Published on in Vol 14, No 1 (2012): Jan-Feb

Broad Reach and Targeted Recruitment Using Facebook for an Online Survey of Young Adult Substance Use

Broad Reach and Targeted Recruitment Using Facebook for an Online Survey of Young Adult Substance Use

Broad Reach and Targeted Recruitment Using Facebook for an Online Survey of Young Adult Substance Use

Authors of this article:

Danielle E. Ramo1 Author Orcid Image ;   Judith J. Prochaska1


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  267. Mellberg J, Chataway M, Ball M. Fear from a distance: testing a new model of psychological distance and fear of crime. Psychology, Crime & Law 2024:1 View
  268. Siripanich A, Rashidi T, Kalyanaraman S, Waller T, Saberi M, Dixit V, Nair D. Using Facebook to Recruit Urban Participants for Smartphone-Based Travel Surveys. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2024;25:101116 View
  269. Lans O, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Reuveni L. Addressing the elephant in the room: how erotic transference is identified and understood in therapy. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 2024:1 View
  270. Levy R, Murphy T, van Tilburg M, Kuklinski M, Bailey J, Aalfs H, Badillo I, Diakhate H, Palermo T. Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an internet-based prevention intervention for young children at-risk for functional abdominal pain. Trials 2024;25(1) View
  271. Damba F, Mtshali N, Chimbari M. Barriers and facilitators of translating doctoral research findings into policy: The case of a selected health sciences school in a South African university. Heliyon 2024;10(18):e37314 View
  272. McGeer C, Stremlau N. Researching hate speech online: Exploring the potential and limitations of Facebook as a survey tool in Africa. Methodological Innovations 2024;17(3):172 View
  273. Piatkowski D, Marshall W, Johnson A. Bicycle Backlash: Qualitative Examination of Aggressive Driver–Bicyclist Interactions. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2017;2662(1):22 View
  274. Taghizadeh M, Basirat M. Investigating pre-service EFL teachers’ attitudes and challenges of online teaching. Computer Assisted Language Learning 2024;37(7):1937 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Akhtar S, Israel C, D'Abundo M. Handbook of Research on Advancing Health Education through Technology. View
  2. Huo J, Turner K. Social Web and Health Research. View
  3. Van Zyl L, Efendic E, Rothmann S, Shankland R. Positive Psychological Intervention Design and Protocols for Multi-Cultural Contexts. View
  4. Papale G, Caponnetto P. Advances in Smoking Cessation. View
  5. Adams S. Participatory Health Through Social Media. View
  6. Burke‐Garcia A, Edwards B, Yan T. Big Data Meets Survey Science. View
  7. Akhtar S, Israel C, D'Abundo M. Healthcare Ethics and Training. View
  8. Whelan R, Cao Z, O'Halloran L, Pennie B. Cognition and Addiction. View
  9. Vziatysheva V, Sinyavskaya Y, Porshnev A, Terpilovskii M, Koltcov S, Bryanov K. Social Computing and Social Media: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis. View
  10. Gundur R, Berry M, Taodang D. Researching Cybercrimes. View
  11. Parra-Domínguez J, Manzano S, De la Prieta F, Prieto J. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 19th International Conference. View
  12. Al Kurdi B, Alshurideh M. Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships. View
  13. Koivula A, Sivonen J. Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research, Design, and Assessment. View
  14. Monaco S. Handbook of Research on Advanced Research Methodologies for a Digital Society. View