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eHealth Technologies for Monitoring Pediatric Asthma at Home: Scoping Review

eHealth Technologies for Monitoring Pediatric Asthma at Home: Scoping Review

eHealth Technologies for Monitoring Pediatric Asthma at Home: Scoping Review


1Pediatric Department, Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

2Department of Biomedical Signals and Systems, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

3Medical School Twente, Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

4Health Technology and Services Research, Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social Sciences, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

Mattiènne R van der Kamp, PhD

Pediatric Department

Medisch Spectrum Twente

Koningsplein 1

Enschede, 7512KZ


Phone: 31 534872310


Background: eHealth monitoring technologies offer opportunities to more objectively assess symptoms when they appear in daily life. Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood with an episodic course, requiring close follow-up of pediatric asthma control to identify disease deterioration, prevent exacerbations, and enhance quality of life. eHealth technologies in pediatric asthma care show promising results regarding feasibility, acceptability, and asthma-related health outcomes. However, broad systematic evaluations of eHealth technologies in pediatric asthma are lacking.

Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to identify the types and applications of eHealth technologies for monitoring and treatment in pediatric asthma and explore which monitoring domains show the most relevance or potential for future research.

Methods: A scoping review was conducted using the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. A systematic and comprehensive search was performed on English papers that investigated the development, validation, or application of eHealth technologies for home monitoring or treatment of pediatric asthma in the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, IEEE, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and ACM Digital Library. Two authors independently assessed eligibility and extracted data. Data were presented by a descriptive analysis of characteristics and a narrative report for each eHealth domain.

Results: The review included 370 manuscripts. The following 10 monitoring domains were identified: air quality, airway inflammation markers, lung function, physical activity, sleep, audiovisual, other physiological measurements, questionnaires, medication monitoring, and digital environment (ie, digital platforms, applications, websites, and software tools to monitor or support monitoring). Rising numbers of studies were seen, and the numbers accelerated in the last few years throughout most domains, especially medication monitoring and digital environment. Limited studies (35/370, 9.5%) of multiparameter monitoring strategies, using three or more domains, were found. The number of monitoring validation studies remained stable, while development and intervention studies increased. Intervention outcomes seemed to indicate the noninferiority and potential superiority of eHealth monitoring in pediatric asthma.

Conclusions: This systematic scoping review provides a unique overview of eHealth pediatric asthma monitoring studies, and it revealed that eHealth research takes place throughout different monitoring domains using different approaches. The outcomes of the review showed the potency for efficacy of most monitoring domains (especially the domains of medication monitoring, lung function, and digital environment). Future studies could focus on modifying potentially relevant hospital-based diagnostics for the home setting to investigate potential beneficial effects and focus on combining home-monitoring domains to facilitate multiparameter decision-making and personalized clinical decision support.

J Med Internet Res 2023;25:e45896



Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease, affecting up to 10% of children worldwide [Asher MI, Montefort S, Björkstén B, Lai CK, Strachan DP, Weiland SK, et al. Worldwide time trends in the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in childhood: ISAAC Phases One and Three repeat multicountry cross-sectional surveys. The Lancet. Aug 2006;368(9537):733-743. [CrossRef]1]. Childhood asthma can lead to recurrent airflow limitation, which may hamper physical, psychological, and social development and well-being. The manifestation of asthma symptoms varies based on the asthma severity, the level of adequate disease management, and the influence of environmental triggers and the intrinsic waves of asthma, explaining its episodic fluctuating course. In clinical practice, assessment of asthma control is currently based on multiple diagnostic features (the combination of anamnesis, and physical examination and lung function measurements to assess airflow limitation). These scheduled elective outpatient clinic evaluations at infrequent intervals seem to conflict with the episodic nature of asthma, hampering timely and proper medical anticipation [van der Kamp M, Reimering Hartgerink P, Driessen J, Thio B, Hermens H, Tabak M. Feasibility, Efficacy, and Efficiency of eHealth-Supported Pediatric Asthma Care: Six-Month Quasi-Experimental Single-Arm Pretest-Posttest Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 26, 2021;5(7):e24634. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]2]. Closer follow-up of pediatric asthma control with a multifaceted assessment of disease parameters is thus needed to prevent disease deterioration, enhance self-management, and boost quality of life (QoL) [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Pijnenburg M, Baraldi E, Brand P, Carlsen KA, Eber E, Frischer T, et al. Monitoring asthma in children. Eur Respir J. Apr 2015;45(4):906-925. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]4].

eHealth technologies like wearable home-monitoring tools can longitudinally measure symptoms, risk factors, and treatment factors in daily life, outside elective visits. In combination with communication technologies, this type of eHealth technology provides opportunities to closely monitor asthma control at home and allows timely treatment as recommended by the GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) guidelines [Global Initiative for Asthma – GINA. URL: [accessed 2022-06-22] 5]. To date, eHealth technology studies have reported on physiology monitoring (eg, lung function, respiratory rate, and nocturnal coughing), behavioral monitoring (eg, activity, therapy adherence, and trigger exposure), and self-management interventions (by education, health care provider support, etc), but they are often not specifically tailored to the pediatric population [Wu YP, Steele RG, Connelly MA, Palermo TM, Ritterband LM. Commentary: pediatric eHealth interventions: common challenges during development, implementation, and dissemination. J Pediatr Psychol. Jul 10, 2014;39(6):612-623. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6].

Studies applying eHealth technologies in pediatric asthma care have shown overall promising results regarding feasibility, acceptability, and asthma-related health outcomes [Alquran A, Lambert K, Farouque A, Holland A, Davies J, Lampugnani E, et al. Smartphone Applications for Encouraging Asthma Self-Management in Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Oct 29, 2018;15(11):2403. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7-Ferrante G, Licari A, Marseglia G, La Grutta S. Digital health interventions in children with asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. Feb 2021;51(2):212-220. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]13]. For example, Ramsey et al [Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8] showed that digital interventions aimed at improving adherence resulted in improved adherence and asthma outcomes, and van den Wijngaart et al [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,van den Wijngaart LS, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, Niers LE, et al. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1700471. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15] showed that a digital asthma control test monitoring intervention reduced outpatient visits and was cost-effective. However, existing studies showed high heterogeneity in study endpoints, designs, and populations, which hampered systematic conclusions on the impact of eHealth in the management of pediatric asthma [Morrison D, Wyke S, Agur K, Cameron EJ, Docking RI, Mackenzie AM, et al. Digital asthma self-management interventions: a systematic review. J Med Internet Res. Feb 18, 2014;16(2):e51. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]11,Unni E, Gabriel S, Ariely R. A review of the use and effectiveness of digital health technologies in patients with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Dec 2018;121(6):680-691.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]12].

Clearly, studies on eHealth pediatric asthma monitoring and treatment are available, but they are very widespread and heterogeneous in terms of monitoring domains, applied methods, and evaluations. In order to be able to further identify future research directions, a broad overview of this research area is initially needed. We therefore conducted a scoping review of the available evidence for monitoring and treatment in pediatric eHealth, without being directed toward a single discrete monitoring domain or study design. Scoping reviews, combining analytic and narrative synthetization of evidence, have become increasingly common in the field of eHealth reviewing [Tully L, Burls A, Sorensen J, El-Moslemany R, O'Malley G. Mobile Health for Pediatric Weight Management: Systematic Scoping Review. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 03, 2020;8(6):e16214. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]16,Shaffer KM, Tigershtrom A, Badr H, Benvengo S, Hernandez M, Ritterband LM. Dyadic Psychosocial eHealth Interventions: Systematic Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res. Mar 04, 2020;22(3):e15509. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]17]. This method suits the fast-paced broad field of digital health in pediatric asthma, as it allows for the synthesis of a wide range of available evidence in the literature, the clarification of the key concepts of eHealth technology domains, and the identification of current knowledge gaps [Lewinter KE, Hudson SM, Kysh L, Lara M, Betz CL, Espinoza J. Reconsidering reviews: the role of scoping reviews in digital medicine and pediatrics. NPJ Digit Med. Dec 10, 2020;3(1):158. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]18,Munn Z, Peters M, Stern C, Tufanaru C, McArthur A, Aromataris E. Systematic review or scoping review? Guidance for authors when choosing between a systematic or scoping review approach. BMC Med Res Methodol. Nov 19, 2018;18(1):143. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]19]. The objective of this review was to identify the types and applications of eHealth technologies for monitoring and treatment in pediatric asthma and to explore which monitoring domains show the most relevance or potential for future research.

Protocol and Registration

Our protocol was drafted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines [Tricco A, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien K, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation. Ann Intern Med. Oct 02, 2018;169(7):467-473. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]20].

Eligibility Criteria

To be included in the review, papers needed to investigate the development, validation, or application of eHealth technologies for home monitoring and treatment in pediatric asthma. Peer-reviewed journal papers and conference papers were included if they were written in English. To avoid missing emerging technologies, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method studies were included without restriction on study design, and study protocols were included as long as final study results had not been published. Papers were excluded if they did not fit into the conceptual framework of this scoping review as shown in Textbox 1.

Textbox 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria of the scoping review.

Inclusion criteria

Study goal

  • Describes development and validation of the application of eHealth technologies for home monitoring of pediatric asthma.

Article type

  • Peer-reviewed journal paper, protocol, or conference paper.

Study setting

  • All clinical settings where children with asthma are treated: hospitals, outpatient clinics, public health/community clinics, or provider’s offices.


  • Written in English.

Exclusion criteria

Study goal

  • No intention of longitudinal monitoring.

Article type

  • In case of protocol studies, final study results are already published.

Study setting

  • Community setting that is not at home (eg, school or recreational setting).
  • Inclusion of both children and adults, and not explicitly specifying the results with children.


  • Written in a language other than English.

Information Sources and Search

We searched PubMed, Cochrane Library, IEEE, Scopus, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and ACM Digital Library to identify potentially relevant documents until January 15, 2021. Since the primary aim of this scoping review was to provide an overview of developments within childhood asthma eHealth care, no lower limit for year of publication was set. The search strategies were drafted by the research team and refined by discussing them with an experienced librarian. The final search strategy for MEDLINE can be found in

Multimedia Appendix 1

PubMed search strategy.

DOCX File , 14 KBMultimedia Appendix 1. The final search results were exported to Rayyan, and duplicates were removed by 2 researchers.

Selection of Sources of Evidence

To increase consistency among reviewers, both reviewers (MK and VSH) screened a random sample of 100 titles and abstracts (in chronological order), discussed the results, and amended the screening and data extraction manual before beginning screening for this review. The manual was refined to ensure that eHealth was used for monitoring or treatment purposes in all included articles. Two reviewers (MK and VSH) evaluated the titles and abstracts of all publications identified by our searches for potentially relevant publications. Articles not fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria (Textbox 1) were excluded. Discrepancies were resolved by consensus and discussion between the 2 reviewers, and when disagreement persisted, the full-text article was analyzed to achieve consensus. eHealth domains were inductively constructed by 2 reviewers (MK and VSH) based on the title and abstract screening. The constructed eHealth domains were as follows: air quality, airway inflammation markers, lung function, activity, sleep, audiovisual, other physiological measurements, questionnaires, medication monitoring, and digital environment. Digital environment encompassed apps, websites, web portals, algorithms, and other digital tools that have the explicit goal to monitor asthma. This could be as a stand-alone tool (such as a digital diary and online communication to consult in times of symptoms) or could be supportive to monitoring tools from other eHealth domains (such as reminders and online asthma action plans). An overview of the constructed eHealth domains is provided in Table 1. One article could cover multiple eHealth domains. A second round of title and abstract screening was performed to label eligible articles with the applicable eHealth domains and classify them as “development/validation” or “intervention” studies. The full texts of eligible articles were then obtained and screened for eligibility based on the full texts by 1 reviewer (MK or VSH). Simultaneously, data extraction for eligible papers was performed, and the assigned eHealth domains and classification into “development/validation” or “intervention” were corrected when necessary. The full texts of 1 domain (airway inflammation markers) were assessed by both reviewers (MK and VSH) to ensure agreement on data extraction.

Table 1. Description per eHealth domain for pediatric asthma monitoring.
eHealth domainDescription
Air qualityMeasures that reflect air quality, including air pollution, weather-related factors, and allergens
Airway inflammation markersMarkers that indicate airway inflammation
Lung functionAssessment of lung function, including peak expiratory flow and spirometry
Physical activityAssessment of physical activity
SleepAssessment of sleep duration or quality
AudiovisualSound or video recordings to support asthma monitoring, such as recordings of cough, wheezing, or respiratory distress
Other physiological measurementsPhysiological monitoring data that are not included in one of the other physiological monitoring domains
QuestionnairesElectronic questionnaires
Medication monitoringAssessment of controller or reliever medication use, including inhaler adherence and inhaler technique
Digital environmentDigital platforms, applications, websites, and software tools that have the explicit goal to monitor asthma or are supportive to monitoring tools from other eHealth domains

Data Extraction

A data extraction form was developed jointly by 2 reviewers (MK and VSH) in Google forms. We abstracted general data on article characteristics (eg, country of origin and year of publication), study design, and study population (eg, number of participants and age group), as well as the measurement methods used per domain and the main conclusions. For the domains of lung function and medication monitoring, we specifically extracted data on the evaluation of the spirometry technique and inhalation technique, respectively, at home. For papers describing or including an intervention, we additionally extracted who performed the intervention and the effects on (1) symptoms, (2) QoL, (3) lung function, (4) adherence, (5) self-management, (6) health care use and costs, and (7) school absence. Fitting the purpose of a scoping review, no critical appraisal of individual sources of evidence was performed.

Synthesis of Results

Visual representations of publications on different domains over the years were made. We performed a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the included papers for the year of publication and country of origin of all eHealth domains. Moreover, we analyzed the interactions between the monitoring domains. Thereafter, data were presented in a narrative format per eHealth domain.

Search Results

The search resulted in 7961 records. The selection of sources of evidence is shown in the PRISMA-ScR flow diagram (Figure 1). All included studies with corresponding domain labels are shown in

Multimedia Appendix 2

Included studies.

DOCX File , 102 KBMultimedia Appendix 2 [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Alquran A, Lambert K, Farouque A, Holland A, Davies J, Lampugnani E, et al. Smartphone Applications for Encouraging Asthma Self-Management in Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Oct 29, 2018;15(11):2403. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7-van den Wijngaart LS, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, Niers LE, et al. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1700471. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21-Ramsey R, Guilbert T. Exciting Era of Sensor-Based Electronic Monitoring of Adherence in Pediatric Asthma. Pediatrics. Jan 2021;147(1):e2020036749. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]378].

Figure 1. Flowchart of the selection of evidence sources.

Characteristics of the Sources of Evidence

Increasing numbers of studies regarding eHealth technologies for monitoring and treatment in pediatric asthma were found over time (Figure 2). From 1990 to 2014, the largest proportion of studies were validation studies evaluating the correlation of home-measured signals with asthma features. From 2014, increasing proportions of intervention studies were seen, with a share of 63% (24/38) in 2020.

With regard to the monitoring domains, an increasing variety of monitoring domains was seen over the years (Figure 2B). The first home studies in the 1980s focused on lung function monitoring. Moreover, several studies in the audiovisual domain followed in those years. From 1993, other domains started to sporadically appear in the pediatric asthma home-monitoring research field. For example, medication monitoring involved growing numbers of studies at every innovation step, with digital counters in 1990-2000, smart inhalers in 2000-2010, and the increased connectivity of smart inhalers with mobile devices in 2010-2020. Home monitoring of inflammation markers was an often researched topic from 2006, but this decreased after 2010. Air quality research showed a similar arrival period, but it remained quite stable after 2012 with regard to the absolute numbers of studies. Together with the rise of home computers, starting in 2008, a steady increase in studies in the digital questionnaire and digital environment domains was seen, and with the introduction of smartphones, the share of these domains grew enormously to over 40% of all home-monitoring studies. With the introduction of wearable technologies and smart watches, from 2015, an increase was seen in home-monitoring studies involving activity, sleep, and other physiological measurements.

In 30.8% (114/370) of the included studies, two or more monitoring domains were combined, of which the largest part (80/114, 70.2%) combined a digital environment with one or more other monitoring domains. Overall, 8.6% (32/370) and 3.5% (13/370) of studies used a multiparameter monitoring strategy combining three or more domains and four or more monitoring domains, respectively. Detailed domain interactions are visualized in Figure 3. These data show that the domains of activity and sleep were most frequently combined with another domain (average 37% and 28%, respectively), whereas the domain of audiovisual was least combined. Many domains were combined with the domain of lung function (average 32%) or digital environment (average 35%). However, within the domain of digital environment, there were relatively few interactions (average 9%), indicating many stand-alone digital environments as well (n=75).

eHealth pediatric asthma research is performed throughout the world (Figure 4); however, the share of research from South America and Africa is limited (5/370, 1.4%) compared with the other continents. The 5 countries with the most studies were the United States (n=202), the Netherlands (n=41), Great Britain (n=31), Australia (n=13), and Taiwan (n=9). eHealth pediatric asthma research in North America mainly focused on the monitoring domains of digital environment (105/211, 49.8%) and medication monitoring (70/211, 33.2%), while lung function monitoring was the main monitoring domain in Europe (41/101, 40.6%). Moreover, Europe had a relatively large share of research focusing on questionnaire monitoring (16/101, 15.8%). Although the proportional share of sleep monitoring was the highest in Asia (2/35, 5.7%), the absolute count of activity and sleep monitoring studies in North America was overwhelmingly the largest (n=19) compared with the other continents (n=4). Home-based air quality research has a lower relative share in Europe (4/101, 4.0%) compared with Asia, North America, and Australia (>10%).

Figure 2. (A) Number of development, validation, and intervention studies per year. (B) Number of studies per eHealth domain per year.
Figure 3. Overlap between domains. Each value in a column represents the percentage of articles falling under the domain of the row. Mean values were calculated for both the rows and columns (excluding the 100% diagonal). A darker color indicates a higher percentage.
Figure 4. Visual representation of studies per eHealth domain per continent. The size of the circle indicates the total number of studies in the continent.

eHealth Domains

The development, validation, and intervention results are reported below for each eHealth domain. No intervention studies were found for the domains of air quality, activity, sleep, and audiovisual.

Air Quality Domain

Forty-two studies were found, in which monitoring for air quality could roughly be divided into air pollution (PM2.5, O3, and NO2), weather-related factors (temperature and humidity), and allergy-triggering factors (pollen and dust), using a NO2 sensor, air pollution sensor, pollen tracker, or GPS tracker. Monitoring of air quality was based on (1) measurements in the bedroom [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Brooke A, Lambert P, Burton P, Clarke C, Luyt D, Simpson H. Night cough in a population-based sample of children: characteristics, relation to symptoms and associations with measures of asthma severity. Eur Respir J. Jan 01, 1996;9(1):65-71. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22], (2) measurements using data from weather stations adjusted to GPS tracking or mathematical models [Fletcher R, Oreskovic N, Robinson A. Design and clinical feasibility of personal wearable monitor for measurement of activity and environmental exposure. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014;2014:874-877. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]23], or (3) measurements using a wearable monitor [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24]. Wearable devices to monitor air quality were developed from 2017 onwards [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Fletcher R, Oreskovic N, Robinson A. Design and clinical feasibility of personal wearable monitor for measurement of activity and environmental exposure. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014;2014:874-877. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]23,Lin EZ, Esenther S, Mascelloni M, Irfan F, Godri Pollitt KJ. The Fresh Air Wristband: A Wearable Air Pollutant Sampler. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. Jan 28, 2020;7(5):308-314. [CrossRef]25-Dong Q, Li B, Downen R, Tran N, Chorvinsky E, Pillai D, et al. Wearable and Stationary Point-of-Care IoT Air Pollution Sensors for Pediatric Asthma Research and Management. In: 2019 IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies, (HI-POCT). Presented at: IEEE Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies, (HI-POCT); November 20-22, 2019, 2019; Bethesda, MD, USA. [CrossRef]29]. An example is the PIPER robot, which can move like a child and measures air quality in the home at a child’s height [Shalat SL, Stambler AA, Wang Z, Mainelis G, Emoekpere OH, Hernandez M, et al. Development and in-home testing of the Pretoddler Inhalable Particulate Environmental Robotic (PIPER Mk IV) sampler. Environ Sci Technol. Apr 01, 2011;45(7):2945-2950. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]30]. Some air quality devices were integrated in eHealth asthma tools to alert for bad air quality and provide feedback to the child [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31-Anantharam P, Banerjee T, Sheth A, Thirunarayan K, Marupudi S, Sridharan V, et al. Knowledge-Driven Personalized Contextual mHealth Service for Asthma Management in Children. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services; June 27, 2015-July 02, 2015, 2015; New York, NY, USA. [CrossRef]35].

Observational studies mostly focused on air pollution (29/32, 91%), with occasional combination with weather-related (8/32, 25%) or allergy-triggering (7/32, 22%) factors. There were significant negative effects of air pollution on children’s pulmonary health, especially for those with asthma [Li S, Williams G, Jalaludin B, Baker P. Panel studies of air pollution on children's lung function and respiratory symptoms: a literature review. J Asthma. Nov 28, 2012;49(9):895-910. [CrossRef] [Medline]36]. Several studies found an association between increased air pollution and increased asthma symptoms [Hansel NN, Breysse PN, McCormack MC, Matsui EC, Curtin-Brosnan J, Williams DL, et al. A longitudinal study of indoor nitrogen dioxide levels and respiratory symptoms in inner-city children with asthma. Environ Health Perspect. Oct 2008;116(10):1428-1432. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]37-Lawson J, Dosman J, Rennie D, Beach J, Newman S, Senthilselvan A. Relationship of endotoxin and tobacco smoke exposure to wheeze and diurnal peak expiratory flow variability in children and adolescents. Respirology. Feb 2011;16(2):332-339. [CrossRef] [Medline]40] or lung function deficit [Castro HAD, Cunha MFD, Mendonça G, Junger WL, Cunha-Cruz J, Leon APD. Effect of air pollution on lung function in schoolchildren in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rev Saude Publica. Feb 2009;43(1):26-34. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]41,Delfino RJ, Staimer N, Tjoa T, Gillen D, Kleinman MT, Sioutas C, et al. Personal and ambient air pollution exposures and lung function decrements in children with asthma. Environ Health Perspect. Apr 2008;116(4):550-558. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42]. There often was a delay between exposure and asthma symptoms (lag of 1-2 days) and a cumulative effect of exposure [Spira-Cohen A. The role of traffic-related air pollution in PM-health effects associations among inner city children with asthma. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 2010. URL: https:/​/search.​​login.​aspx?direct=true&db=psyh&AN=2010-99120-028&lang=ja&site=ehost-live [accessed 2023-06-22] 43,Tang C, Chang L, Lee H, Chan C. Effects of personal particulate matter on peak expiratory flow rate of asthmatic children. Sci Total Environ. Aug 15, 2007;382(1):43-51. [CrossRef] [Medline]44]. Studies on allergy-triggering and weather-related factors were limited [Lawson J, Dosman J, Rennie D, Beach J, Newman S, Senthilselvan A. Relationship of endotoxin and tobacco smoke exposure to wheeze and diurnal peak expiratory flow variability in children and adolescents. Respirology. Feb 2011;16(2):332-339. [CrossRef] [Medline]40,Li S, Baker PJ, Jalaludin BB, Guo Y, Marks GB, Denison LS, et al. An Australian national panel study of diurnal temperature range and children's respiratory health. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2014;112(4):348-53.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]. Lawson et al [Lawson J, Dosman J, Rennie D, Beach J, Newman S, Senthilselvan A. Relationship of endotoxin and tobacco smoke exposure to wheeze and diurnal peak expiratory flow variability in children and adolescents. Respirology. Feb 2011;16(2):332-339. [CrossRef] [Medline]40] suggested that exposure to endotoxins may influence asthma symptoms or result in exacerbations. Li et al [Li S, Baker PJ, Jalaludin BB, Guo Y, Marks GB, Denison LS, et al. An Australian national panel study of diurnal temperature range and children's respiratory health. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2014;112(4):348-53.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]45] showed an association between increased diurnal temperature range and reduced peak expiratory flow (PEF) and increased respiratory symptoms [Li S, Baker PJ, Jalaludin BB, Guo Y, Marks GB, Denison LS, et al. An Australian national panel study of diurnal temperature range and children's respiratory health. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2014;112(4):348-53.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]45]. No intervention studies on air quality were found.

