Published on in Vol 21, No 9 (2019): September

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The Extent and Coverage of Current Knowledge of Connected Health: Systematic Mapping Study

The Extent and Coverage of Current Knowledge of Connected Health: Systematic Mapping Study

The Extent and Coverage of Current Knowledge of Connected Health: Systematic Mapping Study


1IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen S, Denmark

2University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland

3Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

4Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

5Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland

6Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia

Corresponding Author:

Maria Karampela, MSc

IT University of Copenhagen

Rued Langgaards Vej 7

Copenhagen S, 2300


Phone: 45 25540984


Background: This study examines the development of the connected health (CH) research landscape with a view to providing an overview of the existing CH research. The research field of CH has experienced rapid growth coinciding with increasing pressure on health care systems to become more proactive and patient centered.

Objective: This study aimed to assess the extent and coverage of the current body of knowledge in CH. In doing so, we sought to identify specific topics that have drawn the attention of CH researchers and to identify research gaps, in particular those offering opportunities for further interdisciplinary research.

Methods: A systematic mapping study that combined scientific contributions from research in the disciplines of medicine, business, computer science, and engineering was used. Overall, seven classification criteria were used to analyze the papers, including publication source, publication year, research type, empirical type, contribution type, research topic, and the medical condition studied.

Results: The search resulted in 208 papers that were analyzed by a multidisciplinary group of researchers. The results indicated a slow start for CH research but showed a more recent steady upswing since 2013. The majority of papers proposed health care solutions (77/208, 37.0%) or evaluated CH approaches (49/208, 23.5%). Case studies (59/208, 28.3%) and experiments (55/208, 26.4%) were the most popular forms of scientific validation used. Diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and heart conditions were among the most prevalent medical conditions studied.

Conclusions: We conclude that CH research has become an established field of research that has grown over the last five years. The results of this study indicate a focus on technology-driven research with a strong contribution from medicine, whereas the business aspects of CH have received less research attention.

J Med Internet Res 2019;21(9):e14394




A variety of terms and concepts exist that describe the use of technology in health including Health IT, eHealth, Telemedicine, and Health Informatics. In the early 2000s [Mountford N, Chouvarda I, Isomursu M, Caulfield B. Vectors and drivers of connected health in Europe: a foundation for integrated care. Int J Integr Care 2017 Oct 17;17(5):305. [CrossRef]1], the term Connected Health (CH) began to appear. It did so in the context of research that investigated how information and communication technologies could advance health by connecting people, knowledge, technical artifacts, and organizations. Some years later, Poon and Zhang introduced a new CH information system based on a “four-layered architecture: personal, home, community, and hospital” [Poon CC, Zhang YT. Perspectives on high technologies for low-cost healthcare. IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag 2008;27(5):42-47. [CrossRef] [Medline]2]. One of the most cited definitions for CH was introduced in 2013 [Caulfield BM, Donnelly SC. What is connected health and why will it change your practice? QJM 2013 Aug;106(8):703-707. [CrossRef] [Medline]3]:

Connected Health encompasses terms such as wireless, digital, electronic, mobile, and tele-health and refers to a conceptual model for health management where devices, services or interventions are designed around the patient’s needs, and health related data is shared, in such a way that the patient can receive care in the most proactive and efficient manner possible. All stakeholders in the process are connected by means of timely sharing and presentation of accurate and pertinent information regarding patient status through smarter use of data, devices, communication platforms, and people.

The European Network for the Joint Evaluation of Connected Health Technologies defines the CH vision as “a paradigm shift looking after the individual and community health in a process that speaks to the health journey of the person, through the entire lifespan, leveraging a variety of technologies to do so” [Mountford N, Kessie T, Quinlan M, Maher R, Smolders R, van Royen P, et al. Connected Health in Europe: Where are We Today?. Dublin, Ireland: ENJECT Consortium; 2017.4]. Achieving this vision will require attention to be paid to policy and regulation, technology and interoperability, training and education, business and revenue models, as well as citizen and clinician engagement [Wait S, Han D, Muthu V, Oliver K, Chrostowski S, Florindi F, et al. Towards sustainable cancer care: reducing inefficiencies, improving outcomes—a policy report from the All.Can initiative. J Cancer Policy 2017 Sep;13:47-64. [CrossRef]5]. Successful implementation of the CH vision needs time and effort from all health care stakeholders.


Given the recent growth in CH research, we set out to map its evolution up to the present day. We use a systematic mapping study to chart the research landscape combining scientific contributions from the research disciplines of medicine, business, computer science, and engineering. Although previous CH reviews do exist, they are confined to descriptions of how CH solutions are being used in specific conditions such as cancer [Giunti G, Giunta DH, Guisado-Fernandez E, Bender JL, Fernandez-Luque L. A biopsy of breast cancer mobile applications: state of the practice review. Int J Med Inform 2018 Feb;110:1-9 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6,Agboola SO, Kvedar JC. Institutional profile: center for connected health. Per Med 2012 May;9(3):337-340. [CrossRef] [Medline]7] or in specific measurement technologies such as measurement of vital signs [Khan Y, Ostfeld AE, Lochner CM, Pierre A, Arias AC. Monitoring of vital signs with flexible and wearable medical devices. Adv Mater 2016 Jun;28(22):4373-4395. [CrossRef] [Medline]8] or weight [Sperrin M, Rushton H, Dixon WG, Normand A, Villard J, Chieh A, et al. Who self-weighs and what do they gain from it? A retrospective comparison between smart scale users and the general population in England. J Med Internet Res 2016 Jan 21;18(1):e17 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]9]. Past efforts also concentrated on presenting CH-related literature in systematic ways [Giunti G, Giunta DH, Guisado-Fernandez E, Bender JL, Fernandez-Luque L. A biopsy of breast cancer mobile applications: state of the practice review. Int J Med Inform 2018 Feb;110:1-9 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6,Ostherr K, Killoran P, Shegog R, Bruera E. Death in the digital age: a systematic review of information and communication technologies in end-of-life care. J Palliat Med 2016 Apr;19(4):408-420 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]10,Karampela M, Ouhbi S, Isomursu M. Personal health data: a systematic mapping study. Int J Med Inform 2018 Oct;118:86-98. [CrossRef] [Medline]11]. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of existing CH research. This will help researchers understand how the field has developed since its earliest studies in the late 1990s. It will also identify those topics that have drawn the attention of the research community. This knowledge will add value by identifying gaps or interdisciplinary opportunities in the study of CH. Perhaps most importantly, it may also underpin future work to develop an integrated and interdisciplinary research agenda for CH that will answer efficacy, design, policy, and sustainability questions for patients, clinicians, technology developers, and businesses.


