Call for Preprint Nominations: PREreview + JMIR Publications Virtual COVID-19 Preprint Journal Club

PREreview + JMIR Publications Virtual COVID-19 Preprint Journal Club

(Toronto/Portland, 27 March 2020) PREreview and JMIR Publications are joining forces to bring together scientists from across the globe for a virtual discussion and collaborative review of a recent preprint covering new research related to coronavirus SARS-COV-2 leading to the disease referred to as COVID-19.

Help us select the preprint for the virtual journal club discussion!

The candidate preprint should:

Selected/Discussed Preprints may be offered rapid publication in a JMIR journal, but this is optional for the author.

This call for nominations will close on Friday, April 3rd. The event will take place via the remote conferencing service Zoom on April 14, 2020. More details about the event will be posted here in the next two weeks.


Update/Registration now open: The paper to be discussed has now been selected:

 “Knowledge and behaviors toward COVID-19 among U.S. residents during the early days of the pandemic.”

The online journal club will be hosted by two facilitators who will guide participants through a constructive discussion of the preprint following a curated template. The moderators will be joined by an invited expert, the author of the preprint and researchers from all over the world including you! 

WHEN: April 14th 2020, 12noon ET

HOW: REGISTER NOW to join us and invite others to come along. Not sure if you can join yet? Sign up anyway to receive updates on the events and decide later.

WHERE: The video conference software Zoom. Please register and we will send you the information on how to join the calls. 

Get ready to spend one hour with your fellows colleagues diving straight into the preprint and resurfacing with constructive feedback for the authors. A short version of the review will then be posted on Outbreak Science Rapid PREreview while the longer report will be posted on PREreview and receive a digital object identifier (DOI).


For questions, please email us at or