Airway Inflammation Markers Domain

Ten development/validation studies used fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) to measure airway inflammation. The oldest study addressed the potential of FeNO measurements for use as a home-monitoring tool [Hunt J, Byrns R, Ignarro L, Gaston B. Condensed expirate nitrite as a home marker for acute asthma. Lancet. Nov 04, 1995;346(8984):1235-1236. [CrossRef] [Medline]46]. Subsequently, Paredi et al [Paredi P, Loukides S, Ward S, Cramer D, Spicer M, Kharitonov SA, et al. Exhalation flow and pressure-controlled reservoir collection of exhaled nitric oxide for remote and delayed analysis. Thorax. Sep 01, 1998;53(9):775-779. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]47] described a device that used a reservoir to allow delayed assessment of FeNO values and enabled home measurements. Thereafter, a hand-held electrochemical device, the NIOX-MINO, was developed and validated against standard FeNO measurements, with good between-method agreement within a clinically acceptable range [Schiller B, Hammer J, Barben J, Trachsel D. Comparability of a hand-held nitric oxide analyser with online and offline chemiluminescence-based nitric oxide measurement. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. Nov 2009;20(7):679-685. [CrossRef] [Medline]48,Bodini A, Peroni D, Loiacono A, Costella S, Pigozzi R, Baraldi E, et al. Exhaled nitric oxide daily evaluation is effective in monitoring exposure to relevant allergens in asthmatic children. Chest. Nov 2007;132(5):1520-1525. [CrossRef] [Medline]49]. Good feasibility and repeatability of FeNO home monitoring were reported [Pijnenburg M, Floor S, Hop W, De Jongste JC. Daily ambulatory exhaled nitric oxide measurements in asthma. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. May 2006;17(3):189-193. [CrossRef] [Medline]50-de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Baraldi E. Daily Telemonitoring of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Symptoms in the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jan 15, 2009;179(2):93-97. [CrossRef]52].

In a proof-of-concept study, van der Valk et al [van der Valk RJP, Baraldi E, Stern G, Frey U, de Jongste JC. Daily exhaled nitric oxide measurements and asthma exacerbations in children. Allergy. Feb 2012;67(2):265-271. [CrossRef] [Medline]53] used the NIOX-MINO device for daily observation of FeNO in relation to asthma symptoms. They concluded that single FeNO values were not predictive to detect upcoming exacerbations, but that multiple data points were required.

Intervention Studies

One randomized controlled trial intervention study showed no added benefits of daily FeNO monitoring on symptoms, lung function, and airway inflammation in a telemonitoring program; however, the authors reported a tendency toward fewer exacerbations [de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Baraldi E. Daily Telemonitoring of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Symptoms in the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jan 15, 2009;179(2):93-97. [CrossRef]52].

Lung Function Domain

Seventy-four development/validation articles were found that monitored lung function at home, and all used spirometric measurements, such as PEF and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1). Older articles mainly used hand-held peak flow devices, whereas more recent articles more often used hand-held spirometers. Sixteen studies combined spirometry with other home-monitoring devices, such as cough, sleep, and air quality sensors [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Brooke A, Lambert P, Burton P, Clarke C, Luyt D, Simpson H. Night cough in a population-based sample of children: characteristics, relation to symptoms and associations with measures of asthma severity. Eur Respir J. Jan 01, 1996;9(1):65-71. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Li S, Williams G, Jalaludin B, Baker P. Panel studies of air pollution on children's lung function and respiratory symptoms: a literature review. J Asthma. Nov 28, 2012;49(9):895-910. [CrossRef] [Medline]36,Lawson J, Dosman J, Rennie D, Beach J, Newman S, Senthilselvan A. Relationship of endotoxin and tobacco smoke exposure to wheeze and diurnal peak expiratory flow variability in children and adolescents. Respirology. Feb 2011;16(2):332-339. [CrossRef] [Medline]40-Li S, Baker PJ, Jalaludin BB, Guo Y, Marks GB, Denison LS, et al. An Australian national panel study of diurnal temperature range and children's respiratory health. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2014;112(4):348-53.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]45,Vahlkvist S, Sinding M, Skamstrup K, Bisgaard H. Daily home measurements of exhaled nitric oxide in asthmatic children during natural birch pollen exposure. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Jun 2006;117(6):1272-1276. [CrossRef] [Medline]51,Ghriwati NA, Everhart R, Winter M. Interactive effects of family functioning and sleep experiences on daily lung functioning in pediatric asthma: An ecological momentary assessment approach. J Asthma. Mar 2020;57(3):262-270. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]54-Bentur L, Beck R, Irving CS, Godfrey S. Nocturnal Wheeze Measurement in Young Asthmatics. Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. Sep 2004;17(3):191-197. [CrossRef]58].

A good correlation of portable devices with hospital-based measurements was reported for both the PEF and FEV1 measurements [de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Baraldi E. Daily Telemonitoring of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Symptoms in the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jan 15, 2009;179(2):93-97. [CrossRef]52,Bastian-Lee Y, Chavasse R, Richter H, Seddon P. Assessment of a low-cost home monitoring spirometer for children. Pediatr Pulmonol. May 01, 2002;33(5):388-394. [CrossRef] [Medline]59-Brand P, Waalkens H, Duiverman E, van Essen-Zandvliet EE. Inaccuracy of portable peak flow meters: correction is not needed. Dutch CNSLD Study Group. Acta Paediatr. Aug 1997;86(8):888-889. [CrossRef] [Medline]61], where home measurements tended to be lower (mean difference PEF: 22-55 L/min; FEV1: 0.02-0.15 L) [de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Baraldi E. Daily Telemonitoring of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Symptoms in the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jan 15, 2009;179(2):93-97. [CrossRef]52,Brouwer AF, Roorda RJ, Brand PL. Comparison between peak expiratory flow and FEV(1) measurements on a home spirometer and on a pneumotachograph in children with asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol. Sep 2007;42(9):813-818. [CrossRef] [Medline]60,Gerzon FL, Jöbsis Q, Bannier MA, Winkens B, Dompeling E. Discrepancy between Lung Function Measurements at Home and in the Hospital in Children with Asthma and CF. J Clin Med. May 26, 2020;9(6):1617. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]62]. The frequently incorrect, invented, or missing data in written diaries, with discrepancy between measured and self-reported values up to 35-50% [Kamps A, Roorda R, Brand P. Peak flow diaries in childhood asthma are unreliable. Thorax. Mar 2001;56(3):180-182. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]63-Anees W, Huggins V, Burge P. Reliability of PEF diaries. Thorax. Sep 01, 2001;56(9):742.1-74742. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]68], emphasize the need for electronic monitoring to prevent reporting bias [Kamps A, Roorda R, Brand P. Peak flow diaries in childhood asthma are unreliable. Thorax. Mar 2001;56(3):180-182. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]63,Gahleitner F, Legg J, Holland E, Pearson S, Roberts G. The validity and acceptability of a text-based monitoring system for pediatric asthma studies. Pediatr Pulmonol. Jan 02, 2016;51(1):5-12. [CrossRef] [Medline]67,van der Meer V, Rikkers-Mutsaerts ERVM, Sterk PJ, Thiadens HA, Assendelft WJJ, Sont JK. Compliance and reliability of electronic PEF monitoring in adolescents with asthma. Thorax. May 01, 2006;61(5):457-458. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]69,Sly P, Flack F. Is home monitoring of lung function worthwhile for children with asthma? West J Med. Nov 2001;175(5):344-345. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]70].

There was little evidence evaluating the quality of execution of home-measured lung function. The quality of spirometry at home seemed acceptable and reproducible [Pelkonen AS, Nikander K, Turpeinen M. Reproducibility of home spirometry in children with newly diagnosed asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol. Jan 2000;29(1):34-38. [CrossRef] [Medline]71-Thompson R, Delfino RJ, Tjoa T, Nussbaum E, Cooper D. Evaluation of daily home spirometry for school children with asthma: new insights. Pediatr Pulmonol. Sep 2006;41(9):819-828. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]74], even when compared with in-office spirometry [Mortimer KM, Fallot A, Balmes JR, Tager IB. Evaluating the use of a portable spirometer in a study of pediatric asthma. Chest. Jun 2003;123(6):1899-1907. [CrossRef] [Medline]73,Thompson R, Delfino RJ, Tjoa T, Nussbaum E, Cooper D. Evaluation of daily home spirometry for school children with asthma: new insights. Pediatr Pulmonol. Sep 2006;41(9):819-828. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]74]. Gamification methods were developed, aiming to enhance the quality and adherence of lung function measurements [Pinho B, Almeida R, Jácome C, Teixeira J, Amaral R, Lopes F, et al. Automatic Quality Assessment of Smart Device Microphone Spirometry. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems - PECCS. Setúbal, Portugal. SciTePress; 2018;115-122.75-Nikkila S, Patel G, Sundaram H, Kelliher A, Sabharwal A. Wind runners: designing a game to encourage medical adherence for children with asthma. Presented at: CHI '12: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems; May 5-10, 2012, 2012; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]77].

From the 1990s onwards, multiple studies reported on the limited value of PEF monitoring [De Vera MA, Sadatsafavi M, Tsao NW, Lynd LD, Lester R, Gastonguay L, et al. Empowering pharmacists in asthma management through interactive SMS (EmPhAsIS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. Dec 13, 2014;15(1):488. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]78-Linna OV. Twice-daily peak expiratory flow rate monitoring for the assessment of childhood asthma. Allergy Proc. Jan 02, 1993;14(1):33-36. [CrossRef] [Medline]80], as it was not a sensitive or specific objective index of lung function [Klein RB, Fritz GK, Yeung A, McQuaid EL, Mansell A. Spirometric patterns in childhood asthma: peak flow compared with other indices. Pediatr Pulmonol. Dec 1995;20(6):372-379. [CrossRef] [Medline]81,Cai P, Hebert M, Cowie R, Meadows L. Experience with home telehealth to support disease management in teenagers with asthma. J Telemed Telecare. Dec 02, 2016;12(3_suppl):23-25. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]82] and it poorly reflected changes in asthma activity [Brand PLP, Roorda RJ. Usefulness of monitoring lung function in asthma. Arch Dis Child. Nov 01, 2003;88(11):1021-1025. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]64,Greineder DK, Loane KC, Parks P. Reduction in resource utilization by an asthma outreach program. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Apr 01, 1995;149(4):415-420. [CrossRef] [Medline]66,Foo AL, Sly PD. Pulmonary function in a hospital population of asthmatic children. J Asthma. Jul 02, 1991;28(4):273-280. [CrossRef] [Medline]83-Brouwer A, Brand P, Roorda R, Duiverman E. Airway obstruction at time of symptoms prompting use of reliever therapy in children with asthma. Acta Paediatr. Jun 2010;99(6):871-876. [CrossRef] [Medline]85]. When comparing PEF monitoring and spirometry, Sly et al [Sly PD, Cahill P, Willet K, Burton P. Accuracy of mini peak flow meters in indicating changes in lung function in children with asthma. BMJ. Feb 26, 1994;308(6928):572-574. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]86] showed a moderate correlation between these. Two other validation studies using FEV1 for home-monitoring purposes showed a poor concordance of FEV1 with disease activity [Brouwer AFJ, Roorda RJ, Brand PLP. Home spirometry and asthma severity in children. Eur Respir J. Dec 01, 2006;28(6):1131-1137. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]84] and only small differences in FEV1 between symptom days and symptom-free days [Brouwer A, Brand P, Roorda R, Duiverman E. Airway obstruction at time of symptoms prompting use of reliever therapy in children with asthma. Acta Paediatr. Jun 2010;99(6):871-876. [CrossRef] [Medline]85]. On the contrary, van der Kamp et al [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3] described that variation in FEV1 distinguished between controlled and uncontrolled asthma.

Intervention Studies

Thirty-eight intervention studies on lung function monitoring were found. Within these intervention studies, lung function was commonly measured on standard intervals, with few studies reporting reversibility at home [Lloyd BW, Ali MH. How useful do parents find home peak flow monitoring for children with asthma? BMJ. Nov 07, 1992;305(6862):1128-1129. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]87-Willems DCM, Joore MA, Hendriks JJE, van Duurling RAH, Wouters EFM, Severens JLY. Process evaluation of a nurse-led telemonitoring programme for patients with asthma. J Telemed Telecare. Jun 24, 2007;13(6):310-317. [CrossRef] [Medline]90] or additional measurement of lung function when experiencing an increase in asthma symptoms [van der Kamp MR, Tabak M, de Rooij SEJA, van Lierop PPE, Thio BJ. COVID-19: Technology-Supported Remote Assessment of Pediatric Asthma at Home. Front Pediatr. Sep 8, 2020;8:529. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]89-Schneider T, Baum L, Amy A, Marisa C. I have most of my asthma under control and I know how my asthma acts: Users' perceptions of asthma self-management mobile app tailored for adolescents. Health Informatics J. Mar 08, 2020;26(1):342-353. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]91]. Lung function monitoring was combined with symptom monitoring with a diary, questionnaire, or online contact in several studies [Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92-Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98]. Eleven studies took the quality of execution of spirometric maneuvers into account by providing feedback on the technique at more than one moment during clinical visits or by video assessment [Wensley D, Silverman M. Peak Flow Monitoring for Guided Self-management in Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Sep 15, 2004;170(6):606-612. [CrossRef]88-Willems DCM, Joore MA, Hendriks JJE, van Duurling RAH, Wouters EFM, Severens JLY. Process evaluation of a nurse-led telemonitoring programme for patients with asthma. J Telemed Telecare. Jun 24, 2007;13(6):310-317. [CrossRef] [Medline]90,Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Guendelman S, Meade K, Benson M, Chen YQ, Samuels S. Improving asthma outcomes and self-management behaviors of inner-city children: a randomized trial of the Health Buddy interactive device and an asthma diary. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Feb 01, 2002;156(2):114-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]95,Sly PD, Landau LI, Weymouth R. Home recording of peak expiratory flow rates and perception of asthma. Am J Dis Child. May 01, 1985;139(5):479-482. [CrossRef] [Medline]99-Asthma In-Home Monitoring (AIM) Trial. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 103].

Patients and parents reported high rates of satisfaction with PEF monitoring [Lloyd BW, Ali MH. How useful do parents find home peak flow monitoring for children with asthma? BMJ. Nov 07, 1992;305(6862):1128-1129. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]87,Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Perry TT, Marshall A, Berlinski A, Rettiganti M, Brown RH, Randle SM, et al. Smartphone-based vs paper-based asthma action plans for adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Mar 2017;118(3):298-303. [CrossRef] [Medline]93,Deschildre A, Béghin L, Salleron J, Iliescu C, Thumerelle C, Santos C, et al. Home telemonitoring (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) in children with severe asthma does not reduce exacerbations. Eur Respir J. Feb 18, 2012;39(2):290-296. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]102], for example, to detect poor symptom perception, to assess bronchodilator response, or for reassurance in case of normal PEF values [Lloyd BW, Ali MH. How useful do parents find home peak flow monitoring for children with asthma? BMJ. Nov 07, 1992;305(6862):1128-1129. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]87]. Despite known technical and logistical errors with PEF monitoring, acceptable compliance and feasibility were shown when introduced in a motivated group [Willems DCM, Joore MA, Hendriks JJE, van Duurling RAH, Wouters EFM, Severens JLY. Process evaluation of a nurse-led telemonitoring programme for patients with asthma. J Telemed Telecare. Jun 24, 2007;13(6):310-317. [CrossRef] [Medline]90,Ryan D, Cobern W, Wheeler J, Price D, Tarassenko L. Mobile phone technology in the management of asthma. J Telemed Telecare. Dec 02, 2005;11 Suppl 1(1_suppl):43-46. [CrossRef] [Medline]104]. Multiple studies used a decision-support tool to adjust treatment based on home-monitored PEF values [Battu K, Collins-Williams C, Zaleskey C. Evaluation of home-monitoring of asthmatic children with the mini-Wright peak flow meter. J Asthma. Jul 02, 1982;19(1):33-37. [CrossRef] [Medline]97,Boggs PB, Hayati F, Washburne WF, Wheeler DA. Using statistical process control charts for the continual improvement of asthma care. Jt Comm J Qual Improv. Apr 1999;25(4):163-181. [CrossRef] [Medline]100,Savva K, Rosen E, Bolton K, Thein O, Mayet Z. Effect of the whistle watch device on bronchodilator use in children with asthma. S Afr Med J. Mar 2001;91(3):234-237. [Medline]105-Dinakar C, Oppenheimer J, Portnoy J, Bacharier LB, Li J, Kercsmar CM, Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters; Practice Parameter Workgroup; American Academy of Allergy‚ AsthmaImmunology; et al. American College of Allergy‚ AsthmaImmunology. Management of acute loss of asthma control in the yellow zone: a practice parameter. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Aug 2014;113(2):143-159. [CrossRef] [Medline]107]. For example, Savva et al [Savva K, Rosen E, Bolton K, Thein O, Mayet Z. Effect of the whistle watch device on bronchodilator use in children with asthma. S Afr Med J. Mar 2001;91(3):234-237. [Medline]105] showed a decrease in short-acting beta-agonist (SABA) use when SABA use was based on personal PEF values.

Myers et al [Myers TR. Improving Patient Outcomes with Tools for Asthma Self-Monitoring. Disease Management & Health Outcomes. 2002;10(10):631-642. [CrossRef]108] described the use of PEF monitoring in their review and concluded that the debate on the added value of PEF monitoring for asthma outcomes remains inconclusive. The reported advantages of PEF monitoring are increased self-management [Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Janson S. Value of home peak flow monitoring for asthma control. West J Med. Oct 1995;163(4):370-371. [FREE Full text] [Medline]109,Everhart RS, Heron KE, Leibach GG, Miadich SA. Developing a Mobile Health Intervention for Low-Income, Urban Caregivers of Children with Asthma: A Pilot Study. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol. Dec 01, 2017;30(4):252-256. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]110], increased trigger identification [Janssens T, Harver A. Effects of Symptom Perception Interventions on Trigger Identification and Quality of Life in Children with Asthma. Pulm Med. 2015;2015:825137-825138. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]111], and decreased emergency department contacts [Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Everhart RS, Heron KE, Leibach GG, Miadich SA. Developing a Mobile Health Intervention for Low-Income, Urban Caregivers of Children with Asthma: A Pilot Study. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol. Dec 01, 2017;30(4):252-256. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]110] and hospital admissions [Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92]. However, other studies reported no reduction in morbidity [Kamps A, Brand P. Education, self-management and home peak flow monitoring in childhood asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev. Jun 2001;2(2):165-169. [CrossRef] [Medline]112], QoL [Wensley D, Silverman M. Peak Flow Monitoring for Guided Self-management in Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Sep 15, 2004;170(6):606-612. [CrossRef]88,Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92], or health care use [Wensley D, Silverman M. Peak Flow Monitoring for Guided Self-management in Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Sep 15, 2004;170(6):606-612. [CrossRef]88], or improvement in symptom perception [Wensley D, Silverman M. Peak Flow Monitoring for Guided Self-management in Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Sep 15, 2004;170(6):606-612. [CrossRef]88] when using PEF monitoring [Kamps A, Brand P. Education, self-management and home peak flow monitoring in childhood asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev. Jun 2001;2(2):165-169. [CrossRef] [Medline]112]. Moreover, Kamps et al [Kamps A, Brand P. Education, self-management and home peak flow monitoring in childhood asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev. Jun 2001;2(2):165-169. [CrossRef] [Medline]112] and Brouwer et al [Brouwer AF, Brand PL. Asthma education and monitoring: what has been shown to work. Paediatr Respir Rev. Sep 2008;9(3):193-9; quiz 199. [CrossRef] [Medline]113] concluded that PEF monitoring is not recommended in children with asthma on a routine basis, but can be helpful in some patients and can help to identify asthma triggers.

For interventions that include home spirometry monitoring, the results are also inconclusive, as some studies showed an improved QoL [Montalbano L, Ferrante G, Cilluffo G, Gentile M, Arrigo M, La Guardia D, et al. Targeting quality of life in asthmatic children: The MyTEP pilot randomized trial. Respir Med. Jul 2019;153:14-19. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]94] and increased asthma control [Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96,Marosi A, Stiesmeyer J. Improving pediatric asthma patient outcomes by incorporation of effective interventions. J Asthma. Dec 31, 2001;38(8):681-690. [CrossRef] [Medline]114], whereas others showed no improvement in QoL [Deschildre A, Béghin L, Salleron J, Iliescu C, Thumerelle C, Santos C, et al. Home telemonitoring (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) in children with severe asthma does not reduce exacerbations. Eur Respir J. Feb 18, 2012;39(2):290-296. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]102] or the number of exacerbations [Deschildre A, Béghin L, Salleron J, Iliescu C, Thumerelle C, Santos C, et al. Home telemonitoring (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) in children with severe asthma does not reduce exacerbations. Eur Respir J. Feb 18, 2012;39(2):290-296. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]102]. Spirometry and PEF measurements at home are still an ongoing research topic, as several protocol studies included home monitoring of lung function to study the effects on perception, QoL, adherence, and health care use [Childhood Asthma Perception Study (CAPS). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 115-Telemonitoring of Lung Function by Spirometry. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 117].

Physical Activity Domain

Our search yielded 13 studies. Accelerometry is a common method to objectively track physical activity and was used in all included studies. Accelerometry was often used complementary to measurements from other asthma monitoring domains [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Fletcher R, Oreskovic N, Robinson A. Design and clinical feasibility of personal wearable monitor for measurement of activity and environmental exposure. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014;2014:874-877. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]23,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24,Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31-Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118,Jaimini U. PhD Forum: Multimodal IoT and EMR Based Smart Health Application for Asthma Management in Children. Presented at: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); May 29-31, 2017, 2017; Hong Kong, China. [CrossRef]119]. For example, Rhee et al [Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118], Buonocore et al [Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31], and Hosseini et al [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24] combined physical activity measurements with monitoring asthma symptoms, as physical activity is known to be a potential trigger for childhood asthma. Moreover, Fletcher et al [Fletcher R, Oreskovic N, Robinson A. Design and clinical feasibility of personal wearable monitor for measurement of activity and environmental exposure. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014;2014:874-877. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]23] used activity levels to correct for increased exposure to air pollution due to an increased breathing frequency during activity.

Studies that investigated the correlation between physical activity levels and asthma symptoms revealed different relations. Some showed no correlation between activity levels and asthma symptoms [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Bian J, Guo Y, Xie M, Parish AE, Wardlaw I, Brown R, et al. Exploring the Association Between Self-Reported Asthma Impact and Fitbit-Derived Sleep Quality and Physical Activity Measures in Adolescents. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jul 25, 2017;5(7):e105. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]120], whereas others showed decreased physical activity levels in children with a history of wheezing in the last 12 months [Firrincieli V, Keller A, Ehrensberger R, Platts-Mills J, Shufflebarger C, Geldmaker B, et al. Decreased physical activity among Head Start children with a history of wheezing: use of an accelerometer to measure activity. Pediatr Pulmonol. Jul 2005;40(1):57-63. [CrossRef] [Medline]121].

