocols 2015;4(2):e46 View
  23. Sterling H, Allan B. Construction and Validation of the Quality of Maternity Leave Scales (QMLS). Journal of Career Assessment 2020;28(2):337 View
  24. Lavorgna L, Russo A, De Stefano M, Lanzillo R, Esposito S, Moshtari F, Rullani F, Piscopo K, Buonanno D, Brescia Morra V, Gallo A, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S. Health-Related Coping and Social Interaction in People with Multiple Sclerosis Supported by a Social Network: Pilot Study With a New Methodological Approach. Interactive Journal of Medical Research 2017;6(2):e10 View
  25. Holton S, Rowe H, Kirkman M, Jordan L, McNamee K, Bayly C, McBain J, Sinnott V, Fisher J. Barriers to Managing Fertility: Findings From the Understanding Fertility Management in Contemporary Australia Facebook Discussion Group. interactive Journal of Medical Research 2016;5(1):e7 View
  26. Marshall E, Oates J, Shoaibi A, Obeid J, Habrat M, Warren R, Brady K, Lenert L, Kuivaniemi H. A population-based approach for implementing change from opt-out to opt-in research permissions. PLOS ONE 2017;12(4):e0168223 View
  27. Bender J, Cyr A, Arbuckle L, Ferris L. Ethics and Privacy Implications of Using the Internet and Social Media to Recruit Participants for Health Research: A Privacy-by-Design Framework for Online Recruitment. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(4):e104 View
  28. Stanton A, Meston C, Boyd R. Sexual Self-Schemas in the Real World: Investigating the Ecological Validity of Language-Based Markers of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2017;20(6):382 View
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  30. Tustin J, Crowcroft N, Gesink D, Johnson I, Keelan J, Lachapelle B. Facebook Recruitment of Vaccine-Hesitant Canadian Parents: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2017;3(3):e47 View
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  33. Lavorgna L, Moccia M, Russo A, Palladino R, Riccio L, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S. Health-care disparities stemming from sexual orientation of Italian patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A cross-sectional web-based study. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2017;13:28 View
  34. Borodovsky J, Marsch L, Budney A. Studying Cannabis Use Behaviors With Facebook and Web Surveys: Methods and Insights. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2018;4(2):e48 View
  35. Admon L, Haefner J, Kolenic G, Chang T, Davis M, Moniz M. Recruiting Pregnant Patients for Survey Research: A Head to Head Comparison of Social Media-Based Versus Clinic-Based Approaches. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(12):e326 View
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  41. Bour C, Schmitz S, Ahne A, Perchoux C, Dessenne C, Fagherazzi G. Scoping review protocol on the use of social media for health research purposes. BMJ Open 2021;11(2):e040671 View
  42. Bellaiche M, Arnould B, Benmedjahed K, Arnould M, Bocquet A, Leblanc V, Penvern-Cortes S, Tugaut B, Jung C. Assessment of the severity of infant crying and its impact on parents: Development and validation of the ColiQ Questionnaire in France. Archives de Pédiatrie 2021;28(4):264 View
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  52. Sloesen B, O'Brien P, Verma H, Asaithambi S, Parashar N, Mothe R, Shaikh J, Syntosi A. Patient Experiences and Insights on Chronic Ocular Pain: Social Media Listening Study. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e47245 View
  53. Karthikeyan R, Al-Shamaa N, Kelly E, Henn P, Shiely F, Divala T, Fadahunsi K, O'Donoghue J. Investigating the characteristics of health-related data collection tools used in randomised controlled trials in low-income and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open 2024;14(1):e077148 View
  54. Khatiwada P, Yang B, Lin J, Blobel B. Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD): Understanding, Requirements, Challenges, and Existing Techniques for Data Security and Privacy. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2024;14(3):282 View
  55. Kim T, Allan B. Context and Validation of the Korean Subjective Underemployment Scale (K-SUS): 한국의 불완전 취업 실태 및 주관적인 불완전 취업 척도 타당화. Journal of Career Assessment 2020;28(4):655 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Kuyumdzhieva A. Ethics and Integrity in Health and Life Sciences Research. View
  2. Issa T, Isaias P. Sustainable Design. View
  3. López-Fernández A. Business Governance and Society. View
  4. Riley W. Oncology Informatics. View
  5. Issa T, Isaias P. Sustainable Design. View