Published on in Vol 7, No 2 (2005):

Expectations of Patients and Physicians Regarding Patient-Accessible Medical Records

Expectations of Patients and Physicians Regarding Patient-Accessible Medical Records

Expectations of Patients and Physicians Regarding Patient-Accessible Medical Records


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  17. Baudendistel I, Winkler E, Kamradt M, Längst G, Eckrich F, Heinze O, Bergh B, Szecsenyi J, Ose D. Personal Electronic Health Records: Understanding User Requirements and Needs in Chronic Cancer Care. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(5):e121 View
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  22. Baudendistel I, Winkler E, Kamradt M, Brophy S, Längst G, Eckrich F, Heinze O, Bergh B, Szecsenyi J, Ose D. Cross-sectoral cancer care: views from patients and health care professionals regarding a personal electronic health record. European Journal of Cancer Care 2017;26(2):e12429 View
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  38. Vermeir P, Degroote S, Van Tiggelen H, Vandijck D, Peleman R, Verhaeghe R, Mariman A, Vermeersch H, Vogelaers D. Patient perspectives on electronic health record accessibility and patient participation: a questionnaire survey. Acta Clinica Belgica 2018;73(4):292 View
  39. Ammar N, Bailey J, Davis R, Shaban-Nejad A. Using a Personal Health Library–Enabled mHealth Recommender System for Self-Management of Diabetes Among Underserved Populations: Use Case for Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(3):e24738 View
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  51. Mold F, De Lusignan S. Patients’ Online Access to Their Primary Care Electronic Health Records and Linked Online Services: Implications for Research and Practice. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2015;5(4):452 View
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  54. Callen J, Giardina T, Singh H, Li L, Paoloni R, Georgiou A, Runciman W, Westbrook J. Emergency Physicians’ Views of Direct Notification of Laboratory and Radiology Results to Patients Using the Internet: A Multisite Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2015;17(3):e60 View
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  62. Zhang Z, Citardi D, Wang D, Genc Y, Shan J, Fan X. Patients’ perceptions of using artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology to comprehend radiology imaging data. Health Informatics Journal 2021;27(2):146045822110112 View
  63. Zhang Z, Genc Y, Wang D, Ahsen M, Fan X. Effect of AI Explanations on Human Perceptions of Patient-Facing AI-Powered Healthcare Systems. Journal of Medical Systems 2021;45(6) View
  64. Zanaboni P, Kristiansen E, Lintvedt O, Wynn R, Johansen M, Sørensen T, Fagerlund A. Impact on patient-provider relationship and documentation practices when mental health patients access their electronic health records online: a qualitative study among health professionals in an outpatient setting. BMC Psychiatry 2022;22(1) View
  65. Agrawal L, Ndabu T, Mulgund P, Sharman R. Factors Affecting the Extent of Patients’ Electronic Medical Record Use: An Empirical Study Focusing on System and Patient Characteristics. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(10):e30637 View
  66. Schwarz J, Bärkås A, Blease C, Collins L, Hägglund M, Markham S, Hochwarter S. Sharing Clinical Notes and Electronic Health Records With People Affected by Mental Health Conditions: Scoping Review. JMIR Mental Health 2021;8(12):e34170 View
  67. Müller J, Weinert L, Svensson L, Rivinius R, Kreusser M, Heinze O. Mobile Access to Medical Records in Heart Transplantation Aftercare: Mixed-Methods Study Assessing Usability, Feasibility and Effects of a Mobile Application. Life 2022;12(8):1204 View
  68. White H, Gillgrass L, Wood A, Peckham D. Requirements and access needs of patients with chronic disease to their hospital electronic health record: results of a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. BMJ Open 2016;6(10):e012257 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Wicks P, Little M. Handbook of Human Computation. View
  2. Mirza F, Mirza A, Chung C, Sundaram D. Future Network Systems and Security. View
  3. Staccini P, Daniel C, Dart T, Bouhaddou O. Medical Informatics, e-Health. View
  4. Ammar N, Bailey J, Davis R, Shaban-Nejad A. Explainable AI in Healthcare and Medicine. View
  5. . From Patient Data to Medical Knowledge. View