Published on in Vol 13, No 3 (2011): Jul-Sep

Prevalence and Global Health Implications of Social Media in Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising

Prevalence and Global Health Implications of Social Media in Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising

Prevalence and Global Health Implications of Social Media in Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising

Authors of this article:

Bryan A Liang1, 2 ;   Timothy K Mackey2, 3 Author Orcid Image


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Hall A, Antonopoulos G. Fake Meds Online. View
  2. Mackey T. Fetal Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine. View
  3. An Z, McLaughlin M, Hou J, Nam Y, Hu C, Park M, Meng J. Social Computing and Social Media. View
  4. Adi A, Grigore G. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Age. View
  5. Fogel J, Herzog R. Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships. View
  6. Liu Q, Gupta S. Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry. View
  7. Mukherjee S, Sarkar A, Kumar J, Singh A, Jha A. Accelerating Strategic Changes for Digital Transformation in the Healthcare Industry. View
  8. Jotterand F, Ienca M, Wangmo T, Elger B, Robillard J, Feng T. Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia. View