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Published on 26.10.15 in Vol 17, No 10 (2015): October

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Works citing "Translating Evidence Into Practice via Social Media: A Mixed-Methods Study"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/jmir.4763):

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  1. Yiu S, Dewhirst S, Jalali A, Lee AC, Frank JR. Twitter metrics complement traditional conference evaluations to evaluate knowledge translation at a National Emergency Medicine Conference. CJEM 2020;22(3):379
  2. Campbell-Yeo M, Dol J, Disher T, Benoit B, Chambers CT, Sheffield K, Boates T, Harrison D, Hewitt B, Jangaard K, Stinson J, Taddio A, Parker JA, Caddell K. The Power of a Parent's Touch. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 2017;31(4):341
  3. Mendoza-Herrera K, Valero-Morales I, Ocampo-Granados ME, Reyes-Morales H, Arce-Amaré F, Barquera S. An Overview of Social Media Use in the Field of Public Health Nutrition: Benefits, Scope, Limitations, and a Latin American Experience. Preventing Chronic Disease 2020;17
  4. Rohwer A, Motaze NV, Rehfuess E, Young T. E‐learning of evidence‐based health care (EBHC) to increase EBHC competencies in healthcare professionals: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2017;13(1):1
  5. Merolli M, Busuttil M, Wåhlin C, Green A. Global communication practices of physiotherapists on Twitter. European Journal of Physiotherapy 2019;21(1):20
  6. Ruiz-López T, Sen S, Jakobsen E, Tropé A, Castle PE, Hansen BT, Nygård M. FightHPV: Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Game to Raise Awareness About Human Papillomavirus and Nudge People to Take Action Against Cervical Cancer. JMIR Serious Games 2019;7(2):e8540
  7. Ross P, Cross R. Rise of the e-Nurse: the power of social media in nursing. Contemporary Nurse 2019;55(2-3):211
  8. Vieira AC, Harrison DM, Bueno M, Guimarães N. Use of the FacebookTM social network in data collection and dissemination of evidence. Escola Anna Nery 2018;22(3)
  9. Ukoha C, Stranieri A. Criteria to Measure Social Media Value in Health Care Settings: Narrative Literature Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(12):e14684
  10. Sibley KM, Khan M, Roche PL, Faucher P, Leggett C. Disseminating the Foundations of Knowledge Translation and Patient Engagement Science Through the KnowledgeNudge Blog and Twitter Profile: Quantitative Descriptive Evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(6):e15351
  11. Ivankova NV, Herbey II, Roussel LA. Theory and Practice of Using Mixed Methods in Translational Research: A Cross-disciplinary Perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE RESEARCH APPROACHES 2018;10(1):356
  12. Tunnecliff J, Weiner J, Gaida JE, Keating JL, Morgan P, Ilic D, Clearihan L, Davies D, Sadasivan S, Mohanty P, Ganesh S, Reynolds J, Maloney S. Translating evidence to practice in the health professions: a randomized trial of Twitter vs Facebook. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2017;24(2):403
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  14. Rosen NO, Muise MD, Vannier SA, Chambers CT, Scott H, Attenborough R, Chisholm K, Clarke HL, MacAulay J, Pierce M, Rasic E, Robinson K, Webb L. #postbabyhankypanky: An Empirically Based Knowledge Sharing Initiative About Sex and the Transition to Parenthood. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2021;50(1):45
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  16. Nickels AS, Wu AC, Stukus DR. Social Media and the Allergist: Evidence Supports Increasing Our Engagement. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice 2018;6(1):313
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  19. Barton CJ, Merolli MA. It is time to replace publish or perish with get visible or vanish: opportunities where digital and social media can reshape knowledge translation. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2019;53(10):594
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  28. Ganesh GS, Mishra M, Dalei NN, Khan S, Ranjan R, Dhiman S. Role of social media tools in online teaching: perception of physiotherapy students and knowledge translation. Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy 2022;27(1)
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  2. Byrom S, Byrom A. Midwifery, Childbirth and the Media. 2017. Chapter 9:129