Published on in Vol 11, No 3 (2009): Jul-Sep

Mobile and Fixed Computer Use by Doctors and Nurses on Hospital Wards: Multi-method Study on the Relationships Between Clinician Role, Clinical Task, and Device Choice

Mobile and Fixed Computer Use by Doctors and Nurses on Hospital Wards: Multi-method Study on the Relationships Between Clinician Role, Clinical Task, and Device Choice

Mobile and Fixed Computer Use by Doctors and Nurses on Hospital Wards: Multi-method Study on the Relationships Between Clinician Role, Clinical Task, and Device Choice


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Books/Policy Documents

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  3. Moghimi H, Wickramasinghe N. Handbook of Research on Healthcare Administration and Management. View
  4. Moghimi H, Wickramasinghe N. Consumer-Driven Technologies in Healthcare. View
  5. Yodice P. Critical Care Administration. View
  6. Kyriacou E, Panayides A, Constantinides P. Telehealth and Mobile Health. View
  7. Sood V, Gururajan R, Hafeez-Baig A, Wickramasinghe N. Technology Adoption and Social Issues. View
  8. Abraham C, Junglas I. Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems Research. View
  9. Collins Rossetti S, Yen P, Dykes P, Schnock K, Cato K. Cognitive Informatics. View
  10. Watfa M, Majeed H, Salahuddin T. E-Healthcare Systems and Wireless Communications. View
  11. Moayed F, Savoy A, Turpen C. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare. View
  12. Joseph B, Arasu S. Handbook of Global Health. View
  13. Watfa M, Majeed H, Salahuddin T. Healthcare Ethics and Training. View
  14. Samaras G. Management Engineering for Effective Healthcare Delivery. View
  15. Joseph B, Arasu S. Handbook of Global Health. View