Be the next Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medical Internet Research or JMIR mHealth and uHealth!

After 20 years of distinguished service to the field as founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its various sister journals, Gunther Eysenbach, will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Medical Internet Research to pass on the editorship of this well-established journal to one or more distinguished investigators who will lead it to the next level of excellence as of 2020. Additionally, Donna Spruijt-Metz will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of JMIR mHealth and uHealth.

JMIR Publications invites nominations and applications for the position of Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) and JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU). Both journals are recognized as the leading digital health journals by quality (leading impact factors) and quantity (number of articles published).


In the fall of 2019, the candidate EICs for JMIR and JMU will initially act as deputy editors or co-EICs working closely with Dr Eysenbach on the transition, which may take 6-12 months.


The EICs’ primary responsibilities will include:

        • working with a team of editorial board members to shape, lead, and execute the journal’s editorial scope

        • working alongside the publisher (JMIR Publications) to set priorities and objectives for the journal

        • creating and implementing a strategy to strengthen and grow the journal’s operation

        • re-building/refreshing the editorial board by recruiting and selecting editorial board members and active section editors

        • encouraging and soliciting the submission of original high‐quality manuscripts from colleagues and leading researchers

        • overseeing the peer review of journal content

Both positions may also oversee JMIR Research Protocols and/or JMIR Formative Research, which are the sister journals for protocols and early-stage research, respectively.


We are seeking highly regarded, internationally recognized, active biomedical scientists or academic clinicians (PhD, MD, MD/PhD) who are active in the field of digital health, medical informatics, behavioral sciences, or a similar field. The candidates must be passionate about health research and technology, innovation, and health information dissemination.

Candidates must be energetic and innovative leaders, committed to maintaining a high level of integrity while delivering high-quality research quickly and efficiently. The new EIC for both journals is expected to be a thought leader that will drive strategy and innovation in publishing and digital health, foster a community of authors, editors, and reviewers, and solicit high-quality research from leading authors in the field.

Ideally, candidates will be familiar with–and have published in–JMIR journals and have an established track record as an author. In addition, candidates preferably have editorial experience as a journal editor, and/or deputy or associate editor in a biomedical journal with experience in the peer review process and communicating with authors, reviewers, and publishers. The new EIC for both journals must be familiar with reporting standards, ethical guidelines for publishing, and be aware of the current new developments and changes in the publishing environment, such as preprints.

A stipend will be provided in recognition of the time and effort involved in this position. The position will require at least 20% of the time of a full-time position. If a candidate is in an academic or other full-time position, we will require a letter from the current employer to certify that the time is available (if you are a final candidate). The stipend can also be used to fund a part of the candidates’ academic salary.


If you are not personally interested but know someone who would make a good fit, please fill out our nomination form to suggest the names of highly qualified candidates.


Interested candidates should send the following documents to We will continue to consider applications until the position is filled. As of August 1, we are still accepting applications:

        • a letter of interest stating the journal they are applying for (JMIR or JMU), a description of their vision for the journal, and thoughts on future advancements and innovations

        • a current curriculum vitae

        • a description of any potential conflicts of interest

If you are interested in applying and would like to receive an email reminder before the deadline, please indicate your intention to apply by selecting the self-nomination option on our nomination form.

As this is a remote position, there is no restriction on the location of the applicant. Follow-up interviews will be scheduled with top candidates. Applicants which do not make it for EIC consideration may still be selected as editorial board members.

Our goal is to build upon the outstanding foundation built by Dr Eysenbach to continue the legacy of the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journals by publishing cutting-edge new data and breakthrough findings in the rapidly growing field of digital health. JMIR is incredibly proud of the 20-year history behind the journal. As a pioneer in both open access publishing and digital health research, we have innovated editorial processes and have established short turn-around times, high author satisfaction scores, and extensive author support. But, most importantly, we have continued to help leaders in the health technology space to collaborate and disseminate breakthrough ideas and research on emerging technologies and digital health interventions that can ultimately empower people to make informed decisions about their health and live happier and healthier lives. We are looking forward to having new Editors-in-Chief join us on this mission.