This paper followed a systematic mapping study method [Petersen K, Feldt R, Mujtaba S, Mattsson M. Systematic Mapping Studies in Software Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. 2008 Presented at: EASE'08; June 26-27, 2008; Swindon, UK p. 68-77   URL:]. Systematic mapping studies aim primarily to present an overview of a research area to report the quantity and type of literature and results that are published within it. The systematic mapping process comprises 3 steps: (1) the identification of relevant literature, (2) the composition of a classification scheme, and (3) the mapping of literature [Petersen K, Feldt R, Mujtaba S, Mattsson M. Systematic Mapping Studies in Software Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. 2008 Presented at: EASE'08; June 26-27, 2008; Swindon, UK p. 68-77   URL:]. Figure 1 presents the mapping process including the search for relevant literature, the definition of a scheme, and the mapping of relevant publications.

The method was used to examine the body of existing research conducted by researchers in medicine, business, computer science, and engineering to understand the nature of research conducted in the area of CH. A systematic mapping study was found to be suitable for this task as it provided a high-level framework for combining interdisciplinary research efforts as well as an analytical framework that spanned disciplinary boundaries.

Mapping Questions

The aim of this study was to present an overview of the available publications pertinent to CH. Following the systematic mapping study method, the study was guided by a set of mapping questions. Table 1 presents the 6 mapping questions (MQs) and the rationale for conducting this study. More detail as to the logic supporting the selection of suitable MQs is included in the Data Extraction Strategy section below. The study search strategy as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria (EC) were based on these 6 MQs.

Figure 1. Systematic mapping process.
View this figure
Table 1. Mapping questions.
MQa1Which publication channels are the main targets for CHb research?To identify where CH research can be found and to identify targets for publication of future studies
MQ2How has the frequency of studies related to CH changed over time?To identify the publication trends over time of CH literature
MQ3What are the research types of CH studies?To explore the different types of research reported in the literature concerning CH
MQ4Are CH studies empirically validated?To discover whether research on CH has been validated through empirical studies
MQ5What are the approaches that were reported in CH research?To discover the CH approaches reported in the existing CH literature
MQ6What are the main topics and conditions in CH literature?To identify the research areas and health conditions discussed in papers

aMQ: mapping question.

bCH: connected health.

Search Strategy

As CH is inherently interdisciplinary, our goal was to use the systematic mapping method to study research contributions on the topic across disciplines. We, therefore, searched papers from the most recognized scientific literature databases in each of the chosen disciplines.

The papers of the study were retrieved from 7 databases of scientific literature, namely, (1) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Xplore Digital Library, (2) Association for Computing Machinery Digital Library, (3) ScienceDirect, (4) SpringerLink, (5) MEDLINE and PubMed, (6) Business Source Complete (EBSCO), and (7) ABI and INFORM Collection (ProQuest), with the help of the corresponding search engines. The search was performed in October 2018. Different search strings were proposed and discussed over the course of joint meetings to arrive at a set of primary keywords. Two of the authors tested different strings of potential keywords such as “Connect Health,” “Connecting Health,” “Connect-Health,” or “Connecting-Health.” After evaluating the search results, the authors agreed to proceed using the following search strings: (“Connected” AND “Health”) OR (“Connected” AND “-” AND “Health”).

The search was applied to the title, abstract, and keywords to include relevant papers. On the basis of our methodology, we included a wide selection of papers on the first iteration and thereafter relied upon the inclusion criteria and EC to identify the relevant literature [Kitchenham BA, Budgen D, Brereton OP. Using mapping studies as the basis for further research – a participant-observer case study. Inf Softw Technol 2011 Jun;53(6):638-651. [CrossRef]13].

Paper Selection Criteria

The search results that were retrieved from the 7 chosen search engines were merged in a single list and saved in a spreadsheet document. Duplicate entries were removed based on the digital object identifier (DOI) and the intertitle lexical distance (the Levenshtein metric was used to measure the lexical distance) with the help of a custom Python script [Levenshtein VI. Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals. Sov Phys Dokl 1996;10(8):707-710 [FREE Full text]14]. A total of 7 papers had to be manually reviewed as potential duplicates.

The final list of papers was distributed to all authors for analysis. On the basis of the area of expertise, pairs of authors were assigned to analyze papers retrieved from each database. A total of 3 areas of expertise were identified as follows: technical (computer science and engineering), medical, and business. Each pair of authors reviewed the title, abstract, and keywords and made a recommendation as to whether that paper should be included or excluded. Discrepancies across coding teams were resolved through further scrutiny of the paper.

The inclusion criteria were limited to studies that discussed CH. In total, 240 papers were identified after the removal of duplicates, whereas 32 papers were excluded after meeting at least one of the following exclusion criteria: EC1—papers that focus on CH comorbidities, that is, the paper discusses the connection between health conditions, not CH as a concept; EC2—papers that focus on law; EC3—papers that focus on medical procedures only, without connection to CH; and EC4—papers that focus on evaluating climate but not in relation to CH. Figure 2 presents the process of the study selection.

Figure 2. Study selection process. ACM: Association for Computing Machinery; DB: database; DOI: digital object identifier; IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
View this figure

Data Extraction Strategy

The selected studies were analyzed to collect information that would give answers to the MQs according to the data extraction strategy outlined in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Data extraction strategy.
Mapping questionsDescription of classification categories
MQa1Publication source and publication channel
MQ2Publication year
MQ3Research types [Brereton P, Kitchenham BA, Budgen D, Turner M, Khalil M. Lessons from applying the systematic literature review process within the software engineering domain. J Syst Software 2007 Apr;80(4):571-583. [CrossRef]15]: evaluation research—real-world CHb approaches are implemented and undergo evaluation; solution proposal—a new CH solution or a significant extension of an existing solution is proposed, and the evaluation of the solution is based either on empirical data or theoretical argumentation; opinion paper—a CH study that is based on the personal opinion of the author(s); review—studies that present a review of existing CH literature; other—the remainder of research types associated with CH studies. This is assigned to studies where research type is either unknown or does not fall into one of the aforementioned main categories (eg, experience papers, which express the personal experience of author(s) without providing any scientific evidence to support it)
MQ4Empirical types [Jorgensen M, Shepperd M. A systematic review of software development cost estimation studies. IIEEE Trans Software Eng 2007;33(1):33-53. [CrossRef]16,Karampela M, Ouhbi S, Isomursu M. Personal health data: a systematic mapping study. Int J Med Inform 2018 Oct;118:86-98. [CrossRef] [Medline]11]: case study—an empirical inquiry that investigates a CH approach within its real-life context; survey—an empirical inquiry method for collecting quantitative information concerning a CH approach, for example, a questionnaire; experiment—an empirical method applied under controlled conditions to evaluate a CH approach; history-based evaluation—nonempirical studies evaluating CH approaches in previously completed projects; theory—nonempirical research approaches or theoretical evaluation of a CH approach; other—the remainder of CH studies that do not fit within the previous types
MQ5Contribution types: method—a manner of procedure and steps taken to acquire knowledge in CH; tool-based technique—a technique based on a software tool to accomplish CH tasks; model—a system representation that allows CH to be investigated through a hierarchical structure; framework—a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for CH; other—the remainder of CH approaches. This includes CH studies of approach not fitting other classes, along with very rare approaches that have been grouped in this category to facilitate abstraction and visualization. The approaches grouped herein are feasibility study, field research, process, guideline, and network analysis
MQ6Main topics and medical conditions

aMQ: mapping question.

bCH: connected health.

