JMIR Publications Makes the Prestigious Growth 500 List


Canadian Business unveils annual list of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies 

(Toronto, September 12, 2019) Canadian Business and Maclean’s today ranked JMIR Publications No. 284 on the 30th annual Growth 500, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies.

Produced by Canada’s premier business and current affairs media brands, the Growth 500 ranks Canadian businesses on five-year revenue growth. Growth 500 winners are profiled in a special print issue of Canadian Business published with Maclean’s magazine and online at and The JMIR Publications Growth500 profile can also be found here [1].

“The companies on the 2019 Growth 500 are truly remarkable. Demonstrating foresight, innovation and smart management, their stories serve as a primer for how to build a successful entrepreneurial business today,” says Beth Fraser, Growth 500 program manager. “As we celebrate over 30 years of the Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies program, it’s encouraging to see that entrepreneurship is healthier than ever in this country.”

“JMIR Publications is honoured to be on the Growth 500 ranking,” says CEO Gunther Eysenbach. “This achievement reflects the fact that it is possible to build a new kind of mission-driven open access scholarly publishing house that does not rely on the old library subscription model and that is still sustainable. And of course it also reflect the dedication of our team, including our academic authors, reviewers and editors.”, continues Eysenbach.

JMIR Publications publishes leading academic journals, mainly in the field of digital health and participatory medicine, which are top-ranked by influence according to metrics like Impact Factor, h-index, or altmetrics (social media mentionings).

JMIR Publications is the only scholarly publisher in the Growth500 list.

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1. JMIR Publications - Growth 500 profile (accessed 12 Sep 2019)

About the Growth 500

For over 30 years, the Growth 500 has been Canada’s most respectable and influential ranking of entrepreneurial achievement. Ranking Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies by five-year revenue growth, the Growth 500 profiles the country’s most successful growing businesses. The Growth 500 is produced by Canadian Business. Winners are profiled in a special Growth 500 print issue of Canadian Business (packaged with the October issue of Maclean’s magazine) and online at and For more information on the ranking, visit

About Canadian Business

Founded in 1928, Canadian Business is the longest-serving and most-trusted business publication in the country. It is the country's premier media brand for executives and senior business leaders. It fuels the success of Canada's business elite with a focus on the things that matter most: leadership, innovation, business strategy and management tactics. Learn more at

About JMIR Publications

Founded in 1999, the Journal of Medical Internet Research was the first open access journal, and cofounder of the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association, pioneering a new Open Access business model for scholarly publishers. The journal has been ranked #1 by Impact Factor by Clarivate Analytics in its’ field for over a decade. JMIR Publications now publishes 30 journals, and has become the leading scholarly publishers in the country. Learn more at

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