Idea for a CIHR grant proposal: A JMIR theme issue

The Canadian Institutes of Health has just announced a new type of grant mechanism called a End of Grant Knowledge Translation Supplement, worth up to CDN $25,000 per grant. Among the dissemination activities eligible for funding under this program is "Dissemination of research results through specialized publications", which includes for example a JMIR article, a series of JMIR articles, or even a JMIR theme issue. In other words, Canadian researchers who have held a ehealth-related CIHR grant in the past could use this new funding opportunity to propose a series of (self-written or invited) articles in JMIR or a JMIR theme issue. The CIHR funds of up to $25,000 per grant are sufficient to sponsor a JMIR theme issue with about 16 articles. Principal investigators interested in proposing a theme issue, please contact the editor (geysenba at, we will be pleased to assist with a grant proposal. JMIR will publish at least two theme issues in 2008: One on web-assisted tobacco interventions, another one on Web 2.0 in health care. While the program mentioned above is only open to Canadian researchers, similar funding opportunities exist in other countries and at other funding organizations, e.g. NIH. Researchers working on knowledge translation / knowledge dissemination grant proposals are invited to contact us to discuss how JMIR can assist in these activities.