MQ6 comprised 2 parameters: the topic of the paper and the medical condition examined within it. With regard to the topic of the paper, we did not have a predefined list of topics but relied on an open coding process where the researchers conducting the analysis selected a descriptive word for the topic of the paper. To identify the main topics of the included papers, the authors relied on the title, abstract, and keywords. After compiling all topic words, we curated the topic list to come up with a consistent list (eg, using the same word for body-worn sensors and wearables). Similarly, with regard to the medical condition examined, no predefined classification was used that allowed coders to assign the medical condition, if any, of each CH paper. Again, the resulting condition list was curated to develop a more consistent list (eg, using the same word for ageing and elderly).

Synthesis Method

The synthesis method used was based on the following steps: (1) enumerating the number of papers per publication channel and the number of papers per bibliographic source per year; (2) enumerating the primary studies that are classified in each MQ’s response; (3) presenting visualizations for the classification results, which have been used in the analysis; and (4) presenting a narrative summary to discuss the principal findings.


This section describes the results related to the systematic MQs presented in Table 1.

Multimedia Appendix 1

Classification results for all the included papers.

XLSX File (Microsoft Exel File), 17KBMultimedia Appendix 1 gives an overview of the classification results for all the included papers [Giunti G, Giunta DH, Guisado-Fernandez E, Bender JL, Fernandez-Luque L. A biopsy of breast cancer mobile applications: state of the practice review. Int J Med Inform 2018 Feb;110:1-9 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6-Karampela M, Ouhbi S, Isomursu M. Personal health data: a systematic mapping study. Int J Med Inform 2018 Oct;118:86-98. [CrossRef] [Medline]11,Chouvarda IG, Goulis DG, Lambrinoudaki I, Maglaveras N. Connected health and integrated care: toward new models for chronic disease management. Maturitas 2015 Sep;82(1):22-27. [CrossRef] [Medline]17-Rahimi N, Ibarra M. A Review of Multiple User Center Design Methods for New Product Development in Smart and Connected Health Applications. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology; Infrastructure and Service Integration. 2014 Presented at: PICMET'14; July 27-31, 2014; Kanazawa, Japan p. 3498-3510.217]. Custom Python scripts have been developed to process the classification data and generate the tables (

Multimedia Appendix 1

Classification results for all the included papers.

XLSX File (Microsoft Exel File), 17KB
Multimedia Appendix 1
) and figures (Figures 3 and Mountford N, Kessie T, Quinlan M, Maher R, Smolders R, van Royen P, et al. Connected Health in Europe: Where are We Today?. Dublin, Ireland: ENJECT Consortium; 2017.4) of this section. The Pandas and the Matplotlib Python [Pandas. Python Data Analysis Library   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 218,Matplotlib: Python Plotting.   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 219] libraries were used to manipulate the tabular input data and plot the results, respectively.

Figure 3. Publication trend per year−total number of connected health papers published per year; the number of papers reported for the year 2018 only includes papers published until October 2018, with a projection of estimated papers based on linear extrapolation (presented as superimposed gray line).
View this figure
Figure 4. Bubble graphs associating the empirical types with the research types (left) and the approaches (right) of the included connected health studies. The vertical axis (empirical type) is shared between the two graphs. The size and shade of each bubble represents the absolute frequency of connected health papers belonging to a given pair of empirical type and research type (left) or approach (right); absolute frequencies less than 5 are not typed inside the bubble because of space limitations. The horizontal and vertical axes labels are accompanied by the relative frequency (ie, percentage) of the class.
View this figure

Mapping Question 1: Which Publication Channels are the Main Targets for Connected Health Research?

The majority of the CH papers were published in scientific journals (139/208, 66.8%), whereas 32.9% (68/208) were published in scientific conferences. Table 3 lists the publication forums that have published at least two CH papers.

Mapping Question 2: How Has the Frequency of Studies Related to Connected Health Changed Over Time?

Figure 3 presents the publication trend per year from 2000 to 2018. It must be noted that the analysis does not include the full body of CH work published in 2018 as our search was performed before the end of that year. We have added a projection for year 2018, estimating the total number of papers. Our projection assumes that publication frequency would remain consistent till the year end. As Figure 3 shows, there is a gap in publications from 2001 to 2004. Less than 5 papers per year were published until 2008, whereas from 2013 to 2017, the number of publications rises steadily.

Mapping Question 3: What are the Research Types of Connected Health Studies?

Figure 4 shows the research types of the included studies. The majority of the papers are solution proposal studies (77/208, 37.0%), 23.5% (49/208) of the selected studies evaluated CH approaches, 20.6% (43/208) reviewed literature, 16.8% (35/208) reported the opinions of authors about CH, and 1.9% (4/208) of the papers analyzed were classified as other.

Mapping Question 4: Are Connected Health Studies Empirically Validated?

Figure 4 presents our findings as to whether or not the included studies were empirically validated and, if so, the empirical validation approaches used. The majority of the studies were, in fact, empirically validated. More specifically, 28.3% (59/208) were validated in case studies, 26.4% (55/208) in controlled experiments, and 13.4% (28/208) with surveys. Nonempirical papers included, for example, those focused on theory (25/208, 12.0%) and those using history-based evaluation (11/208, 5.2%).

Mapping Question 5: What Are the Approaches That Were Reported in Connected Health Research?

Figure 4 shows the wide range of approaches taken in the included CH studies. The approaches most frequently reported belonged to other categories (66/208, 31.7%), followed by methods (56/208, 26.9%) and tool-based techniques (43/208, 20.6%). Only 10.0% (21/208) of the papers were classified as presenting frameworks, with 8.1% (17/208) suggesting models.

Mapping Question 6: What Are the Main Topics and Diseases in Connected Health Literature?