Sleep Domain

Nine articles were found for the sleep domain. Different methods of sleep assessment were used. The studies mainly used actigraphy [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Ghriwati NA, Everhart R, Winter M. Interactive effects of family functioning and sleep experiences on daily lung functioning in pediatric asthma: An ecological momentary assessment approach. J Asthma. Mar 2020;57(3):262-270. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]54,Sadeh A, Horowitz I, Wolach-Benodis L, Wolach B. Sleep and pulmonary function in children with well-controlled, stable asthma. Sleep. Jun 15, 1998;21(4):379-384. [CrossRef] [Medline]57,Bian J, Guo Y, Xie M, Parish AE, Wardlaw I, Brown R, et al. Exploring the Association Between Self-Reported Asthma Impact and Fitbit-Derived Sleep Quality and Physical Activity Measures in Adolescents. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jul 25, 2017;5(7):e105. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]120,Reynolds K, Boergers J, Kopel S, Koinis-Mitchell D. Featured Article: Multiple Comorbid Conditions, Sleep Quality and Duration, and Academic Performance in Urban Children With Asthma. J Pediatr Psychol. Oct 01, 2018;43(9):943-954. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]122], and some studies used ballistography [Huffaker MF, Carchia M, Harris BU, Kethman WC, Murphy TE, Sakarovitch CCD, et al. Passive Nocturnal Physiologic Monitoring Enables Early Detection of Exacerbations in Children with Asthma. A Proof-of-Concept Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Aug 01, 2018;198(3):320-328. [CrossRef]123] and a digital questionnaire [Brouwer AF, Brand PL. Asthma education and monitoring: what has been shown to work. Paediatr Respir Rev. Sep 2008;9(3):193-9; quiz 199. [CrossRef] [Medline]113,Chan T, Hu T, Chu Y, Hwang J. Assessing effects of personal behaviors and environmental exposure on asthma episodes: a diary-based approach. BMC Pulm Med. Dec 02, 2019;19(1):231. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]124]. Bian et al [Bian J, Guo Y, Xie M, Parish AE, Wardlaw I, Brown R, et al. Exploring the Association Between Self-Reported Asthma Impact and Fitbit-Derived Sleep Quality and Physical Activity Measures in Adolescents. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jul 25, 2017;5(7):e105. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]120] used both actigraphy and a sleep questionnaire, and showed only a moderate correlation between the 2 approaches.

Most studies were observational studies [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Ghriwati NA, Everhart R, Winter M. Interactive effects of family functioning and sleep experiences on daily lung functioning in pediatric asthma: An ecological momentary assessment approach. J Asthma. Mar 2020;57(3):262-270. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]54,Sadeh A, Horowitz I, Wolach-Benodis L, Wolach B. Sleep and pulmonary function in children with well-controlled, stable asthma. Sleep. Jun 15, 1998;21(4):379-384. [CrossRef] [Medline]57,Bian J, Guo Y, Xie M, Parish AE, Wardlaw I, Brown R, et al. Exploring the Association Between Self-Reported Asthma Impact and Fitbit-Derived Sleep Quality and Physical Activity Measures in Adolescents. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jul 25, 2017;5(7):e105. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]120,Reynolds K, Boergers J, Kopel S, Koinis-Mitchell D. Featured Article: Multiple Comorbid Conditions, Sleep Quality and Duration, and Academic Performance in Urban Children With Asthma. J Pediatr Psychol. Oct 01, 2018;43(9):943-954. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]122-Chan T, Hu T, Chu Y, Hwang J. Assessing effects of personal behaviors and environmental exposure on asthma episodes: a diary-based approach. BMC Pulm Med. Dec 02, 2019;19(1):231. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]124] that investigated the relation between sleep and asthma. Sadeh et al [Sadeh A, Horowitz I, Wolach-Benodis L, Wolach B. Sleep and pulmonary function in children with well-controlled, stable asthma. Sleep. Jun 15, 1998;21(4):379-384. [CrossRef] [Medline]57] described a close correlation between pulmonary function and sleep quality in children with asthma, as well as significantly different sleep patterns in stable asthmatics compared with healthy controls. van der Kamp et al [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3] revealed a significantly earlier wake-up time in uncontrolled asthmatics compared with controlled asthmatics [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3]. In the study by Reynolds et al [Reynolds K, Boergers J, Kopel S, Koinis-Mitchell D. Featured Article: Multiple Comorbid Conditions, Sleep Quality and Duration, and Academic Performance in Urban Children With Asthma. J Pediatr Psychol. Oct 01, 2018;43(9):943-954. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]122], children with more asthma-related comorbidities (such as allergic rhinitis, overweight, and sleep-disordered breathing) were at greater risk for shorter sleep duration.

Audiovisual Measures Domain

Twenty-seven studies were found, and all used sound recordings, focusing on the presence, quantity, or characterization of wheeze or cough (13 studies focused on wheeze, 8 on cough, and 5 on both), mainly in primary school children (20/27, 74%). None of the retrieved studies used video recordings. There were several ways that cough or wheeze were recorded at home, such as microphones placed in the room [Brooke A, Lambert P, Burton P, Clarke C, Luyt D, Simpson H. Night cough in a population-based sample of children: characteristics, relation to symptoms and associations with measures of asthma severity. Eur Respir J. Jan 01, 1996;9(1):65-71. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22], close to the mouth [Thorpe CW, Fright WR, Toop LJ, Dawson KP. A microcomputer-based interactive cough sound analysis system. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Sep 1991;36(1):33-43. [CrossRef] [Medline]125-Jin F, Sattar F, Goh D. Automatic wheeze detection using histograms of sample entropy. Presented at: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; August 20-25, 2008, 2008; Vancouver, BC, Canada. [CrossRef]129], or at the chest or trachea [Furman EG, Yakovleva EV, Malinin SV, Furman G, Sokolovsky V. Computer-assisted assay of respiratory sounds of children suffering from bronchial asthma. Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine. 2014;6(1):83-87. [FREE Full text]128-Gross V, Reinke C, Dette F, Koch R, Vasilescu D, Penzel T, et al. Mobile nocturnal long-term monitoring of wheezing and cough. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering. Feb 2007;52(1):73-76. [CrossRef]130]. Yu et al [Yu C, Tsai T, Huang S, Lin C. Soft stethoscope for detecting asthma wheeze in young children. Sensors (Basel). Jun 06, 2013;13(6):7399-7413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]131] used a soft stethoscope that reduced ambient sounds, and Satat et al [Satat G, Ramchander K, Raskar R. Identi-wheez — A device for in-home diagnosis of asthma. Presented at: 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC); August 16-20, 2016, 2016; Orlando, FL, USA. [CrossRef]132] used an array of stethoscopes to allow localization of respiratory sounds. Electromyography measurements in addition to audio recordings of cough can be helpful to reduce misinterpretation of audio signals [Brooke A, Lambert P, Burton P, Clarke C, Luyt D, Simpson H. Night cough in a population-based sample of children: characteristics, relation to symptoms and associations with measures of asthma severity. Eur Respir J. Jan 01, 1996;9(1):65-71. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22,Li AM, Tsang TWT, Chan DFY, Lam HS, So HK, Sung RYT, et al. Cough frequency in children with mild asthma correlates with sputum neutrophil count. Thorax. Sep 01, 2006;61(9):747-750. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]133,Li AM, Lex C, Zacharasiewicz A, Wong E, Erin E, Hansel T, et al. Cough frequency in children with stable asthma: correlation with lung function, exhaled nitric oxide, and sputum eosinophil count. Thorax. Nov 01, 2003;58(11):974-978. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]134]. From 2015 onwards, smartphones were increasingly used as a recording device for respiratory sounds [Bokov P, Mahut B, Flaud P, Delclaux C. Wheezing recognition algorithm using recordings of respiratory sounds at the mouth in a pediatric population. Comput Biol Med. Mar 01, 2016;70:40-50. [CrossRef] [Medline]135].

Already in 1985, Archer et al [Archer LN, Simpson H. Night cough counts and diary card scores in asthma. Arch Dis Child. May 01, 1985;60(5):473-474. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]136] reported that cough recordings were a feasible way of objectifying nocturnal cough symptoms at home, and that objective measurements did not correlate with diary card scores reported by parents [Munyard P, Busst C, Logan-Sinclair R, Bush A. A new device for ambulatory cough recording. Pediatr Pulmonol. Sep 1994;18(3):178-186. [CrossRef] [Medline]137]. Bentur et al [Bentur L, Beck R, Irving CS, Godfrey S. Nocturnal Wheeze Measurement in Young Asthmatics. Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. Sep 2004;17(3):191-197. [CrossRef]58] found a similar result regarding wheezing.

Many studies focused on the development of algorithms to accurately identify wheeze [Furman EG, Yakovleva EV, Malinin SV, Furman G, Sokolovsky V. Computer-assisted assay of respiratory sounds of children suffering from bronchial asthma. Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine. 2014;6(1):83-87. [FREE Full text]128,Jin F, Sattar F, Goh D. Automatic wheeze detection using histograms of sample entropy. Presented at: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; August 20-25, 2008, 2008; Vancouver, BC, Canada. [CrossRef]129,Bokov P, Mahut B, Flaud P, Delclaux C. Wheezing recognition algorithm using recordings of respiratory sounds at the mouth in a pediatric population. Comput Biol Med. Mar 01, 2016;70:40-50. [CrossRef] [Medline]135,Yu C, Hsiao T, Tsai T, Huang S, Lin C. Rapid wheezing detection algorithm for real-time asthma diagnosis and personal health care. In: Vander Sloten J, Verdonck P, Nyssen M, Haueisen J, editors. 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 22. Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer; 2009;264-267.138,Kang S, Karpate Y, Almulla S, Teach S, Shekhar R. Automatic identification of wheezing in auscultated lung sounds. Presented at: 2016 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB); December 03, 2016, 2016; Philadelphia, PA, USA. [CrossRef]139] or cough [Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118,Thorpe C, Toop L, Dawson K. Towards a quantitative description of asthmatic cough sounds. Eur Respir J. Jun 01, 1992;5(6):685-692. [CrossRef]126,Al-Khassaweneh M, Bani Abdelrahman R. A signal processing approach for the diagnosis of asthma from cough sounds. J Med Eng Technol. Apr 30, 2013;37(3):165-171. [CrossRef] [Medline]140,Sterling M, Rhee H, Bocko M. Automated Cough Assessment on a Mobile Platform. J Med Eng. Aug 10, 2014;2014:1-9. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]141] by signal processing. Wheezing algorithms traditionally used short-time Fourier transformations to retrieve dominant sound components and extract identifying wheezing features [Furman EG, Yakovleva EV, Malinin SV, Furman G, Sokolovsky V. Computer-assisted assay of respiratory sounds of children suffering from bronchial asthma. Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine. 2014;6(1):83-87. [FREE Full text]128,Kang S, Karpate Y, Almulla S, Teach S, Shekhar R. Automatic identification of wheezing in auscultated lung sounds. Presented at: 2016 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB); December 03, 2016, 2016; Philadelphia, PA, USA. [CrossRef]139]. New methods have been developed to increase its sensitivity for low-intensity wheezes [Jin F, Sattar F, Goh D. Automatic wheeze detection using histograms of sample entropy. Presented at: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; August 20-25, 2008, 2008; Vancouver, BC, Canada. [CrossRef]129] and to decrease the computation time for real-time application [Yu C, Hsiao T, Tsai T, Huang S, Lin C. Rapid wheezing detection algorithm for real-time asthma diagnosis and personal health care. In: Vander Sloten J, Verdonck P, Nyssen M, Haueisen J, editors. 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 22. Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer; 2009;264-267.138]. Cough algorithms often used both temporal and spectrum analysis techniques to retrieve relevant characteristics [Thorpe C, Toop L, Dawson K. Towards a quantitative description of asthmatic cough sounds. Eur Respir J. Jun 01, 1992;5(6):685-692. [CrossRef]126,Al-Khassaweneh M, Bani Abdelrahman R. A signal processing approach for the diagnosis of asthma from cough sounds. J Med Eng Technol. Apr 30, 2013;37(3):165-171. [CrossRef] [Medline]140]. Machine learning approaches, such as hidden Markov models, could then be used to combine relevant characteristics in order to distinguish silence, background noise, and cough [Sterling M, Rhee H, Bocko M. Automated Cough Assessment on a Mobile Platform. J Med Eng. Aug 10, 2014;2014:1-9. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]141].

The first development and pilot studies on cough monitoring showed some significant differentiating characteristics between asthmatic and nonasthmatic cough; however, there was a considerable error rate, suggesting that multivariate analysis would be required for accurate discrimination [Thorpe CW, Fright WR, Toop LJ, Dawson KP. A microcomputer-based interactive cough sound analysis system. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Sep 1991;36(1):33-43. [CrossRef] [Medline]125-Toop LJ, Thorpe CW, Fright R. Cough sound analysis: a new tool for the diagnosis of asthma? Fam Pract. Jun 1989;6(2):83-85. [CrossRef] [Medline]127].

The cough count was the primary parameter used for monitoring purposes. Several studies found that cough occurred more frequently in children with current wheezing compared to asymptomatic children (39% vs 19%) [Munyard P, Busst C, Logan-Sinclair R, Bush A. A new device for ambulatory cough recording. Pediatr Pulmonol. Sep 1994;18(3):178-186. [CrossRef] [Medline]137] and also in children with mild asthma compared to healthy children [Li AM, Tsang TWT, Chan DFY, Lam HS, So HK, Sung RYT, et al. Cough frequency in children with mild asthma correlates with sputum neutrophil count. Thorax. Sep 01, 2006;61(9):747-750. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]133]. Rietveld et al [Rietveld S, Rijssenbeek-Nouwens LH. Diagnostics of spontaneous cough in childhood asthma: results of continuous tracheal sound recording in the homes of children. Chest. Jan 1998;113(1):50-54. [CrossRef] [Medline]55] showed that explicitly during exacerbations, children with asthma coughed significantly more than children without asthma. When cough counts were monitored over time, low to moderate temporal correlations were found with conventional measures of asthma symptoms and symptom control [Rhee H, Belyea MJ, Sterling M, Bocko MF. Evaluating the Validity of an Automated Device for Asthma Monitoring for Adolescents: Correlational Design. J Med Internet Res. Oct 16, 2015;17(10):e234. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]142].

Several studies investigated the correlation of the presence of wheezing and lung function parameters. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of wheezing for a reduction in PEF of >20% were 88% and 92%, respectively [Rietveld S, Oud M, Rijssenbeek-Nouwens LH, Vaghi D, Dooijes EH. Characteristics and diagnostic significance of spontaneous wheezing in children with asthma: results of continuous in vivo sound recording. J Asthma. Jun 1999;36(4):351-358. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]56]. Patients with objective nocturnal wheezing were characterized by a low morning FEV1 (51%) and a larger diurnal variation in FEV1 [Bentur L, Beck R, Irving CS, Godfrey S. Nocturnal Wheeze Measurement in Young Asthmatics. Pediatric Asthma, Allergy & Immunology. Sep 2004;17(3):191-197. [CrossRef]58], and the nocturnal wheeze rate corresponded well with changes in FEV1 and symptom scores [Bentur L, Beck R, Shinawi M, Naveh T, Gavriely N. Wheeze monitoring in children for assessment of nocturnal asthma and response to therapy. Eur Respir J. Apr 01, 2003;21(4):621-626. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]143].

Other Physiological Measurements Domain

Fourteen studies were found, and of these, 11 described measurements related to heart rate [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Huffaker MF, Carchia M, Harris BU, Kethman WC, Murphy TE, Sakarovitch CCD, et al. Passive Nocturnal Physiologic Monitoring Enables Early Detection of Exacerbations in Children with Asthma. A Proof-of-Concept Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Aug 01, 2018;198(3):320-328. [CrossRef]123,Kazuma N, Otsuka K, Matsuoka I, Murata M. Heart rate variability during 24 hours in asthmatic children. Chronobiol Int. Nov 07, 1997;14(6):597-606. [CrossRef] [Medline]144-Milagro J, Gil E, Lazaro J, Seppa V, Malmberg LP, Pelkonen AS, et al. Nocturnal Heart Rate Variability Spectrum Characterization in Preschool Children With Asthmatic Symptoms. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform. Sep 2018;22(5):1332-1340. [CrossRef]148]. Other measurements involved respiratory rate [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Huffaker MF, Carchia M, Harris BU, Kethman WC, Murphy TE, Sakarovitch CCD, et al. Passive Nocturnal Physiologic Monitoring Enables Early Detection of Exacerbations in Children with Asthma. A Proof-of-Concept Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Aug 01, 2018;198(3):320-328. [CrossRef]123], electromyography [Munyard P, Busst C, Logan-Sinclair R, Bush A. A new device for ambulatory cough recording. Pediatr Pulmonol. Sep 1994;18(3):178-186. [CrossRef] [Medline]137], and pulse oximetry [Brooke A, Lambert P, Burton P, Clarke C, Luyt D, Simpson H. Night cough in a population-based sample of children: characteristics, relation to symptoms and associations with measures of asthma severity. Eur Respir J. Jan 01, 1996;9(1):65-71. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22]. Most studies focused on younger children (aged <12 years). Starting around 2017, some studies combined different wearable sensors [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34] or integrated sensors with smart watches [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21].

Several studies found a relation between physiological monitoring data and asthma control. Kazuma et al [Kazuma N, Otsuka K, Matsuoka I, Murata M. Heart rate variability during 24 hours in asthmatic children. Chronobiol Int. Nov 07, 1997;14(6):597-606. [CrossRef] [Medline]144-Kazuma N, Otsuka K. Seasonal variation in 1/f fluctuations of heart rate in asthmatic children. Biomed Pharmacother. Nov 2001;55 Suppl 1:102s-105s. [CrossRef] [Medline]146] in their studies from 1997 and 2000 showed decreased heart rate variability with seasonal variation in children with asthma compared to healthy controls. Huffaker et al [Huffaker MF, Carchia M, Harris BU, Kethman WC, Murphy TE, Sakarovitch CCD, et al. Passive Nocturnal Physiologic Monitoring Enables Early Detection of Exacerbations in Children with Asthma. A Proof-of-Concept Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Aug 01, 2018;198(3):320-328. [CrossRef]123] showed that heart rate parameters during nighttime were able to predict loss of asthma control before the subject’s perception of symptoms with high specificity and accuracy, but low sensitivity. van der Kamp et al [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3] discovered a prolonged respiratory and heart rate recovery time after exercise in patients with uncontrolled asthma compared to patients with controlled asthma and healthy controls. Additionally, patients with uncontrolled asthma showed a higher nighttime respiratory rate.

Intervention Studies

One systematic review was found, which revealed no evidence to support or refute the added value of pulse oximeters to self-monitor oxygen saturation levels as part of home monitoring using a personalized asthma action plan, since the systematic search yielded zero randomized controlled trial studies [Welsh E, Carr R. Pulse oximeters to self monitor oxygen saturation levels as part of a personalised asthma action plan for people with asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Sep 27, 2015;2015(9):CD011584. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]149].

Questionnaires Domain

Twenty-four studies were found, and they focused on both primary school children and adolescents. Digital questionnaires could be divided into asthma symptom questionnaires, such as the Childhood Asthma Control Test (ACT) or Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ), and ecological momentary assessment, which is the collection of data from individuals in their own environment close to the occurrence to capture momentary experiences, such as thoughts, behaviors, or symptoms, when they occur. This can provide context to gathered data and prevent recall bias [Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Dzubur E, Li M, Kawabata K, Sun Y, McConnell R, Intille S, et al. Design of a smartphone application to monitor stress, asthma symptoms, and asthma inhaler use. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2015;114(4):341-342.e2. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]150-Nichols M, Teufel R, Miller S, Madisetti M, Giovanni CS, Chike-Harris K, et al. Managing Asthma and Obesity Related Symptoms (MATADORS): An mHealth Intervention to Facilitate Symptom Self-Management among Youth. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Oct 23, 2020;17(21):7750. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]152].

When comparing electronic and paper questionnaires, equal symptom scores and missing answers [Ireland AM, Wiklund I, Hsieh R, Dale P, O'Rourke E. An electronic diary is shown to be more reliable than a paper diary: results from a randomized crossover study in patients with persistent asthma. J Asthma. Nov 04, 2012;49(9):952-960. [CrossRef] [Medline]153,Raat H, Mangunkusumo R, Mohangoo A, Juniper E, Van Der Lei J. Internet and written respiratory questionnaires yield equivalent results for adolescents. Pediatr Pulmonol. Apr 2007;42(4):357-361. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]154] and good internal consistency [Bushnell DM, Martin ML, Parasuraman B. Electronic versus paper questionnaires: a further comparison in persons with asthma. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2003;40(7):751-762. [CrossRef] [Medline]155] were reported. Vargas et al [Vargas PA, Robles E, Harris J, Radford P. Using information technology to reduce asthma disparities in underserved populations: a pilot study. J Asthma. Oct 28, 2010;47(8):889-894. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]156] described higher concordance of a nurse interview and an electronic questionnaire compared to a paper questionnaire. Patients and their parents preferred electronic questionnaires over paper questionnaires [Bushnell DM, Martin ML, Parasuraman B. Electronic versus paper questionnaires: a further comparison in persons with asthma. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2003;40(7):751-762. [CrossRef] [Medline]155], and electronic questionnaires tended to be classified as feasible [Bushnell DM, Martin ML, Parasuraman B. Electronic versus paper questionnaires: a further comparison in persons with asthma. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2003;40(7):751-762. [CrossRef] [Medline]155-Mussaffi H, Omer R, Prais D, Mei-Zahav M, Weiss-Kasirer T, Botzer Z, et al. Computerised paediatric asthma quality of life questionnaires in routine care. Arch Dis Child. Aug 11, 2007;92(8):678-682. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]157]. van Vliet et al [van Vliet D, van Horck M, van de Kant K, Vaassen S, Gulikers S, Winkens B, et al. Electronic monitoring of symptoms and lung function to assess asthma control in children. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2014;113(3):257-262.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]158] stated that combining electronic symptom questionnaires and spirometry provides a more realistic view on asthma control than retrospective assessment during consultations in the hospital; however, adherence to electronic questionnaires and spirometry monitoring was low [van Vliet D, van Horck M, van de Kant K, Vaassen S, Gulikers S, Winkens B, et al. Electronic monitoring of symptoms and lung function to assess asthma control in children. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2014;113(3):257-262.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]158].

Nkoy et al [Nkoy F, Stone B, Fassl B, Uchida D, Koopmeiners K, Halbern S, et al. Longitudinal validation of a tool for asthma self-monitoring. Pediatrics. Dec 2013;132(6):e1554-e1561. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]159] adjusted the ACT so that it could be used as a weekly monitoring tool and included a color-coded visual representation of symptom severity, which was shown to be reliable, valid, and responsive to change over time. Digital questionnaires were also used to validate other home-monitoring devices, such as FeNO [Pijnenburg M, Floor S, Hop W, De Jongste JC. Daily ambulatory exhaled nitric oxide measurements in asthma. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. May 2006;17(3):189-193. [CrossRef] [Medline]50,van der Valk RJP, Baraldi E, Stern G, Frey U, de Jongste JC. Daily exhaled nitric oxide measurements and asthma exacerbations in children. Allergy. Feb 2012;67(2):265-271. [CrossRef] [Medline]53], air quality [Velická H, Puklová V, Keder J, Brabec M, Malý M, Bobák M, et al. Asthma Exacerbations and Symptom Variability in Children Due to Short-term Ambient Air Pollution Changes in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Cent Eur J Public Health. Dec 2015;23(4):292-298. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38,Tang C, Chang L, Lee H, Chan C. Effects of personal particulate matter on peak expiratory flow rate of asthmatic children. Sci Total Environ. Aug 15, 2007;382(1):43-51. [CrossRef] [Medline]44], and cough sensors [Rhee H, Belyea MJ, Sterling M, Bocko MF. Evaluating the Validity of an Automated Device for Asthma Monitoring for Adolescents: Correlational Design. J Med Internet Res. Oct 16, 2015;17(10):e234. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]142].

