Published on in Vol 21, No 2 (2019): February

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Correction: A Web-Based Acceptance-Facilitating Intervention for Identifying Patients’ Acceptance, Uptake, and Adherence of Internet- and Mobile-Based Pain Interventions: Randomized Controlled Trial

Correction: A Web-Based Acceptance-Facilitating Intervention for Identifying Patients’ Acceptance, Uptake, and Adherence of Internet- and Mobile-Based Pain Interventions: Randomized Controlled Trial

Correction: A Web-Based Acceptance-Facilitating Intervention for Identifying Patients’ Acceptance, Uptake, and Adherence of Internet- and Mobile-Based Pain Interventions: Randomized Controlled Trial

Corrigenda and Addenda

1Institute of Sports and Sport Science, Department of Sport Psychology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

2Rehabilitation-Center Todtmoos, Clinic Wehrawald, Todtmoos, Germany

3Department for Clinical, Neuro- & Developmental Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

4Institute of Psychology, Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

5Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany

Corresponding Author:

Harald Baumeister, Dipl-Psych, PhD

Institute of Psychology

Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

University of Ulm

Albert-Einstein-Allee 47, D Ulm

Ulm, 89069


Phone: 49 07315032800

Fax:49 07315032809


The authors of “A Web-Based Acceptance-Facilitating Intervention for Identifying Patients’ Acceptance, Uptake, and Adherence of Internet- and Mobile-Based Pain Interventions: Randomized Controlled Trial” (J Med Internet Res 2018;20(8):e244) wish to remove Reference 52 from the sentence "All studies consistently reported low baseline acceptance and an increase in acceptance following AFI [42,46,47,52]" because it does not belong to the group of studies cited in the sentence:

Cranen K, Drossaert CHC, Brinkman ES, Braakman-Jansen ALM, Ijzerman MJ, Vollenbroek-Hutten MMR. An exploration of chronic pain patients' perceptions of home telerehabilitation services. Health Expect 2012 Dec;15(4):339-350. [doi: 10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00668.x] [Medline: 21348905]

Reference 52 was removed an all subsequent references were renumbered.

Additionally, the authors have identified a number of references in their paper with display errors, mostly involving names. The corrected references listed below use the new reference number in accordance with the renumbering.

  • In Reference 3, author “OPENMinds” has been removed.
  • In Reference 20, “van SA” has been changed to “van Straten A”.
  • Reference 24 was previously “Paganini S, Lin J, Kahlke F, Buntrock C, Leiding D, Ebert D. A guided and unguided internet- and mobile-based intervention for chronic pahealth economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial. - 3000:- submitted (forthcoming)” and has been changed to “Paganini S, Lin J, Kahlke F, Buntrock C, Leiding D, Ebert DD, et al. A guided and unguided internet- and mobile-based intervention for chronic pain: Health economic evaluation alongside a randomized controlled trial. (forthcoming)”. 
  • Reference 37 was previously “Kok R, Beekman A, Cuijpers P, van SA. Adherence to a web-based pre-treatment for phobias in outpatient clinics. Internet Interv. ? 2017;9:45” and has been changed to “Kok R, Beekman A, Cuijpers P, van Straten A. Internet Interventions. 2017 Sep. Adherence to a web-based pre-treatment for phobias in outpatient clinics URL article/pii/S2214782916300409”.
  • In Reference 49, “de NJ” has been changed to “de Nooijer J” and “de VNK” has been changed to “de Vries NK”.
  • In Reference 51, “de NJ” has been changed to “de Nooijer J” and “de VNK” has been changed to “de Vries NK”.
  • In Reference 55, “Lin M” has been changed to “Lin J” and “Ebert D” has been changed to “Ebert DD”.
  • In Reference 67, the author list “Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, Davis” has been changed to “Venkatesh V, Morris MG, Davis GB, Davis FD”.
  • In Reference 71, “van DVR” has been changed to “van der Vaart R”.
  • In Reference 84, “Van WJJ” has been changed to “Van Wyngaarden JJ”. 
  • In Reference 86, “de NJ” has been changed to “de Nooijer J” and “de VNK” has been changed to “de Vries NK”.
  • In Reference 90, “van BW” has been changed to “van Ballegooijen W” and “van SA” has been changed to “van Straten A”.

Furthermore, the following items have also been changed:

  • In Table 4, the P value for “Pain duration” was mistakenly placed in the “<5 years (n=49)” row but has been moved to its intended place in the “Pain duration” row.
  • In the “Predictors of Acceptance” subsection within the Methods, “Vance et al” has been changed to “Wilson and Lankton”.
  • In the “Statistical Analyses” subsection within the Methods, the sentence “As only those participants who completed the Web-based survey were included in the analysis, there were no missing data in this study” has been deleted.
  • In the second paragraph of the “Principal Findings” subsection within the Discussion, the mention of “IMI” in the sentence “In these studies, acceptance levels in the intervention group after receiving IMI were at a mean of…” has been changed to “AFI”.

The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR website on February 6, 2019, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article also has been resubmitted to those repositories.

Edited by G Eysenbach; This is a non–peer-reviewed article. submitted 11.09.18; accepted 28.09.18; published 06.02.19.


©Jiaxi Lin, Bianca Faust, David Daniel Ebert, Lena Krämer, Harald Baumeister. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 06.02.2019.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.

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