Tables 4 and 5 present the results for the main topic and condition of the included CH studies. Topics with fewer than two occurrences have been omitted from Table 4. The most common research topics of the included CH papers were health care (×16) and disease management (×13), followed by telemedicine/telehealth (×11) and electronic health (eHealth)/mobile health (×9). Table 4 lists all research topics and their frequencies, whereas Table 5 lists the conditions and their frequencies. As for the main conditions reported in our study, diabetes (×12), aging (×10), cardiovascular diseases (×10), cancer (×7), chronic diseases (x7), and dementia (x4) were among the prevalent conditions found in the selected studies.

Table 3. Publication sources that have published 2 or more connected health papers.
Publication sourceReferencesNumber of published papers
Studies in Health Technology and InformaticsTopaz and Pruinelli (2017) [Topaz M, Pruinelli L. Big data and nursing: implications for the future. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;232:165-171. [CrossRef] [Medline]37], Wu et al (2017) [Wu Y, Wang Y, Ji M. Competencies related to informatics and information management for practicing nurses in select countries in Asia. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;232:86-96. [CrossRef] [Medline]44], O’Neill et al (2012) [O'Neill SA, Nugent CD, Donnelly MP, McCullagh P, McLaughlin J. Evaluation of connected health technology. Technol Health Care 2012;20(3):151-167. [CrossRef] [Medline]73], Feied et al (2009) [Feied CF, Handler JA, Gillam M, Smith MS. Indistinguishable from magic: health and wellness in a future of sufficiently advanced technology. Stud Health Technol Inform 2009;149:29-48. [Medline]81], Goossen (2017) [Goossen W. Informatics competencies in connected health: annotated bibliography. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;232:241-251. [Medline]82], Singh and Kvedar (2009) [Singh K, Kvedar JC. Innovations in connected health. Stud Health Technol Inform 2009;149:111-129. [CrossRef] [Medline]84], Maglaveras et al (2016) [Maglaveras N, Kilintzis V, Koutkias V, Chouvarda I. Integrated care and connected health approaches leveraging personalised health through big data analytics. Stud Health Technol Inform 2016;224:117-122. [CrossRef] [Medline]85], Saranto et al (2017) [Saranto K, Ronquillo C, Velez O. Nursing competencies for multiple modalities of connected health technologies. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;232:172-182. [CrossRef] [Medline]96], Skiba et al (2016) [Skiba DJ, Barton AJ, Estes K, Gilliam E, Knapfel S, Lee C, et al. Preparing the next generation of advanced practice nurses for connected care. Stud Health Technol Inform 2016;225:307-313. [Medline]101], Kreuzthaler et al (2017) [Kreuzthaler M, Martínez-Costa C, Kaiser P, Schulz S. Semantic technologies for re-use of clinical routine data. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;236:24-31. [Medline]106], Goossen-Baremans et al (2017) [Goossen-Baremans A, Collins S, Park HA. Semanticification in connected health. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;232:133-151. [CrossRef] [Medline]107], Sermeus et al (2016) [Fernandez-Luque L, Vilmarlund V, Borycki E, Schulz S, Kuziemsky C, Marschollek M, et al. Social media as catalyzer for connected health: hype or hope? Perspectives from IMIA working groups. In: Sermeus W, Procter PM, Weber P, editors. Nursing Informatics 2016: eHealth for All: Every Level Collaboration - From Project to Realization. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press; 2016:602-604.110], Silvello (2018) [Silvello A. How connected insurance is reshaping the health insurance industry. Stud Health Technol Inform 2018;251:179-182. [Medline]206], Tonheim and Babic (2018) [Tonheim AN, Babic A. Assessing information needs for a personal multiple sclerosis application. Stud Health Technol Inform 2018;247:486-490. [Medline]207]14
Journal of Medical SystemsWen (2013) [Wen F. A robust uniqueness-and-anonymity-preserving remote user authentication scheme for connected health care. J Med Syst 2013 Dec;37(6):9980. [CrossRef] [Medline]26], Das and Goswami (2013) [Das AK, Goswami A. A secure and efficient uniqueness-and-anonymity-preserving remote user authentication scheme for connected health care. J Med Syst 2013 Jun;37(3):9948. [CrossRef] [Medline]27], Santos et al (2016) [Santos DF, Gorgônio KC, Perkusich A, Almeida HO. A standard-based and context-aware architecture for personal healthcare smart gateways. J Med Syst 2016 Oct;40(10):224. [CrossRef] [Medline]28], Chang et al (2013) [Chang YF, Yu SH, Shiao DR. A uniqueness-and-anonymity-preserving remote user authentication scheme for connected health care. J Med Syst 2013 Apr;37(2):9902. [CrossRef] [Medline]29], Vlahu-Gjorgievska et al (2016) [Vlahu-Gjorgievska E, Koceski S, Kulev I, Trajkovik V. Connected-health algorithm: development and evaluation. J Med Syst 2016 Apr;40(4):109. [CrossRef] [Medline]57]
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Journal of Diabetes Science and TechnologyWatson et al (2008) [Watson AJ, Grant RW, Bello H, Hoch DB. Brave new worlds: how virtual environments can augment traditional care in the management of diabetes. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2008 Jul;2(4):697-702 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]38], Watson et al (2009) [Watson AJ, Kvedar JC, Rahman B, Pelletier AC, Salber G, Grant RW. Diabetes connected health: a pilot study of a patient- and provider-shared glucose monitoring web application. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2009 Mar 1;3(2):345-352 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]63], Pelletier et al (2011) [Pelletier A, Jethwani K, Bello H, Kvedar J, Grant R. Implementing a web-based home monitoring system within an academic health care network: barriers and facilitators to innovation diffusion. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2011 Jan 1;5(1):32-38 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]78], Helal et al (2009) [Helal A, Cook DJ, Schmalz M. Smart home-based health platform for behavioral monitoring and alteration of diabetes patients. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2009 Jan;3(1):141-148 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]109]4
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JMIR Research ProtocolsMountford et al (2018) [Mountford N, Zubiete ED, Kessie T, Garcia-Zapirain B, Nuño-Solinís R, Coyle D, et al. Activating technology for connected health in cancer: protocol for a research and training program. JMIR Res Protoc 2018 Jan 24;7(1):e14 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]32], Wang et al (2018) [Wang J, Coleman DC, Kanter J, Ummer B, Siminerio L. Connecting smartphone and wearable fitness tracker data with a nationally used electronic health record system for diabetes education to facilitate behavioral goal monitoring in diabetes care: protocol for a pragmatic multi-site randomized trial. JMIR Res Protoc 2018 Apr 2;7(4):e10009 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]58]2
International Journal of Medical InformaticsGiunti et al (2018) [Giunti G, Giunta DH, Guisado-Fernandez E, Bender JL, Fernandez-Luque L. A biopsy of breast cancer mobile applications: state of the practice review. Int J Med Inform 2018 Feb;110:1-9 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]6], Karampela et al (2018) [Karampela M, Ouhbi S, Isomursu M. Personal health data: a systematic mapping study. Int J Med Inform 2018 Oct;118:86-98. [CrossRef] [Medline]11]2
MaturitasChouvarda et al (2015) [Chouvarda IG, Goulis DG, Lambrinoudaki I, Maglaveras N. Connected health and integrated care: toward new models for chronic disease management. Maturitas 2015 Sep;82(1):22-27. [CrossRef] [Medline]17], Stara et al (2018) [Stara V, Harte R, di Rosa M, Glynn L, Casey M, Hayes P, et al. Does culture affect usability? A trans-European usability and user experience assessment of a falls-risk connected health system following a user-centred design methodology carried out in a single European country. Maturitas 2018 Aug;114:22-26. [CrossRef] [Medline]68]2
JMIR Human FactorsHarte et al (2017) [Harte R, Glynn L, Rodríguez-Molinero A, Baker PM, Scharf T, Quinlan LR, et al. A human-centered design methodology to enhance the usability, human factors, and user experience of connected health systems: a three-phase methodology. JMIR Hum Factors 2017 Mar 16;4(1):e8 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]22], Harte et al (2018) [Harte R, Hall T, Glynn L, Rodríguez-Molinero A, Scharf T, Quinlan LR, et al. Enhancing home health mobile phone app usability through general smartphone training: usability and learnability case study. JMIR Hum Factors 2018 Apr 26;5(2):e18 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]71]2
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Journal of Evaluation in Clinical PracticeBarr et al (2012) [Barr PJ, McElnay JC, Hughes CM. Connected health care: the future of health care and the role of the pharmacist. J Eval Clin Pract 2012 Feb;18(1):56-62. [CrossRef] [Medline]50], Barr et al (2014) [Barr PJ, Brady SC, Hughes CM, McElnay JC. Public knowledge and perceptions of connected health. J Eval Clin Pract 2014 Jun;20(3):246-254. [CrossRef] [Medline]103]2
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative MedicineAktas et al (2015) [Aktas A, Hullihen B, Shrotriya S, Thomas S, Walsh D, Estfan B. Connected health: cancer symptom and quality-of-life assessment using a tablet computer: a pilot study. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2015 Mar;32(2):189-197. [CrossRef] [Medline]54], Thomas et al (2017) [Thomas S, Walsh D, Shrotriya S, Aktas A, Hullihen B, Estfan B, et al. Symptoms, quality of life, and daily activities in people with newly diagnosed solid tumors presenting to a medical oncologist. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2017 Aug;34(7):611-621. [CrossRef] [Medline]111]2

