Published on in Vol 14, No 6 (2012): Nov-Dec

Increasing Physical Activity With Mobile Devices: A Meta-Analysis

Increasing Physical Activity With Mobile Devices: A Meta-Analysis

Increasing Physical Activity With Mobile Devices: A Meta-Analysis

Authors of this article:

Jason Fanning1 Author Orcid Image ;   Sean P Mullen1 ;   Edward McAuley1 Author Orcid Image


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Carney R, Firth J. Exercise-Based Interventions for Mental Illness. View
  2. Morgan G, Fiore M. Oncology Informatics. View
  3. Wright K. The Handbook of Applied Communication Research. View
  4. Esteves D, Pinheiro P, O'Hara K, Brás R. Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine. View
  5. David S, Rafiullah M. Case Study of Innovative Projects - Successful Real Cases. View
  6. M Cecil S, Denise L L. Learning, Design, and Technology. View
  7. Scales R, Buman M. Lifestyle Medicine. View
  8. Howren M, Roche A, Christensen A. The Wiley Handbook of Healthcare Treatment Engagement. View
  9. Burke L, Zheng Y, Wang J. Principles and Concepts of Behavioral Medicine. View
  10. Ramalho S, Silva C, Pinto-Bastos A, Conceição E. Obesity. View
  11. Ross T, Burris A, Oliveira L, Arnott B, Araujo-Soares V. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse. View
  12. Yasobant S. Handbook of Research on Advancing Health Education through Technology. View
  13. McAuley E, Mullen S, Fanning J. Principles and Concepts of Behavioral Medicine. View
  14. Ngenye L, Wright K. Global Perspectives on Health Communication in the Age of Social Media. View
  15. Robinson S, Troosters T, Moy M. Enhancing Patient Engagement in Pulmonary Healthcare. View
  16. Van Stee S, Yang Q. Technology and Health. View
  17. Moreno-Blanco D, Sánchez-González P, Gárate F, Cáceres C, Solana-Sánchez J, Tormos-Muñoz J, Gómez E. XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019. View
  18. Laranjo L, Lau A, Coiera E. Cognitive Informatics in Health and Biomedicine. View
  19. Tong X, Gupta A, Gromala D, Shaw C. Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions. View
  20. Yasobant S. Geospatial Research. View
  21. Konishi T, Nagata M, Honjo M, Yoneyama A, Kurokawa M, Mishima K. Persuasive Technology: Development of Persuasive and Behavior Change Support Systems. View
  22. Clookey S. Self-Management in Chronic Illness. View
  23. Guan J, Zitkus E, de Bont C, Dong H. Advances in Industrial Design. View
  24. Ngenye L, Wright K. Research Anthology on Improving Health Literacy Through Patient Communication and Mass Media. View
  25. Schooley B, Akgun D, Duhoon P, Hikmet N. Advances in Computer Vision and Computational Biology. View
  26. Karavidas L, Skraparli G, Tsiatsos T, Douka S, Avgerinos A, Philippou C. New Realities, Mobile Systems and Applications. View
  27. Dorronzoro-Zubiete E, Rivera-Romero O, Nuñez-Benjumea F, Cervera-Torres S. Personalized Health Systems for Cardiovascular Disease. View
  28. M. Cecil S, Denise L. L. Learning, Design, and Technology. View
  29. Karavidas L, Skraparli G, Chaldogeridis A, Apostolidis H, Politopoulos N, Tsiatsos T, Douka S. Open Science in Engineering. View
  30. Agyei E, Kekkonen M, Oinas-Kukkonen H. Persuasive Technology. View
  31. Zalake M, Gomes De Siqueira A, Vaddiparti K, Antonenko P, Lok B. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. View
  32. Muradyan A, Sargsyan K. Digitalization of Medicine in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. View