Published on in Vol 11, No 3 (2009): Jul-Sep

Effect of Home-Based Telemonitoring Using Mobile Phone Technology on the Outcome of Heart Failure Patients After an Episode of Acute Decompensation: Randomized Controlled Trial

Effect of Home-Based Telemonitoring Using Mobile Phone Technology on the Outcome of Heart Failure Patients After an Episode of Acute Decompensation: Randomized Controlled Trial

Effect of Home-Based Telemonitoring Using Mobile Phone Technology on the Outcome of Heart Failure Patients After an Episode of Acute Decompensation: Randomized Controlled Trial


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Inglis S, Clark R, McAlister F, Ball J, Lewinter C, Cullington D, Stewart S, Cleland J, Inglis S. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. View
  2. Morak J, Schreier G. Mobile Health. View
  3. Karanasiou G, Tripoliti E, Kalatzis F, Errachid A, Fotiadis D. XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016. View
  4. . Ambient Assisted Living. View
  5. Acheampong F, Vimarlund V. Information Systems and Technology for Organizations in a Networked Society. View
  6. Godbole N, Lamb J. Making Healthcare Green. View
  7. Tripoliti E, Karanasiou G, Kalatzis F, Naka K, Fotiadis D. Heart Failure: From Research to Clinical Practice. View
  8. Acheampong F, Vimarlund V. Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science. View
  9. Jiang Y, Wang W. Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research. View
  10. Badro D. Handbook of Medical and Health Sciences in Developing Countries. View
  11. Barnes S, Prescott J, Adams J. Proceedings of ICACTCE'23 — The International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology and Computer Engineering. View
  12. Barnes S, Chandler T, Salazar M. Proceedings of ICACTCE'23 — The International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology and Computer Engineering. View