aeHealth: electronic health.

bJMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research.

cQJM: Quarterly Journal of Medicine.

dBMC: BioMed Central.

Table 4. Frequencies of the main topics associated with the reviewed articles; main topics with a single occurrence have not been included because of space limitations (N=208).
TopicsFrequency (%)
Health care16 (7.6)
Disease management13 (6.2)
Telemedicine/telehealth11 (5.2)
Electronic health/mobile health9 (4.3)
Monitoring8 (3.8)
Security8 (3.8)
Consumer health informatics7 (3.3)
Sensors6 (2.8)
Information and communication technologies challenges5 (2.4)
Personal health devices4 (1.9)
Education3 (1.4)
Usability3 (1.4)
Medical education3 (1.4)
Innovation3 (1.4)
User-centered design3 (1.4)
Interoperability3 (1.4)
The internet of things3 (1.4)
Software engineering2 (0.9)
Privacy2 (0.9)
Medication adherence2 (0.9)
Lifestyle coaching2 (0.9)
Ageing2 (0.9)
Personalization2 (0.9)
Service delivery2 (0.9)
Elderly2 (0.9)
Table 5. Frequencies of the target conditions associated with the reviewed articles; of note, only 77 of the reviewed articles have been mapped to a target condition (N=208).
ConditionFrequency (%)
No (condition)131 (62.9)
Diabetes12 (5.7)
Ageing10 (4.8)
Cardiovascular diseases10 (4.8)
Cancer7 (3.3)
Chronic diseases7 (3.3)
Dementia4 (1.9)
Multiple sclerosis3 (1.4)
Stroke2 (0.9)
Mental health2 (0.9)
General health2 (0.9)
Psychosis1 (0.4)
Chronic skin disease (psoriasis, dermatology)1 (0.4)
Vital signs1 (0.4)
Stress1 (0.4)
Renal conditions1 (0.4)
Malaria1 (0.4)
Hemodialysis1 (0.4)
Dental issues1 (0.4)
Arrhythmia1 (0.4)
Obesity1 (0.4)
Palliative care1 (0.4)
Urinary incontinence1 (0.4)
Epilepsy1 (0.4)
Rheumatoid arthritis1 (0.4)
Glaucoma1 (0.4)
Blood transfusion service1 (0.4)
Hearing issues1 (0.4)
Environmental exposure1 (0.4)

This section discusses the results and main findings of this study. First, each mapping question is discussed in its specific subsection. Finally, the limitations of this study are discussed.

Principal Findings

Publication Channels

Publication channels provide information about how research activities in CH have been established in the scientific community. The results of this study show that the majority of CH publications appear in peer-reviewed scientific journals (139/208, 66.8%). Although both journals and conferences aim to disseminate research and contribute to the development of a field, journals are typically considered more prestigious because of manuscript review criteria and acceptance practices. In addition, journals usually present more extended pieces of research work and contribute toward the establishment of a knowledge base for a field. Although the process of publication is longer compared with conferences, journals potentially have a larger impact in terms of visibility and audience reach [Montesi M, Owen JM. From conference to journal publication: how conference papers in software engineering are extended for publication in journals. J Am Soc Inf Sci 2008 Mar;59(5):816-829. [CrossRef]220-Donovan SK. The importance of resubmitting rejected papers. J Sch Publ 2007;38(3):151-155. [CrossRef]222]. CH studies are often published in peer-reviewed journals with high impact factors, such as the Journal of Medical Systems, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Telemedicine and eHealth, and Journal of Medical Internet Research. This indicates that CH research efforts to date have focused on the establishment of a body of knowledge. On the other hand, conferences offer a dynamic environment that enables researchers to communicate with colleagues, exchange research interests, and receive specialized feedback. Conference publications could, therefore, be considered innovation-laden venues that denote the evolution of research in a field, as they often facilitate the presentation of novel ideas based on preliminary results. Conferences appear to be channels for the introduction and establishment of innovative research to experts of a particular area of research [Montesi M, Owen JM. From conference to journal publication: how conference papers in software engineering are extended for publication in journals. J Am Soc Inf Sci 2008 Mar;59(5):816-829. [CrossRef]220-Donovan SK. The importance of resubmitting rejected papers. J Sch Publ 2007;38(3):151-155. [CrossRef]222]. The first published conference papers on the topic of CH appeared in 2016. In the following two years, CH research was accepted and published by two international conferences. This finding could indicate efforts to further develop a research community to highlight and nurture CH research. The establishment of the European Network for the Joint Evaluation of Connected Health Technologies research coordination program, the funding of two Innovative Training Network CH projects (cancer: activating technology for connected health [CATCH] and connected health early stage researcher support system [CHESS]), and the expansion of the European Connected Health Alliance organization across Europe have all served to connect stakeholders under the umbrella of CH [CATCH ITN - eHealth for Cancer Patients.   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 223-European Connected Health Alliance | (ECHAlliance).   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 225]. This coordination of effort has potentially led to the increase in both journal and conference publications as researchers come together around a shared interest in CH.