Intervention Studies

Eleven intervention studies using digital questionnaires were found, and of these, 8 used the ACT [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,van den Wijngaart LS, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, Niers LE, et al. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1700471. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15,Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96,Legorreta AP, Leung K, Berkbigler D, Evans R, Liu X. Outcomes of a population-based asthma management program: quality of life, absenteeism, and utilization. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Jul 2000;85(1):28-34. [CrossRef]160-van den Wijngaart LS, Geense WW, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, van Ewijk BE, et al. Barriers and Facilitators When Implementing Web-Based Disease Monitoring and Management as a Substitution for Regular Outpatient Care in Pediatric Asthma: Qualitative Survey Study. J Med Internet Res. Oct 30, 2018;20(10):e284. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]164], 1 used the ACQ [Garbutt JM, Banister C, Highstein G, Sterkel R, Epstein J, Bruns J, et al. Telephone coaching for parents of children with asthma: impact and lessons learned. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Jul 05, 2010;164(7):625-630. [CrossRef] [Medline]165], and 2 used a different type of symptom score questionnaire [Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Jacobson JS, Lieblein A, Fierman AH, Fishkin ER, Hutchinson VE, Rodriguez L, et al. Randomized trial of an electronic asthma monitoring system among New York City children. Am J Manag Care. Nov 2009;15(11):809-814. [FREE Full text] [Medline]166]. Questionnaires were used within the interventions to keep track of asthma symptoms [Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96,Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Legorreta AP, Leung K, Berkbigler D, Evans R, Liu X. Outcomes of a population-based asthma management program: quality of life, absenteeism, and utilization. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Jul 2000;85(1):28-34. [CrossRef]160,Beerthuizen T, Voorend-van Bergen S, van den Hout W, Vaessen-Verberne A, Brackel H, Landstra A, et al. Cost-effectiveness of FENO-based and web-based monitoring in paediatric asthma management: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax. Jul 2016;71(7):607-613. [CrossRef] [Medline]161] or to alert health care professionals (HCPs) when symptoms increased [van den Wijngaart LS, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, Niers LE, et al. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1700471. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15,Nkoy F, Fassl B, Wilkins V, Johnson J, Unsicker E, Koopmeiners K, et al. Ambulatory Management of Childhood Asthma Using a Novel Self-management Application. Pediatrics. Jun 2019;143(6):e20181711. [CrossRef] [Medline]163,Jacobson JS, Lieblein A, Fierman AH, Fishkin ER, Hutchinson VE, Rodriguez L, et al. Randomized trial of an electronic asthma monitoring system among New York City children. Am J Manag Care. Nov 2009;15(11):809-814. [FREE Full text] [Medline]166]. Questionnaires were sometimes combined with other asthma control parameters (eg, lung function [Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Rikkers-Mutsaerts E, Winters A, Bakker M, van Stel H, van der Meer V, de Jongste J, et al. SMASHING Study Group. Internet-based self-management compared with usual care in adolescents with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Pulmonol. Dec 29, 2012;47(12):1170-1179. [CrossRef] [Medline]167]) or a digital action plan [Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96,Rikkers-Mutsaerts E, Winters A, Bakker M, van Stel H, van der Meer V, de Jongste J, et al. SMASHING Study Group. Internet-based self-management compared with usual care in adolescents with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Pulmonol. Dec 29, 2012;47(12):1170-1179. [CrossRef] [Medline]167].

Rikkers-Mutsaert et al [Rikkers-Mutsaerts E, Winters A, Bakker M, van Stel H, van der Meer V, de Jongste J, et al. SMASHING Study Group. Internet-based self-management compared with usual care in adolescents with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Pulmonol. Dec 29, 2012;47(12):1170-1179. [CrossRef] [Medline]167] found a significant increase in asthma control and QoL after 3 months of “internet-based self-management” monitoring using an algorithm based on the ACQ to adjust asthma treatment when compared to usual care. However, this effect was no longer seen after 12 months [Rikkers-Mutsaerts E, Winters A, Bakker M, van Stel H, van der Meer V, de Jongste J, et al. SMASHING Study Group. Internet-based self-management compared with usual care in adolescents with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatr Pulmonol. Dec 29, 2012;47(12):1170-1179. [CrossRef] [Medline]167]. Additionally, van den Wijngaart et al [van den Wijngaart LS, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, Niers LE, et al. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1700471. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15,van den Wijngaart L, Geldtmeijer J, Roukema J, Boehmer A, Brouwer M, Hugen C, et al. The virtual asthma clinic: Description and analysis of website-use. European Respiratory Journal. 2016;48:PA4375. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]162] showed a larger increase in the ACT score and more symptom-free days after receiving care through the “Virtual Asthma Clinic” that uses ACT monitoring compared to usual care, despite a decrease in login frequency during the 16 months of use. Asthma monitoring by use of questionnaires was cost-effective in the studies by van den Wijngaart et al; however, in the study by Beerthuizen et al [Beerthuizen T, Voorend-van Bergen S, van den Hout W, Vaessen-Verberne A, Brackel H, Landstra A, et al. Cost-effectiveness of FENO-based and web-based monitoring in paediatric asthma management: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax. Jul 2016;71(7):607-613. [CrossRef] [Medline]161], cost-effectiveness was not significantly proven.

Medication Monitoring Domain

Our search identified 39 development/validation studies on medication monitoring, focusing on both younger children (25 studies) and adolescents (27 studies; 18 studies focused on children of both age groups). The adherence rate of maintenance medication is an important and often monitored parameter [Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Desai M, Oppenheimer JJ. Medication adherence in the asthmatic child and adolescent. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. Dec 5, 2011;11(6):454-464. [CrossRef] [Medline]168,Vasbinder E, Dahhan N, Wolf B, Zoer J, van den Bemt P. Electronic measurement of non-compliance to inhaled corticosteroids in a multicultural population of children with asthma in Amsterdam (Compliance Objectively measured in a Multicultural Population of children Living in Amsterdam Needing inhaled Corticosteroids for Effective asthma treatment; COMPLIANCE). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad. 2010;145(11):48-51.169], and other measurements at home include the assessment of inhaler technique and the timing, frequency, and location of rescue medication use. HCPs reported that the most significant benefit of medication monitoring is the ability to obtain real-time intervisit data and set alert thresholds based on the frequency of rescue inhaler use or the proportion of rescue versus controller inhaler use [Hollenbach J, Cushing A, Melvin E, McGowan B, Cloutier M, Manice M. Understanding clinicians' attitudes toward a mobile health strategy to childhood asthma management: A qualitative study. J Asthma. Sep 2017;54(7):754-760. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]170]. Others pointed out that it can be helpful to determine the context in which inhaler medication was used to assess the reasons for nonadherence [Dzubur E, Li M, Kawabata K, Sun Y, McConnell R, Intille S, et al. Design of a smartphone application to monitor stress, asthma symptoms, and asthma inhaler use. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2015;114(4):341-342.e2. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]150,Modi AC, Quittner AL. Utilizing Computerized Phone Diary Procedures to Assess Health Behaviors in Family and Social Contexts. Children's Health Care. Mar 2006;35(1):29-45. [CrossRef]171,Mulvaney SA, Ho Y, Cala CM, Chen Q, Nian H, Patterson BL, et al. Assessing adolescent asthma symptoms and adherence using mobile phones. J Med Internet Res. Jul 17, 2013;15(7):e141. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]172].

Several ways of monitoring adherence were described, including electronic dose counters [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Delfino RJ, Staimer N, Tjoa T, Gillen D, Kleinman MT, Sioutas C, et al. Personal and ambient air pollution exposures and lung function decrements in children with asthma. Environ Health Perspect. Apr 2008;116(4):550-558. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]42,Vasbinder E, Dahhan N, Wolf B, Zoer J, van den Bemt P. Electronic measurement of non-compliance to inhaled corticosteroids in a multicultural population of children with asthma in Amsterdam (Compliance Objectively measured in a Multicultural Population of children Living in Amsterdam Needing inhaled Corticosteroids for Effective asthma treatment; COMPLIANCE). Pharmaceutisch Weekblad. 2010;145(11):48-51.169,Chen CC, Liu YJ, Wen SM, Yang CC, Chue JJ, Wu CM, et al. Low-cost electronic dose counter for pressurized metered dose inhaler. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan; June 06-08, 2015, 2015; Taipei, Taiwan. [CrossRef]173-Bender B, Bartlett S, Rand C, Turner C, Wamboldt F, Zhang L. Impact of interview mode on accuracy of child and parent report of adherence with asthma-controller medication. Pediatrics. Sep 2007;120(3):e471-e477. [CrossRef] [Medline]185], electronic self-report of adherence [Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118,Ferreira A, Almeida R, Jácome C, Fernandes J, Fonseca J, Vieira-Marques P. How inspiring is your app? A usability take on an app for asthma medication adherence. Presented at: International Conference e-Health 2019; July 17-19, 2019, 2019; Porto, Portugal. [CrossRef]186], ecological momentary assessment [Dzubur E, Li M, Kawabata K, Sun Y, McConnell R, Intille S, et al. Design of a smartphone application to monitor stress, asthma symptoms, and asthma inhaler use. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2015;114(4):341-342.e2. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]150,Nichols M, Miller S, Treiber F, Ruggiero K, Dawley E, Teufel Ii R. Patient and Parent Perspectives on Improving Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Through a Mobile Health Intervention: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 03, 2020;4(7):e15295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]151,Mulvaney SA, Ho Y, Cala CM, Chen Q, Nian H, Patterson BL, et al. Assessing adolescent asthma symptoms and adherence using mobile phones. J Med Internet Res. Jul 17, 2013;15(7):e141. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]172], a chatbot that informs about medication adherence [Kadariya D, Venkataramanan R, Yip H, Kalra M, Thirunarayanan K, Sheth A. kBot: Knowledge-Enabled Personalized Chatbot for Asthma Self-Management. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); June 12-15, 2019, 2019; Washington, DC, USA. [CrossRef]187], and monitoring of inhaler adherence or technique through video or daily phone diary [Bodini A, Peroni D, Loiacono A, Costella S, Pigozzi R, Baraldi E, et al. Exhaled nitric oxide daily evaluation is effective in monitoring exposure to relevant allergens in asthmatic children. Chest. Nov 2007;132(5):1520-1525. [CrossRef] [Medline]49,Nichols M, Miller S, Treiber F, Ruggiero K, Dawley E, Teufel Ii R. Patient and Parent Perspectives on Improving Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Through a Mobile Health Intervention: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 03, 2020;4(7):e15295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]151]. Electronic dose counters usually have the ability to register the amount of puffs used and sometimes to remind when the canister is empty [Vui Hin T, Ramli NI. Design and Development of a Non-volatile Counter for Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI). IJIE. Dec 01, 2018;10(3):8-13. [CrossRef]188] or when a dose is missed [Cushing A, Manice M, Ting A, Parides M. Feasibility of a novel mHealth management system to capture and improve medication adherence among adolescents with asthma. PPA. Nov 2016;Volume 10:2271-2275. [CrossRef]189].

Electronic dose counters have shown satisfactory feasibility [Cushing A, Manice M, Ting A, Parides M. Feasibility of a novel mHealth management system to capture and improve medication adherence among adolescents with asthma. PPA. Nov 2016;Volume 10:2271-2275. [CrossRef]189] and reliability [Patel M, Pilcher J, Travers J, Perrin K, Shaw D, Black P, et al. Use of metered-dose inhaler electronic monitoring in a real-world asthma randomized controlled trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Jan 2013;1(1):83-91. [CrossRef] [Medline]174,Chan A, Stewart A, Harrison J, Black P, Mitchell E, Foster J. Electronic adherence monitoring device performance and patient acceptability: a randomized control trial. Expert Rev Med Devices. May 2017;14(5):401-411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]180] to remotely monitor real-time medication use, with 98% of returned monitors fully functioning and only 3.5% data loss [Patel M, Pilcher J, Travers J, Perrin K, Shaw D, Black P, et al. Use of metered-dose inhaler electronic monitoring in a real-world asthma randomized controlled trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Jan 2013;1(1):83-91. [CrossRef] [Medline]174]. The most common failure was actuation underrecording, indicating the importance of quality control [Chan A, Stewart A, Harrison J, Black P, Mitchell E, Foster J. Electronic adherence monitoring device performance and patient acceptability: a randomized control trial. Expert Rev Med Devices. May 2017;14(5):401-411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]180]. Reviews concluded that electronic monitors are accurate but more costly than other methods of medication monitoring [Desai M, Oppenheimer JJ. Medication adherence in the asthmatic child and adolescent. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. Dec 5, 2011;11(6):454-464. [CrossRef] [Medline]168,Jentzsch N, Camargos P. Methods of assessing adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in children and adolescents: adherence rates and their implications for clinical practice. J Bras Pneumol. Aug 2008;34(8):614-621. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]190,Pearce C, Fleming L. Adherence to medication in children and adolescents with asthma: methods for monitoring and intervention. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. Oct 15, 2018;14(12):1055-1063. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]191]. Chen et al [Chen CC, Liu YJ, Wen SM, Yang CC, Chue JJ, Wu CM, et al. Low-cost electronic dose counter for pressurized metered dose inhaler. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan; June 06-08, 2015, 2015; Taipei, Taiwan. [CrossRef]173,Chen CC, Liu YJ, Sung GN, Yang CC, Wu CM, Huang CM. Smart electronic dose counter for pressurized metered dose inhaler. Presented at: 2015 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS); October 22-24, 2015, 2015; Atlanta, GA, USA. [CrossRef]176] therefore described the development of low-cost electronic dose counters. Limited studies investigated inhaler technique monitoring. Nichols et al [Nichols M, Miller S, Treiber F, Ruggiero K, Dawley E, Teufel Ii R. Patient and Parent Perspectives on Improving Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Through a Mobile Health Intervention: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 03, 2020;4(7):e15295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]151] concluded that monitoring of inhaler technique by video capture was feasible, and Nikander et al [Nikander K, Turpeinen M, Pelkonen AS, Bengtsson T, Selroos O, Haahtela T. True adherence with the Turbuhaler in young children with asthma. Arch Dis Child. Feb 19, 2011;96(2):168-173. [CrossRef] [Medline]184] showed a stable inhaler technique over time, even with declining adherence.

Several studies compared the accuracy of electronic adherence monitoring and self-report [Butz AM, Donithan M, Bollinger ME, Rand C, Thompson RE. Monitoring nebulizer use in children: comparison of electronic and asthma diary data. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Mar 2005;94(3):360-365. [CrossRef]178,Bender B, Bartlett S, Rand C, Turner C, Wamboldt F, Zhang L. Impact of interview mode on accuracy of child and parent report of adherence with asthma-controller medication. Pediatrics. Sep 2007;120(3):e471-e477. [CrossRef] [Medline]185,Pearce C, Fleming L. Adherence to medication in children and adolescents with asthma: methods for monitoring and intervention. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. Oct 15, 2018;14(12):1055-1063. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]191,Jentzsch NS, Camargos PAM, Colosimo EA, Bousquet J. Monitoring adherence to beclomethasone in asthmatic children and adolescents through four different methods. Allergy. Oct 15, 2009;64(10):1458-1462. [CrossRef] [Medline]192]. Pearce et al [Pearce C, Fleming L. Adherence to medication in children and adolescents with asthma: methods for monitoring and intervention. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. Oct 15, 2018;14(12):1055-1063. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]191] and Bender et al [Bender B, Bartlett S, Rand C, Turner C, Wamboldt F, Zhang L. Impact of interview mode on accuracy of child and parent report of adherence with asthma-controller medication. Pediatrics. Sep 2007;120(3):e471-e477. [CrossRef] [Medline]185] reported that self-report is insufficient to provide a stand-alone measure of adherence, as adherence is generally overreported in interviews, and others concluded that electronic dose counters are more accurate than adherence self-report [Jentzsch NS, Camargos PAM, Colosimo EA, Bousquet J. Monitoring adherence to beclomethasone in asthmatic children and adolescents through four different methods. Allergy. Oct 15, 2009;64(10):1458-1462. [CrossRef] [Medline]192] and adequately reliable when validated to canister weight [Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31]. Butz et al [Butz AM, Donithan M, Bollinger ME, Rand C, Thompson RE. Monitoring nebulizer use in children: comparison of electronic and asthma diary data. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Mar 2005;94(3):360-365. [CrossRef]178] furthermore concluded that electronic medication monitoring is a more precise measure of long-term medication use than self-report on diary cards, but that diary cards seem to be a valid alternative for short-term monitoring of medication use.

Increased usage of reliever medication was correlated with worse asthma control [van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Mulvaney SA, Ho Y, Cala CM, Chen Q, Nian H, Patterson BL, et al. Assessing adolescent asthma symptoms and adherence using mobile phones. J Med Internet Res. Jul 17, 2013;15(7):e141. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]172]. Walders et al [Walders N, Kopel SJ, Koinis-Mitchell D, McQuaid EL. Patterns of quick-relief and long-term controller medication use in pediatric asthma. J Pediatr. Feb 2005;146(2):177-182. [CrossRef] [Medline]177] however stated that monitoring controller medication adherence may be more predictive of long-term morbidity than rescue medication use.

Intervention Studies

Sixty-nine intervention studies were found, and of these, 23% (16/69) were review or opinion articles. Boutopoulou et al [Boutopoulou B, Koumpagioti D, Matziou V, Priftis KN, Douros K. Interventions on Adherence to Treatment in Children With Severe Asthma: A Systematic Review. Front Pediatr. Aug 21, 2018;6:232. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]193] emphasized the remarkable heterogeneity between adherence assessment tools, although electronic metered-dose inhaler counters were the most common type of medication monitoring tool used in the intervention studies (over two-thirds [36/53, 68%] of studies). Most (38/53, 72%) medication monitoring interventions exclusively used medication monitoring as a single monitoring domain. A total of 9 studies (9/69, 13%) reported the combined use of medication monitoring with lung function monitoring [Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,van der Kamp MR, Tabak M, de Rooij SEJA, van Lierop PPE, Thio BJ. COVID-19: Technology-Supported Remote Assessment of Pediatric Asthma at Home. Front Pediatr. Sep 8, 2020;8:529. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]89,Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Murphy J. Telemedicine offers new way to manage asthma. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Sep 15, 2001;58(18):1693, 1696. [CrossRef] [Medline]101,Asthma In-Home Monitoring (AIM) Trial. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 103,Myers TR. Improving Patient Outcomes with Tools for Asthma Self-Monitoring. Disease Management & Health Outcomes. 2002;10(10):631-642. [CrossRef]108,Wiecha JM, Adams WG, Rybin D, Rizzodepaoli M, Keller J, Clay JM. Evaluation of a web-based asthma self-management system: a randomised controlled pilot trial. BMC Pulm Med. Feb 25, 2015;15(1):17. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]194-A mHealth Intervention to Improve Symptom Control in Children and Adolescents With Difficult-to-control Asthma. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 197]. Only Bui et al [Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34] reported a pilot intervention of a multimodal monitoring intervention including medication monitoring.

Katwa et al [Katwa U, Rivera E. Asthma Management in the Era of Smart-Medicine: Devices, Gadgets, Apps and Telemedicine. Indian J Pediatr. Sep 10, 2018;85(9):757-762. [CrossRef] [Medline]198] described that a device to monitor adherence ideally reminds patients about taking medication. Overall, 40% (21/53) of intervention studies used medication reminders as a tool to increase adherence. Two distinct ways of reminding were (1) standard reminders [Farooqui N, Phillips G, Barrett C, Stukus D. Acceptability of an interactive asthma management mobile health application for children and adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Jun 2015;114(6):527-529. [CrossRef] [Medline]199-Kenyon CC, Gruschow SM, Quarshie WO, Griffis H, Leach MC, Zorc JJ, et al. Controller adherence following hospital discharge in high risk children: A pilot randomized trial of text message reminders. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2019;56(1):95-103. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]202] and (2) reminders based on monitored use [Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mar 2015;3(2):288-290.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]203-Grossman B, Conner S, Mosnaim G, Albers J, Leigh J, Jones S, et al. Application of Human Augmentics: A Persuasive Asthma Inhaler. J Biomed Inform. Mar 2017;67:51-58. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]207]. Some studies used automatic reminders (text message feedback [Chen J, Xu J, Zhao L, Zhang J, Yin Y, Zhang F. The effect of electronic monitoring combined with weekly feedback and reminders on adherence to inhaled corticosteroids in infants and younger children with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2020;16:68. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]206], audiovisual reminders in the device [Chan AHY, Stewart AW, Harrison J, Camargo CA, Black PN, Mitchell EA. The effect of an electronic monitoring device with audiovisual reminder function on adherence to inhaled corticosteroids and school attendance in children with asthma: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Respir Med. Mar 2015;3(3):210-219. [CrossRef] [Medline]204], and app-based reminders [Grossman B, Conner S, Mosnaim G, Albers J, Leigh J, Jones S, et al. Application of Human Augmentics: A Persuasive Asthma Inhaler. J Biomed Inform. Mar 2017;67:51-58. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]207]), whereas other studies had nurses [Bartlett SJ, Lukk P, Butz A, Lampros-Klein F, Rand CS. Enhancing medication adherence among inner-city children with asthma: results from pilot studies. J Asthma. Feb 03, 2002;39(1):47-54. [CrossRef] [Medline]205,Gustafson D, Wise M, Bhattacharya A, Pulvermacher A, Shanovich K, Phillips B, et al. The effects of combining Web-based eHealth with telephone nurse case management for pediatric asthma control: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Jul 26, 2012;14(4):e101. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]208] or pharmacists [De Vera MA, Sadatsafavi M, Tsao NW, Lynd LD, Lester R, Gastonguay L, et al. Empowering pharmacists in asthma management through interactive SMS (EmPhAsIS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. Dec 13, 2014;15(1):488. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]78,Kosse R, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Koster E. Evaluation of a mobile health intervention to support asthma self-management and adherence in the pharmacy. Int J Clin Pharm. Apr 2019;41(2):452-459. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]200,Kosse RC, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Kaptein A, Geers HC, van Dijk L, et al. mHealth intervention to support asthma self-management in adolescents: the ADAPT study. PPA. Mar 2017;Volume 11:571-577. [CrossRef]209] providing feedback. Moreover, 2 studies used the pharmacy refill data to remind patients that their inhaled corticosteroids prescription would soon be overdue [Bender BG, Cvietusa PJ, Goodrich GK, Lowe R, Nuanes HA, Rand C, et al. Pragmatic trial of health care technologies to improve adherence to pediatric asthma treatment: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. Apr 01, 2015;169(4):317-323. [CrossRef] [Medline]210,Sabhae Gangadharappa V, Nagarajan S, Weaver D. Controller Medication Refill Rates in Underserved Pediatric Asthma Patients After Use of a Smartphone Application. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Nov 2019;123(5):S34. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]211].

