View E-collection for ‘Abstracts’UST1/435: HON's Fourth Survey on the Usage of the Internet for Medical and Health Internet Purposes
C Boyer, V Baujard, T Nater, JR Scherrer, R Appel
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e127Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED40/472: A WWW Multimedia Textbook of Internal Propedeutics
J Zelenková, J Vejvalka, D Holá, J Segethová
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e75Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
U Lerch, M von der Leyen, L Dierks, T Rathwell, P Berman, D Burnett, S MacDonald, M Mantyranta, M Moffatt, T O'Sullivan
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e49Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
ETH2/407: Ethical Problems in Non-Direct Patient-Physician Interaction
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e42Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED17/387: Development of a Mobile Internet-fitting Patient Monitoring System
B Spyropoulos, M Botsivaly, C Coutsourakis
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e60Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED15/382: Co-operative Interface in Medical Education on the WWW
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e58Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
V Della Mea, L Mariuzzi, CA Beltrami, A Marchevsky
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e118Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
CIS7/419: Information Content of Conventional Patient Files in Internal Medicine
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e12Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
SYD1/444: Assessing the Readership of the UK National Database of Telemedicine
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e126Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED34/448: The Networked Health-Care Environment of the Future: Requirements for new human abilities
V Patel, E Shortliffe, D Kaufman
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e71Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME14/457: Teleradiology: Opinion and technical requirements of German radiologists
M Walz, C Brill, R Bolte, K J. Lehmann, T Hothorn, M Georgi
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e121Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
UST2/475: Are Parents Appreciating Medical Web Sites? Results from an Italian survey
V Currò, A D'Atri, V Mauro, A Bernabei, S Buonuomo
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e128Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
MED21/393: ICD as a Search Tool for Medical Internet Resources
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e63Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
COM4/392: In Vitro Diagnostic Net: Virtual community and marketplace of laboratory medicine
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e17Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
TME17/473: Web-Based Visualization and Processing of Anthropometric Data
P Lesný, J Vejvalka, H Krásnièanová
J Med Internet Res 1999 (Sep 19); 1(suppl1):e124Download Citation: END BibTex RIS