Publication Trend

The papers matching our inclusion criteria, while spanning a publishing period from 2000 to 2018, show that CH research has attracted increasing attention since 2013. A publication gap between 2001 and 2004 coincides with the infancy of the CH field, likely reflecting the fact that the evolution of CH research was a slow and gradual process underpinned by the fermentation of experts from different academic disciplines. Overall, Figure 3 draws a very typical picture of the evolution of a research field, with sporadic publications in the beginning followed by an exponential increase in the yearly production of scientific literature. One could argue that the discourse around personal health records (PHRs) and patient services started around early 2000s, whereas the focus until that point had tended toward classic telemedicine. The PHR concept, and the shift from telemedicine to patient-centered services may have then driven the publication of CH-related papers. The growth of publications after 2009 can be attributed to various factors. The emergence of CH in the past decade coincides with a demographic shift where the older population is ultimately projected to outnumber the young people [World Health Organization. 2015. Ageing and Life-Course: World Report on Ageing and Health 2015   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 226]. This increasing aging population with its chronic and degenerative diseases has been projected to exert severe financial pressure on future health care systems [World Health Organization. 2015. Ageing and Life-Course: World Report on Ageing and Health 2015   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 226,Bloom DE, Canning D, Fink G. Implications of population ageing for economic growth. Oxf Rev Econ Policy 2011 May 13;26(4):583-612. [CrossRef]227]. At the same time, the development of new technologies has facilitated the promotion of CH solutions. The proliferation of devices and apps enabled by internet of things in health care over the last decade [Farahani B, Firouzi F, Chang V, Badaroglu M, Constant N, Mankodiya K. Towards fog-driven IoT ehealth: promises and challenges of IoT in medicine and healthcare. Future Gener Comp Sy 2018 Jan;78:659-676. [CrossRef]228], along with the adoption of smartphones and wearables by everyday users, has transformed health care delivery, enabling remote health monitoring and personalization of health care services [Chouvarda IG, Goulis DG, Lambrinoudaki I, Maglaveras N. Connected health and integrated care: toward new models for chronic disease management. Maturitas 2015 Sep;82(1):22-27. [CrossRef] [Medline]17,Statista. Number of Smartphones Sold to End Users Worldwide From 2007 to 2020 (in Million Units)   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 229,Statista. Forecast Wearables Unit Shipments Worldwide From 2014 to 2023 (in Millions)   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 230]. Likewise, providers such as Amazon, Google, Salesforce, International Business Machines corporation, and Microsoft began to establish new data centers for hosting cloud computing apps in 2009 [Buyya R, Yeo CS, Venugopal S, Broberg J, Brandic I. Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility. Future Gener Comp Sy 2009 Jun;25(6):599-616. [CrossRef]231]. Taking that into consideration, we could argue that the emergence and evolution of the CH approach from 2009 onward reflects a demand for the provision of CH services to exploit technological advances and bring together patients and stakeholders to “offer the correct information to the correct person at the correct time” and make better decisions for health and care [Chouvarda IG, Goulis DG, Lambrinoudaki I, Maglaveras N. Connected health and integrated care: toward new models for chronic disease management. Maturitas 2015 Sep;82(1):22-27. [CrossRef] [Medline]17]. In terms of eHealth policies and regulations, the trends are consistent with the development of the CH paradigm as, according to the World Health Organization, the number of countries with eHealth and telehealth policies or strategies has started to increase significantly since 2009 [World Health Organization. Global Diffusion of eHealth: Making Universal Health Coverage Achievable Report of the Third Global Survey on eHealth. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2016.232].

Research Types

Our results show that CH researchers focused primarily on suggesting novel solutions or extending existing research to explain, identify, and provide details of the CH approach (77/208, 37.0%). The 23.5% (49/208) of papers that centered on evaluation also represent attempts to comprehend and develop previous research through evaluating a solution with a valid approach [Kitchenham BA, Budgen D, Brereton OP. Using mapping studies as the basis for further research – a participant-observer case study. Inf Softw Technol 2011 Jun;53(6):638-651. [CrossRef]13,Brereton P, Kitchenham BA, Budgen D, Turner M, Khalil M. Lessons from applying the systematic literature review process within the software engineering domain. J Syst Software 2007 Apr;80(4):571-583. [CrossRef]15]. This leads us to conclude that much of CH research is at a development stage, where new concepts are proposed, developed, and evaluated to demonstrate their potential value. However, the existence of a significant number of literature reviews (43/208, 20.6%) indicates that there is maturity in the discipline that allows reviews of the existing research. Through these reviews, researchers aim to identify the research gaps to drive the growth of future research endeavors. If we view this finding alongside the publication trend, which shows that the body of CH research grew over the last few years, then we could argue that there is rapid growth in this discipline. This argument is given weight by the commission of European Union–funded projects such as CHESS in September 2015 and CATCH in 2016 [CATCH ITN - eHealth for Cancer Patients.   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 223,Community Research and Development Information Service. Connected Health Early Stage Researcher Support System   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 224]. Another factor to consider is that CH as a vision builds upon the best possible utilization of health data. Therefore, the growth of CH research can be considered to also be related to the availability of relevant health data. From 2016 onward, the amount of available networked data is more than 10.000 billion GB, almost double the amount of available data in 2014 [Rizzatti L. EE Times | Electronic Engineering Times. 2016. Digital Data Storage is Undergoing Mind-Boggling Growth   URL: [accessed 2019-07-16] 233].