Moreover, several protocol articles on eHealth and medication monitoring were found [De Vera MA, Sadatsafavi M, Tsao NW, Lynd LD, Lester R, Gastonguay L, et al. Empowering pharmacists in asthma management through interactive SMS (EmPhAsIS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. Dec 13, 2014;15(1):488. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]78,Sportel ET, Oude Wolcherink MJ, van der Palen J, Lenferink A, Thio BJ, Movig KLL, et al. Does immediate smart feedback on therapy adherence and inhalation technique improve asthma control in children with uncontrolled asthma? A study protocol of the IMAGINE I study. Trials. Sep 17, 2020;21(1):801. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]196,A mHealth Intervention to Improve Symptom Control in Children and Adolescents With Difficult-to-control Asthma. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 197,Kosse RC, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Kaptein A, Geers HC, van Dijk L, et al. mHealth intervention to support asthma self-management in adolescents: the ADAPT study. PPA. Mar 2017;Volume 11:571-577. [CrossRef]209,Vasbinder EC, Janssens HM, Rutten-van Mölken M, van Dijk L, de Winter BCM, de Groot RCA, et al. e-MATIC Study Group. e-Monitoring of Asthma Therapy to Improve Compliance in children using a real-time medication monitoring system (RTMM): the e-MATIC study protocol. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Mar 21, 2013;13(1):38. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]212-Using Technology-Assisted Stepped Care Intervention to Improve Adherence in Adolescents With Asthma (TASC). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 215], and all mentioned that electronic medication monitoring will be used. In most of these protocols, medication adherence will be monitored and reminders will be used to optimize adherence [Jin F, Sattar F, Goh D. Automatic wheeze detection using histograms of sample entropy. Presented at: 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; August 20-25, 2008, 2008; Vancouver, BC, Canada. [CrossRef]129,Sportel ET, Oude Wolcherink MJ, van der Palen J, Lenferink A, Thio BJ, Movig KLL, et al. Does immediate smart feedback on therapy adherence and inhalation technique improve asthma control in children with uncontrolled asthma? A study protocol of the IMAGINE I study. Trials. Sep 17, 2020;21(1):801. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]196,A mHealth Intervention to Improve Symptom Control in Children and Adolescents With Difficult-to-control Asthma. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 197,Vasbinder EC, Janssens HM, Rutten-van Mölken M, van Dijk L, de Winter BCM, de Groot RCA, et al. e-MATIC Study Group. e-Monitoring of Asthma Therapy to Improve Compliance in children using a real-time medication monitoring system (RTMM): the e-MATIC study protocol. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Mar 21, 2013;13(1):38. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]212,Henderson BR, Flaherty CM, Floyd GC, You J, Xiao R, Bryant-Stephens TC, et al. Tailored Medication Adherence Incentives Using mHealth for Children With High-Risk Asthma (TAICAM): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. Aug 17, 2020;9(8):e16711. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]214,Using Technology-Assisted Stepped Care Intervention to Improve Adherence in Adolescents With Asthma (TASC). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 215]. Sportel et al [Sportel ET, Oude Wolcherink MJ, van der Palen J, Lenferink A, Thio BJ, Movig KLL, et al. Does immediate smart feedback on therapy adherence and inhalation technique improve asthma control in children with uncontrolled asthma? A study protocol of the IMAGINE I study. Trials. Sep 17, 2020;21(1):801. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]196] will also measure the inhalation technique with a smart inhaler device that can measure inhalation flow, duration, and orientation based on accelerometer sensors in the add-on device.

Usability and Feasibility

User experiences with electronic medication monitors vary when used in intervention studies. Interviews with HCPs revealed nearly unanimous agreement on the importance of electronic medication monitoring in outpatient asthma management [Kan K, Shaunfield S, Kanaley M, Chadha A, Boon K, Morales L, et al. Health provider perspectives of electronic medication monitoring in outpatient asthma care: a qualitative investigation using the consolidated framework for implementation research. J Asthma. Feb 2022;59(2):342-351. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]216]. It provides patients with an opportunity to demonstrate the responsibility they have for their condition and allows them to experience a greater sense of independence [Howard S, Lang A, Sharples S, Shaw D. See I told you I was taking it! - Attitudes of adolescents with asthma towards a device monitoring their inhaler use: Implications for future design. Appl Ergon. Jan 2017;58:224-237. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]217]. Several studies showed satisfactory feasibility of electronic monitoring [Teufel Ii R, Patel SK, Shuler AB, Andrews AL, Nichols M, Ebeling MD, et al. Smartphones for Real-time Assessment of Adherence Behavior and Symptom Exacerbation for High-Risk Youth with Asthma: Pilot Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Oct 05, 2018;1(2):e8. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]218-Rohan JM, Drotar D, Perry AR, McDowell K, Malkin J, Kercsmar C. Training health care providers to conduct adherence promotion in pediatric settings: An example with pediatric asthma. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. Dec 2013;1(4):314-325. [CrossRef]220]. Children and caregivers prefer devices that provide objective measures of activation, inhalation, and technique that are accurate, require little effort, and are easy to use and fit into existing routines [Makhecha S, Chan A, Pearce C, Jamalzadeh A, Fleming L. Novel electronic adherence monitoring devices in children with asthma: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open Respir Res. Nov 05, 2020;7(1):e000589. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]221,Graves MM, Adams CD, Portnoy JM. Adherence in young children with asthma. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. Apr 2006;6(2):124-127. [CrossRef] [Medline]222]. Howard et al [Howard S, Lang A, Sharples S, Shaw D. See I told you I was taking it! - Attitudes of adolescents with asthma towards a device monitoring their inhaler use: Implications for future design. Appl Ergon. Jan 2017;58:224-237. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]217] reported on adolescents’ perspectives with regard to the use of automatic reminders in electronic medication monitoring and found that despite appreciating the helpfulness and overall benefit, many participants indicate that reminders could be annoying.

Feasibility concerns with electronic monitors were data transmission failure or data loss [Simoneau T, Sun Y, Gherlone N, Almeida S, Manice M, Hollenbach J. A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study of Inhaler Electronic Monitoring Devices to Improve Adherence in Children with Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2019:A7177. [FREE Full text]223-Kenyon CC, Chang J, Wynter S, Fowler JC, Long J, Bryant-Stephens TC. Electronic Adherence Monitoring in a High-Utilizing Pediatric Asthma Cohort: A Feasibility Study. JMIR Res Protoc. Jun 22, 2016;5(2):e132. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]225], device loss [Kenyon CC, Chang J, Wynter S, Fowler JC, Long J, Bryant-Stephens TC. Electronic Adherence Monitoring in a High-Utilizing Pediatric Asthma Cohort: A Feasibility Study. JMIR Res Protoc. Jun 22, 2016;5(2):e132. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]225], and misfit of the device and canister [Dodds C, Britto M. Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text messaging for high-risk adolescents with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. May 2018;120(5):546-547. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]224]. Implementation of medication monitoring in clinical practice also revealed the challenges of the integration of sensor data with electronic health records and the adequate education of clinical staff to work with the electronic medication monitors and their generated data [Kan K, Shaunfield S, Kanaley M, Chadha A, Boon K, Morales L, et al. Health provider perspectives of electronic medication monitoring in outpatient asthma care: a qualitative investigation using the consolidated framework for implementation research. J Asthma. Feb 2022;59(2):342-351. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]216].

Effects on Adherence

In several eHealth intervention studies, automatic dose counters [Wiecha JM, Adams WG, Rybin D, Rizzodepaoli M, Keller J, Clay JM. Evaluation of a web-based asthma self-management system: a randomised controlled pilot trial. BMC Pulm Med. Feb 25, 2015;15(1):17. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]194,Kenyon CC, Gruschow SM, Quarshie WO, Griffis H, Leach MC, Zorc JJ, et al. Controller adherence following hospital discharge in high risk children: A pilot randomized trial of text message reminders. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2019;56(1):95-103. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]202,Lin NY, Ramsey RR, Miller JL, McDowell KM, Zhang N, Hommel K, et al. Telehealth delivery of adherence and medication management system improves outcomes in inner-city children with asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol. Apr 06, 2020;55(4):858-865. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]226,Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. The impact of peer support and mp3 messaging on adherence to inhaled corticosteroids in minority adolescents with asthma: a randomized, controlled trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Sep 2013;1(5):485-493. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]227], pharmacy refill data [Gustafson D, Wise M, Bhattacharya A, Pulvermacher A, Shanovich K, Phillips B, et al. The effects of combining Web-based eHealth with telephone nurse case management for pediatric asthma control: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Jul 26, 2012;14(4):e101. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]208,Fiks AG, DuRivage N, Mayne SL, Finch S, Ross ME, Giacomini K, et al. Adoption of a Portal for the Primary Care Management of Pediatric Asthma: A Mixed-Methods Implementation Study. J Med Internet Res. Jun 29, 2016;18(6):e172. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]228], or digital diaries [Reece ER, Burnette AF, Lewis-Land CJ. Pilot Study of Asthmawin Mobile Iphone App in the Management of Asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Feb 2017;139(2):AB382. [CrossRef]195,Farooqui N, Phillips G, Barrett C, Stukus D. Acceptability of an interactive asthma management mobile health application for children and adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Jun 2015;114(6):527-529. [CrossRef] [Medline]199,Johnson K, Patterson B, Ho Y, Chen Q, Nian H, Davison C, et al. The feasibility of text reminders to improve medication adherence in adolescents with asthma. J Am Med Inform Assoc. May 2016;23(3):449-455. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]201] were only used to assess medication adherence as an outcome measure, whereas other studies intervened based on medication monitoring data [Jentzsch N, Camargos P. Methods of assessing adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in children and adolescents: adherence rates and their implications for clinical practice. J Bras Pneumol. Aug 2008;34(8):614-621. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]190,Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mar 2015;3(2):288-290.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]203,Shields MD, ALQahtani F, Rivey MP, McElnay JC. Mobile direct observation of therapy (MDOT) - A rapid systematic review and pilot study in children with asthma. PLoS One. Feb 5, 2018;13(2):e0190031. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]229]. All studies that used reminders based on electronic medication monitoring showed a positive effect of reminders on inhaled corticosteroid adherence [Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mar 2015;3(2):288-290.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]203-Chen J, Xu J, Zhao L, Zhang J, Yin Y, Zhang F. The effect of electronic monitoring combined with weekly feedback and reminders on adherence to inhaled corticosteroids in infants and younger children with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2020;16:68. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]206,Bender BG, Cvietusa PJ, Goodrich GK, Lowe R, Nuanes HA, Rand C, et al. Pragmatic trial of health care technologies to improve adherence to pediatric asthma treatment: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. Apr 01, 2015;169(4):317-323. [CrossRef] [Medline]210,Sabhae Gangadharappa V, Nagarajan S, Weaver D. Controller Medication Refill Rates in Underserved Pediatric Asthma Patients After Use of a Smartphone Application. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Nov 2019;123(5):S34. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]211,Behrooz L, Dilley M, Petty C, Huffaker M, Sheehan W, Phipatanakul W. The efficacy of a novel monitoring device on asthma control in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2020;125(3):352-354. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]230]. Furthermore, Kosse et al [Kosse R, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Koster E. Evaluation of a mobile health intervention to support asthma self-management and adherence in the pharmacy. Int J Clin Pharm. Apr 2019;41(2):452-459. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]200,Kosse RC, Bouvy ML, Belitser SV, de Vries TW, van der Wal PS, Koster ES. Effective Engagement of Adolescent Asthma Patients With Mobile Health-Supporting Medication Adherence. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 27, 2019;7(3):e12411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]231] showed that increased activity in a digital chat with an HCP correlated with improved self-reported adherence, while other mobile app functionalities like therapy education, peer chat, and symptom questionnaires did not affect adherence.

Monitoring interventions (with or without reminders) yielded positive effects; however, effect sizes were variable [Jentzsch N, Camargos P. Methods of assessing adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in children and adolescents: adherence rates and their implications for clinical practice. J Bras Pneumol. Aug 2008;34(8):614-621. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]190,Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mar 2015;3(2):288-290.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]203,Shields MD, ALQahtani F, Rivey MP, McElnay JC. Mobile direct observation of therapy (MDOT) - A rapid systematic review and pilot study in children with asthma. PLoS One. Feb 5, 2018;13(2):e0190031. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]229]. In the pooled analysis of Jeminiwa et al [Jeminiwa R, Hohmann L, Qian J, Garza K, Hansen R, Fox B. Impact of eHealth on medication adherence among patients with asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Respir Med. Mar 2019;149:59-68. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10], the comparison of an eHealth intervention and control indicated a small but significant effect on medication adherence (standard mean difference=0.41; 95% CI 0.02-0.79). This was especially true for mobile health studies including audiovisual and text message reminders. Moreover, some specifically investigated nonadherence rates among pediatric asthma patients showed a decline in nonadherence rates using electronic medication monitoring with feedback [Shields MD, ALQahtani F, Rivey MP, McElnay JC. Mobile direct observation of therapy (MDOT) - A rapid systematic review and pilot study in children with asthma. PLoS One. Feb 5, 2018;13(2):e0190031. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]229].

Data on the sustained effects of improvement in adherence following medication monitoring are limited. Behrooz et al [Behrooz L, Dilley M, Petty C, Huffaker M, Sheehan W, Phipatanakul W. The efficacy of a novel monitoring device on asthma control in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2020;125(3):352-354. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]230] showed a decrease in electronically measured adherence over a 12-week period while the intervention continued, whereas Spaulding et al [Spaulding S, Devine K, Duncan C, Wilson N, Hogan M. Electronic monitoring and feedback to improve adherence in pediatric asthma. J Pediatr Psychol. 2012;37(1):64-74. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]232] showed a sustained effect of electronic monitoring and feedback on medication adherence in their small pilot study up until 30 days after they stopped feedback (5 patients).

Effects on Asthma Outcomes

Increased asthma control, and reduced night-time wheezing, emergency department visits, and oral corticosteroid use were reported with sensor-based medication monitoring [Gupta R, Fierstein J, Boon K, Kanaley M, Bozen A, Kan K, et al. Sensor-Based Electronic Monitoring for Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics. Jan 2021;147(1):48. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]233], whereas others showed no significant improvement in asthma outcomes [Bender BG, Cvietusa PJ, Goodrich GK, Lowe R, Nuanes HA, Rand C, et al. Pragmatic trial of health care technologies to improve adherence to pediatric asthma treatment: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. Apr 01, 2015;169(4):317-323. [CrossRef] [Medline]210,Otsuki M, Eakin M, Rand C, Butz A, Hsu V, Zuckerman I, et al. Adherence feedback to improve asthma outcomes among inner-city children: a randomized trial. Pediatrics. Dec 2009;124(6):1513-1521. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]234]. A systematic review by Adejumo et al [Adejumo I, Shaw DE. Electronic Monitoring Devices as an Intervention in Asthma: The Story So Far. CRMR. Jul 13, 2018;14(1):5-22. [CrossRef]235] showed meaningful sustained improvement in asthma-related outcomes in 20% of the included studies.

Monitoring Reliever Use and Inhalation Technique

While most studies focused on monitoring controller inhalation therapy, 3 intervention studies focused on monitoring rescue inhalation therapy [Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236-Merchant RK, Inamdar R, Quade RC. Effectiveness of Population Health Management Using the Propeller Health Asthma Platform: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016;4(3):455-463. [CrossRef] [Medline]238]. These studies showed that monitoring SABA use and providing feedback led to a reduction in SABA use and an increase in symptom-free days [Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236-Merchant RK, Inamdar R, Quade RC. Effectiveness of Population Health Management Using the Propeller Health Asthma Platform: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016;4(3):455-463. [CrossRef] [Medline]238]. Moreover, Barrett et al [Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236] used electronic monitoring of SABA use in combination with air quality data to identify geographical “hot spots” triggering asthma, and the data were used for policy recommendations regarding improvement of air quality.

Although the inhalation technique is an important aspect to achieve good effects of inhalation therapy, only 9 studies reported on monitoring of the inhalation technique at home by use of eHealth [Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Shields M, Alqahtani F, Rivey M, McElnay J. Using remote directly observed therapy (R-DOT) for optimising asthma therapy. European Respiratory Journal. 2017:OA3448. [CrossRef]239,Bynum A, Hopkins D, Thomas A, Copeland N, Irwin C. The effect of telepharmacy counseling on metered-dose inhaler technique among adolescents with asthma in rural Arkansas. Telemed J E Health. Sep 2001;7(3):207-217. [CrossRef] [Medline]240]. In these articles, there were 2 distinct ways of monitoring the inhalation technique: remote observation of therapy [Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Shields M, Alqahtani F, Rivey M, McElnay J. Using remote directly observed therapy (R-DOT) for optimising asthma therapy. European Respiratory Journal. 2017:OA3448. [CrossRef]239,Bynum A, Hopkins D, Thomas A, Copeland N, Irwin C. The effect of telepharmacy counseling on metered-dose inhaler technique among adolescents with asthma in rural Arkansas. Telemed J E Health. Sep 2001;7(3):207-217. [CrossRef] [Medline]240] and electronic measurement of aspects of the inhalation technique [van der Kamp MR, Tabak M, de Rooij SEJA, van Lierop PPE, Thio BJ. COVID-19: Technology-Supported Remote Assessment of Pediatric Asthma at Home. Front Pediatr. Sep 8, 2020;8:529. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]89,Sportel ET, Oude Wolcherink MJ, van der Palen J, Lenferink A, Thio BJ, Movig KLL, et al. Does immediate smart feedback on therapy adherence and inhalation technique improve asthma control in children with uncontrolled asthma? A study protocol of the IMAGINE I study. Trials. Sep 17, 2020;21(1):801. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]196,Spaulding S, Devine K, Duncan C, Wilson N, Hogan M. Electronic monitoring and feedback to improve adherence in pediatric asthma. J Pediatr Psychol. 2012;37(1):64-74. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]232]. It was demonstrated that audiovisual support regarding the inhalation technique is feasible [Shields MD, ALQahtani F, Rivey MP, McElnay JC. Mobile direct observation of therapy (MDOT) - A rapid systematic review and pilot study in children with asthma. PLoS One. Feb 5, 2018;13(2):e0190031. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]229], can help to improve effective medication use by providing feedback on the inhalation technique [Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Shields M, Alqahtani F, Rivey M, McElnay J. Using remote directly observed therapy (R-DOT) for optimising asthma therapy. European Respiratory Journal. 2017:OA3448. [CrossRef]239,Bynum A, Hopkins D, Thomas A, Copeland N, Irwin C. The effect of telepharmacy counseling on metered-dose inhaler technique among adolescents with asthma in rural Arkansas. Telemed J E Health. Sep 2001;7(3):207-217. [CrossRef] [Medline]240], and can lead to improved ACT scores [Shields MD, ALQahtani F, Rivey MP, McElnay JC. Mobile direct observation of therapy (MDOT) - A rapid systematic review and pilot study in children with asthma. PLoS One. Feb 5, 2018;13(2):e0190031. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]229]. Bynum et al [Bynum A, Hopkins D, Thomas A, Copeland N, Irwin C. The effect of telepharmacy counseling on metered-dose inhaler technique among adolescents with asthma in rural Arkansas. Telemed J E Health. Sep 2001;7(3):207-217. [CrossRef] [Medline]240] showed that education and feedback for the metered-dose inhaler technique by video consultation were more effective than written instructions.

Digital Environment Domain

Our search identified 83 development and validation studies. Digital interventions used different strategies to allow remote monitoring, such as diaries and communication tools. Education, digital action plans, and automatic reminders were other components of digital environments to support asthma monitoring and treatment.

Several development studies emphasized the importance of patient-centered design approaches to meet the needs and priorities of users [Peters D, Davis S, Calvo RA, Sawyer SM, Smith L, Foster JM. Young People's Preferences for an Asthma Self-Management App Highlight Psychological Needs: A Participatory Study. J Med Internet Res. Apr 11, 2017;19(4):e113. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]241-Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247]. Jácome et al [Jácome C, Almeida R, Pereira A, Araújo L, Correia M, Pereira M, et al. INSPIRERS group. Asthma App Use and Interest Among Patients With Asthma: A Multicenter Study. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. Apr 23, 2020;30(2):137-140. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]248] reported that two-thirds of asthma patients expressed interest in using an app to manage their asthma, which was similar to the finding in patients with other health conditions. Interviews with patients about user preferences revealed which features of hypothetical apps were deemed important, such as reminders [Behrooz L, Dilley M, Petty C, Huffaker M, Sheehan W, Phipatanakul W. The efficacy of a novel monitoring device on asthma control in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2020;125(3):352-354. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]230,Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249,Yoo W, Kim SY, Hong Y, Chih M, Shah DV, Gustafson DH. Patient-clinician mobile communication: analyzing text messaging between adolescents with asthma and nurse case managers. Telemed J E Health. Jan 2015;21(1):62-69. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]250], tracking [Behrooz L, Dilley M, Petty C, Huffaker M, Sheehan W, Phipatanakul W. The efficacy of a novel monitoring device on asthma control in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2020;125(3):352-354. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]230,Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249,Yoo W, Kim SY, Hong Y, Chih M, Shah DV, Gustafson DH. Patient-clinician mobile communication: analyzing text messaging between adolescents with asthma and nurse case managers. Telemed J E Health. Jan 2015;21(1):62-69. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]250], social interaction [Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Yoo W, Kim SY, Hong Y, Chih M, Shah DV, Gustafson DH. Patient-clinician mobile communication: analyzing text messaging between adolescents with asthma and nurse case managers. Telemed J E Health. Jan 2015;21(1):62-69. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]250,Stewart M, Letourneau N, Masuda JR, Anderson S, McGhan S. Online support for children with asthma and allergies. J Fam Nurs. May 04, 2013;19(2):171-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]251], educational content [Behrooz L, Dilley M, Petty C, Huffaker M, Sheehan W, Phipatanakul W. The efficacy of a novel monitoring device on asthma control in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2020;125(3):352-354. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]230,Fiks A, Mayne S, Karavite D, DeBartolo E, Grundmeier R. A shared e-decision support portal for pediatric asthma. J Ambul Care Manage. 2014;37(2):120-126. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]246,Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Roberts CA, Sage AJ, Geryk LL, Sleath BL, Carpenter DM. Adolescent feedback on predisposing, reinforcing and enabling features in asthma self-management apps. Health Education Journal. Mar 26, 2019;78(7):770-783. [CrossRef]252], emergency support [Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Yoo W, Kim SY, Hong Y, Chih M, Shah DV, Gustafson DH. Patient-clinician mobile communication: analyzing text messaging between adolescents with asthma and nurse case managers. Telemed J E Health. Jan 2015;21(1):62-69. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]250], and expert access [Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Yoo W, Kim SY, Hong Y, Chih M, Shah DV, Gustafson DH. Patient-clinician mobile communication: analyzing text messaging between adolescents with asthma and nurse case managers. Telemed J E Health. Jan 2015;21(1):62-69. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]250]. Furthermore, the preference of customization of app features according to preferences and schedules was mentioned in several studies [Foster JM, Peters D, Davis S, Calvo R, Sawyer S, Smith L. Using A Co-Design Approach To Develop An Appealing Goal-Setting And Self-Management App For Young People With Asthma. American Thoracic Society. 2017:A3322. [FREE Full text]247,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249,Roberts C, Sage A, Geryk L, Sleath B, Carpenter D. Adolescent Preferences and Design Recommendations for an Asthma Self-Management App: Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR Form Res. Sep 13, 2018;2(2):e10055. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]253-Doyle R, Albright K, Hurley LP, Chávez C, Stowell M, Dircksen S, et al. Patient Perspectives on a Text Messaging Program to Support Asthma Management: A Qualitative Study. Health Promot Pract. Jul 07, 2019;20(4):585-592. [CrossRef] [Medline]257]. Moreover, younger children and adolescents showed different needs and user patterns regarding asthma apps [van den Wijngaart L, Geldtmeijer J, Roukema J, Boehmer A, Brouwer M, Hugen C, et al. The virtual asthma clinic: Description and analysis of website-use. European Respiratory Journal. 2016;48:PA4375. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]162].

