Published on in Vol 12, No 1 (2010): Jan-Mar

Using the Internet to Promote Health Behavior Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Theoretical Basis, Use of Behavior Change Techniques, and Mode of Delivery on Efficacy

Using the Internet to Promote Health Behavior Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Theoretical Basis, Use of Behavior Change Techniques, and Mode of Delivery on Efficacy

Using the Internet to Promote Health Behavior Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Theoretical Basis, Use of Behavior Change Techniques, and Mode of Delivery on Efficacy

Authors of this article:

Thomas Webb1 Author Orcid Image ;   Judith Joseph2 Author Orcid Image ;   Lucy Yardley2 Author Orcid Image ;   Susan Michie3 Author Orcid Image


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Books/Policy Documents

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  5. DiTommaso D. Consumer Informatics and Digital Health. View
  6. Schmeil A, Suggs S. Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Everyday Life Applications and Services. View
  7. Beer J, Owens O. Aging, Technology and Health. View
  8. Yasobant S. Handbook of Research on Advancing Health Education through Technology. View
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  10. Shahab L, Fidler J. Handbook of Evidence‐Based Practice in Clinical Psychology. View
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  12. Lehto T. Critical Issues for the Development of Sustainable E-health Solutions. View
  13. Worringen U. Verhaltenstherapiemanual. View
  14. Cummings E, Ellis L, Turner P. Social Media and Mobile Technologies for Healthcare. View
  15. Moumtzoglou A. M-Health Innovations for Patient-Centered Care. View
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  17. Baumeister H, Terhorst Y, Lin J. Cardiovascular Diseases and Depression. View
  18. Seçkin G. Emotions, Technology, and Health. View
  19. Kelders S. Persuasive Technology. View
  20. Delbaere I, Stern J. Preconception Health and Care: A Life Course Approach. View
  21. . Teenagers, Sexual Health Information and the Digital Age. View
  22. Rossmann C, Stehr P. Handbuch Online-Kommunikation. View
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  25. Suzanne Suggs L, Rangelov N, Schmeil A, Occa A, Bardus M, Radchuk O, Dianat S. The International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society. View
  26. Hoover A. Environmental Health Literacy. View
  27. Yasobant S. Geospatial Research. View
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  72. Hagger M, Cameron L, Hamilton K, Hankonen N, Lintunen T. The Handbook of Behavior Change. View
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  95. Moumtzoglou A. Research Anthology on Improving Health Literacy Through Patient Communication and Mass Media. View
  96. Oesterle D, Schipani-McLaughlin A, Salazar L, Gilmore A. Engaging Boys and Men in Sexual Assault Prevention. View
  97. Worringen U. Verhaltenstherapiemanual – Erwachsene. View
  98. Wrzus C. Werden, wer ich bin. View
  99. Chan A, Beyene K, Foot H. Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy. View
  100. Levin-Zamir D, Bertschi I, McElhinney E, Rowlands G. Handbook of Settings-Based Health Promotion. View
  101. Sassen B. Nursing: Health Education and Improving Patient Self-Management. View
  102. Messner E, Probst T, O’Rourke T, Stoyanov S, Baumeister H. Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing. View
  103. Sassen B. Nursing: Health Education and Improving Patient Self-Management. View
  104. Huang H. The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. View
  105. Pereira Guerreiro M, Brito Félix I, Balsa J, Carmo M, Henriques M, Cavaco A, Cláudio A. Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society. View
  106. Glare P, Laranjo da Silva L, Kirisci L, Ashton-James C. Person Centered Medicine. View
  107. Küchler A, Ebert D, Baumeister H. Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen. View
  108. Namba H. Advanced Virtual Assistants - A Window to the Virtual Future [Working Title]. View
  109. Cugelman B, Stibe A. Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems. View
  110. Olsen N, Moore P, Hyde S, Fowler L. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology. View
  111. Chan A, Beyene K, Foot H. Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy. View
  112. Gul S, Govender I, Bux F. BRICS Countries: Sustainable Water Resource Management and Pollution Control. View
  113. Siddhanta M, Kuriansky J, Barry E. Resilient Health. View