Empirical Studies

Our findings support the idea that over half of the CH studies are based on empirically informed approaches. More specifically, the majority of the solution proposals were empirically validated with case studies (59/208, 28.3%), followed by experiments (55/208, 26.4%), whereas 13.4% (28/208) used surveys. Case studies have been shown to be particularly suited to how and why questions, real-life contexts, and the building of theory [Eisenhardt KM. Building theories from case study research. Acad Manage Rev 1989 Oct 1;14(4):532-550. [CrossRef]234]. They offer an opportunity to use real-time methodologies where the collection of data and empirical material “takes place at the same time as such data are unfolding and where events depend on each other in a sequential order” [Neergaard H, Ulhøi JP. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing; 2007.235]. In particular, case studies can offer an “opportunity to observe and analyze a phenomenon previously inaccessible to scientific investigation” [Yin RK. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; 2009.236]. This predominance of case study approaches to the study of CH reflects the relative immaturity of this field of research and a need to build understanding and theoretical contributions in the area through better understanding of individual cases and their contextual parameters. An experiment, on the other hand, is predicated on the analysis of covariance and assumes that participants can be assigned at random, that there are equal numbers of cases in each cell of the factorial design, and “ the correlations between or among the independent variables of a factorial design are zero” [Kerlinger FN. Foundations of Behavioural Research: Educational, Psychological and Sociological Enquiry. New York, United States: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Publishers; 1986.237]. The high number of experiment-based studies can be likely explained by the high number of papers exploring specific technical solutions that can be validated in controlled conditions. This raises the possibility that CH researchers are channeled into empirical approaches that have long been considered gold standard in engineering and health research.


The results for this MQ show that the majority of the included papers belong to other types of studies (66/208, 31.7%), which means that they used approaches that were not defined by our classification scheme. This finding could arise from a variety of factors. More than half of the included papers were from the medical discipline, a fact that has given rise to classification challenges, as reviewers were not able to fit them into one of the defined categories. Although mapping studies are common in the medical discipline [Petersen K, Feldt R, Mujtaba S, Mattsson M. Systematic Mapping Studies in Software Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. 2008 Presented at: EASE'08; June 26-27, 2008; Swindon, UK p. 68-77   URL:], classifying research approaches that spanned studies from different disciplines was difficult. A more detailed classification scheme that incorporated classification systems from all disciplines may have delivered more precise results but would have made aggregation difficult and may have obscured any similarities across disciplines. Methods (56/208, 26.9%) were reported to be among the most frequent approaches, followed by tool-based techniques (43/208, 20.6%). This potentially reflects both the relative immaturity and the inherently interdisciplinary nature of the field of CH at this stage. Before researchers can develop models or frameworks that might be applied to CH, they must come to an agreement as to those methods and techniques that are both feasible and acceptable across the new field. The interdisciplinary nature of CH research makes it even more important to focus on methods. As Klein puts it: interdisciplinarity is “a means of solving problems and answering questions that cannot be satisfactorily addressed using single methods or approaches” [Klein JT. Interdisciplinarity: History, Theory, and Practice. Detroit, Michigan, United States: Wayne State University Press; 1990.238]. Researchers prefer, however, those methods that are traditional to their discipline [Bradbeer J. Barriers to interdisciplinarity: disciplinary discourses and student learning. J Geogr High Educ 1999 Nov;23(3):381-396. [CrossRef]239] and so time must be spent discussing and agreeing to those methods and techniques that can span the interdisciplinary boundaries of CH.

Research Topics and Conditions

The topic analysis shows that technical and medical disciplines dominate the research topics of the papers, with some references to related disciplines such as education or innovation research. The topic descriptions show a large body of papers discussing measurement-based monitoring with sensors and wearables. This reflects the fast development of body-worn sensors and wireless communication methods that allow the transfer and storage of large amounts of data for further analysis. Another body of papers focused on patient perspectives in CH solutions through a consumer viewpoint or user-centered design, which might reflect an increasing interest in patient empowerment and self-management solutions. The growth of CH as a research field might also reflect regulatory moves toward a data economy where rules for using personal data are clearer (eg, General Data Protection Regulation). Related topics included security, privacy, and interoperability issues. It has been suggested that leveraging interoperable CH technologies for chronic disease management can have multiple positive effects not only on patients but also on clinical outcomes, thus contributing, for example, to the promotion of outpatient care [Hay I, Lim K, Wartena F. Interoperability for device manufacturers: building a personal, connected health ecosystem. Biomed Instrum Technol 2012;46(Suppl 2):71-77. [CrossRef] [Medline]87]. Although the implementation of CH interoperable scenarios in real-life contexts, such as the Whole System Demonstrator Program in the United Kingdom, had overall positive outcomes [Hay I, Lim K, Wartena F. Interoperability for device manufacturers: building a personal, connected health ecosystem. Biomed Instrum Technol 2012;46(Suppl 2):71-77. [CrossRef] [Medline]87], issues related to security and lack of data standardization are among the challenges yet to be overcome [Kreuzthaler M, Martínez-Costa C, Kaiser P, Schulz S. Semantic technologies for re-use of clinical routine data. Stud Health Technol Inform 2017;236:24-31. [Medline]106,Asim M, Petkovi M, Qu M, Wang C. An Interoperable Security Framework for Connected Healthcare. In: Proceedings of the Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. 2011 Presented at: CCNC'11; January 9-12, 2011; Las Vegas, NV, USA p. 116-120. [CrossRef]203].

Diabetes, cancer, and chronic heart conditions dominate the medical conditions covered. This is unsurprising given that these are leading health problems on the global stage [Wagner KH, Brath H. A global view on the development of non communicable diseases. Prev Med 2012 May(54 Suppl):S38-S41. [CrossRef] [Medline]240]. This may also indicate that lifestyle-related conditions are especially suited to CH, as lifestyle changes require patient empowerment and may benefit from technologies used for unobtrusive measurement and personal health devices. Papers discussing issues related to aging, including dementia and falls were often present; among less common conditions, multiple sclerosis seemed to draw more attention.


Owing to the interdisciplinary nature of our topic, we used an interdisciplinary team of researchers for analysis. Having researchers with different backgrounds could decrease inter-rater reliability, especially where we did not have a predefined list of values, as with the topic and condition parameters. Nevertheless, for the analysis of results, the authors relied upon the interpretation of descriptive statistics and visualizations, thus decreasing the threat to validity. In the same vein, to alleviate the authors’ influence on the classification process, the development of the classification scheme relied on widely accepted guidelines [Kitchenham BA, Budgen D, Brereton OP. Using mapping studies as the basis for further research – a participant-observer case study. Inf Softw Technol 2011 Jun;53(6):638-651. [CrossRef]13]. The differences between content and style of abstracts in different research disciplines and traditions may have resulted in slight differences in information retrieval process. In some cases, the abstract did not include all information needed to classify the paper, and the researchers had to read parts of the full text to obtain all relevant information. However, the vast majority of the 208 publications identified have been classified purely based on the title, abstract, and keywords. In our view, subtle differences in the publication screening process have had only minor impacts on the main conclusions drawn from the 208 publications identified in our study.