The facilitators for using digital environments for pediatric asthma management were enthusiastic initiators, tailoring of care to individual patients, and long-term profit and efficiency [van den Wijngaart LS, Geense WW, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, van Ewijk BE, et al. Barriers and Facilitators When Implementing Web-Based Disease Monitoring and Management as a Substitution for Regular Outpatient Care in Pediatric Asthma: Qualitative Survey Study. J Med Internet Res. Oct 30, 2018;20(10):e284. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]164]. The main barriers for the use of apps were technical problems or loss of data due to software updates [Dodds C, Britto M. Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text messaging for high-risk adolescents with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. May 2018;120(5):546-547. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]224], loss of devices [Dodds C, Britto M. Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text messaging for high-risk adolescents with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. May 2018;120(5):546-547. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]224], concerns about privacy [Schneider T, Panzera AD, Martinasek M, McDermott R, Couluris M, Lindenberger J, et al. Physicians' perceptions of mobile technology for enhancing asthma care for youth. J Child Health Care. Jun 26, 2016;20(2):153-163. [CrossRef] [Medline]258], integration with the electronic medical record [van den Wijngaart LS, Geense WW, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, van Ewijk BE, et al. Barriers and Facilitators When Implementing Web-Based Disease Monitoring and Management as a Substitution for Regular Outpatient Care in Pediatric Asthma: Qualitative Survey Study. J Med Internet Res. Oct 30, 2018;20(10):e284. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]164], increased clinical workload [van den Wijngaart LS, Geense WW, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, van Ewijk BE, et al. Barriers and Facilitators When Implementing Web-Based Disease Monitoring and Management as a Substitution for Regular Outpatient Care in Pediatric Asthma: Qualitative Survey Study. J Med Internet Res. Oct 30, 2018;20(10):e284. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]164], and lack of financial reimbursement for services outside the routine of HCPs [Schneider T, Panzera AD, Martinasek M, McDermott R, Couluris M, Lindenberger J, et al. Physicians' perceptions of mobile technology for enhancing asthma care for youth. J Child Health Care. Jun 26, 2016;20(2):153-163. [CrossRef] [Medline]258]. Meischke et al [Meischke H, Lozano P, Zhou C, Garrison MM, Christakis D. Engagement in "My Child's Asthma", an interactive web-based pediatric asthma management intervention. Int J Med Inform. Nov 2011;80(11):765-774. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]259] showed that demographics and computer-related variables were not related to the engagement of interactive web programs.

Digital environments are increasingly including options to acquire and share monitoring data from previously mentioned monitoring domains, including medication monitoring [Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Nichols M, Miller S, Treiber F, Ruggiero K, Dawley E, Teufel Ii R. Patient and Parent Perspectives on Improving Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Through a Mobile Health Intervention: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 03, 2020;4(7):e15295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]151,Cushing A, Manice M, Ting A, Parides M. Feasibility of a novel mHealth management system to capture and improve medication adherence among adolescents with asthma. PPA. Nov 2016;Volume 10:2271-2275. [CrossRef]189,Dodds C, Britto M. Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text messaging for high-risk adolescents with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. May 2018;120(5):546-547. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]224,Kosse RC, Bouvy ML, Belitser SV, de Vries TW, van der Wal PS, Koster ES. Effective Engagement of Adolescent Asthma Patients With Mobile Health-Supporting Medication Adherence. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 27, 2019;7(3):e12411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]231,Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236,Fedele DA, Cushing CC, Koskela-Staples N, Patton SR, McQuaid EL, Smyth JM, et al. Adaptive Mobile Health Intervention for Adolescents with Asthma: Iterative User-Centered Development. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. May 06, 2020;8(5):e18400. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]256], lung function [Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Nichols M, Miller S, Treiber F, Ruggiero K, Dawley E, Teufel Ii R. Patient and Parent Perspectives on Improving Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Through a Mobile Health Intervention: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 03, 2020;4(7):e15295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]151,Cushing A, Manice M, Ting A, Parides M. Feasibility of a novel mHealth management system to capture and improve medication adherence among adolescents with asthma. PPA. Nov 2016;Volume 10:2271-2275. [CrossRef]189,Dodds C, Britto M. Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text messaging for high-risk adolescents with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. May 2018;120(5):546-547. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]224,Kosse RC, Bouvy ML, Belitser SV, de Vries TW, van der Wal PS, Koster ES. Effective Engagement of Adolescent Asthma Patients With Mobile Health-Supporting Medication Adherence. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 27, 2019;7(3):e12411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]231,Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236,Fedele DA, Cushing CC, Koskela-Staples N, Patton SR, McQuaid EL, Smyth JM, et al. Adaptive Mobile Health Intervention for Adolescents with Asthma: Iterative User-Centered Development. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. May 06, 2020;8(5):e18400. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]256], air pollution [Fletcher R, Oreskovic N, Robinson A. Design and clinical feasibility of personal wearable monitor for measurement of activity and environmental exposure. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2014;2014:874-877. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]23,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24,Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33-Anantharam P, Banerjee T, Sheth A, Thirunarayan K, Marupudi S, Sridharan V, et al. Knowledge-Driven Personalized Contextual mHealth Service for Asthma Management in Children. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services; June 27, 2015-July 02, 2015, 2015; New York, NY, USA. [CrossRef]35,Chan T, Hu T, Chu Y, Hwang J. Assessing effects of personal behaviors and environmental exposure on asthma episodes: a diary-based approach. BMC Pulm Med. Dec 02, 2019;19(1):231. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]124,Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236,Yun T, Jeong H, Lee H, Arriaga R, Abowd G. Assessing asthma management practices through in-home technology probes. Presented at: 4th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare; March 22–25, 2010, 2010; Munchen, Germany. [CrossRef]260,Thomson J, Hass C, Horn I, Kleine E, Mitchell S, Gary K, et al. Aspira: Employing a serious game in an mHealth app to improve asthma outcomes. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH); April 02-04, 2017, 2017; Perth, WA, Australia. [CrossRef]261], and sleep or activity [Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Bui A, Hosseini A, Rocchio R, Jacobs N, Ross M, Okelo S, et al. Biomedical REAl-Time Health Evaluation (BREATHE): toward an mHealth informatics platform. JAMIA Open. Jul 2020;3(2):190-200. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]34,Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118]. Digital environments enable easy interpretation using simple visualization of monitoring data [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. HIPAA Compliant Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Int Conf Wearable Implant Body Sens Netw. Jun 2016;2016:49-54. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]21,Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24]. Real-time analytics through clinical decision algorithms could eventually provide medical recommendations based on actual monitoring data [Hosseini A, Buonocore C, Hashemzadeh S, Hojaiji H, Kalantarian H, Sideris C, et al. Feasibility of a Secure Wireless Sensing Smartwatch Application for the Self-Management of Pediatric Asthma. Sensors (Basel). Aug 03, 2017;17(8):1780. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]24].

Monitoring Components

A digital diary was often included to monitor asthma features, such as a report of personal asthma symptoms, medication use, or activity [Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118,Chan T, Hu T, Chu Y, Hwang J. Assessing effects of personal behaviors and environmental exposure on asthma episodes: a diary-based approach. BMC Pulm Med. Dec 02, 2019;19(1):231. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]124,Ireland AM, Wiklund I, Hsieh R, Dale P, O'Rourke E. An electronic diary is shown to be more reliable than a paper diary: results from a randomized crossover study in patients with persistent asthma. J Asthma. Nov 04, 2012;49(9):952-960. [CrossRef] [Medline]153,Ferreira A, Almeida R, Jácome C, Fernandes J, Fonseca J, Vieira-Marques P. How inspiring is your app? A usability take on an app for asthma medication adherence. Presented at: International Conference e-Health 2019; July 17-19, 2019, 2019; Porto, Portugal. [CrossRef]186,Kadariya D, Venkataramanan R, Yip H, Kalra M, Thirunarayanan K, Sheth A. kBot: Knowledge-Enabled Personalized Chatbot for Asthma Self-Management. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); June 12-15, 2019, 2019; Washington, DC, USA. [CrossRef]187,Farooqui N, Phillips G, Barrett C, Stukus D. Acceptability of an interactive asthma management mobile health application for children and adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Jun 2015;114(6):527-529. [CrossRef] [Medline]199,Kosse R, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Koster E. Evaluation of a mobile health intervention to support asthma self-management and adherence in the pharmacy. Int J Clin Pharm. Apr 2019;41(2):452-459. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]200,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249, Roberts CA, Sage AJ, Geryk LL, Sleath BL, Carpenter DM. Adolescent feedback on predisposing, reinforcing and enabling features in asthma self-management apps. Health Education Journal. Mar 26, 2019;78(7):770-783. [CrossRef]252,Lin H, Chiang L, Wen T, Yeh K, Huang J. Development of online diary and self-management system on e-Healthcare for asthmatic children in Taiwan. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Oct 2014;116(3):299-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]262-Carpenter DM, Geryk LL, Sage A, Arrindell C, Sleath BL. Exploring the theoretical pathways through which asthma app features can promote adolescent self-management. Transl Behav Med. Dec 2016;6(4):509-518. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]266]. Furthermore, several studies used predefined methods of logging, such as recurrent online questionnaires [Anantharam P, Banerjee T, Sheth A, Thirunarayan K, Marupudi S, Sridharan V, et al. Knowledge-Driven Personalized Contextual mHealth Service for Asthma Management in Children. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services; June 27, 2015-July 02, 2015, 2015; New York, NY, USA. [CrossRef]35,Ghriwati NA, Everhart R, Winter M. Interactive effects of family functioning and sleep experiences on daily lung functioning in pediatric asthma: An ecological momentary assessment approach. J Asthma. Mar 2020;57(3):262-270. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]54,Chan T, Hu T, Chu Y, Hwang J. Assessing effects of personal behaviors and environmental exposure on asthma episodes: a diary-based approach. BMC Pulm Med. Dec 02, 2019;19(1):231. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]124,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249,Meischke H, Lozano P, Zhou C, Garrison MM, Christakis D. Engagement in "My Child's Asthma", an interactive web-based pediatric asthma management intervention. Int J Med Inform. Nov 2011;80(11):765-774. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]259,Haze K, Lynaugh J. Building patient relationships: a smartphone application supporting communication between teenagers with asthma and the RN care coordinator. Comput Inform Nurs. Jun 2013;31(6):266-71; quiz 272. [CrossRef] [Medline]267-Nkoy FL, Stone BL, Fassl BA, Koopmeiners K, Halbern S, Kim EH, et al. Development of a novel tool for engaging children and parents in asthma self-management. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012;2012:663-672. [FREE Full text] [Medline]271] or ecological momentary assessment [Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Buonocore C, Rocchio R, Roman A, King C, Sarrafzadeh M. Wireless Sensor-Dependent Ecological Momentary Assessment for Pediatric Asthma mHealth Applications. IEEE Int Conf Connect Health Appl Syst Eng Technol. Jul 2017;2017:137-146. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]31,Nichols M, Miller S, Treiber F, Ruggiero K, Dawley E, Teufel Ii R. Patient and Parent Perspectives on Improving Pediatric Asthma Self-Management Through a Mobile Health Intervention: Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 03, 2020;4(7):e15295. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]151,Fedele DA, McConville A, Graham Thomas J, McQuaid EL, Janicke DM, Turner EM, et al. Applying Interactive Mobile health to Asthma Care in Teens (AIM2ACT): Development and design of a randomized controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. Jan 2018;64:230-237. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]183]. Simple diary visualization by using icons in a digital calendar can be comprehended by primary school children and is therefore a usable tool to report data [Nyapathy N, Arriaga R. Tracking and Reporting Asthma Data for Children. Presented at: CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing; November 9-13, 2019, 2019; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]264]. Equivalent [Ireland AM, Wiklund I, Hsieh R, Dale P, O'Rourke E. An electronic diary is shown to be more reliable than a paper diary: results from a randomized crossover study in patients with persistent asthma. J Asthma. Nov 04, 2012;49(9):952-960. [CrossRef] [Medline]153] or better [Clark M, Martin S, Svedsater H, Dale P, Jacques L. Measurement properties of an asthma symptom and rescue medication use diary. J Asthma. Feb 10, 2015;52(1):88-97. [CrossRef] [Medline]265] test-retest reliability was reported for eDiaries compared to paper-and-pencil diaries, with a higher compliance [Clark M, Martin S, Svedsater H, Dale P, Jacques L. Measurement properties of an asthma symptom and rescue medication use diary. J Asthma. Feb 10, 2015;52(1):88-97. [CrossRef] [Medline]265].

Over 25% (21/83) of studies on digital interventions described the use of some form of online communication with peers, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, or other HCPs within the intervention. The different forms of communication included chatting [Kadariya D, Venkataramanan R, Yip H, Kalra M, Thirunarayanan K, Sheth A. kBot: Knowledge-Enabled Personalized Chatbot for Asthma Self-Management. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); June 12-15, 2019, 2019; Washington, DC, USA. [CrossRef]187,Nyapathy N, Arriaga R. Tracking and Reporting Asthma Data for Children. Presented at: CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing; November 9-13, 2019, 2019; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]264,Rhee H, Allen J, Mammen J, Swift M. Mobile phone-based asthma self-management aid for adolescents (mASMAA): a feasibility study. PPA. Jan 2014:63. [CrossRef]272], text messaging [Dodds C, Britto M. Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text messaging for high-risk adolescents with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. May 2018;120(5):546-547. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]224,Doyle R, Albright K, Hurley LP, Chávez C, Stowell M, Dircksen S, et al. Patient Perspectives on a Text Messaging Program to Support Asthma Management: A Qualitative Study. Health Promot Pract. Jul 07, 2019;20(4):585-592. [CrossRef] [Medline]257,Schneider T, Panzera AD, Martinasek M, McDermott R, Couluris M, Lindenberger J, et al. Physicians' perceptions of mobile technology for enhancing asthma care for youth. J Child Health Care. Jun 26, 2016;20(2):153-163. [CrossRef] [Medline]258,Haze K, Lynaugh J. Building patient relationships: a smartphone application supporting communication between teenagers with asthma and the RN care coordinator. Comput Inform Nurs. Jun 2013;31(6):266-71; quiz 272. [CrossRef] [Medline]267,Namazova-Baranova L, Molodchenkov A, Vishneva E, Antonova EV, Smirnov V. Remote monitoring of children with asthma, being treated in multidisciplinary hospital. Presented at: 2015 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Computational Technologies (SIBIRCON); October 28-30, 2015, 2015; Novosibirsk, Russia. [CrossRef]273,Osuntogun A, Arriaga R. Physician usage of technology and opportunities for continuous care management of pediatric asthma patients. Presented at: 4th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare; March 22–25, 2010, 2010; Munchen, Germany. [CrossRef]274], video consulting [Mantzouranis EC. User Friendliness Aspects of Home Care Telematics. Methods Inf Med. Feb 07, 2018;41(05):370-375. [CrossRef]275], and calling [Gustafson D, Wise M, Bhattacharya A, Pulvermacher A, Shanovich K, Phillips B, et al. The effects of combining Web-based eHealth with telephone nurse case management for pediatric asthma control: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Jul 26, 2012;14(4):e101. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]208,Internet Telehealth for Pediatric Asthma Case Management (CHESS). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 276]. Several studies reported the use of automated chatbots, which revealed good usability and the ability to elicit daily responses [Kadariya D, Venkataramanan R, Yip H, Kalra M, Thirunarayanan K, Sheth A. kBot: Knowledge-Enabled Personalized Chatbot for Asthma Self-Management. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); June 12-15, 2019, 2019; Washington, DC, USA. [CrossRef]187,Nyapathy N, Arriaga R. Tracking and Reporting Asthma Data for Children. Presented at: CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing; November 9-13, 2019, 2019; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]264,Rhee H, Allen J, Mammen J, Swift M. Mobile phone-based asthma self-management aid for adolescents (mASMAA): a feasibility study. PPA. Jan 2014:63. [CrossRef]272]. Yoo et al [Yoo W, Kim SY, Hong Y, Chih M, Shah DV, Gustafson DH. Patient-clinician mobile communication: analyzing text messaging between adolescents with asthma and nurse case managers. Telemed J E Health. Jan 2015;21(1):62-69. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]250] described that most online communication tools were task focused instead of socioemotional. Roberts et al [Roberts C, Geryk L, Sage A, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter DM. Adolescent, caregiver, and friend preferences for integrating social support and communication features into an asthma self-management app. J Asthma. Nov 2016;53(9):948-954. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]277] showed that the majority of adolescents believed that apps could enhance communication with their medical provider and give them more control in the patient-provider relationship. This was also recognized in a pilot study by Haze et al [Haze K, Lynaugh J. Building patient relationships: a smartphone application supporting communication between teenagers with asthma and the RN care coordinator. Comput Inform Nurs. Jun 2013;31(6):266-71; quiz 272. [CrossRef] [Medline]267], where teenagers and HCPs perceived improved access and quick response times when using a telephone app to communicate.

Supportive Components

Many studies included some form of educational content [Kadariya D, Venkataramanan R, Yip H, Kalra M, Thirunarayanan K, Sheth A. kBot: Knowledge-Enabled Personalized Chatbot for Asthma Self-Management. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); June 12-15, 2019, 2019; Washington, DC, USA. [CrossRef]187,Kosse R, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Koster E. Evaluation of a mobile health intervention to support asthma self-management and adherence in the pharmacy. Int J Clin Pharm. Apr 2019;41(2):452-459. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]200,Hoch H, Kempe A, Brinton J, Szefler S. Feasibility of medication monitoring sensors in high risk asthmatic children. J Asthma. Mar 11, 2019;56(3):270-272. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]219,Kosse RC, Bouvy ML, Belitser SV, de Vries TW, van der Wal PS, Koster ES. Effective Engagement of Adolescent Asthma Patients With Mobile Health-Supporting Medication Adherence. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 27, 2019;7(3):e12411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]231,Sonney J, Duffy M, Hoogerheyde L, Langhauser E, Teska D. Applying Human-Centered Design to the Development of an Asthma Essentials Kit for School-Aged Children and Their Parents. J Pediatr Health Care. 2019;33(2):169-177. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]242,Schneider T, Panzera AD, Couluris M, Lindenberger J, McDermott R, Bryant CA. Engaging Teens with Asthma in Designing a Patient-Centered Mobile App to Aid Disease Self-Management. Telemed J E Health. Feb 2016;22(2):170-175. [CrossRef] [Medline]243,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249,Roberts CA, Sage AJ, Geryk LL, Sleath BL, Carpenter DM. Adolescent feedback on predisposing, reinforcing and enabling features in asthma self-management apps. Health Education Journal. Mar 26, 2019;78(7):770-783. [CrossRef]252,Lin H, Chiang L, Wen T, Yeh K, Huang J. Development of online diary and self-management system on e-Healthcare for asthmatic children in Taiwan. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Oct 2014;116(3):299-310. [CrossRef] [Medline]262,Wise M, Gustafson DH, Sorkness CA, Molfenter T, Staresinic A, Meis T, et al. Internet telehealth for pediatric asthma case management: integrating computerized and case manager features for tailoring a Web-based asthma education program. Health Promot Pract. Jul 30, 2007;8(3):282-291. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]263,Haze K, Lynaugh J. Building patient relationships: a smartphone application supporting communication between teenagers with asthma and the RN care coordinator. Comput Inform Nurs. Jun 2013;31(6):266-71; quiz 272. [CrossRef] [Medline]267,Internet Telehealth for Pediatric Asthma Case Management (CHESS). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 276,Jayaprakash K, Stephens C, Lesnick B, Arriaga R. Asthma-nauts: Apps Using Gameplay to Collect Health Metrics and Educate Kids About Asthma. Presented at: CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing; November 9-13, 2019, 2019; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]278-Luna-Aveiga H, Medina-Moreira J, Apolinario-Arzube O, Paredes-Valverde M, Lagos-Ortiz K, Valencia-García R. Astmapp: A platform for asthma self-management. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2018;24(11):1496-1514. [FREE Full text]281]. Others included education by peer support as sharing experiences can help to learn practical skills such as managing asthma, seeking support, or self-advocacy [Stewart M, Letourneau N, Masuda JR, Anderson S, McGhan S. Online support for children with asthma and allergies. J Fam Nurs. May 04, 2013;19(2):171-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]251,Wise M, Gustafson DH, Sorkness CA, Molfenter T, Staresinic A, Meis T, et al. Internet telehealth for pediatric asthma case management: integrating computerized and case manager features for tailoring a Web-based asthma education program. Health Promot Pract. Jul 30, 2007;8(3):282-291. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]263]. Schneider et al [Schneider T, Panzera AD, Couluris M, Lindenberger J, McDermott R, Bryant CA. Engaging Teens with Asthma in Designing a Patient-Centered Mobile App to Aid Disease Self-Management. Telemed J E Health. Feb 2016;22(2):170-175. [CrossRef] [Medline]243] demonstrated that patients preferred education through concise text or short videos (<10 min). Moreover, over the past years, asthma action plans have been integrated into digital asthma care technology [Jaimini U, Thirunarayan K, Kalra M, Venkataraman R, Kadariya D, Sheth A. "How Is My Child's Asthma?" Digital Phenotype and Actionable Insights for Pediatric Asthma. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Dec 14, 2018;1(2):e11988. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]28,Venkataramanan R, Thirunarayan K, Jaimini U, Kadariya D, Yip HY, Kalra M, et al. Determination of Personalized Asthma Triggers From Multimodal Sensing and a Mobile App: Observational Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. Jun 27, 2019;2(1):e14300. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]33,Haze K, Lynaugh J. Building patient relationships: a smartphone application supporting communication between teenagers with asthma and the RN care coordinator. Comput Inform Nurs. Jun 2013;31(6):266-71; quiz 272. [CrossRef] [Medline]267,Odom L, Christenbery T. There is an "app" for that: Designing mobile phone technology to improve asthma action plan use in adolescent patients. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. Nov 2016;28(11):583-590. [CrossRef] [Medline]268,Nkoy FL, Stone BL, Fassl BA, Koopmeiners K, Halbern S, Kim EH, et al. Development of a novel tool for engaging children and parents in asthma self-management. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012;2012:663-672. [FREE Full text] [Medline]271,Jayaprakash K, Stephens C, Lesnick B, Arriaga R. Asthma-nauts: Apps Using Gameplay to Collect Health Metrics and Educate Kids About Asthma. Presented at: CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing; November 9-13, 2019, 2019; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]278,Geryk LL, Roberts CA, Sage AJ, Coyne-Beasley T, Sleath BL, Carpenter DM. Parent and Clinician Preferences for an Asthma App to Promote Adolescent Self-Management: A Formative Study. JMIR Res Protoc. Dec 06, 2016;5(4):e229. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]282]. Odom et al [Odom L, Christenbery T. There is an "app" for that: Designing mobile phone technology to improve asthma action plan use in adolescent patients. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. Nov 2016;28(11):583-590. [CrossRef] [Medline]268] showed the positive feasibility of digital asthma action plans.