The differences in publication practices between the disciplines probably had an influence on how the results of MQ1 were interpreted, as the role of conference and journal publications differs between disciplines [Freyne J, Coyle L, Smyth B, Cunningham P. Relative status of journal and conference publications in computer science. Commun ACM 2010 Nov 1;53(11):124-132. [CrossRef]241]. For example, many highly regarded conferences within the business discipline do not publish conference proceedings (eg, European Group for Organizational Studies). Indeed, even those conferences that do publish proceedings may only do so for a subsection of the best papers, and authors will still be offered the option of removing their papers from those proceedings to protect future publishing opportunities (eg, Academy of Management). These factors combine to mean that verbal discussions may well have commenced within the business academic community in conferences that are not reflected within our review as it deals only with published material.

As the methodology of the systematic mapping study that we used in this research was originally developed in the context of software engineering, it is likely that some of the analysis parameters were less optimal in other disciplines. This is reflected, for example, in the large number of studies classified into the category other for the parameter approach. In the joint analysis meetings, the coding authors shared experiences of their difficulties in classifying the papers within the agreed analysis parameters. Alternative solutions were discussed, but it was difficult to reach a consensus that would have been satisfactory across disciplines. Ultimately, we decided to use the classification parameters proposed by our methodology. The validity of our conclusions is only applicable within the CH context.

To limit the threat related to the identification of primary studies and to include as many relevant papers as possible, 2 of the authors ran several iterations to test different strings of keywords. The adoption of the final set of keywords was used as it returned the largest number of studies. However, the list of studies might be incomplete, as additional or different terms might have an impact on the final selection of papers [Garousi V, Mesbah A, Betin-Can A, Mirshokraie S. A systematic mapping study of web application testing. Inf Softw Technol 2013 Aug;55(8):1374-1396. [CrossRef]242]. Nevertheless, in light of the interdisciplinary endeavor and the scope of the study, we believe that we have included the majority of the relevant literature. For the bibliographic search, no timeframe was defined; hence, the representativeness of the included studies was not affected by this factor. The results of this study should be considered under the prism of the specific search string and classification scheme and offer a baseline for future endeavors.

Our search strategy and inclusion criteria have omitted studies that are referenced in grey literature. However, the literature search was conducted in the world’s most leading and comprehensive databases for scientific knowledge. Furthermore, to alleviate the threat of publications’ nonavailability because of subscription paywalls, we performed the initial screening using a combination of university libraries to improve our access to papers. To address validity threats because of duplication, duplicate entries were removed based on the DOI and the intertitle lexical distance with the help of a custom Python script, which was ultimately manually reviewed to ensure duplicate removal.


On the basis of our results, we can conclude that CH research is an established field of research. The interdisciplinary nature of the field can be seen especially in papers at the intersection of the medical and technical disciplines. The number of papers in the business research publication forums is still smaller. However, business-related themes are visible in topics of papers, such as consumer orientation and innovation research, although at a much smaller scale than the topics of more technical and medical nature. For CH to succeed, money needs to move differently around the health care system. Most developed health care systems continue to reimburse care in a cure rather than a prevention mode. Cutting-edge technologies and redesigned care pathways may fail if they run contrary to the flow of health care finance. Our findings emphasize the need to increase business research in the area of CH or to find the vocabularies and keywords necessary to link existing business research with CH endeavors.

There is a growing need to involve and engage patients in their own care and, by extension, in the design of digital solutions to improve their efficacy. Tailored CH interventions may more effectively reach the intended audience in a meaningful way, but this requires in-depth understanding of the condition’s needs, barriers, and facilitators. The important role that health care professionals play in the health care system is in contrast with their lack of involvement in the design of CH. In the same vein, recent research suggests that health care professionals’ education in Europe is lacking in the area of health care information technologies [Giunti G, Guisado-Fernandez E, Belani H, Lacalle-Remigio JR. Mapping the access of future doctors to health information technologies training in the European union: cross-sectional descriptive study. J Med Internet Res 2019 Aug 12;21(8):e14086 [FREE Full text] [CrossRef] [Medline]243]. Emerging trends such as user-centered design and the inclusion of patient representatives attempt to address these problems by creating CH solutions that are tailored to the characteristics and tasks of the intended users. Adoption of these and similar approaches could further the field of CH research and implementation.

Given that CH research has become far more widespread in the years since 2013, perhaps it is time to devote more research resources to the scalability of CH as reflected in empirical approaches that facilitate the use of larger populations.

We see our findings as the foundations of a research roadmap for CH researchers that challenge current thinking in health care. Such a research agenda would go beyond investigations into the feasibility of individual technical solutions to examine and develop ecosystems of stakeholders, technologies, and infrastructures that together form new kinds of systemic solutions. Such an agenda would require more focus on research that addresses interdisciplinary methodological questions alongside the creation of vocabularies and frameworks for researchers working in different disciplines to effectively collaborate and examine interdisciplinary research questions through joint methodological approaches.


This paper is based upon work from European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ENJECT TD 1405, supported by COST.

This research has been supported by a grant from the Tatra banka Foundation (2018vs108).

Authors' Contributions

MK and MI conceived, designed, led overall study conduct. MK and CM carried out the data collection and curation of visualizations. MK and MI and drafted the first version of the manuscript. All the authors except CM led analysis and interpretation of the data, NM proofread the final manuscript and suggested modifications. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Multimedia Appendix 1

Classification results for all the included papers.

XLSX File (Microsoft Exel File), 17KB

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BMC: BioMed Central
CATCH: cancer: activating technology for connected health
CH: connected health
CHESS: connected health early stage researcher support system
COST: Cooperation in Science and Technology
DOI: digital object identifier
EC: exclusion criteria
eHealth: electronic health
JMIR: Journal of Medical Internet Research
MQ: mapping questions
PHR: personal health record
QJM: Quarterly Journal of Medicine.

Edited by M Tilney; submitted 15.04.19; peer-reviewed by I Mircheva, B Chaudhry, C Perrin, MS Aslam, M Reynolds; comments to author 20.06.19; revised version received 27.07.19; accepted 18.08.19; published 25.09.19


©Maria Karampela, Minna Isomursu, Talya Porat, Christos Maramis, Nicola Mountford, Guido Giunti, Ioanna Chouvarda, Fedor Lehocki. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 25.09.2019.

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