Gamification was sometimes used with the aim to improve asthma knowledge and management [Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249,Thomson J, Hass C, Horn I, Kleine E, Mitchell S, Gary K, et al. Aspira: Employing a serious game in an mHealth app to improve asthma outcomes. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH); April 02-04, 2017, 2017; Perth, WA, Australia. [CrossRef]261,Jayaprakash K, Stephens C, Lesnick B, Arriaga R. Asthma-nauts: Apps Using Gameplay to Collect Health Metrics and Educate Kids About Asthma. Presented at: CSCW '19: Conference Companion Publication of the 2019 on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing; November 9-13, 2019, 2019; Austin, TX, USA. [CrossRef]278,Elias P, Rajan NO, McArthur K, Dacso CC. InSpire to Promote Lung Assessment in Youth: Evolving the Self-Management Paradigms of Young People With Asthma. Med 2 0. May 21, 2013;2(1):e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]283], or more specifically improve treatment adherence [Farooqui N, Phillips G, Barrett C, Stukus D. Acceptability of an interactive asthma management mobile health application for children and adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Jun 2015;114(6):527-529. [CrossRef] [Medline]199,Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mar 2015;3(2):288-290.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]203] or spirometric adherence and quality [Pinho B, Almeida R, Jácome C, Teixeira J, Amaral R, Lopes F, et al. Automatic Quality Assessment of Smart Device Microphone Spirometry. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems - PECCS. Setúbal, Portugal. SciTePress; 2018;115-122.75,van Delden R, Plass-Oude BD, de With AJV, Vogel K, Klaassen R, Zwart N, et al. CHI PLAY '20: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. Presented at: CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play; November 2-4, 2020, 2020;400-413; Virtual Event, Canada. [CrossRef]76]. An example of a visual incentive to improve home spirometry is real-time feedback through a dragon that spits fire based on spirometric performance [Pinho B, Almeida R, Jácome C, Teixeira J, Amaral R, Lopes F, et al. Automatic Quality Assessment of Smart Device Microphone Spirometry. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems - PECCS. Setúbal, Portugal. SciTePress; 2018;115-122.75,van Delden R, Plass-Oude BD, de With AJV, Vogel K, Klaassen R, Zwart N, et al. CHI PLAY '20: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. Presented at: CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play; November 2-4, 2020, 2020;400-413; Virtual Event, Canada. [CrossRef]76]. Another game element that was often included to achieve and maintain compliance was a reward system [Farooqui N, Phillips G, Barrett C, Stukus D. Acceptability of an interactive asthma management mobile health application for children and adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Jun 2015;114(6):527-529. [CrossRef] [Medline]199].

Furthermore, automatic reminders were integrated into many digital environments, for example, to send sensor data or take maintenance medication [Anantharam P, Banerjee T, Sheth A, Thirunarayan K, Marupudi S, Sridharan V, et al. Knowledge-Driven Personalized Contextual mHealth Service for Asthma Management in Children. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services; June 27, 2015-July 02, 2015, 2015; New York, NY, USA. [CrossRef]35,Gahleitner F, Legg J, Holland E, Pearson S, Roberts G. The validity and acceptability of a text-based monitoring system for pediatric asthma studies. Pediatr Pulmonol. Jan 02, 2016;51(1):5-12. [CrossRef] [Medline]67,Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118,Kadariya D, Venkataramanan R, Yip H, Kalra M, Thirunarayanan K, Sheth A. kBot: Knowledge-Enabled Personalized Chatbot for Asthma Self-Management. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP); June 12-15, 2019, 2019; Washington, DC, USA. [CrossRef]187,Farooqui N, Phillips G, Barrett C, Stukus D. Acceptability of an interactive asthma management mobile health application for children and adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Jun 2015;114(6):527-529. [CrossRef] [Medline]199,Kosse R, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Koster E. Evaluation of a mobile health intervention to support asthma self-management and adherence in the pharmacy. Int J Clin Pharm. Apr 2019;41(2):452-459. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]200,Mosnaim G, Li H, Martin M, Richardson D, Belice PJ, Avery E, et al. A tailored mobile health intervention to improve adherence and asthma control in minority adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Mar 2015;3(2):288-290.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]203,Kosse RC, Bouvy ML, Belitser SV, de Vries TW, van der Wal PS, Koster ES. Effective Engagement of Adolescent Asthma Patients With Mobile Health-Supporting Medication Adherence. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 27, 2019;7(3):e12411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]231,Sage A, Roberts C, Geryk L, Sleath B, Tate D, Carpenter D. A Self-Regulation Theory-Based Asthma Management Mobile App for Adolescents: A Usability Assessment. JMIR Hum Factors. Feb 01, 2017;4(1):e5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]249, Wise M, Gustafson DH, Sorkness CA, Molfenter T, Staresinic A, Meis T, et al. Internet telehealth for pediatric asthma case management: integrating computerized and case manager features for tailoring a Web-based asthma education program. Health Promot Pract. Jul 30, 2007;8(3):282-291. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]263,Internet Telehealth for Pediatric Asthma Case Management (CHESS). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 276,Geryk LL, Roberts CA, Sage AJ, Coyne-Beasley T, Sleath BL, Carpenter DM. Parent and Clinician Preferences for an Asthma App to Promote Adolescent Self-Management: A Formative Study. JMIR Res Protoc. Dec 06, 2016;5(4):e229. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]282,Panzera AD, Schneider TK, Martinasek MP, Lindenberger JH, Couluris M, Bryant CA, et al. Adolescent asthma self-management: patient and parent-caregiver perspectives on using social media to improve care. J Sch Health. Dec 22, 2013;83(12):921-930. [CrossRef] [Medline]284].

Intervention Studies

Seventy-six intervention studies were found within the digital intervention domain. Digital interventions for optimal and personalized asthma management included a range of digital tools for self-monitoring of symptoms or disease control, and addressed self-management action plans and patient educational materials [Licari A, Ferrante G, Marseglia Md G, Corsello Md G, La Grutta S. What Is the Impact of Innovative Electronic Health Interventions in Improving Treatment Adherence in Asthma? The Pediatric Perspective. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019;7(8):2574-2579. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]285]. The interventions were mostly performed by a nurse or were app based, and sometimes a medical specialist, pharmacist, or other HCP performed the intervention. Overall, 74% (56/76) of these interventions were mobile based, especially in the last few years. Future studies will focus on a variety of digital interventions, often combining different monitoring tools, such as a diary, lung function measurements, medication adherence, and ACT scores [Telemonitoring of Lung Function by Spirometry. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 117,Nichols M, Teufel R, Miller S, Madisetti M, Giovanni CS, Chike-Harris K, et al. Managing Asthma and Obesity Related Symptoms (MATADORS): An mHealth Intervention to Facilitate Symptom Self-Management among Youth. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Oct 23, 2020;17(21):7750. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]152,A mHealth Intervention to Improve Symptom Control in Children and Adolescents With Difficult-to-control Asthma. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 197,Kosse RC, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Kaptein A, Geers HC, van Dijk L, et al. mHealth intervention to support asthma self-management in adolescents: the ADAPT study. PPA. Mar 2017;Volume 11:571-577. [CrossRef]209,Cushing CC, Fedele DA, Patton SR, McQuaid EL, Smyth JM, Prabhakaran S, et al. Responsive Asthma Care for Teens (ReACT): development protocol for an adaptive mobile health intervention for adolescents with asthma. BMJ Open. Aug 20, 2019;9(8):e030029. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]213,Licari A, Ferrante G, Marseglia Md G, Corsello Md G, La Grutta S. What Is the Impact of Innovative Electronic Health Interventions in Improving Treatment Adherence in Asthma? The Pediatric Perspective. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019;7(8):2574-2579. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]285,AIM2ACT: A Mobile Health Tool to Help Adolescents Self-Manage Asthma (AIM2ACT). URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 286], with a trend toward more automatization in remote monitoring [Telemonitoring of Lung Function by Spirometry. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 117,Kosse RC, Bouvy M, de Vries T, Kaptein A, Geers HC, van Dijk L, et al. mHealth intervention to support asthma self-management in adolescents: the ADAPT study. PPA. Mar 2017;Volume 11:571-577. [CrossRef]209,Cushing CC, Fedele DA, Patton SR, McQuaid EL, Smyth JM, Prabhakaran S, et al. Responsive Asthma Care for Teens (ReACT): development protocol for an adaptive mobile health intervention for adolescents with asthma. BMJ Open. Aug 20, 2019;9(8):e030029. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]213].

Several reviews showed that digital interventions can be beneficial for adherence, asthma self-management, and asthma control [Alquran A, Lambert K, Farouque A, Holland A, Davies J, Lampugnani E, et al. Smartphone Applications for Encouraging Asthma Self-Management in Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Oct 29, 2018;15(11):2403. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]7,Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Bonini M. Electronic health (e-Health): emerging role in asthma. Curr Opin Pulm Med. Jan 2017;23(1):21-26. [CrossRef] [Medline]287-Moeinedin F, Moineddin R, Jadad AR, Hamid JS, To T, Beyene J. Application of biomedical informatics to chronic pediatric diseases: a systematic review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. May 05, 2009;9(1):22. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]289]. The effects of digital interventions were categorized into the following outcome measures: symptoms, QoL, lung function, adherence, self-management, health care use, and school absence.


Twenty-two studies showed significant asthma-related symptom reduction [Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290], whereas 9 studies showed no effect of the intervention on asthma symptoms [de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Baraldi E. Daily Telemonitoring of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Symptoms in the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jan 15, 2009;179(2):93-97. [CrossRef]52,Wiecha JM, Adams WG, Rybin D, Rizzodepaoli M, Keller J, Clay JM. Evaluation of a web-based asthma self-management system: a randomised controlled pilot trial. BMC Pulm Med. Feb 25, 2015;15(1):17. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]194,Kenyon CC, Gruschow SM, Quarshie WO, Griffis H, Leach MC, Zorc JJ, et al. Controller adherence following hospital discharge in high risk children: A pilot randomized trial of text message reminders. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2019;56(1):95-103. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]202,Kew K, Cates C. Remote versus face-to-face check-ups for asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 18, 2016;4(4):CD011715. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]291-Lu M, Zhang T, Ownby D, Zoratti E, Johnson D, William R, et al. Phase II trial of web-based tailored asthma management intervention in adolescents at clinics. Contemp Clin Trials. Jul 2019;82:46-52. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]296]. Larger effects on asthma symptoms were reported when children had uncontrolled asthma at baseline [Cushing A, Manice M, Ting A, Parides M. Feasibility of a novel mHealth management system to capture and improve medication adherence among adolescents with asthma. PPA. Nov 2016;Volume 10:2271-2275. [CrossRef]189,Sabhae Gangadharappa V, Nagarajan S, Weaver D. Controller Medication Refill Rates in Underserved Pediatric Asthma Patients After Use of a Smartphone Application. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Nov 2019;123(5):S34. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]211,Joseph CL, Ownby DR, Havstad SL, Saltzgaber J, Considine S, Johnson D, et al. Research team members. Evaluation of a web-based asthma management intervention program for urban teenagers: reaching the hard to reach. J Adolesc Health. Apr 2013;52(4):419-426. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]297].

Asthma questionnaires, such as the ACT [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Burkhart PV, Dunbar-Jacob JM, Rohay JM. Accuracy of children's self-reported adherence to treatment. J Nurs Scholarsh. Mar 2001;33(1):27-32. [CrossRef] [Medline]65,Perry TT, Marshall A, Berlinski A, Rettiganti M, Brown RH, Randle SM, et al. Smartphone-based vs paper-based asthma action plans for adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Mar 2017;118(3):298-303. [CrossRef] [Medline]93,Montalbano L, Ferrante G, Cilluffo G, Gentile M, Arrigo M, La Guardia D, et al. Targeting quality of life in asthmatic children: The MyTEP pilot randomized trial. Respir Med. Jul 2019;153:14-19. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]94,Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96,Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Nkoy F, Fassl B, Wilkins V, Johnson J, Unsicker E, Koopmeiners K, et al. Ambulatory Management of Childhood Asthma Using a Novel Self-management Application. Pediatrics. Jun 2019;143(6):e20181711. [CrossRef] [Medline]163,Reece ER, Burnette AF, Lewis-Land CJ. Pilot Study of Asthmawin Mobile Iphone App in the Management of Asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Feb 2017;139(2):AB382. [CrossRef]195,Kenyon CC, Gruschow SM, Quarshie WO, Griffis H, Leach MC, Zorc JJ, et al. Controller adherence following hospital discharge in high risk children: A pilot randomized trial of text message reminders. J Asthma. Jan 13, 2019;56(1):95-103. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]202,Barrett MA, Humblet O, Marcus JE, Henderson K, Smith T, Eid N, et al. Effect of a mobile health, sensor-driven asthma management platform on asthma control. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Nov 2017;119(5):415-421.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]237,Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290,Kew K, Cates C. Remote versus face-to-face check-ups for asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 18, 2016;4(4):CD011715. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]291,Lv S, Ye X, Wang Z, Xia W, Qi Y, Wang W, et al. A randomized controlled trial of a mobile application-assisted nurse-led model used to improve treatment outcomes in children with asthma. J Adv Nurs. Nov 12, 2019;75(11):3058-3067. [CrossRef] [Medline]298-Burbank AJ, Lewis SD, Hewes M, Schellhase DE, Rettiganti M, Hall-Barrow J, et al. Mobile-based asthma action plans for adolescents. J Asthma. Jan 07, 2015;52(6):583-586. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]300] and ACQ [Gustafson D, Wise M, Bhattacharya A, Pulvermacher A, Shanovich K, Phillips B, et al. The effects of combining Web-based eHealth with telephone nurse case management for pediatric asthma control: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Jul 26, 2012;14(4):e101. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]208,Rikkers-Mutsaerts N, Beerthuizen T, Winters A, Bakker M, Sont J. Internet-based self-management in adolescents with asthma: The role of education, monitoring and symptom perception. European Respiratory Journal. 2014:P3003. [FREE Full text]301] were often used to report asthma symptoms. Other measures used to specify asthma symptoms were SABA use [Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236-Merchant RK, Inamdar R, Quade RC. Effectiveness of Population Health Management Using the Propeller Health Asthma Platform: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016;4(3):455-463. [CrossRef] [Medline]238] and symptom-free days [Barrett M, Combs V, Su JG, Henderson K, Tuffli M, Louisville Collaborative A. AIR Louisville: Addressing Asthma With Technology, Crowdsourcing, Cross-Sector Collaboration, And Policy. Health Aff (Millwood). Apr 2018;37(4):525-534. [CrossRef] [Medline]236,Barrett MA, Humblet O, Marcus JE, Henderson K, Smith T, Eid N, et al. Effect of a mobile health, sensor-driven asthma management platform on asthma control. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Nov 2017;119(5):415-421.e1. [CrossRef] [Medline]237,Joseph CLM, Mahajan P, Stokes-Buzzelli S, Johnson DA, Duffy E, Williams R, et al. Pilot study of a randomized trial to evaluate a Web-based intervention targeting adolescents presenting to the emergency department with acute asthma. Pilot Feasibility Stud. Jun 21, 2018;4(1):5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]294,Chan D, Callahan C, Hatch-Pigott V, Lawless A, Proffitt H, Manning N, et al. Internet-based home monitoring and education of children with asthma is comparable to ideal office-based care: results of a 1-year asthma in-home monitoring trial. Pediatrics. Mar 2007;119(3):569-578. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]302] or alternative quantitative or qualitative methods to assess asthma symptoms. Overall, 87% (20/23) of the studies that showed significant improvements in asthma symptoms used a quantitative measure (eg, ACT, ACQ, symptom-free days, or SABA use).

Although some studies within the development and validation phase focused on symptom perception [Rhee H, Miner S, Sterling M, Halterman JS, Fairbanks E. The development of an automated device for asthma monitoring for adolescents: methodologic approach and user acceptability. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 19, 2014;2(2):e27. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]118,McWilliams A, Reeves K, Shade L, Burton E, Tapp H, Courtlandt C, et al. Patient and Family Engagement in the Design of a Mobile Health Solution for Pediatric Asthma: Development and Feasibility Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 22, 2018;6(3):e68. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]245], no intervention studies reported on symptom perception as an outcome measure.


Of the 19 studies that reported on the effect regarding QoL, 10 reported a positive effect [Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290,Faraji S, Valizadeh S, Sharifi A, Shabazi S, Ghojazadeh M. The effectiveness of telegram-based virtual education versus in-person education on the quality of life in adolescents with moderate-to-severe asthma: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Nurs Open. Nov 28, 2020;7(6):1691-1697. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]303] and the other 9 reported no difference [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Willems D, Joore M, Hendriks J, Nieman F, Severens J, Wouters E. The effectiveness of nurse-led telemonitoring of asthma: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Eval Clin Pract. Aug 2008;14(4):600-609. [CrossRef] [Medline]293,Hashi S, Tsukasaki K, Nakamura T, Kyota K, Itatani T. Effects of maintaining web-based diaries by caregivers on adherence to care regimens in preschoolers with asthma. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. Oct 23, 2019;24(4):e12263. [CrossRef] [Medline]304,Fiks A, Mayne S, Karavite D, Suh A, O'Hara R, Localio A, et al. Parent-reported outcomes of a shared decision-making portal in asthma: a practice-based RCT. Pediatrics. Apr 2015;135(4):e965-e973. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]305] regarding the studied intervention. There was no clear difference in the types of interventions that had significant or no significant effect on QoL.

Lung Function

A limited number of studies used lung function as an outcome measure. Five studies showed an improvement in lung function [Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Chan D, Callahan C, Sheets S, Moreno C, Malone F. An Internet-based store-and-forward video home telehealth system for improving asthma outcomes in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. Oct 01, 2003;60(19):1976-1981. [CrossRef] [Medline]92,Guendelman S, Meade K, Benson M, Chen YQ, Samuels S. Improving asthma outcomes and self-management behaviors of inner-city children: a randomized trial of the Health Buddy interactive device and an asthma diary. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. Feb 01, 2002;156(2):114-120. [CrossRef] [Medline]95,Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Moeinedin F, Moineddin R, Jadad AR, Hamid JS, To T, Beyene J. Application of biomedical informatics to chronic pediatric diseases: a systematic review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. May 05, 2009;9(1):22. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]289], whereas 4 studies showed equal lung function after the intervention [de Jongste JC, Carraro S, Hop WC, Baraldi E. Daily Telemonitoring of Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Symptoms in the Treatment of Childhood Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. Jan 15, 2009;179(2):93-97. [CrossRef]52,Montalbano L, Ferrante G, Cilluffo G, Gentile M, Arrigo M, La Guardia D, et al. Targeting quality of life in asthmatic children: The MyTEP pilot randomized trial. Respir Med. Jul 2019;153:14-19. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]94,Reece ER, Burnette AF, Lewis-Land CJ. Pilot Study of Asthmawin Mobile Iphone App in the Management of Asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Feb 2017;139(2):AB382. [CrossRef]195,Chan D, Callahan C, Hatch-Pigott V, Lawless A, Proffitt H, Manning N, et al. Internet-based home monitoring and education of children with asthma is comparable to ideal office-based care: results of a 1-year asthma in-home monitoring trial. Pediatrics. Mar 2007;119(3):569-578. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]302]. There was no clear difference in the types of interventions that had significant or no significant effect on lung function outcomes.


Most studies (19/23, 83%) showed a positive effect of their digital intervention on controller medication adherence [Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96,Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Hashi S, Tsukasaki K, Nakamura T, Kyota K, Itatani T. Effects of maintaining web-based diaries by caregivers on adherence to care regimens in preschoolers with asthma. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. Oct 23, 2019;24(4):e12263. [CrossRef] [Medline]304,Fiks A, Mayne S, Karavite D, Suh A, O'Hara R, Localio A, et al. Parent-reported outcomes of a shared decision-making portal in asthma: a practice-based RCT. Pediatrics. Apr 2015;135(4):e965-e973. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]305], whereas few studies showed no effect [Gustafson D, Wise M, Bhattacharya A, Pulvermacher A, Shanovich K, Phillips B, et al. The effects of combining Web-based eHealth with telephone nurse case management for pediatric asthma control: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Jul 26, 2012;14(4):e101. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]208,Joseph CL, Ownby DR, Havstad SL, Saltzgaber J, Considine S, Johnson D, et al. Research team members. Evaluation of a web-based asthma management intervention program for urban teenagers: reaching the hard to reach. J Adolesc Health. Apr 2013;52(4):419-426. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]297]. This corresponds with the review results of Ramsey et al [Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8], who showed that 87% of digital interventions improved adherence. Furthermore, Fiks et al [Fiks AG, DuRivage N, Mayne SL, Finch S, Ross ME, Giacomini K, et al. Adoption of a Portal for the Primary Care Management of Pediatric Asthma: A Mixed-Methods Implementation Study. J Med Internet Res. Jun 29, 2016;18(6):e172. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]228] reported an improvement only in children with uncontrolled asthma at baseline, and Wiecha et al [Wiecha JM, Adams WG, Rybin D, Rizzodepaoli M, Keller J, Clay JM. Evaluation of a web-based asthma self-management system: a randomised controlled pilot trial. BMC Pulm Med. Feb 25, 2015;15(1):17. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]194] only reported improvement when baseline adherence was poor. Factors that had a positive impact on adherence were related to active involvement with the intervention, such as regular use of an app [Ljungberg H, Carleborg A, Gerber H, Öfverström C, Wolodarski J, Menshi F, et al. Clinical effect on uncontrolled asthma using a novel digital automated self-management solution: a physician-blinded randomised controlled crossover trial. Eur Respir J. Nov 03, 2019;54(5):1900983. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]96] and the use of the provided chat function [Kosse RC, Bouvy ML, Belitser SV, de Vries TW, van der Wal PS, Koster ES. Effective Engagement of Adolescent Asthma Patients With Mobile Health-Supporting Medication Adherence. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Mar 27, 2019;7(3):e12411. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]231].


Different measures were used to define self-management, such as asthma knowledge score, self-confidence, support-seeking, coping, and self-efficacy score. Five studies showed an improvement in self-management [Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Asthma In-Home Monitoring (AIM) Trial. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 103,Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290,Burbank AJ, Lewis SD, Hewes M, Schellhase DE, Rettiganti M, Hall-Barrow J, et al. Mobile-based asthma action plans for adolescents. J Asthma. Jan 07, 2015;52(6):583-586. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]300,Stewart M, Letourneau N, Masuda JR, Anderson S, McGhan S. Impacts of online peer support for children with asthma and allergies: It just helps you every time you can't breathe well". J Pediatr Nurs. Sep 2013;28(5):439-452. [CrossRef] [Medline]306], whereas 2 studies showed no effect [Perry TT, Marshall A, Berlinski A, Rettiganti M, Brown RH, Randle SM, et al. Smartphone-based vs paper-based asthma action plans for adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Mar 2017;118(3):298-303. [CrossRef] [Medline]93,Gustafson D, Wise M, Bhattacharya A, Pulvermacher A, Shanovich K, Phillips B, et al. The effects of combining Web-based eHealth with telephone nurse case management for pediatric asthma control: a randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. Jul 26, 2012;14(4):e101. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]208]. The review by Tan et al [Tan R, Cvetkovski B, Kritikos V, O'Hehir R, Lourenço O, Bousquet J, et al. Identifying an effective mobile health application for the self-management of allergic rhinitis and asthma in Australia. J Asthma. Oct 2020;57(10):1128-1139. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]307] scored different asthma apps on a list of 6 self-management principles and reported that many apps fell short on these self-management principles. The 2 main components of digital interventions that reported on the influence on asthma self-management were (1) online education [Jan R, Wang J, Huang M, Tseng S, Su H, Liu L. An internet-based interactive telemonitoring system for improving childhood asthma outcomes in Taiwan. Telemed J E Health. Jun 2007;13(3):257-268. [CrossRef] [Medline]98,Asthma In-Home Monitoring (AIM) Trial. URL: [accessed 2023-06-22] 103,Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290,Burbank AJ, Lewis SD, Hewes M, Schellhase DE, Rettiganti M, Hall-Barrow J, et al. Mobile-based asthma action plans for adolescents. J Asthma. Jan 07, 2015;52(6):583-586. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]300,Stewart M, Letourneau N, Masuda JR, Anderson S, McGhan S. Impacts of online peer support for children with asthma and allergies: It just helps you every time you can't breathe well". J Pediatr Nurs. Sep 2013;28(5):439-452. [CrossRef] [Medline]306] and (2) the use of a digital asthma action plan [Perry TT, Marshall A, Berlinski A, Rettiganti M, Brown RH, Randle SM, et al. Smartphone-based vs paper-based asthma action plans for adolescents. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Mar 2017;118(3):298-303. [CrossRef] [Medline]93,Burbank AJ, Lewis SD, Hewes M, Schellhase DE, Rettiganti M, Hall-Barrow J, et al. Mobile-based asthma action plans for adolescents. J Asthma. Jan 07, 2015;52(6):583-586. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]300].

Health Care Use and Costs

Within the studies that reported on health care use and costs, 2 types of interventions could be identified. The first type of intervention tried to replace current outpatient visits with digital alternatives, such as teleconsultation [Kew K, Cates C. Remote versus face-to-face check-ups for asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 18, 2016;4(4):CD011715. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]291,Chan D, Callahan C, Hatch-Pigott V, Lawless A, Proffitt H, Manning N, et al. Internet-based home monitoring and education of children with asthma is comparable to ideal office-based care: results of a 1-year asthma in-home monitoring trial. Pediatrics. Mar 2007;119(3):569-578. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]302,Fisher-Owens SA, Boddupalli G, Thyne SM. Telephone case management for asthma: an acceptable and effective intervention within a diverse pediatric population. J Asthma. Mar 21, 2011;48(2):156-161. [CrossRef] [Medline]308] or digital symptom monitoring [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,van den Wijngaart LS, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, Niers LE, et al. A virtual asthma clinic for children: fewer routine outpatient visits, same asthma control. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1700471. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]15]. These studies all reported reductions in outpatient care [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Kew K, Cates C. Remote versus face-to-face check-ups for asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 18, 2016;4(4):CD011715. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]291,Chan D, Callahan C, Hatch-Pigott V, Lawless A, Proffitt H, Manning N, et al. Internet-based home monitoring and education of children with asthma is comparable to ideal office-based care: results of a 1-year asthma in-home monitoring trial. Pediatrics. Mar 2007;119(3):569-578. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]302,Fisher-Owens SA, Boddupalli G, Thyne SM. Telephone case management for asthma: an acceptable and effective intervention within a diverse pediatric population. J Asthma. Mar 21, 2011;48(2):156-161. [CrossRef] [Medline]308]. The Cochrane review by Kew et al [Kew K, Cates C. Remote versus face-to-face check-ups for asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 18, 2016;4(4):CD011715. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]291] concluded that current randomized evidence does not demonstrate any important differences between face-to-face and remote asthma check-ups in terms of exacerbations, asthma control, or QoL. The second type of digital intervention aimed to reduce total or urgent health care use by improving asthma management and asthma control. Within this category, 6 studies showed reduced health care use [Nkoy F, Fassl B, Wilkins V, Johnson J, Unsicker E, Koopmeiners K, et al. Ambulatory Management of Childhood Asthma Using a Novel Self-management Application. Pediatrics. Jun 2019;143(6):e20181711. [CrossRef] [Medline]163,Moeinedin F, Moineddin R, Jadad AR, Hamid JS, To T, Beyene J. Application of biomedical informatics to chronic pediatric diseases: a systematic review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. May 05, 2009;9(1):22. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]289,Lv S, Ye X, Wang Z, Xia W, Qi Y, Wang W, et al. A randomized controlled trial of a mobile application-assisted nurse-led model used to improve treatment outcomes in children with asthma. J Adv Nurs. Nov 12, 2019;75(11):3058-3067. [CrossRef] [Medline]298,Fiks A, Mayne S, Karavite D, Suh A, O'Hara R, Localio A, et al. Parent-reported outcomes of a shared decision-making portal in asthma: a practice-based RCT. Pediatrics. Apr 2015;135(4):e965-e973. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]305,Stukus D, Farooqui N, Strothman K, Ryan K, Zhao S, Stevens J, et al. Real-world evaluation of a mobile health application in children with asthma. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. Apr 2018;120(4):395-400.e1. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]309,Coughey K, Klein G, West C, Diamond JJ, Santana A, McCarville E, et al. The Child Asthma Link Line: a coalition-initiated, telephone-based, care coordination intervention for childhood asthma. J Asthma. Apr 15, 2010;47(3):303-309. [CrossRef] [Medline]310], while 4 studies showed no significant change in health care use [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Lloyd BW, Ali MH. How useful do parents find home peak flow monitoring for children with asthma? BMJ. Nov 07, 1992;305(6862):1128-1129. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]87,Willems D, Joore M, Hendriks J, Nieman F, Severens J, Wouters E. The effectiveness of nurse-led telemonitoring of asthma: results of a randomized controlled trial. J Eval Clin Pract. Aug 2008;14(4):600-609. [CrossRef] [Medline]293,Joseph CL, Ownby DR, Havstad SL, Saltzgaber J, Considine S, Johnson D, et al. Research team members. Evaluation of a web-based asthma management intervention program for urban teenagers: reaching the hard to reach. J Adolesc Health. Apr 2013;52(4):419-426. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]297,Xu C, Jackson M, Scuffham PA, Wootton R, Simpson P, Whitty J, et al. A randomized controlled trial of an interactive voice response telephone system and specialist nurse support for childhood asthma management. J Asthma. Sep 18, 2010;47(7):768-773. [CrossRef] [Medline]311]. It is remarkable that although many studies adopted urgent care use as an outcome measure (emergency visits and hospital admissions), few studies reported on health care costs or cost effectiveness [Lv S, Ye X, Wang Z, Xia W, Qi Y, Wang W, et al. A randomized controlled trial of a mobile application-assisted nurse-led model used to improve treatment outcomes in children with asthma. J Adv Nurs. Nov 12, 2019;75(11):3058-3067. [CrossRef] [Medline]298,Xu C, Jackson M, Scuffham PA, Wootton R, Simpson P, Whitty J, et al. A randomized controlled trial of an interactive voice response telephone system and specialist nurse support for childhood asthma management. J Asthma. Sep 18, 2010;47(7):768-773. [CrossRef] [Medline]311].

School Absence

Four studies showed a positive effect of the intervention on school absence [Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]8,Nkoy F, Fassl B, Wilkins V, Johnson J, Unsicker E, Koopmeiners K, et al. Ambulatory Management of Childhood Asthma Using a Novel Self-management Application. Pediatrics. Jun 2019;143(6):e20181711. [CrossRef] [Medline]163,Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290,Lv S, Ye X, Wang Z, Xia W, Qi Y, Wang W, et al. A randomized controlled trial of a mobile application-assisted nurse-led model used to improve treatment outcomes in children with asthma. J Adv Nurs. Nov 12, 2019;75(11):3058-3067. [CrossRef] [Medline]298], whereas 8 studies showed no significant effect [van den Wijngaart LS, Kievit W, Roukema J, Boehmer AL, Brouwer ML, Hugen CA, et al. Online asthma management for children is cost-effective. Eur Respir J. Oct 05, 2017;50(4):1701413. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]14,Wiecha JM, Adams WG, Rybin D, Rizzodepaoli M, Keller J, Clay JM. Evaluation of a web-based asthma self-management system: a randomised controlled pilot trial. BMC Pulm Med. Feb 25, 2015;15(1):17. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]194,Moeinedin F, Moineddin R, Jadad AR, Hamid JS, To T, Beyene J. Application of biomedical informatics to chronic pediatric diseases: a systematic review. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. May 05, 2009;9(1):22. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]289,Joseph CLM, Mahajan P, Stokes-Buzzelli S, Johnson DA, Duffy E, Williams R, et al. Pilot study of a randomized trial to evaluate a Web-based intervention targeting adolescents presenting to the emergency department with acute asthma. Pilot Feasibility Stud. Jun 21, 2018;4(1):5. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]294,Lu M, Zhang T, Ownby D, Zoratti E, Johnson D, William R, et al. Phase II trial of web-based tailored asthma management intervention in adolescents at clinics. Contemp Clin Trials. Jul 2019;82:46-52. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]296,Joseph CL, Ownby DR, Havstad SL, Saltzgaber J, Considine S, Johnson D, et al. Research team members. Evaluation of a web-based asthma management intervention program for urban teenagers: reaching the hard to reach. J Adolesc Health. Apr 2013;52(4):419-426. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]297,Fiks A, Mayne S, Karavite D, Suh A, O'Hara R, Localio A, et al. Parent-reported outcomes of a shared decision-making portal in asthma: a practice-based RCT. Pediatrics. Apr 2015;135(4):e965-e973. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]305]. A common factor in successful interventions was active involvement or interaction with HCPs after the digital intervention in terms of personalized feedback [Bruzzese J, George M, Liu J, Evans D, Naar S, DeRosier M, et al. The Development and Preliminary Impact of CAMP Air: A Web-based Asthma Intervention to Improve Asthma Among Adolescents. Patient Educ Couns. Apr 2021;104(4):865-870. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]290], nurse-led management [Lv S, Ye X, Wang Z, Xia W, Qi Y, Wang W, et al. A randomized controlled trial of a mobile application-assisted nurse-led model used to improve treatment outcomes in children with asthma. J Adv Nurs. Nov 12, 2019;75(11):3058-3067. [CrossRef] [Medline]298], or proactive contact when issues were identified [Nkoy F, Fassl B, Wilkins V, Johnson J, Unsicker E, Koopmeiners K, et al. Ambulatory Management of Childhood Asthma Using a Novel Self-management Application. Pediatrics. Jun 2019;143(6):e20181711. [CrossRef] [Medline]163].

Reflection on Review Results

In this scoping review, we identified and analyzed the relevant monitoring domains of the large spectrum of eHealth technologies for the monitoring and treatment of pediatric asthma. We identified the noninferiority and potential superiority of eHealth monitoring, although there was a large heterogeneity in study designs and outcome measures. This review furthermore revealed limited literature on multiparameter monitoring strategies.

The application of eHealth technologies has shown an accelerated increase in the last couple of years. The outcomes of the review showed the potency for efficacy of most monitoring domains, with the requirement of further research to eventually achieve benefits in the treatment of pediatric asthma. Medication monitoring appeared to be an important domain, with an overall positive effect on adherence as well as asthma outcomes. However, the potential bias of study participation on increasing medication adherence should be taken into account. The digital environment domain showed that mobile-based apps especially promoted easy use of eHealth tools and provided support in monitoring and treatment through various functionalities (such as diaries, digital action plans, and education). Studies in the review furthermore indicated that acceptable and reproducible lung function monitoring could be performed at home, which may allow the objective follow-up of airway obstruction over time. Digital questionnaires seemed useful to monitor asthma symptoms in an easy and low-cost way. The remaining domains (sleep, audiovisual, and other physiological measurements) showed potential to objectively map manifestations of asthma, but there was a lack of intervention studies to determine their added value for the monitoring or treatment of pediatric asthma. Monitoring air quality and physical activity can provide context to asthma control monitoring and potentially fit within a multiparameter monitoring strategy. Contrary to other domains, airway inflammation markers (ie, FeNO) seemed to show no additional benefit for home monitoring of asthma and may have better effectiveness as targeted diagnostics in specific patients in a hospital setting [Brooks EA, Massanari M, Hanania NA, Weiner DJ. Cost-effectiveness of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurement in predicting response to omalizumab in asthma. CEOR. Apr 2019;Volume 11:301-307. [CrossRef]379,Harnan SE, Tappenden P, Essat M, Gomersall T, Minton J, Wong R, et al. Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide concentration in asthma: a systematic review and economic evaluation of NIOX MINO, NIOX VERO and NObreath. Health Technol Assess. Oct 2015;19(82):1-330. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]380]. These eHealth developments match the main focus of asthma monitoring in the GINA asthma guideline, indicating that asthma monitoring should include assessment of asthma control parameters, treatment issues, and other factors that contribute to symptom burden and poor QoL.

The development of eHealth technologies has become more user-centered and focused on digital connectivity and integration into existing health systems, as well as feasibility and usability. Validation studies focused on the validity of home-based measurements compared to hospital-based measurements and the correlation of home-measured data with asthma outcomes. Increasing numbers of intervention studies were seen from 2014, and they focused on the application and implementation of eHealth technologies, with various pragmatic study designs.

Although the heterogeneity of eHealth study designs and outcome measures complicates comparability, this review showed that eHealth technologies may benefit health outcomes and may at least show no adverse effects on asthma-related health outcomes or asthma management. Scoping reviews for eHealth in other fields have confirmed the heterogeneity in study outcomes [Tully L, Burls A, Sorensen J, El-Moslemany R, O'Malley G. Mobile Health for Pediatric Weight Management: Systematic Scoping Review. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. Jun 03, 2020;8(6):e16214. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]16,Shaffer KM, Tigershtrom A, Badr H, Benvengo S, Hernandez M, Ritterband LM. Dyadic Psychosocial eHealth Interventions: Systematic Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res. Mar 04, 2020;22(3):e15509. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]17] and have found sparse evidence on negative outcomes or adverse effects [Borries T, Dunbar A, Bhukhen A, Rismany J, Kilham J, Feinn R, et al. The impact of telemedicine on patient self-management processes and clinical outcomes for patients with Types I or II Diabetes Mellitus in the United States: A scoping review. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2019;13(2):1353-1357. [CrossRef] [Medline]381,Triberti S, Savioni L, Sebri V, Pravettoni G. eHealth for improving quality of life in breast cancer patients: A systematic review. Cancer Treat Rev. Mar 2019;74:1-14. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]382]. This may indicate either the overall noninferiority of eHealth efficacy or the underreporting of adverse outcomes [Stevens WJM, van der Sande R, Beijer LJ, Gerritsen MG, Assendelft WJ. eHealth Apps Replacing or Complementing Health Care Contacts: Scoping Review on Adverse Effects. J Med Internet Res. Mar 01, 2019;21(3):e10736. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]383].

Future Perspectives

The domain-specific discussions of results, research gaps, and future research opportunities are presented in the domain-specific sections in

Multimedia Appendix 3

Domain-specific discussion and future perspectives.

DOCX File , 21 KBMultimedia Appendix 3 [van der Kamp M, Reimering Hartgerink P, Driessen J, Thio B, Hermens H, Tabak M. Feasibility, Efficacy, and Efficiency of eHealth-Supported Pediatric Asthma Care: Six-Month Quasi-Experimental Single-Arm Pretest-Posttest Study. JMIR Form Res. Jul 26, 2021;5(7):e24634. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]2,van der Kamp MR, Klaver EC, Thio BJ, Driessen JMM, de Jongh FHC, Tabak M, et al. WEARCON: wearable home monitoring in children with asthma reveals a strong association with hospital based assessment of asthma control. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. Aug 14, 2020;20(1):192. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]3,Global Initiative for Asthma – GINA. URL: [accessed 2022-06-22] 5,Ramsey R, Plevinsky J, Kollin S, Gibler R, Guilbert T, Hommel K. Systematic Review of Digital Interventions for Pediatric Asthma Management. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Apr 2020;8(4):1284-1293. 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Overarching future directions of studies in the field of eHealth technologies for pediatric asthma care are discussed below, and they involve: (1) modifying potentially relevant hospital-based diagnostics for the home setting, and (2) developing multiparameter monitoring strategies (combining parameters from different monitoring domains), with the aim to adequately assess the factors influencing asthma control and provide personalized asthma treatment.

This review focused on eHealth technologies that were applied in the home setting. Hospital-based monitoring techniques and parameters might also potentially benefit home monitoring. Some hospital-based studies may use similar monitoring techniques and parameters as found in the included home-based studies (such as oxygen saturation, acoustic parameters, and lung function indices). Future research on these studies can enhance the understanding of these parameters, the monitoring domains, and the relations to clinical asthma outcomes. On the other hand, some hospital-based studies may provide new diagnostic opportunities such as bioimpedance [Peroni D, Bodini A, Loiacono A, Paida G, Tenero L, Piacentini G. Bioimpedance monitoring of airway inflammation in asthmatic allergic children. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). Feb 2009;37(1):3-6. [CrossRef] [Medline]412], airway resistance during tidal breathing [Coutier L, Varechova S, Demoulin B, Bonabel C, Roman-Amat C, Tuan TL, et al. Specific airway resistance in children: panting or tidal breathing? Pediatr Pulmonol. Mar 18, 2014;49(3):245-251. [CrossRef] [Medline]413], forced oscillation technique [Starczewska-Dymek L, Bożek A, Dymek T. Application of the Forced Oscillation Technique in Diagnosing and Monitoring of Asthma in Preschool Children. Advances in Respiratory Medicine. Mar 04, 2019;87(1):26-35. [CrossRef]414], exhaled breath profiles and temperatures [Abdel-Aziz M, Brinkman P, Vijverberg S, Neerincx A, de Vries R, Dagelet Y, U-BIOPRED Study Group; et al. Amsterdam UMC Breath Research Group. eNose breath prints as a surrogate biomarker for classifying patients with asthma by atopy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Nov 2020;146(5):1045-1055. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]415], diaphragm electromyography [Keijzer P, Thio B, de Jongh F, Driessen J. Assessment of Asthma in Children Using Electromyography. American Thoracic Society. 2019:A6106. [FREE Full text]416], and plethysmography variability [Brandwein A, Patel K, Kline M, Silver P, Gangadharan S. Using Pleth Variability as a Triage Tool for Children With Obstructive Airway Disease in a Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2018:1. [CrossRef]417-Feitosa LADS, de Britto MCA, Aliverti A, Noronha JB, de Andrade AD. Accuracy of optoelectronic plethysmography in childhood exercise-induced asthma. J Asthma. Jan 23, 2019;56(1):61-68. [CrossRef] [Medline]419]. Future research is needed to specifically review which hospital-based monitoring technologies may be beneficial for the home assessment of pediatric asthma. This may bring additional clinically relevant diagnostic technologies to the home environment, allowing assessment of real-life symptomatic periods, and may enable temporal monitoring strategies following the fluctuating asthma course and possibly provide opportunities to design cost-effective eHealth monitoring strategies.

This scoping review revealed several common overlapping monitoring domains, such as questionnaires and digital environment, lung function measurements and air quality, and medication monitoring and digital environment. However, limited literature on multiparameter monitoring using three or more domains was found. Childhood asthma however is a heterogenous and dynamic disease, which encompasses different phenotypes and variable clinical manifestations depending on, for example, the disease course, asthma management, and environmental influences [Anderson G. Endotyping asthma: new insights into key pathogenic mechanisms in a complex, heterogeneous disease. The Lancet. Sep 2008;372(9643):1107-1119. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]420,Chung HL. Asthma in childhood: a complex, heterogeneous disease. Korean J Pediatr. Jan 2011;54(1):1-5. [CrossRef] [Medline]421]. In daily practice, the pediatrician combines and weighs the dynamics of different medical domains, such as anamnesis, physical examination, diagnostic tests, and previous experiences, for clinical decision-making, in order to optimize the assessment of asthma control. Most home diagnostics only encompass information of a specific asthma domain, lacking sensitivity to assess the control of asthma. Combining different home-monitoring domains and allowing multiparameter monitoring could promote the identification of personal cues of disruption of asthma control. This may facilitate the development of effective and personalized health care strategies and decision-making through monitoring of personal disrupting cues in order to allow timely short-term detection of asthma control deterioration [Kocsis O, Lalos A, Arvanitis G, Moustakas K. Multi-model Short-term Prediction Schema for mHealth Empowering Asthma Self-management. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. May 2019;343:3-17. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef]422]. The lack of multiparameter eHealth intervention studies emphasizes the need to further investigate multidomain monitoring. Furthermore, advanced analyses of multiparameter-generated data, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence data, could reveal new knowledge regarding asthma classification, monitoring, and treatment from different domains of home-monitoring data [Exarchos K, Beltsiou M, Votti C, Kostikas K. Artificial intelligence techniques in asthma: a systematic review and critical appraisal of the existing literature. Eur Respir J. Sep 2020;56(3):a. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]423].

Table 2. Summary of domain-specific research opportunities.
DomainFuture research opportunities
Air quality
  • Investigate the added value to other asthma monitoring tools and the application or air quality monitoring in multiparameter asthma interventions
Airway inflammation markers
  • Not applicable
Lung function
  • Investigate the effects on asthma outcomes of home-monitoring interventions where patients perform additional lung function measurements when they experience symptoms or measure reversibility
Physical activity
  • Perform a systematic evaluation of the relation between physical activity and asthma control
  • Investigate how physical activity monitoring can be applied to benefit asthma outcomes
  • Investigate what sleep parameters are most strongly related to asthma control and asthma manifestations
  • Investigate what factors influence the relation between sleep parameters and asthma control in children with asthma, such as age, sleep behavior, and chronic rhinitis
  • Investigate if there are specific patient characteristics (eg, age, sex, and asthma severity) to identify children who benefit most from audiovisual monitoring
  • Investigate the added value of visual recordings compared to audio recordings alone
Other physiological measurements
  • Investigate the added value of other physiological parameters (such as heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, and electromyography) in asthma monitoring
  • Investigate the added value of other physiological measurements in a multiparameter asthma monitoring strategy at home.
  • Investigate if there are specific patient characteristics (eg, age, sex, and asthma severity) that can identify children with a good symptom perception who can be adequately monitored by questionnaires and children with a poor symptom perception who require additional monitoring
  • Investigate the added value of questionnaire monitoring in multiparameter asthma monitoring
Medication monitoring
  • Investigate the long-term effects of medication monitoring interventions on adherence and asthma outcomes
  • Investigate the best personalized strategies to provide feedback based on medication monitoring data to optimize adherence
Digital environment
  • Investigate which components of digital environments are most effective
  • Investigate how digital environments for pediatric asthma can be optimized to maximize effectiveness for health outcomes

Strengths and Limitations

This study provides a unique broad overview of all pediatric asthma eHealth home-monitoring literature as it reviewed the available evidence of monitoring domains and identified future directions in all monitoring domains. A disadvantage of such a broad scoping search was the large number of studies in both the title/abstract screening and the full-text review, which led to the limitation of no second search. For systematic reviews, a second search close to publication is preferred to ensure that the review is up-to-date [Beller E, Chen J, Wang U, Glasziou P. Are systematic reviews up-to-date at the time of publication? Syst Rev. May 28, 2013;2:36. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]424]. However, in this case, with the expanding field of eHealth and the use of a broad scoping review question, there would have been a delay in providing information, and timely publication of scoping information may particularly be of great relevance in the current rapidly advancing field, allowing the identification of research gaps and future research opportunities [Lewinter KE, Hudson SM, Kysh L, Lara M, Betz CL, Espinoza J. Reconsidering reviews: the role of scoping reviews in digital medicine and pediatrics. NPJ Digit Med. Dec 10, 2020;3(1):158. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]18,Tricco A, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien K, Colquhoun H, Kastner M, et al. A scoping review on the conduct and reporting of scoping reviews. BMC Med Res Methodol. Feb 09, 2016;16:15. [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]425].


This systematic scoping review provides a unique overview of eHealth pediatric asthma monitoring studies, and it revealed that eHealth research takes place throughout different monitoring domains using different approaches. Moreover, it seemed that intervention outcomes of eHealth pediatric asthma monitoring are noninferior and show potential superiority. Future studies could focus on combining home-monitoring domains to facilitate multiparameter decision-making and personalized clinical decision support.

Data Availability

The data sets generated during or analyzed during this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1

PubMed search strategy.

DOCX File , 14 KB

Multimedia Appendix 2

Included studies.

DOCX File , 102 KB

Multimedia Appendix 3

Domain-specific discussion and future perspectives.

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ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire
ACT: Asthma Control Test
FeNO: fractional exhaled nitric oxide
FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second
GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma
HCP: health care professional
PEF: peak expiratory flow
QoL: quality of life
SABA: short-acting beta-agonist

Edited by A Mavragani; submitted 20.01.23; peer-reviewed by R Ramsey, M Oppelaar, P Dabas; comments to author 05.04.23; revised version received 18.05.23; accepted 05.06.23; published 21.07.23.


©Mattiènne R van der Kamp, Vera S Hengeveld, Marjolein G J Brusse-Keizer, Boony J Thio, Monique Tabak. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 21.07.2023.

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